Dictionaries Glossary
Asisbiz English to Danish Dictionary English Danish
Asisbiz English to Danish Dictionary
a chew full-grown narrow shoot aaron chicken fume nasty shoot-dead abacus chicory fun nation shop abandon chief function national shore abashed child fungus nationality short abbey chilly funny natural shortage abbreviate chimney fur naturally shortcoming abc-book chin fur-coat nature shorten abdomen china furious naught shorthand aberrance chinaman furnace nausea shortness-of-breath aberration chinese furnish near short-pants abhor chisel furnished nearby shorts abhorrence chlorine furniture nearest short-story abide chocolate furniture-van nearly should abiding choice fur-piece nearness shoulder ability choke furrow near-to shout abjure cholera further necessary shove abkhazia choose furthermore necessity shovel abkhazian chord fuse neck show able chorus future necktie shower abnormal christian gadfly need shrub abode christianity gain needle shuffle abolish christian-name gallery neglect shut abolition christmas gallop négligé shut-off abominate chromium game negotiate shy abomination chuck gang neighbour siblings aboriginal church gangster neighbourhood sick abortion church-building gangway neither side about cider gaol neither-nor sideboard about-face cigar garage neon sideline above cigarette garbage-can nephew sidewalk above-board cinder garden nerve side-whiskers abraham cinema gardener nervous sigh abrasion circle gargle nest sight abridge circumference garland net sightless-person abridgement circumstances garlic nettle sign abroad circus garment network signal abrogate citadel garrison neutral signature abrogation cite gas never signify abrupt citizen gasolene never-mind silk abscess city gasoline new sill absence city-hall gas-tank news silver absent civil gate newspaper similar absent-onself civilian gateway next similarity absolute civil-status gather next-of-kin simple absolution clarify gathering next-to sin abstract class gaunt nice since abstraction classic gay niece sing absurd classical gazette night singer abundance claw gear nightmare single abuse clay general nine sink abysmal clean generally nineteen siphon abyss cleanliness generation nineteenth sir abyssinian cleanse generative ninety sister acacia clear generous ninth sister-in-law academic clergyman gentian no sit academician clerk gentle nobility sit-down academy client gentleman noble sitting-room accede climate genuine nobody situation accent climb genuinely node six accent-mark climber geography no-doubt sixteen accentuate climber's-hut geology noise sixteenth accept clip geometry non-alcoholic sixth access cloakroom german non-attendance sixtieth accessible clock german-language noncom sixty accession close germany non-commissioned-officer size accidence closed get none skate accident closet get-a-divorce non-military skeleton accidental clothes get-cold noon skeptical acclaim clothespeg get-divorced no-one sketch acclamation clothespin get-married nor ski acclivity clothing get-out normal skid accommodate-oneself cloud get-out-of-a-car north skimpy accommodation clown get-rid-of north-america skin accomodate club get-up northern skinny accompany clutch ghastly north-sea skirt accomplishment coach ghost norway sky accord coach-work gift norwegian slander accordance coal gill nose slay according-as coarse giraffe not sleep according-to coast girder notary sleeping-car accordion coat girdle not-at-all sleepy account cock girl note sleeve accountable cocoa give notebook slender account-for coconut give-an-account noteworthy slice accredit cod give-a-ring notice slim accretion coddle give-as-an-excuse notification slip accrue codfish give-in notion slipper accumulation coffee give-notice not-on-any-account slope accumulator coffee-house give-off-an-odour not-yet slow accuse coffee-pot give-up nought slowly accustomed cognac give-way nourish small ace cogwheel glad nourishment smallpox acerbic cohabit gladness novel smash acerbity coir glass novelty smear acetous cold glasses november smell acetylene collar glorify now smell-bad ache colleague glorious nowadays smell-of ache-for collect glove now-and-then smile acheron collection glow nowhere smith achieve colony gnat nucleus smoke achievement colossal go nude smokers achilles colour goal nudity smokestack achilles'-heel column goat null smooth achilles'-tendon comb go-away number snail acid combination goblet number-of-the-house snake acknowledge combustion god numberplate snare acknowledgement come god's-acre numeral sneeze acolyte come-about go-fast nun snore acorn come-across go-in nurse snow acquaint comedy gold nut so acquaintance come-to-a-halt gold-coloured nuts soap acquire comfort golden nylon sober acquisition comfortable goldfish oak social acrimony comforter goldsmith oar society acrobat comic golf oath sock across comical good oats socket across-from comma good-afternoon obedient sofa act command goodbye obey soft action commence good-bye object soil active commencement good-day obligation soiled activity commend good-evening observation soldier act-of-grace commerce good-health obtuse sole actor commercial-at-sign good-hearted occasion solicitor actual committee good-morning occupation solid actually commodity good-natured occur solitary acuity common good-night occurence so-long ad communication go-on ocean solution adage communication-cord goose o'clock some adam companion gooseberry october something adam's-apple company go-out oculist something-new adaptation compare gossip odd sometime adapt-oneself comparison go-through odor sometimes add compartment go-to-bed odour somewhat addendum compass goulash of somewhere addis-ababa compassion govern offend son addition compatriot government offensive song additional compel gown offer songbook additive compensate grab office son-in-law addled compensation grade officer soon address compete gradually official sorrowful addressee competition gram offset sort address-list complain grammar offspring so-to-speak add-up complaint gramme of-noble-birth soul aden complete granddaughter of-sand sound adieu composer grandfather of-steal soup adjective composing grandmother often sour adjourn comprise grandparents of-use source adjunct compulsory grandson oil south adjustable-wrench comrade granite okay south-america adjustment concave grant old southern administration conceal grape old-people's-home souvenir admiral concede grapefruit olive soviet admire conceited grapevine olive-tree sow admission concentrated grapple olympic spa admit concept grasp omelette space admittance concern grass omit spaceman admixture concerned grasshopper omnibus spacious ado concerning grate on spade adonis concert grateful-for once spain adopt concert-room gratis once-more spaniard adoptive-child conclusion gratitude one spanner adore concord graveyard one-another spare adornment concrete gravy one-hundred spare-time adrianople concurrence grease onerous spark adriatic condemn greasy one-thousand spark-plug adriatic-sea condition great one-time sparrow adroit condolences great-britain onion speak adult condom greatgrand- only speaker's-platform advancement conduct greece only-just special advantage conduct-oneself greek on-purpose speciality advantageous conductor greek-woman on-that-account specific advent confectionery green on-the-contrary specimen adventitious confess greet on-the-occasion-of spectacles adventure confession greeting on-the-other-side-of speech adventurous confidence grenade on-top speechless adverb confine grey open speed adversary confirm grid opening speed-limit adverse conform grill open-up speedy adversity confuse grimace opera spell advert confusion grind operate spend advertence congratulate grip operation spider advertency congregate grisly operative spiderweb advertise congress groan ophtalmologist spiked advertisement connect groschen opine spinach advice connection grotesque opinion spine advise connect-up grotto opium spiral advocate conquer ground opportunity spirit adzharia consciousness ground-floor oppose spit aegir consent grounds opposed-to spitsbergen aeneas consequence group opposite split aerial conservative grow opposition spoil aeroplane conserve growl oppress spoiled affable consider grown-up optician sponge affair consignee growth optimist spoon affecting consistency grub or sport affection consolation gruel orange spot affiliate console gruesome orange-coloured spray-gun affiliation constant gruff orchestra spread affined construct grumble orchid spread-out affirm consul guarantee ordain spring affirmation consulate guard order springtime affix contact guess ordinarily spruce affluence contain guest ordinary spruce-fir affluent container guide organ spy afford contempt guilder organization square afghan contented guilt organize square-decametre afghanistan contention guiltless oriental square-metre afghan-woman contents guilty origin square-up afraid continent guitar original squatter afresh continual gulden originate squeeze africa continuation gulf ornament squeeze-out african continue gulf-of-bothnia orthography squirrel african-marigold continuous gum otherwise stab african-woman contractor gun ought-to stable afrikaans contradistinction gymnastics our stadium afrikaner contrary gypsy out stage afro-asian contrast habit outer staid after contribute hail outfit staircase afternoon control hair outlet-pipe stairs afterwards control-oneself hairdresser out-of stalk again convention hairpiece outside stall against converge half outskirts stallion agamemnon conversance hall oven stamp age conversation halt over stamp-collecting agency conversion ham overall stand agent conviction hammer overalls standard aggravate convince hand overcoat stand-up aggression co-occupant handicraft overhead star aggressive cook handkerchief overlook starling aggro cookie handle overpower start agile cool handlebars owe starter agitate cool-down handshake owl state agitated cooling handsome own statement ago copenhagen hang owner statement-of-policy agog copper hang-onto ownership station agony copy happen ox stationer's-shop agree cord happiness oyster station-master agreeable cordial happy pace stay agreement core harbor pacifier stay-over agree-with cork harbour pack stay-with ague corkscrew hard package steak ahead corn hardly packet steal aid corner hardness pad steam ailment corporation hardworking page steel aim corpulent hare paid-up steep air corral harmful pail steer aircraft correct harmonize pain steering-wheel airplane corridor harsh painful stem airport corridor-train harvest paint stenography airtight corroborate hashish painter step ajax cost haste painting stern akin costly hat pal stew alacrity costume hate palace stick alarm cotton haul pale sticky alarmclock cotton-wool have palisade stiff alarmed couch have-bad-luck palm still alas cough have-compassion-on palmtree stimulate alaska counsel have-effect pamper sting albania count have-faith pamphlet stingy albanian countermand have-faith-in panic stink albanian-language count-in have-good-luck pantechnicon stipulation albanian-woman counting-frame have-got pantechnicon-van stir-up albion country have-to panties stocking album countryside hay pantry stomach alcohol coupé hazard pants stomach-ache alcoholic couple hazardous paper stone ale coupon hazelnut paperback stool aleppo courage he paper-basket stoop alert courageous head paperer stop alexander courier headache paper-hanger stopper alexandria course heading paprika storage-battery alfred court head-of-a-department parachute storage-room algeria courteous head-of-department parade store algerian courtyard head-up paradise storey algerian-woman cousin health paraffin-oil stork algiers cover healthy paragraph storm alibi cow heap parallel story alien cowardice hear parcel stove alike crab hearing pardon straight a-little crack heart parents straightedge alive cradle heart- parents-in-law straightforward all crawl hearth paris straight-past all-about crayfish hearty park strange allah crazy heat parliament strangle allergic cream heath parlour strawberry alley credit heaven parrot stream all-hallows creep heavy parsley strech all-of-a-sudden crevice heel part strecher all-over-again crew height partially street allow crime helix participate strength alloy criticism hello particular stress all-saints'-day criticize helm partition stride all-souls'-day crockery-set help partly strike all-the crocodile helper partridge striking allusion cross hen party string almost cross-roads hence passage stroke alms crow her pass-away stroll alone crowd herb passenger strong alp crucifix herd passion struggle alphabet cruel here passport student alphabetical crush hero pass-through study alpine-hut cry heroin past stuff alpinist cry-out heroine pastor stupid alps crystal heron patch sturdy already cube herring patch-up sty alsace-lorraine cuckoo herself pate subject alsatian cucumber hesitate patent subscription also cuff hiccup paternal-aunt subsequently altai culture hide paternal-uncle subsidy altar cultured hide-oneself path substance alter cup high patience subterfuge alteration cupboard high-school patient subtract alternation cure high-tide patriotic suburb altitude curious hill pattern subway altogether currant hillside pause succeed alum currency him pavement success aluminium current himself pavilion such aluminum currently hind paw such-a alva curse hinder pawn such-as always curtail hindmost pay suck amateur curtain hip pay-attention sudden amazon curve hire pay-attention-to suddenly amazon-river curved his payment suffer ambassador cushion history pay-off sufficient amber cuss hit pay-out sufficiently ambiguous custom hither pea sugar ambition customary hobby peace suggest amboina customer hockey peach suit amboinese customs hoe peak suitable ambulance cut hog pear suitcase america cut-a-connection hold pearl sum american cutlet hold-back peculiar summer american-football cycle holder pedal summery american-indian cylinder hole pedestrian summit american-samoa cynical holland peel summon american-woman cypres hollander pelvis sun amman dagger hollow pencil sunday ammunition dahlia home peninsula sunrise amnesty daily homy pentecost sunset among daily-paper honest people superficial amount dairy honey pepper superior amphitheatre damage honor per supersign amputate dame honour perchance superstition amusing damn hood perfect superstitious an dance hoodlum perform supervise anarchist dancer hoof perfume supper anatomical dane hook perhaps supply anchor danger hooker peril support anchovy dangerous hooter period supporter ancient danish hope periodical suppose and danish-woman horizon periphery sure anew dare horn permanent surface angel dark horoscope permission surgeon angina darkness horrible permit surgical-operation angle data horror persecute surly anglican date horse persian surmise angry daughter horse-chestnut person surname anguish daughter-in-law horse-fly personal surpass animal dawn horsepower personality surprise ankle day horseradish personal-number surround annotation daybreak horse-radish perspective surroundings announce dazzle hospitable persuade survive announcement dead hospital perverse suspect annoy deadly hospitality pestilence suspenders annual deaf hostel pet suspicion annul deaf-and-dumb hot petition sustain anoint deal-with hotel petrol sustained anonymous dean hour petroleum swallow answer dear house petrol-tank swan ant death housefly pfennig swap antarctic debate house-of-worship phantom sway antenna debris house-owner pharmaceutical swear antibiotic debt housewife pheasant sweat antique decay how philately swede anti-semitism deceive how-are-you photograph sweden antiseptic december how-do-you-do photographer swedish antisocial decide how-many photography sweep antithesis decider how-much physician sweet anus decision hug physics swell anvil deck huge pick swift anything declaration human pick-out swiftly anywhere declaration-of-policy human-being pick-up swim apart declare human-race picnic swimming-trunks apartment décor humour picture swindle apartment-building decoration hump picture-postcard swine apathetic deduce hundred pie swing ape deem hungarian piece swiss apiarist deep hungary pig switch apologize defeat hunger pigeon switch-off apology defence hungry pigeonhole switzerland apostle defend hunt piglet sycamore apparatus defense hunter pigmy symbol appeal deficit hurry pike sympathetic appear defy hurt pile symphony appearance degree husband pilgrimage symptom appear-to-be delay husk pill synagogue appellation delegate hut pillar syndicate appetite delegation hygienic pillow syphilis apple deliberately hysterical pilot syrup apple-tree delight-in ice pin system apply deliver icecream pine systematic appointment delivery iceland pineapple table appointment-to-office demand icelander pine-tree table-cloth appraise democracy icelandic pioneer tablet appreciate democratic idea pipe tabulation approval den ideal pistol tact approve denmark identify pit tail approximately denounce identity pity tailor apricot dense idiot placard take april dentist idol place take-account-of aptitude deny ignition place-of-birth take-away aquarium depart ill place-of-refuge take-care-of arab department illness place-of-worship take-in arabian departure illuminate place-to-sit take-into-account arabic depend illusion plague take-leave arc dependant-on image plaice take-leave-from archaeology dependence imagine plain take-offence-at archbishop dependent imitate plan take-over architect depend-onldepend-upon imitation plane take-part architecture deportment immediately planet take-steps archive depository impartial plank taking archives depressed impatient plant taking-over arctic depth impertinent plate tale arctic-ocean deputy impetus platform talent are derive imply platter talk arena describe import play talkative argentina description important play-off tall argentine desert impression plaza tampon argument deserve impulse plea tangerine arise design in pleasant tangle aristocratic desire in-action pleasantness tank arm desk in-addition please tap armchair despair incendiary-bomb pleased tapestry army desperate incite pleasure tar aroma despise inclination pledge tardy around dessert incline plough target arouse destine include pluck tart arrange destiny income plug task arrangement destroy inconvenient plug-in taste arrest destruction increase plum tax arrival detached-house increasingly plume taxi arrive detachment indeed plunder taxidriver arse detail independant plunge taxi-driver art detain index pocket tea artery detective india podium teach artichoke determine indian poem teacher article detrimental indian-corn poet teapot article-of-dress develop indicate poetry tea-pot artificial development indication point tear artillery device indispensable pointed tear-off artist devil indistinct point-out technical as dew individual poison technics as-a-matter-of-fact diagram induce poisonous technique as-as dial industrious poland telegram ash dialect industry pole telegraph ashamed diameter in-easy-circumstances policeman telephone ashtray diamond in-exchange-for police-station telescope asia diarrhoea inexpensive policy television asian dictionary in-fact polite television-set asiatic die infant politeness tell ask diet infantry political tell-a-lie ask-for difference infect politician temper asparagus different infer politics temperature aspect differentiate inflate pomegranate temple ass difficult inflation pond temporary assault dig influence pony ten assemblage digest influenza poop tenant assemble digestion inform poopdeck tendencious assembler dike information poor tendency assembly diligent in-front-of pope tendentious assert dim inhabitant poplar tender assertion dimension inherit popular tend-to asset diminutive inheritance population tennis assigned-job din inhibit pork tension assist dining-room initial port tenth assistant dinner injection portal term associate-with diploma injure porter terminate as-soon-as direct injury portrait term-of-abuse assure direction ink portugal terms aster director inn portuguese terrace asthma directory inner possess terraced-house astonishment dirty inner-tube possession terrace-house astronaut disabled-person innocence possibility terrain astronomy disadvantage innocent possible terrible asylum disagreeing in-no-way possibly terrify at disagreement in-question post territory at-all disappear inquiry-office postage test athlete disappearance inquisitive postage-stamp testament at-home disappoint insane postal-code testicle atlantean disappointment inscription postcard testimony atlantic disc insect poster text atlantic-ocean discharge inside postman than atlas disciple inspection post-office thank at-last discipline install postpone thank-for at-least discontented installment-payment postulate thankful atmospheric discord instant pot thankless atom discover instantly potato thanks atomic-energy discovery institution pound thank-you at-once discrete instructor pour thank-you-very-much atpersand discuss insult pour-out that at-present discussion insurance poverty that's-all-right at-some-time disease intellect practical that's-okay attach disgust intelligent practice that's-too-bad attaché dish intend practise that-way attack dish-cloth intention praise thaw attempt dishwasher inter pray the-antarctic attend disinfect intercessor preach the-arctic attendance dislike interchange preacher theatre attention dismal interest precede the-day-after-tomorrow attentive dismayed interesting precipice the-day-before-yesterday at-the-right-time dismiss intermission prefer thee attic disorder internal preferably theft attitude dispatch international pregnant their attract display international-express prejudice them attraction displeased international-express-train premium theme at-variance disposal interpreter preparation then aubergine dispose-of interrupt prepare thence auction disposition interruption present the-netherlands audit dispute interview present-day theory auditorium dissatisfied intestine present-with therapy august dissension intestines preservative there aunt dissolve in-the-evening preserve thereafter australia distance intimate president therefore australian distant in-time press thermometer austria distinct into pressing thermos austrian distraction intolerant pressure thermos-bottle authentic distribute intoxicated presume thermos-flask author distribution introduce pretend these-days authorative distributor in-vain pretext they authority district invasion pretty thick autobus distrust invective prevent thief autodidact disturb invent previous thigh automatic divan invention previously thin automoton dive inverted-comma prey thing autopsy diversion investigate price think autumn divide investigation pricey think-about avalanche divine invitation pride think-to-oneself avaricious divorce invite priest think-well-of avenue divorced in-what-way primitive third average do ireland prince thirst aversion do-away-with irishman princess thirsty avoid do-business iron principle thirteen await dock ironic print thirteenth awake doctor island prior thirty awaken document issue prison this-afternoon awareness dog it private this-evening away dolphin italian prize thisle axe domestic-animal italy probable this-morning axis donkey it-doesn't-matter probably this-way axle don't-mention-it its problem thither azalea door itself proceed-with thorn baby dose ivory process thou baby's-comforter dot ivy procession thought babysitter double jack proclamation thousand back doubt jail produce thread back-of-the-neck dove jam product threat bacon down january production threaten bad downstairs japan profess three badger dozen japanese profession three-times badly drag jaw professional threshold bag drain-pipe jawbone professor thrice baggage drama jealous profile throat bairn draw jealousy profit through bake drawer jest profound throw baker drawers jewel programme throw-up bakery drawing jeweller progress thrust baking-oven dreadful jingle prohibit thumb balance-sheet dream job project thunder balcony dreary jog promise thursday ball dress join pronounce thus ballast dresser joint proof ticket ball-frame drill joke propaganda tickle ballgame drink journal propeller tidy balloon drive journalist proper tie balm drive-away journey property tie-up balsam drive-off joy prophesy tiger baltic-sea driver joystick prosecute tile bamboo driving-licence jubilee prostitute till banana droop judge protect timber band drop judgment protection time bandage drown jug protest time-off bandit drowsy juice protocol time-to-consider bank drug july prove timid bank-note drugstore jump proverb tin banner drunk june provisional tinkle banquet dry jungle provoke tin-opener bar dryness jurist provost tin-plate barber dual jury prow tint bare duchy just proximity tip barely duck justice prudent tire baritone dull jute psychiatrist tired bark dumb jutlander psychic title barley dumbfounded keel public to barn dummy keen publicity toad barometer dump keep public-square toast barrack dung keep-house publish today barracks duplicate keep-on publisher toe barrel during keepsake pudding together barricade dusk kernel pull toilet barrister dust kettle pullover-sweater toilet-paper barrister-at-law dust-rag key pulpit token baseball dusty kick pulverize tolerant basement dutch kill pump tolerate basilica dutchman kiln punish tomato basin duty kilo punishment tomorrow-evening basket dwarf kilometre purchase tomorrow-morning bass dwell kind purchase-money tone bast dwelling kindle purchaser tongs bat dwelling-place king pure tongue bath dwelling-place-residence kiss purge tonight bathe dye kitchen purity too bathing-suit dynamite klaxon purpose tool bathroom each knee purse too-much battery each-other kneel pursue tooth battle eagle knife pus toothache bay eagle-owl knock push tooth-brush bayonet ear knot push-along tooth-paste bazaar earl know put toothpick be early know-how put-down top be-able-to earmark knowledge put-in-order topic be-absent earn label put-on-the-stage topical beach earnest laboratory put-out torch be-acquainted-with earring laborer put-out-of-countenance to-some-extent be-afraid-of earth labourer putrefy to-the-left be-a-guest-of earthquake labour-union put-up-with to-the-right beak easel lack puzzle touch be-alive east lacquer puzzle-over touching beam easter lad pyjamas tourist-agency bean eastern ladder pyramid toward bear easy laddie quality towards beard echo lady quarrel towel be-ashamed edge lake quarter tower be-asleep edging lamb quarter-of-an-hour town beast edible lamp quash town-hall beat edition land quay trade beautiful editor landscape queen trade-union beauty educate lane question tradition be-bold educated language quick traffic be-born education larch quickly tragedy be-burnt-down eel large quicksilver train be-called effect lass quiet tranquil because effort last quinine transformation become egg lasting quinsy transgress become-engaged eggfruit last-night quit transistor become-engaged-with eggplant late quite translate become-the-fiacée-of egyptian lathe quiver translation become-the-fiancé-of eight latin quotation-mark transmit become-the-husband-of eighteen laud quote transparant become-the-wife-of eighteenth laugh rabbi transport bed eighth laugh-at rabbit trap be-dependent-on eighty laughter race travel bedroom elastic laundry rack-one's-brains travel-agency bee elbow lava radiator traveller beech elder law radical tread beef elect lawn radio treasure be-effective election lawsuit radish treat beefsteak electric lawyer raffle treatment bee-keeper electric-fan lay rag tree bee-master electricity lay-down ragout tremble beer electric-plug layer railroad tressle beet electric-socket lay-hold-of railway triangle beetle electronic lay-out railway-carriage trick be-fond-of elegant lazy railway-platform trickery before element lead rain tricycle be-found elemental leader rainbow trimming beg elementary leaf raise trip beggar elephant leaflet ranch tropical begin elevator lean rancher trouble beginning eleven leap rand trousers be-grieved eleventh leap-year random trout behave elm learn ransom truck behavior else learned rapid true behaviour elsewhere learn-of rapier truly behind elsinore lease rare trumpet be-inclined embankment leasurely raspberry trunk be-indignant emblem leather rat trust be-indignant-with embrace leave rate trust-in belgian emerald leave-behind rather trustworthy belgium emissary leave-out raw truth belief emmet leaving-examination ray try believe emotion lecture react tub believe-in emperor leek read tube bell emphasize left ready tuesday belly empire leg real tug be-located employ legal reality tugboat belong-to empty legation realization tulip below encounter lemon realize tummy belt encourage lemonade really tummy-ache be-lucky end lend rear tuna be-married endeavour length reason tuna-fish be-missing ending lentil reasonable tune bench end-up leprosy rebel tunny bend endure less rebellion turk beneath enemy less-and-less rebuke turkey benefit energetic let recall turn bent energy let-know receipt turn-around be-on-a-visit engagement letter receive turn-away be-quiet engine letterbox recent turnip be-related-to engineer lettuce recently turn-off be-right england level recess turnover berlin english level-crossing recipient turn-round berry english-language lever reciprocal turn-to-good-account be-sad englishman liberal recite tv beside englishwoman library recline tv-set besides enjoy licence recognize twelfth be-similar enjoyable license recollect twelve be-situated enmity lid recollection twentieth be-sorrowful enormous lie recommend twenty be-sorry-about enough lie-down recommendation twenty-one best enter lieutenant record twice bet entertaining life records twin betrothal entertainment lifebelt recover twins better enthusiasm life-belt recruit two between entire life-boat red two-weeks beverage entirely lift red-currant type bevy entomb light redeem typewriter be-willing-to entrance lighthouse redemption typhus be-worth envelope lightning reek typical be-worthy-of envious light-switch reflect typist be-wrong environment like reflect-on tyre beyond environs likely refrigerator udder biased envoy like-that refuse ugly bible envy likewise regard ultimately bicycle epoch lilac regiment umbrella bid equal lily region uncle big equilibrium limb regional unclean bike equivalent lime register unconscious bikini era lime-tree registered-letter uncooked bill erect limit regret uncouple billiards erecting limp regrettably uncover bind err linden-tree regular under binding errand line regularly under-age binoculars error lineage regulation undergarment birch escape lion reign underground bird establish lip reject underline birth estate liqueur relate underneath birthday esteem liquid related underpants biscuit estimate liquidate relation understand bishop ether list relations understanding bit europa listen relative undertake bite europe liter relatives undoubtedly bitter european literature release undress black european-union litre reliable unemployed blackberry evade litter relief unemployment blackbird evangelic little relieved unfortunately bladder evaporate little-by-little religion ungrateful blame even live religious unhappy blank evening live-in-lodgings relinquish uniform blanket evening-meal liver rely-on unique blaspheme evening-paper livestock remain unit bleak evening-twilight live-through remainder unite blend event live-together remaining united-states-of-america blind ever living-alone remark unity blindness everlasting living-room remarkable universal block ever-since lizard remember university blockade every load remit unkind block-of-flats everybody loaf remote unmarried blond everyday loan removal unpack blood every-one loathe remove unpleasant bloody everything lobster rendezvous unreliable bloom everywhere location renew unsocial blot evolution loch rent unthankful blotter evolve lock rental until blotting-paper exact locust renter untrue blouse exaction lofty rent-out up blow exaggerate logical repair uphill blow-one's-nose examination logical-reasoning repeat upon blue examine london repeatedly upper blueberry example long repetition upper-arm blunt exceed long-for reply upstairs blushing exception longing report up-to-date board excite look repose upwards board-of-directors exciting look-after representation urgent boast exclusive look-at representative urinate boat exclusively look-for reproach urine body excrement looking-glass reproduction us boer excuse loose reprove usa boil excuse-me lord republic us-citizen boiled-egg exercise lorry reputation use bold exert loss request used-to bomb exhibit lottery require useful bonbon exhibition loud rescue usual bon-bon exile lounge research usually bond exist louse resemblance usurp bone existence love resemble utilize bonnet exit lovely reserve utopian book expansion low residence vacation bookcase expect lower-arm resignation vacuum-cleaner booking-office expectation low-tide resistance vain book-keeper expenses loyal respect valiant bookseller expensive luck respiration valid bookshop experience luggage respond valise bookstore experiment luggage-van responsible valley boot expire lukewarm rest valuable booty explain lump restaurant value border explanation lung rest-of valve bore explode luxury restrain vanilla borrow exploit lyric restrict vanity bosom exploration machine result vapor boss explore mackerel resumé vapour botany explosion mad retain variety-entertainment both exposition madam return vase bother expression magazine reveal vaseline bottle express-oneself magnet revenge vast bottom expressway magpie revise vat bough extend maid revolt veal bouillon extensive mail revolution vegetable boulder external mailbox revolver vegetarian boundary extinguish mainland revue vehicle bouquet extortion maintain reward vein boutique extra maize rheumatism vend bow extreme majority rhythm vengeance bowl eye make rice ventilator box eyebrow make-acquaintance rich venture boxer eyelid make-a-mistake ride verify box-room fable make-a-project-of ridiculous vermin boy fabricate make-clean rifle vermouth bracelet façade make-fast right very braces face make-up right-away very-much brag facile make-use-of righteous vessel braid fact malaria righteousness vest brain faction male right-now veterinarian brake factory male-cat rigid vicinity branch factual man rim victory brandish faculty manage ring view brandy faint management ring-the-bell vigour brass fair manager rinse villa brave faith mankind ripe village brazil faithful manner rise vine brazilian falcon manufacture risk vinegar bread fall manure risky violet bread-and-butter fall-in-love-with many rival violin break false map river visa breakable familiarity maple road visé breakfast family marble roam visible breast famous march roast visit breath fancier margarine rob viz. breathe fancy mark robber vocabulary breed fantasy market robe voice brick far marketplace robust void bride farewell marmelade rock volcano bridegroom farm marriage rock-crystal vomit bridge farmer married rocket vote brief farther married-people role vowel brigade fashion marry rôle voyage bright fast martyr roll vulgar brim fasten marvel roller wadding bring fast-train marvel-at roller-blind wage bring-up fat masculine roman wager brinjal fate mask romantic wages brink father mason roof waggon brisk father-in-law mass room waist britain fatherland massage rooster waistcoat british fatty mast root waistline briton faucet master-builder rope wait brittle fault match rose waiter broad favourable mate rostrum wait-for broadcast fear material rot waiting broker feast maternal-aunt rough waiting-room bronze feather maternal-uncle round wake brooch february mathematics round-off wake-up broom feed matrimony rouse walk brothel feel matter route wall brother feeling mattress routine wall-covering brother-in-law feign mature row wallet brothers-and-sisters felloe may rowan walnut brow fellow maybe rub waltz brown felly mayhap rubber wander brush felt mayor rubbish want brussels-sprouts female me rubble war brutal female-cook meadow ruby warehouse bubble feminine meager rudder warm bucket fence meal rude warmth buddy fennel mealies ruin warn buffalo fern mean rule warning buffer fertile meaning ruler warrant buffet fertilizer means rumor warrior bug fervor measure rumour wart build fervour measurement run wash builder festival meat run-away wash-up building fetch mechanic rush wasp building-contractor fever mechanics russia waste building-plot fewer medical russian waste-pipe building-site fiancé medicine rusty watch bulb fiancée meditate rye watchmaker bulk field meet sabbath watch-out-for bull field-hospital meet-each-other sack watch-over bullet fifteen meeting sad water bulletin fifteenth meet-one-another saddle water-bottle bump fifth melody safety water-colour bumper fifty melon safety-belt waterfall buoy fig melt safety-pin water-melon burden fight melting sagacious watt burdensome figure member sage wave bureau file memento sail wave-about burgomaster files memory sailor waver burn fill menace salad way burn-down fillet mend salami way-out burst fill-in mention salary we bury fill-up menu sale weak bus film merchant sallow wealth bush filter mercifulness salmon wealthy business filthy mercury salon weapon business-deal fin mercy salt wear businessman finally merit salt-water weasel but find merry salute weather butcher find-oneself merry-go-round salvation-army weave butter find-out mess sample wedding butterfly fine message sand wedding-party button finger messenger sand- wednesday buy finish metal sandal week buyer finished metalled sandwich week-end by finland method sap weep by-accident finn methylated-spirit sassenach weigh by-chance finnish metre satellite weight bye fir microphone satisfied well by-heart fire microscope saturday well-informed by-no-means fire-off midday sauce well-mannered by-now fireplace midday-meal saucepan well-off by-the-way firm middle saucer well-then cabaret firm-in-one's-principle middleclass-citizen sauna well-to-do cabbage firm-in-one's-principles midget sausage wench cabin first midnight savage west cabinet first-aid mild save western cable firstly mile saw wet cactus first-name military say whale café first-of-all milk say-goodbye wharf cage fish millimetre say-goodbye-to what cake fishing-rod million scale what-a calculate fist mind scales what-a-pity calculation fit miner scandinavia what-for calendar fit-in mineral scandinavian what-time-is-it calf fitter mingle scania wheat call fitting-up minimum scarcely wheel call-on fit-together minister scatter wheeziness calm five ministry scene when camel fix mint scenery whence camera fixed minute scent where camping-ground fix-up minutes scheme whereas camping-site flag mirror school wherefore canal flame miscarriage science which canary flannel miserable scientific while cancel flask miserly scientist whilst candidate flat misery scissors whipped-cream candle flat-iron miss scold whiskers cannon flatter mission scot whisper can-opener flavour mist scotland whistle canteen flax mistake scotsman white cap flea mister scrap whitsunday capable flee misunderstand scrape who captain fleet mitten scratch whole capture flesh mix scream wholly car flight mixture screen whore carburettor fling mobile screw why cardboard float mode screwdriver wick cardiac flood model scuffle wide care floor modern sculpture widow care-about flour modernize scythe widower care-for flow modest sea width careful flower mohammedan sea-dog wife caress flowerpot moist seagull wig carnival flu mole seal wild carousel fluff moment search wild-boar carp fluid monastery seasickness will carpet flute monday seaside willingly carriage fly money season willingness carrot foam monk seat willow carrousel focus monkey second win carry fog month secret wind cartridge fold monument secretary window case folk mood secrete window-glass casino follow moon section wind-up casserole following moped secure wine cassette fondle morals security wing castle food more see win-over cat foolish more-and-more seek winter catalogue foot moreover seem wire catarrh football morning seize wireless catastrophe for morphia seldom wise catch forbid morphine self wish caterpillar force mosaic self-confidence witch cathedral fore- mosaic-work self-conscious with catholic forecast moscow self-interested within cauliflower forehead moslem selfish without cause foreign mosque self-reliance without-a-name caution foreign-country motel self-taught-man without-delay cautious foreigner moth sell with-reference-to cave foresee mother send with-young caviar forest mother-in-law sender wolf cease foretell motion-picture send-off woman cede foreward motive sensation wonder ceiling forget motor sense wonted celebrate forgive motor-boat sensible woo celebrating-one's-birthday fork motorcycle sensitive wood celebration form motorist sentence wooden celebrity former motor-launch separate woods cell formerly mountain separation wool cellar formula mountain-ash september word cement for-nothing mountain-climber series work cemetery for-rent mountaineer serious workbench censor forsake mountain-hut serpent worker censure for-sale mountain-pasture serum working-man centennial for-the-reason-that mounting servant workman centimetre fortification mourn serve work-out central fortify mouse service world central-heating fortnight moustache set worldwar centre fortunate mouth set-out worldwide century forty move set-straight worm ceremony found movement settle worse certain foundation movie settlement worship certainly fountain movie-theatre seven worst certificate fountain-pen moving seventeen worth chain four mow seventeenth wound chair fourteen mr seventh wrangle chairman fourteenth mrs seventy wrap-up chalice fourth mud several wreath chalk fowl mudguard several-times wrench challenge fox multiply sew wrinkle chamber fragile multitude sewer wrist chamois fragment munition sex write chamois-leather france murder sexual writer champagne free murderer shack writing-desk chance freedom murk shade writing-paper change freemason muscle shadow yacht channel freeway museum shake yard chaos freeze mush shallow yawn chapter freezing-cold mushroom shame ye character french music shanty year characteristic french-language musical shape yearly charge frenchman musical-instrument share yearn charity frenchwoman musical-time shark yellow charm frequently musician sharp yes charming fresh muslim sharpness yesterday chase fresh-water mussulman shatter yet chasm friday must shawl yew-tree chat friend mustard she yield chatter friendly mute shear yoghourt chauffeur friendship mutiny shed yoghurt cheap fright mutton sheep yonder cheat frighten mutual sheep-dog you check fringe mutual-understanding sheet young checkers frivolous my sheet-metal youngster check-up-on frog mythology shelf your cheek from naïf shell you're-welcome cheerful from-here nail shelter youth cheers from-there naïve shepherd yule cheese from-where naked shilling zeal chemist frontier nakedness shine zealand chemistry frost name ship zero chemist's-shop froth nameless shirt zilch cheque fruit namely shiver zinc cherry fruitful nape shock zip-code chess frying-pan napkin shoe zone chest fuel narrate shoe-lace zoo chestnut full narrative shoemaker
Editor for Asisbiz: Matthew Laird Acred
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This webpage was updated 6th March 2024