Fallschirm-Artillerie-Regiment 1
Formed in Summer 1938 as Geschütz-Batterie 7. Summer 1940 enlarged and became the Fallschirm-Artillerie-Abteilung. In Winter 41/42 again enlarged and became the Fallschirm-Artillerie-Regiment 1 with 2 battalions. III./FAR.1 was formed a year later. In Feb 1943 II./FAR.1 was redesignated I./FAR.2. In June 1944 the regiment was reorganised, with III./FAR.1 becoming II./FAR.1 and a new III./FAR.1 was formed from scratch.
Saw action in Russia together with the regiments of the 7. Flieger-Division. From May 1943 belonged to 1. Fallschirm-Jäger-Division.
Editor for Asisbiz: Matthew Laird Acred
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