Flugzeugführerschule A/B 12


  • ?
  • Oberst Hermann Kurth, 30 Jun 1941 - 26 Mar 1943
  • Oberst Philipp Neufang, 27 Mar 1943 - 25 Jan 1945

Formed 1935 in Munstter-Handorf as Fliegerausbildungsstelle Munstter-Handorf. Moved to Stargard 1 Nov 1938, now as FFS A/B Stargard. On 1 Apr 1939 attached to now as Schule/FAR.12 (Höh.Fl.Ausb.Kdo 3).

On 1 Oct 1941 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule A/B 12 (FFS A/B 12).

On 15 Oct 1943 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule A12, and on 22 Dec 1943 absorbed FFS A 71, and became a Doppelschule, FFDS A 12. On 17 Dec 1944 reverted to the old designation FFS A 12. Disbanded 6 Feb 1945.

Used the following aircraft: Ar 66, Ar 68, Ar 96, Bf 108, Bu 131, Bu 181, C.445, Ca 314, Fw 44, Fw 58, Grunau Baby, He 46, He 51, He 72, Ju 86, Kl 25, Kl 35, L.101, Saiman 200, Saiman 202 and W.34

Airfields and Air Base Locations
Date Location Gruppe Aircraft Used
1935 - 1 Nov 1938 Munstter-Handorf
1 Nov 1938 - 1 Nov 1939 Stargard
1 Nov 1939 - 18 Jun 1943 Konigsberg/Neumark*
18 Jun 1943 - 6 Feb 1945 Prenzlau**

* satellite airfields: Märkisch-Friedland, Mohrin, Burwalde and Gabbert

** satellite airfields: Pasewalk, Salzwedel, Prerau and Rutenberg (glider)

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024

