Flugzeugführerschule A/B 4 - FFS A/B 4


  • Obstlt Herbert Hülsewig, Oct 1939 - 20.20.43
  • Obstlt Gotthilf Pleiss, 21 Oct 1943 - 21 Nov 1943
  • Obstlt Walter Herbold, 22 Oct 1943 - 12 May 1944
  • Maj Rudolf Unger, 13 May 1944 - 29 Nov 1944
  • Obstlt Georg Mayer, 30 Nov 1944 - 1 Feb 1945

Formed Oct 1939 in Prag-Gbell as FFS A/B Prag-Gbell, from FFS E (A/B) Nürnberg.

On 16 Jan 1940 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule A/B 4 (FFS A/B 4).

On 15 Oct 1943 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule A4. Disbanded 4 Feb 1945 while subordinated to 2. Fliegerschul-Division.

Used the following aircraft: Ar 66, Ar 96, Avia B.122, Benes Be.50, Bf 109, Bf 110, Bu 131, Bu 181, Ca 164, Fiat L3, Fw 44, Fw 56, Fw 58, Go 145, Grunau Baby, He 70, Ju 87, Ju 88, Kl 35, Letov S.328 and W.34

Airfields and Air Base Locations
Date Location Gruppe Aircraft Used
Oct 1939 - Feb 1941(?) Prague-Gbell* 2. Fliegerschul-Division. Many Various types
Feb 1941 - 18 Sep 1941 Wien-Schwechat** 2. Fliegerschul-Division. Many Various types
18 Sep 1941 - 16 Jan 1945 Neudorf-Oppeln*** 2. Fliegerschul-Division. Many Various types
16 Jan 1945 - 4 Feb 1945 Parow & Warnemunde 2. Fliegerschul-Division. Many Various types

* satellite airfields: Kralup, Prag-Kletzan and Prag-Lethany

** satellite airfields: Nürnberg, Amberg-Schafhof, Wien-Seyring and Prag-Gbell

*** satellite airfields: Beneschau and Ottmuth (glider)

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024

