Flugzeugführerschule C 8


  • Hptm Carl a.D. Croneiss, 1934 - 28 Feb 1935
  • Obstlt Heinrich Lorenz, 1 Mar 1935 - 31 Mar 1938
  • Obstlt Heinrich Seywald, 1 Apr 1938 - 31 Jul 1938
  • ?
  • Obstlt Dr.Ing. Hans-Georg Gade, Sep 1939 - 20 Feb 1942
  • Oberst Wolfgang Grube, 21 Feb 1942 - 19 Sep 1944

Formed 1 Mar 1936 in Furth-Atzenhof as FFS B Furth-Atzenhof, from Fliegerübungsstelle Furth-Atzenhof (formed 26 Mar 1933).

On 1 Apr 1937 renamed FFS C Furth-Atzenhof, and in Sep 1939 FFS C Wiener-Neustadt.

On 16 Jan 1940 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule C 8 (FFS C 8).

On 15 Oct 1943 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule B 8.

Pilot training ended 25 Jul 1944. Disbanded 19 Sep 1944.

Used the following aircraft: C.445, Do 17, Fokker G.1, Fw 58, He 111, Ju 52, Ju 86, Ju 88, MB.200, Si 204, W.33 and W.34

Airfields and Air Base Locations
Date Location Gruppe Aircraft Used
26 Mar 1933 - Sep 1939 Furth-Atzenhof*
Sep 1939 - Sep 1944 Wiener-Neustadt**

* satellite airfields: Unterschlauersbach, Illesheim

** satellite airfields: Eisenstadt-Trausdorf, Parndorf, Zeltweg, Prag-Rusin

** no training at Wiener-Neustadt during 4 Apr 1941 - 19 Apr 1941, except with detachment at Strassburg-Entzheim (13 Mar 1941 - 19 Apr 1941)

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024

