Flak-Regiment 162

Stab/Flak-Regiment 162 (v):


  • Obstlt Oswald Tepper, Jun 1942 - Nov 1942
  • Obstlt Walter Graepel, Nov 1942 - Dec 1942
  • Obstlt Robert Seidel, Dec 1942 - 28 Apr 1943
  • Obstlt Kurt Twelckmeyer, Jun 1943 - 1 Jan 1945
  • Maj Kurt Czychy, 2 Jan 1945 - 8 May 1945

Formed Jun 1942 in


  • Jun 1942 - May 1945 in Oslo-Holtet as Flakgruppe Ostnorwegen
  • 1 Nov 1943 under with s. 1.-5./561 (o), s. 2.-3./562 (o), le.740 (v), le.781 (v), le. 4./782 (v), gem. 1.-3./569 (v) and gem. I./
  • 1 Jan 1944 under with s.561 (o), s. 2.-3./562 (o), le.740 (v), le.781 (v), le. 4./782 (v), gem.569 (v) and gem. I./
  • 1 Feb 1944 under with s.561 (o), s. 2.-3./562 (o), le.740 (v), le.781 (v), le. 4./782 (v), gem.569 (v), gem. I./ and Lsp. 3./110
  • 1 Mar 1944 under with gem.569 (v), gem. I./, s.561 (o), s.562 (o), le.740 (v), le.781 (v) and le. 4./782 (v)
  • 1 Apr 1944 under with gem.569 (v), gem. I./, s.561 (o), s.562 (o), le.740 (v), le.781 (v), le. 4./782 (v) and s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 4210 and 4211
  • 1 May 1944 under with gem. I./, s.561 (o), le.781 (v), le. 4./782 (v), gem. 675 (v), gem.676 (v) and s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 4216
  • 1 Jun 1944 under with gem. I./, s.561 (o), le.781 (v), le. 4./782 (v), gem. 675 (v) and gem.676 (v)
  • 1 Jul 1944 under with gem. I./, s.561 (o), le.781 (v), le. 4./782 (v), gem. 1., 4., 6./675 (v) and gem. 1.-2./676 (v)
  • 1 Aug 1944 under with gem. I./, Stab, 1.-4., 6./gem.675 (v), s.561 (o), s.676 (o), le.781 (o) and 4./le.782 (v)
  • 1 Sep 1944 under with Stab, 1.-6./s.561 (o); gem. I./; Stab, 1.-4., 6./gem.675 (v); 1.-3./s.676 (o); Stab, 1.-4./le.781 (v)
  • 1 Oct 1944 under with Stab, 1.-6./s.561 (o) and 1.-3./s.676 (o); gem. I./; Stab, 1.-4., 6./gem.675 (v); Stab, 2.-4./le.726 (v); Stab, 1.-4./le.781 (v)
  • 1 Nov 1944 under with Stab, 1.-6./s.561 (o) and 1.-3./s.676 (o); Stab/gem.562 (o); gem. I./; Stab, 1.-4., 6./gem.675 (v); Stab, 2.-4./le.726 (v); Stab, 1.-4./le.781 (v)
  • 1 Dec 1944 under with Stab, 1.-6./s.561 (o) and 1.-3./s.676 (o); Stab/gem.562 (o); gem. I./; Stab, 1.-4., 6./gem.675 (v); Stab, 2.-4./le.726 (v); Stab, 1.-4./le.781 (v)
  • 1 Mar 1945 under with s.561 (o), le.781 (v), gem. I./, gem.675 (v), gem.562 (o), gem.171 (o), le.726 (v) and s.511 (v)
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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
