Flak-Regiment 53
Stab/Flak-Regiment 53 (o):
- Obstlt Kurt Schwerdtfeger, 26 Mar 1941 - 15 Jun 1942
- Oberst August Sambach, 16 Jun 1942 - 21 Aug 1944
- Obstlt Friedrich Messthaler, 22 Aug 1944 - Sep 1944
- Oberst von Lindenau, Sep 1944 - Sep 1944
- Obstlt Friedrich Messthaler, Sep 1944 - 31 Jan 1945
- Oberst Willy Kluge, 1 Feb 1945 - May 1945
Formed Mar 1941 in Luftgau IV.
- 1939-45 known as Flakgruppe Berlin-Nord, and was based in Berlin-Heiligensee
- Aug 1941 in Berlin-Heiligensee
- 1 Nov 1943 under 1. Flak-Division with s.154 (o), s.516 (o), s.422 (o), le.855 (o), Ausw.Zug 16 (v), Ausw.Zug 2 (v), Ausw.Zug 53 (mot), le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 4./III and 23./III
- 1 Jan 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with s.154 (o), s. 4./211 (o), s.422 (o), s.516 (o), le.855 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5550 - 5552, 2 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (4./III, 23./III) and le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 20./III
- 1 Feb 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with s.154 (o), s. 4./211 (o), s.422 (o), s.516 (o), le.855 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5550 - 5552, 2 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (4./III, 23./III) and le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 20./III
- 1 Mar 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with s.154 (o), s. 4./211 (o), s.422 (o), s.513 (o), le.855 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5552, 5555, 5582 - 5585, 4 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (4./III, 23./III, 28./III, 32./III) and le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 42./III
- 1 Apr 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with s.154 (o), s. 4./211 (o), s.422 (o), s.513 (o), le.855 (o), le. 3./917 (o), Lsp.105 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5552, 5576 (ital.), 3 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (28./III, 29./III, 32./III) and 2 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (17./III, 44./III)
- 1 May 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with s.154 (o), s.422 (o), s.513 (o), s. 4./662 (o), Lsp.105 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5576 (ital.), 5586, 6511, 3 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (28./III, 29./III, 32./III) and 5 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (4./III, 13./III, 14./III, 17./III, 44./III)
- 1 Jun 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with s.154 (o), s. 4./224 (o), s.422 (o), s.513 (o), s. 4./662 (o), Lsp. 1., 4./105 (o), 11 Flak-Bttr.zbV (5576, 5562, 5577, 5586, 6511, 6513, 6514, 6522 - 6525), 3 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (28./III, 29./III, 32./III) and 3 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (4./III, 17./III, 44./III)
- 1 Jul 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with s. 7./307 (o), s.437 (o), s.733 (o)(?), s.154 (o), s. 4./224 (o), s.422 (o), s.513 (o), le. 3./722 (o), Lsp. 1./105 (o), 10 Flak-Bttr.zbV (5576, 5562, 5577, 5586, 5587, 6517, 6522 - 6525), 4 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (28./III, 29./III, 32./III, 103./III), 7 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (4./III, 17./III, 20./III, 21./III 42./III, 207./III, 208./III) and FAS III
- 1 Aug 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with Stab/s.154 (o) with 3 batteries (2.-3./s.154 (o), 7./s.362 (o)); s.422 (o); Stab, 5., 7./s.437 (o); Stab/s.513 (o) with 3 batteries (2., 4./s.513 (o), 4./s.224 (o)); Stab/Flak-Abt.zbV Berlin with 4 batteries (1.-3., 5./le.722 (o)); 6 Flak-Bttr.zbV (5587, 5586, 5577, 5576, 6517, 6522); Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 21./III, 20./III and 42./III; 6./le.722 (o); 6./Lsp.104 (o); 5 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (207./III, 208./III, 4./III, 29./III, 28./III)
- 1 Sep 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with Stab/s.154 (o) with no batteries; Stab/s.422 (o) with 8 batteries (1./s.422 (o), 2.-3./s.154 (o), 4./s.224 (o), 7./s.362 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207./III, Flak-Bttr.zbV 5576, 5586); Stab/s.513 (o) with 8 batteries (2., 4./s.513 /o), 4./s.422 (o), 5., 7./s.437 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 208./III, Flak-Bttr.zbV 5577, 5587); 1.-3., 5.-6./le.722 (o); Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abt. 4./III with 7 batteries (6./Lsp.104 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 20./III and 42./III, Flak-Bttr.zbV 6517, 6519, 6522, 6527)
- 1 Oct 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with Stab/s.422 (o) with 22 batteries (1., 4./s.422 (o), 1.-3./s.154 (o), 4./s.224 (o), 4./s.307 (o), 7./s.362 (o), 5., 7./s.437 (o), 2., 4./s.513 (o), 1., 3.-5./s.605 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207. - 208./III, Flak-Bttr.zbV 5576, 5577, 5586, 5587); Stab/s.513 (o) with no batteries; Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abt. 4./III with 7 batteries (1./le.722 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 20./III, Flak-Bttr.zbV 6517, 6522, 6527, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 28./III, 29./III)
- 1 Nov 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with 1.-3./s.154 (o); 4./s.224 (o); 4./s.307 (o); 2./s.422 (o); 1., 3.-5./s.605 (o); Stab/s.422 (o) with 11 batteries (1., 4.-5./s.422 (o), 3./s.126 (o), 7./s.362 (o), 5./s.437 (o), 5.-6./s.513 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207. - 209./III); Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abt. 4./III with 9 batteries (1./le.722 (o), 6./le.733 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 20./III, Flak-Bttr.zbV 6517, 6522, 6527, 6539, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 28./III, 29./III)
- 1 Dec 1944 under 1. Flak-Division with 4./s.126 (o), 1.-3./s.154 (o); 4./s.224 (o); 4./s.307 (o); 2./s.422 (o); 7./s.437 (o), 1., 3.-5./s.605 (o); Stab/s.422 (o) with 14 batteries (1., 4.-5./s.422 (o), 3./s.126 (o), 3./s.211 (o), 7./s.362 (o), 3./s.396 (o), 5./s.437 (o), 5.-6./s.513 (o), s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 203., 207. - 209./III); Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abt. 4./III with 9 batteries (5.-6./le.733 (o), le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 20./III, Flak-Bttr.zbV 6522, 6527, 6539, 6540, le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 28./III, 29./III)
- Feb 1945 at the Oder river, now as Rgt.53 (mot.), with I./13, II./36, 216, 336 and 402 (23. Flak-Division)
- Apr 1945 west of Zehden
I./Flak-Regiment 53 (gem. mot.):
Formed Oct 1941 in Leipzig(?) with 1. - 5. Batterien (3. s.Bttr. from 1./Fest.Flak-Rgt.35, 4. le.Bttr. from 4./126 and 5. le.Bttr. from 4./396). Destroyed May 1943 in Tunisia.
Reformed 1 Nov 1943 in Holland from III./Luftwaffen-Artillerie-Regiment 16 (1. - 3./53 from s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 9995, 9996 and 9997).