Fallschirm-Panzerkorps Hermann Göring

Kommandierender General:

  • GenLt Wilhelm Schmalz, 4 Oct 1944 - 8 May 1945

Chef des Stabes:

  • Obstlt Bern von Baer, 6 Oct 1944 - 8 May 1945

Formed 1 Oct 1944 by enlargement of while on the Weichsel river, between Warzaw and Modlin.

The Stab consisted of Stabskompanie, Artillerieführer, Feldgendarmerie-Trupp, Flugbereitschaft and Kriegsberichtertrupp.


Korps-Versorgungstruppen Hermann Göring with:

Nachschub-Regiment (later Abteilung) Hermann Göring
Instandsetzungs-Abteilung Hermann Göring
Verwaltungs-Bataillon Hermann Göring
Sanitäts-Abteilung Hermann Göring
Korpsfeldpostamt Hermann Göring

The korps was subordinated to the following headquarters:

Oct 1944 Pz.AOK.3 / Heeresgruppe Mitte Lithuania, Courland
Nov 1944 - Jan 1945 AOK.4 / Heeresgruppe Mitte East Preussia
Feb 1945 - Mar 1945 AOK.4 / Heeresgruppe Nord Heiligenbeil
Apr 1945 Reserve / OKH  
May 1945 Pz.AOK.4 / Heeresgruppe Mitte Erzgebirge

The korps controlled the following units:

13 Oct 1944 Panzer-Brigade 101, Pol. (Lanckert),
5 Nov 1944
26 Nov 1944
31 Dec 1944 61. ID,
19 Feb 1945 GD, 562. ID, 24. PD,
1 Mar 1945 GD, 50. ID, 562. ID
12 Apr 1945
7 May 1945 Lüdecke, Dresden 1,

The korps surrendered May 1945.

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
