RAF No 152 (Hyderabad) Squadron
RAF No 152 (Hyderabad) Squadron
Motto: Faithful Ally
Formed as a night fighter unit equipped with Camels at Rochford on 1 June 1918, it moved to France in October, but saw little action in the remaining three weeks of the war, returning to Drem in February 1919, where it disbanded on 30 June.
The squadron reformed at Acklington on 1 October 1939 equipped with Gladiators. Conversion to Spitfires began in January 1940 and this process was complete by February. Initially retained in the North-East for defensive duties, it moved south in July 1940 to Warmwell, where it remained throughout the Battle of Britain. It flew convoy patrols from Portreath from April 1941 before moving to East Anglia in August, from were it flew escort missions. In January 1942, it moved to Northern Ireland, in August it was back on convoy patrols from Angle but in September it moved to Wittering and began preparing fro embarkation overseas.
The squadron took part in the Allied landing in North Africa in November and from the 14th of that month it moved onto airfields in Algeria. During the early part of this campaign, it provided fighter cover to fighter-bombers supported 1st Army's advance. March 1943 saw the squadron adopting the fighter-bomber role itself, which it conducted until the end of the campaign. In preparation for the landings on Sicily, the squadron moved to Malta in June 1943, moving onto the island in July and then Italy in September.
However, in November it was on the move to another operational theatre, when it was advised to transfer to India. Arriving in December it re-equipped Spitfire VIIIs and immediately began fighter patrols until April 1944 when it went back to fighter-bomber operations. It was involved in the Battle of Imphal and continued to support 14th Army for the rest of the war. Following VJ-Day, the squadron moved to Singapore, where it disbanded on 10 March 1946.
Two months later on 8 May 1946, No 136 Squadron was renumbered 152. Equipped with Spitfire XIVs, it received Tempests in June but a spares shortage limited flying and the disbanded again on 15 January 1947. From 11 February 1949 until 31 May 1954, the squadron number was linked to No 19 Squadron, but on 1 June 1954, the squadron regained its independence, when it reformed at Wattisham as a Meteor night fighter unit. It disbanded on 31 July 1958. However, on 29 September 1958, No 1417 Flight was raised to squadron status as No 152 Squadron. It was equipped with Pembrokes and Twin Pioneers for communications duties in the Persian Gulf. It finally disbanded on 9 December 1967.
Standards Battle Honours*
Award of Standard originally announced on 16 Aug 1966, effective from 1 Apr 1966 but presented:-
Western Front, 1918: Battle of Britain, 1940: Home Defence, 1940-42: Channel & North Sea, 1941: Atlantic, 1941: Biscay Ports, 1941:
Fortress Europe, 1941: North Africa, 1942-43: Sicily, 1943: Italy, 1943: Salerno: Arakan, 1944: Mauripur, 1944: Burma, 1944-45:
Squadron Codes used: -
YJ Allocated Apr 1939 - Sep 1939
UM Oct 1939 - Jan 1947