No 312 (Czechoslovak) Squadron
No 312 (Czechoslovak) Squadron
Motto: Non Multi Sed Multa (Not many men but many deeds)
Formed at Duxford on 29 August 1940 as a fighter unit composed of Czechoslovak personnel who had managed to escape from Nazi occupied Europe. Initially sent to Speke, with Hurricanes, as part of Liverpool's defences, it moved to Kenley in May 1941 from where it joined in offensive sweeps over the continent.
A move to Scotland came in August 1941 and to the South-West in January 1942, remaining in the area until June 1943 when it moved to defend the Orkneys. On returning south in September it joined 2nd Tactical Air Force and began offensive operations against targets in Northern France in preparation for the forthcoming invasion.
In April 1944 its role was changed to that of fighter-bomber, supporting the invasion, but when other units of 2 TAF moved to France, it moved to East Anglia from where it carried out bomber escort duties until the end of the war.
Following the end of the war 312 Squadron flew to Czechoslovakia, in August 1945, to form part of the newly reformed Czech Air Force, disbanding as a RAF unit 15 February 1946.
Squadron Codes used: -
KW Allocated Apr - Sep 1939
PJ or RJ 1940 (1 month)
DU Aug 1940 - Feb 1946