RAF No 18 Squadron emblem

RAF No 607 (County of Durham)

Royal Auxiliary Air Force RAuxAF 607 (County of Durham) Squadron

Motto: None

Formed at Usworth on 17 March 1930 as a light bomber squadron in the Auxiliary Air Force, although it's initial equipment of Wapiti's did not arrive until December 1932. It continued in this role until 23 September 1937 when it was redesignated a fighter squadron, having previously re-equipped with Demons in September 1936.

Gladiators arrived in December 1938 and it took these to France as part of the Air Component in November 1939. It stared to receive Hurricanes in March 1940 prior to the German attack but was not fully equipped until after it. It spent most of the Battle of Britain at its home base (Usworth) re-equipping but in September 1940 it returned south to take part in the Battle. Returning north in October it settled mainly in Scotland returning south in August 1941 to Martlesham Heath. It moved to Manston in October remaining there until going to India in 1942. Whilst based at Manston it pioneered the use of Hurricanes in the fighter-bomber role, paving the way for the type of operation that would become commonplace and today is the norm.

It joined No 166 Wing on 25 May 1942, still equipped with Hurricanes, reverting to the fighter role. These were replaced with Spitfires in September 1943, thereby becoming the first unit in SEAC to operate the type. It continued to operate along the Burma front, receiving Spitfire VIIIs in March 1944, until disbanding on 31 July 1945.

With the reactivation of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force, 607 was reformed on 10 May 1946 at Ouston as a day fighter squadron. It was initially equipped with Spitfire F 14s and F 22, until June 1951 when Vampire FB 5s were received. These were supplemented by FB 9s from April 1956 until February 1957 but along with all the other flying units of the RAuxAF, it was disbanded on 10 March 1957.


Standard originally awarded on 4 Dec 1956

Battle Honours

France & Low Countries, 1939-40: Battle of Britain, 1940: Fortress Europe, 1941-42: Channel & North Sea, 1942: Arakan, 1942-44: Manipur, 1944: Burma, 1944-45:

Squadron Codes used: -

LW Mar 1939 - Sep 1939
AF Sep 1939 - May 1945
RAN Jun 1946 - 1949
LA 1949 - Apr 1951

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This webpage was updated 30th June 2023
