USAAF 41-31912 Martin B-26B-30-MA Marauder

USAAF serial number S/N: 41-31912 Martin B-26B-30-MA Marauder

1941031912, 41-31912 Martin B-26B-30-MA Marauder Fate: 387BG556BS Remarks: 387BG556BS (Chipping Ongar) - Tiger Tails Code:FW-Q named: Damd'fino (Tidal Wave), Disposal:

Tidal Wave
Martin B-26B-30-MA Marauder
Sn: 41-31912
Squadron Code: FW-Q

First Sortie

Last Sortie


9 Oct 43

26 Apr 45


Crew Chief: S/Sgt. Bernard F. Helliage
Asst. Crew Chief: Cpl. George E. Allard

"I was a crew member on Damd'Fino when our formation was recalled; the last hostile act of the 387th BG during WWII. Lt. James I. Harris had been recently checked out as first pilot, and his buddy, Lt. Curtiss Brooker, was in the right seat. S/Sgts. Bill Gamble (EG) and Walt Simmons (AG) filled out the crew. Our togglier is unknown."  - William J. Thompson

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This webpage was updated 14th November 2024
