USAAF 42-95987 Martin B-26B-50-MA Marauder

USAAF serial number S/N: 42-95987 Martin B-26B-50-MA Marauder

1942095987, 42-95987 Martin B-26B-50-MA Marauder Fate: Shot Down 17BG34BS+ Remarks: 17BG34BS Code:20 named: Yo Yo Champ shot down by Me 262 over Germany Apr 23-24, 1945. MACR-14165 Previously Silver Streaks Code:7I-S named: Yo-Yo Tramp, Disposal: 24-Apr-45

Photos: 42-95987 Martin B-26B-50-MA Marauder

B-26 Marauder serial number 42-95987 crashed on 24 April 1945, flying a mission from Dijon, France, where it was based with the 17th Bomb Group, to Schwabmunchen, Germany.

The six men in its crew were all killed:
Pilot: First Lieutenant Leigh Slates
Co-pilot: Flight Officer Howard E Menzer
Bombardier: Staff Sergeant Floyd G Phelps
Engineer Gunner: Staff Sergeant John J Ganhs
Radio Gunner: Staff Sergeant Robert W Tillman
Armorer Gunner: Staff Sergeant Lloyd S Gauthier

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