List of Bf 109 early models
List of Bf 109 E models
List of Bf 109 F models
List of Bf 109 G models
List of Bf 109 K models

III. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 2 'Richthofen' - III./JG2

7. Staffel III. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 2 'Richthofen' - 7./JG2

Pilots 7./JG 2 Werner Machold 1941 01

Photo 01: The 7./JG2 was a Jabo Staffel led in October-November 1940 by Hptm. Armin Ettling. ln early 1941, the newly commissioned Oblt. Werner Machold became Staffelkapitan and in this photograph, taken during the Winter of 1940/1941, his 'White 1' is being prepared for a mission over England.

Pilots 7./JG 2 Werner Machold 1941 02

Photo 02: Ofw. Werner Machold of I./JG2 is seen here on 4 September posing by the tail of his Bf 109E. On the rudder is displayed his 21st victory, scored that day over an RAF Spitfire. On the 5th he was awarded the Ritterkreuz and on the 7th he would leave I.Staffel to join 9./JG2.

Pilots 7./JG 2 Werner Machold 1941 03

Photo 03: Werner Machold, assisted by a member of his ground staff, preparing for another sortie. Note the man filming.

Pilots 7./JG 2 Werner Machold 1941 04-05

Photo's 04-05: At the time of these photographs, Machold's aircraft had 26 victory tabs on its rudder. While flying a coastal reconnaissance and anti-shipping sortie with three other aircraft on 9 June 1941, Oblt. Machold crash-landed in England and was taken prisoner. On that occasion he was, however, flying a different aircraft, coded' 15', which had no victory tally marked on the rudder. Interestingly, although normally reliable post-war sources credit Machold with 32 victories, when shot down, he informed his interrogators that he had 26. Possibly he was then still awaiting the balance to be officially confirmed.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 7./JG 2 (White 1+~) Werner Machold 1941 00

Profile 00: Messerschmitt Bf 109E.7 flown by Ritterkreuztrager Oblt. Werner Machold, Staffelkapitan of 7./JG2, Winter of 1940/41. Oblt. Machold's normal machine was the 'White 1' shown here with an 02/71 finish which showed evidence of a previous identity marking having been sprayed over. As noted elsewhere, when Machold was shot down and became a PoW he was flying another aircraft and the RAF Crash Report makes no mention of any scoreboard decorating the tail. Machold claimed this was the first bombing attack he had carried out against shipping, having strenuously resisted such operations which he regarded as a 'prostitution' of his skills as a fighter pilot.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 7./JG 2 (White 1+~) Werner Machold 1941 01

Photo 01: The 7./JG2 was a Jabo Staffel led in October-November 1940 by Hptm. Armin Ettling. ln early 1941, the newly commissioned Oblt. Werner Machold became Staffelkapitan and in this photograph, taken during the Winter of 1940/1941, his 'White 1' is being prepared for a mission over England.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 7./JG 2 (White 1+~) Werner Machold 1941 02

Photo 02: Ofw. Werner Machold of I./JG2 is seen here on 4 September posing by the tail of his Bf 109E. On the rudder is displayed his 21st victory, scored that day over an RAF Spitfire. On the 5th he was awarded the Ritterkreuz and on the 7th he would leave I.Staffel to join 9./JG2.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 7./JG 2 (White 1+~) Werner Machold 1941 03

Photo 03: Werner Machold, assisted by a member of his ground staff, preparing for another sortie. Note the man filming.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-7 7./JG 2 (White 1+~) Werner Machold 1941 04-05

Photo's 04-05: At the time of these photographs, Machold's aircraft had 26 victory tabs on its rudder. While flying a coastal reconnaissance and anti-shipping sortie with three other aircraft on 9 June 1941, Oblt. Machold crash-landed in England and was taken prisoner. On that occasion he was, however, flying a different aircraft, coded' 15', which had no victory tally marked on the rudder. Interestingly, although normally reliable post-war sources credit Machold with 32 victories, when shot down, he informed his interrogators that he had 26. Possibly he was then still awaiting the balance to be officially confirmed.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG 2 (White 3+~) France 1941 01

Photo 01: 'White 3' of 7./JG2 with engine and canopy covered as protection against the weather. The aircraft has yellow wingtips and tail.

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1 7./JG 2 (W5+~) Hans Klee Pas de Calais France 1940 00

Profile 00: Messerschmitt Bf 109E.1 of 7./JG2 'White 5' of 7./JG2 is finished in an upper surface scheme of RLM 02/71 with the sides of the fuselage and fin and rudder covered in a fairly dense mottle of the same. It carries the earlier style III.Gruppe symbol aft of the Balkenkreuz and on the cowling, the 7.Staffel 'Thumb on a Top Hat' emblem designed by Leutnant Hans Schmidt and Oberfeldwebel Erwin Klee.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG 2 (W5+~) Pas de Calais France 1940 01

Photo 01: Bf 109E-1 'White 5' of 7./JG2 gets airborne from one of the airfields in the Pas de Calais during the early summer of 1940. Visible on the cowling is the 7.Staffel 'Thumb on a Top Hat' emblem.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG 2 (White 6+~) France 1940 01

Photo 01: A member of the ground staff arrives to prepare 'White 6' of 7./JG2 for the day's operations.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 7./JG 2 (White 7+~) Ludwig Bielmeier Beamont-le-Roger France Aug 1940 0A-0B

Profile 00: Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 or E-4 of 7./JG2, Beamont-le-Roger, mid-August 1940. Bf 109E-3 or E-4 'White 7' of 7./JG2 seen at Beaumont-le-Roger during mid-August and finished in the heavily stippled finish common to aircraft of JG2. With an upper surface pattern of 02 and 71, further quantities of what is believed to be 71 have been applied to the fuselage sides to tone down the 65 blue fuselage sides. Featuring a yellow rudder, the tip of the aircraft's spinner, the aircraft number and the Gruppe bar are in the Staffel color of white, while on the nose is the 7. Staffel emblem of a thumb pressing down on a top hat.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 7./JG 2 (White 7+~) Ludwig Bielmeier Beamont-le-Roger France Aug 1940 01

Photo 01: Messerschmitt 'White 7' of 7./JG2, as shown in the accompanying profile, parked for concealment between trees on the airfield perimeter at Beaumont-le-Roger. The canopy has been left open to keep the cockpit interior comfortable in the mid-August sun.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG 2 (White 8+~) Ofw. Kurt Goltzsch France 1940 01

Photo 01: Ofw. Kurt Goltzsche of 7./JG2 and a member of the ground crew playing with a puppy named - appropriately - 'Tommy'. Behind them is Goltzsche's 'White 8' with the wavy bar III. Gruppe symbol. The 7. Staffel emblem of a thumb pressing on a top hat is clearly visible against the yellow painted cowling.

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 7./JG 2 (White 9+~) France 1940 01

Photo's 01-02: Two views of Bf109E3 'White 9' of 7./JG2, the photograph clearly showing the yellow wingtips and tail areas. Here the same aircraft is having its armament adjusted. For aerial combat, the weapons were normally harmonised so that the guns over the engine converged at 400 metres and the wing guns at 200 metres. For ground-strafing, all weapons were set to converge at 400 metres. Of interest are the various hydraulic jacks and the cradle supporting the tail, the lifting bar pushed through the rear fuselage, and the armourer under the starboard wing changing the ammunition drum for the 20 mm MG/FF cannon. Just visible on the cowling behind the man on the far right is the Staffel emblem.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG2 (White 13+~) background Octeville, France 1940

Photo 01: A pilot of 8./JG2 at readiness with members of the ground crew, at Octeville, at the beginning of August 1940. Note the wavy line fuselage marking denoting a III Gruppe aircraft. The aircraft in the background carrying white markings is from 7./JG2 (White 13+~).

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG 2 (White 15+~) Werner Machold France 1940

8. Staffel III. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 2 'Richthofen' - 8./JG2

Messerschmitt Bf 109E4 8./JG2 Josef Reith Stkz GA+HP WNr 2782 Prufenning airport 1940

Photo 01: This picture was taken on the work Prüfenning airport, the aircraft were built at the Messerschmitt AG, Regensburg. The source is wrongly written on the version of E-9, but the machines are E-4. Stkz GA+HP was shot down on 30th Aug 1940 near Dungeness and the pilot Uffz. Josef Reith became a POW. The aircraft behind is Stkz KF+SO WNr 2755 was also shot down near Pemberton on 18th Aug 1940 the 2./JG26 or 2./JG3 pilot Ogefr Walter Bäsell was KIA 30th September 1940 during aerial combat crashing at Dairy Farm, Golden Green, near Tonbridge, Kent. He is buried at Cannock Chase, Block 1, Grave 166. Source: M.Croft. (2. / JG 3) was killed.

Photo Source:

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 8./JG2 ( +) undergoes maintenance at Evreux-West, Aug-Sep France 1940 0

Photo 01: A Messerschmitt Bf109E of 8./JG2 undergoes maintenance at Evreux-West, Aug-Sep 1940. Note the Staffel emblem on the nose - the red 'Spring wolf'. This emblem was taken from the family coat of arms of the unit's Kapitan, Hptm.A1exander von Wintergeldt.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 8./JG2 (Red 2+~) in the background as pilots on stand by have lunch and tea Battle of Britain Aug 1940

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 8./JG2 (Red 6+~) Battle of Britain Aug 1940

Messerschmitt Bf 109E3 8./JG1 (Black 3+~) Karl Scheuermann take off accident Signy le Petit 24th May 1940

Photo 01: Ironically two accidents happened at Signy-le-Petit in the same place the first on 21st May 1940 with Lt. John Mießfeldt 9./JG 2. The Lt. hit some trees shortly after takeoff and crashed and was injured in the process then on 24thMay 1940 another accident occurred, this time by Sgt. Karl Scheuermann from 8./JG 2

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 8./JG2 (Black 6+~) over the English Channel Aug 1940 01

Photo 01: Believed to have been taken during mid-August, this view shows a Schwarm of Messerschmitt Bf 109Es from 9./JG2 in flight above the English Channel. Note the well-known Stechmiicke emblem on the nose of each aircraft and the contrast between the black of the wing BaIkenkreuz and the comparatively lighter tones of the 02nl camouflage.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 8./JG2 (Black 6+~) over the English Channel Aug 1940 01

Photo 01: Believed to have been taken during mid-August, this view shows a Schwarm of Messerschmitt Bf 109Es from 9./JG2 in flight above the English Channel. Note the well-known Stechmiicke emblem on the nose of each aircraft and the contrast between the black of the wing BaIkenkreuz and the comparatively lighter tones of the 02nl camouflage.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E3 8./JG2 (Black 6+~) bad landing France late 1940 01

Photo 01: Bf 109E3 8./JG2 (Black 6+~) bad landing porbably caused by rough ground or Fuel shortage as the engine has been stopped before landing as can be seen by the straight prop France late 1940

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 8./JG2 (Red 9+~) Josef 'Jupp' Bigge France Aug 1940 01

Photo 01: Along with members of his groundcrew, Gefr. Josef 'Jupp' Bigge is seen here sitting on the port wing of his Bf 109E-1 'Black 9' of 8./JG2 at Octeville near Le Havre in early August 1940. The clearly visible 'Springwolf' Staffel emblem was taken from the family coat-of-arms of the Staffelkapitan, Hptm. Alexander von Wintergeldt who by this time, had been promoted to take command of III./JG52, his position as Staffelkapitan taken by Obit. Karl-Heinz Metz.ASISBIZ I have this as RED 9 because from the photo you can see that it's a white outline with red inside.

9. Staffel III. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 2 'Richthofen' - 9./JG2

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 9./JG2 (Yellow 1+) Oblt. Carl-Hans Roders France 1940 01

Photo 01: Oblt. Carl-Hans Roders, the Staffelkapitan of 9,/JG2, flying his 'Yellow 1' at low level during the Summer of 1940. Roders was killed in action on 23 June 1941.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 9./JG2 (Yellow 2+~) taxing for another sorte during the Battle of Britain France 1940

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 9./JG2 (Yellow 2+~) France 1940 01

Photo 01: Refueling 'White 2' of 9./JG2. In this photograph the aircraft still has the Blue 65 fuselage sides.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 9./JG2 (Yellow 2+~) France 1940 02

Photo 02: With the aircraft jacked up into the horizontal position, weapons personnel prepare to harmonise the MG 17 machine-guns of 9./JG2's 'White 2'. Note that in this later photograph the fuselage sides have now been mottled.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E4 9./JG2 (Yellow 4+~) Carl-Hans Roders France 1940

Photo 01: Oblt. Carl-Hans Roders, the Staffelkapitan of 9,/JG2, flying his 'Yellow 1' at low level during the Summer of 1940. Roders was killed in action on 23 June 1941.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E3 9./JG2 (Yellow 5+~) WNr 1146 Octeville AF France 1939 01

Photo 01: Pilots take an alfresco meal whilst a Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3s of 9./JG2 taxies across Octeville airfield near Le Havre soon after the unit's arrival from Germany.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 9./JG2 (Yellow 5+~) WNr 1146 Signy-Ie-Petit France 1939 00-01

Photo 00-01: Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 'Yellow 5' of 9./JG2 as seen at a landing ground near Signy-Ie-Petit at the end of the Battle of France in a high demarcation 02/71 scheme. Although listed as an E-3 it retains the earlier style of canopy and appears to be carrying its Werknummer on the rudder instead of the more commonly seen location on the fin. This aircraft survived the summer battles only to be lost in an accident on 17 April 1941 while on the strength of I./JG1.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E3 9./JG2 Yellow 5 Werner Machold WNr 5274 France Sep 1940 0B

Photo 01: Pilots take an alfresco meal whilst a Bf 109E-3s of 9./JG2 taxies across Octeville airfield near Le Havre soon after the unit's arrival from Germany.

BF 109 E-4 Oberleutnant Werner Machold of 9./JG 2, based at Le Havre-Octeville, flew Brown 5 and shot down nine RAF aircraft during September 1940. On June 9, 1941, he force-landed near Swanage, Dorset, and became a PoW for the rest of the war.


Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 flown by Oberleutnant Werner Machold 9./JG 2 Gelbe 5 WkNr 5274 France September 1940.

Profile:Bf 109E-4 JG2 III 9 'Gelbe 5' WkNr 5274 Obfw Werner Machold Beaumont-le-Roger Septembre 1940

The outbreak of WW II saw Werner Machold as an NCO pilot with I./JG 2 Richthofen. Born on July 29, 1911, Werner Machold was among the oldest of the first fighter aces of the Luftwaffe. However, his Gruppenkommandeur, Hauptmann Erich Mix, was a veteran pilot from WW I who in 1940 was in his forties. But the 13 victories achieved by Mix in a two-month period is a clear evidence that he was still going strong. Mix soon noticed the talent of Oberfeldwebel Machold and placed him in the position of a section leader. On May 14, 1940, when JG 2 achieved twenty victories, Oberfeldwebel Werner Machold achieved his first two kills against French M.S. 406 fighter. Five days later, he shot down an RAF Hurricane, and brought home two victories each on May 20 and May 21, 1940. His eighth victory was scored against a Spitfire over Calais on May 26, 1940. No 9 and 10, a Morane and a Bloch 150 on June 3, 1940. During the subsequent Battle of Britain, Machold rose to one of the most notable German aces. He knocked down three Hurricanes in a row on August 30, 1940. Three days later he repeated the same feat, only this time against three Spitfires. Having achieved 20 victories, all but six against RAF Spitfires and Hurricanes, Machold was awarded with the Knight's Cross on September 5, 1940. Later, Machold was promoted to Oberleutnant and put in charge of 7./JG 2. Machold's last two victories were attained against RAF Spitfires over the English Channel on May 19, 1941.

During a low-level attack against a British convoy in the English Channel on June 6, 1941, Machold's Bf 109 received a hit in the radiator, and the pilot had no other option but to belly-land on the British southern coast. The victor in 32 aerial combats would spend the remainder of the war in a POW camp.

Source: © Claes Sundin 2009 text: Christer Bergström 2002
Web Reference:
Published by Schiffer Military History Book 2002 ISBN: 0-7643-1559-5

Is this an E3 or E4 ?

Hi Matthew,
This is Claes Sundin answer. I was surprised like you because effectively it's former "white 15" since Machold took it with him when leaving 1./JG 2 to 9./JG 2. (So normally it's WkNr.5274 which is a truly WNF E-4 production, hence with "squared" canopy frames).
What's funny is he already draw White 15 with late canopy!!!!
Therefore I don't understand and I will not insist, anyway.
Take attention that White 15 is drawn with 12 victory bars end of August, and Gelbe 5 with 23 at mid September!!!
Source? It's his last drawing here:
Cheers, Franck.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 9./JG2 (Yellow 7+~) Le Havre Octeville AF France 1940

Photo 01: Bf 109E 9./JG2 (Yellow 7+~) being repaired after a forced landing which twore a section off the left wing Le Havre Octeville AF France September 1940

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-1 9./JG2 (Y8+~) Rudolph Rothenfelder France 1940 00

Profile 00: Messerschmitt Bf 109E.1 of 9./JG2 'Yellow 8' of 9./JG2 is believed to have been the usual mount of Lt. Rudolph Rothenfelder, the designer of the Staffel emblem which consisted of a black and white 'Stechmiicke' (mosquito) superimposed on a black-bordered white disc. The aircraft is thought to have been finished in a high demarcation of RLM 70/71 scheme with heavy fuselage mottling of 02 and 71 and carries the earlier III. Gruppe symbol aft of the Balkenkreuz in yellow with a thin black border. In addition to the Staffel emblem the JG2 shield was carried beneath the windscreen on both sides of the fuselage.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-1 9./JG2 (Y8+~) Rothenfelder France 1940 01

Photo 01: Bf 109E-1 'Yellow 8' of 9./JG2 is believed to have been the aircraft of Lt. Rudolph Rothenfelder, the designer of the Staffel emblem which consisted of a black and white 'Stechmiicke' (Mosquito) superimposed on a black bordered yellow disc.

Pilots 9./JG2 Rothenfelder Theville France Aug 1940 01

Photo 01: Uffz. Rudi Rothenfelder (left) of 9./JG2 in conversation at Theville near Cherbourg on 18 August with two other members of III./JG2; Fw. Peter Neumann-Merkel of 9. Staffel (centre) and Obit. Bruno Stolle of 8. Staffel. It was Rothenfelder who designed the 9. Staffel 'Stechmiicke' emblem. In the background are white-nosed Bf-110 Destroyers of the Zerstorergeschwader 'Horst Wessel', ZG26.

Pilots 3./JG2 Rudolf Rothenfelder 01

As described by Rudolf Rothenfelder, Reichsmarschall Goring's visit to elements of III./JG2 at Querqueville on 28 October 1940 was recorded by a PK cameraman whose photograph later appeared on the cover of the Luftwaffe magazine 'Der Adler'.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 9./JG2 (Y11+~) Dietrich Wickop France 1940

Photo 01: Lt. Dietrich Wickop poses with his 'Yellow 11' of 9./JG2. He did not claim his first victory, a Spitfire, until 26 June 1942 but later became Kommandeur of II./JG1 in which position he became very successful.

Pilots 9./JG2 Dietrich Wickop France 1940 01

Photo 01: Pilots of I./JG2 with an aircraft displaying the 'Bonzo Dog' emblem introduced by Hptm. Otto Bertram. On the right is Lt. Dietrich Wickop of 9./JG2 who, in early 1940, served with JG52 until posted to 9./JG2 as Staffeloffizier to assist the Staffelkapitan, Oblt. Carl-Hans Roders.

11. Staffel IV. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 2 'Richthofen' - 11./JG2

 IL-2 Sturmovik 'Cliff's of Dover' - COD game skins
COD game skin by CF Bf 109E1 9/.JG2 (Y8+~) Rudolf Rothenfelder France 1940
COD game skin by CF Bf 109E1 9/.JG2 (Y8+~) Rudolf Rothenfelder France 1940 NM
COD game skin by CF Bf 109E3 7/.JG2 (W9+~) France 1940
COD game skin by CF Bf 109E3 7/.JG2 (W9+~) France 1940 NM
Bf109E-3 skin for Il-2 Sturmovik - Cliffs of Dover by Cpt Farrel. This aircraft was flown by an unknown pilot of 7./JG2, September 1940
To install: Place the skin in your Cliffs of Dover folder: C:\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\PaintSchemes\Skins\Bf-109E-3
CF cptfarrels
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E1 7/.JG2 (W5+~) Erwin Klee France 1940
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E1 7/.JG2 (W5+~) Erwin Klee France 1940 NC
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E1 7/.JG2 (W5+~) Erwin Klee France 1940 NM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E1 7/.JG2 (W5+~) Erwin Klee France 1940 SNM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E1 9/.JG2 (Y8+~) Rudolf Rothenfelder France 1940
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E1 9/.JG2 (Y8+~) Rudolf Rothenfelder France 1940 NC
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E1 9/.JG2 (Y8+~) Rudolf Rothenfelder France 1940 NM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E1 9/.JG2 (Y8+~) Rudolf Rothenfelder France 1940 SNM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 7/.JG2 (W7+~) Ludwig Bielmeier France 1940
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 7/.JG2 (W7+~) Ludwig Bielmeier France 1940 NC
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 7/.JG2 (W7+~) Ludwig Bielmeier France 1940 NM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 7/.JG2 (W7+~) Ludwig Bielmeier France 1940 SNM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 8/.JG2 (R6+~) France 1940
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 8/.JG2 (R6+~) France 1940 NC
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 8/.JG2 (R6+~) France 1940 NM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 8/.JG2 (R6+~) France 1940 SNM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 9/.JG2 (Y11+~) Dietrich Wickop France 1940
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 9/.JG2 (Y11+~) Dietrich Wickop France 1940 NC
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 9/.JG2 (Y11+~) Dietrich Wickop France 1940 NM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E3 9/.JG2 (Y11+~) Dietrich Wickop France 1940 SNM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E4 8/.JG2 (R4+~) Georg Hippel France 1940
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E4 8/.JG2 (R4+~) Georg Hippel France 1940 NC
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E4 8/.JG2 (R4+~) Georg Hippel France 1940 NM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E4 8/.JG2 (R4+~) Georg Hippel France 1940 SNM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E7 7/.JG2 (W1+~) Werner Machold France 1941
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E7 7/.JG2 (W1+~) Werner Machold France 1941 NC
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E7 7/.JG2 (W1+~) Werner Machold France 1941 NM
COD game skin by ES Bf 109E7 7/.JG2 (W1+~) Werner Machold France 1941 SNM
ES Erik Schramm
COD game skin by OD Bf 109E1 9/.JG2 (Y8+~) Rudolf Rothenfelder France 1940
OD oddeball


Luftwaffe pilot Georg Hippel

Units: 8/JG-2

Awards: EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109E-4 'Red 4', Bf 109F-2 'Red 4+I'

Remarks: One known victory, his 1st, a Bloch Fighter at Compiegne, 6 June, 1940. His 2nd known victory, a Spitfire into the sea off Ushant on 25 June, 1942. His 3rd, a Spitfire on 23 July, 1942. His 4th a Spitfire on 26 September, 1942.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 4 aerial victories for Georg Hippel

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
Thursday, June 06, 1940 Georg Hippel 8./JG2 Bloch Jager 4200m 06:10 Compiegne
Thursday, June 25, 1942 Georg Hippel 8./JG2     Sea off Ushant
Thursday, July 23, 1942 Georg Hippel 8./JG2      
Saturday, September 26, 1942 Georg Hippel 8./JG2 20m 18:51 5961/14 West

Luftwaffe pilot Werner Machold

Units: 1./JG-2, Stfkpt 7./JG-2 (8/40), Stfkpt 9./JG-2 (9/40)

Awards: RK(9/5/40), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109E White 15 in Stf, Bf 109E-4/N White 1 in Staffel, Bf 109E-7/U2 WNr 5983 White 15 lost 6/9/41 in Staffel

Remarks: POW. Captured in southern England 9 June, 1941 after a low level attack in 'White 15' on a shipping convoy off Portland, near Swanage South England. During the attack, he sustained radiator damage from flak and was forced to land there, and was taken prisoner. Another AC, Bf 109E-4 'Yellow 5' in 9/JG-2, Sept. of 1940. One of the early Aces, he had 20 victories by September of 1940. His first two victories; a Morane 406 at Clary, 15 km southeast of Cambrai and another 406 at Bouillon, 10 km east of Sedan, on 14 May, 1940, while in 1/JG-2. His 3rd, a Hurricane at Cambrai on 19 May, 1940. Nos 4 & 5, both Blenheims at Peronne on 20 May, 1940. Nos. 9 & 10, both Bloch 150's S of Reims on 3 June, 1940. His 15th & 16th, Hurricanes at Goudhurst/Kent on 30 August, 1940. His 17th, a Hurricane at Lydd on 31 August, 1940. Nos.18, 19 & 20, all Spitfires at New Romney-Sittingbourne on 2 September, 1940. Nos.24, 25 & 26, all Hurricanes near Portland on 30 September, 1940. Bowers/Lednicer, 32 victories. Deceased 2 April, 1968.

Werner Machold was born on 29 July 1913 at Unterneubrunn in the Hildburghausen region of Thüringen. At the beginning of World War 2, Machold was serving with I./JG 2. He was particularly successful over France in 1940 gaining at least 10 victories, including his first on 14 May.Oberfeldwebel Machold continued to score heavily during the Battle of Britain. He was the eighth German fighter pilot to reach 20 victories. On 5 September 1940, he was awarded the Ritterkreuz for 21 victories.On 7 September, Machold was transferred to 9./JG2. He recorded his 24th through 26th victories on 30 September, shooting down three RAF fighters. Oberleutnant Machold was appointed Staffelkapitän of 7./JG2 in spring 1941.On 9 June 1941, Oberleutnant Machold, flying his Bf 109E-7/Z (W.Nr. 5983) 'White 15', force landed near Swanage, Dorset after receiving damage from anti-aircraft fire from a Royal Navy destroyer during a low-level Jabo attack on a shipping convoy off Portland. He became a prisoner-of war for the remainder of hostilities.Werner Machold amassed 32 victories in over 250 combat missions. All his victories were recorded over the Western front.

Luftwaffe pilot List of aerial victories for Werner Machold

No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location / Comments
1. 14.5.1940 20:05 Morane 406 I./JG 2 Clavy, 15km SE Cambrai
2. 14.5.1940 20:07~ Morane 406 I./JG 2 Bouillon, 10km E Sedan
3. 19.5.1940 12:50 I./JG 2 Cambrai
4. 20.5.1940 18:35 I./JG 2 Péronne
5. 20.5.1940 18:40~ I./JG 2 Péronne
6. 21.5.1940 19:10 Morane 406 I./JG 2 Montdider-Compiegne
7. 21.5.1940 19:15~ Morane 406 I./JG 2 Compiegne
8. 26.5.1940 17:00 I./JG 2 Calais
9. 3.6.1940 14:45 Morane 406 I./JG 2 Reims
10. 3.6.1940 14:50~ Bloch 150 I./JG 2 Reims
11. 11.8.1940 11:55 Tomahawk I./JG 2 Portland
12. 13.8.1940 7:55 I./JG 2 Brighton
13. 26.8.1940 17:30 I./JG 2 Portsmouth
14. 30.8.1940 12:40 I./JG 2 London
15. 30.8.1940 18:00 I./JG 2 Gouldhurst
16. 30.8.1940 18:05 I./JG 2 Gouldhurst
17. 31.8.1940 14:15 I./JG 2  
18. 2.9.1940 - I./JG 2 New Romney
19. 2.9.1940 - I./JG 2 New Romney
20. 2.9.1940 18:20 I./JG 2 Sittingbourne
21. 4.9.1940 10:00 I./JG 2 Folkestone
22. IX.1940 - E/a 9./JG 2  
23. IX.1940 - E/a 9./JG 2  
24. 30.9.1940 - RAF Fighter 9./JG 2  
25. 30.9.1940 - RAF Fighter 9./JG 2  
26. 30.9.1940 - RAF Fighter 9./JG 2  
? ? - E/a ?./JG 2  
? 16.4.1941 12:00 7./JG 2 Dover Straits
? 29.4.1941 - 7./JG 2 N Eastbourne
? 29.4.1941 - 7./JG 2 N Eastbourne
31. 19.5.1941 12:00 7./JG 2 North Weymouth
32. 19.5.1941 12:05 7./JG 2 North Weymouth

Victories : 32
Awards : Knight`s Cross
Units : JG2

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz List of aerial victories for Werner Machold

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
14-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Morane 406   20.00 Clary 15km SE Cambrai
14-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Morane 406   20.05 Bouillon 10km E Sedan
19-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   12.50 Cambrai
20-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   18.35 Peronne
20-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   18.35 Peronne
21-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Morane 406   19.10 Compiegne
21-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Morane 406   19.10 Compiegne
26-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   17.00 Calais
03-Jun-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Bloch 150   14.40 South of Reims
03-Jun-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Bloch 150 3000m 14.45 South of Reims
14-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Morane 406   20.00 Clary 15km SE Cambrai
14-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Morane 406   20.05 Bouillon 10km E Sedan
19-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   12.50 Cambrai
20-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   18.35 Peronne
20-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   18.35 Peronne
21-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Morane 406   19.10 Compiegne
21-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Morane 406   19.10 Compiegne
26-May-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   17.00 Calais
03-Jun-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Bloch 150   14.40 South of Reims
03-Jun-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 Bloch 150 3000m 14.45 South of Reims
11-Aug-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 P-40 Warhawk   11.55  
13-Aug-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2 5000m 07.50 Brighton
26-Aug-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   17.30 Portsmouth
30-Aug-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   12.40 South of London
30-Aug-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   18.00 Goudhurst/Kent
30-Aug-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   18.05 Goudhurst/Kent
31-Aug-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   14.15 Lydd
02-Sep-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   14.25 New Romney
02-Sep-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   14.25 New Romney
02-Sep-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   18.20 Sittingbourne
04-Sep-40 Werner Machold I./JG 2   10.10 Folkestone
27-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG 2   13.08 East of Portland
28-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG 2   15.55 Selsey Bill
30-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG 2   17.35 North of Portland
30-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG 2   17.45 Yeovil
30-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG 2   17.50 Sherborne
19-May-41 Werner Machold 7./JG 2   12.00 North of Weymouth
19-May-41 Werner Machold 7./JG 2   12.05 North of Weymouth
16-Apr-41 Werner Machold 7./JG 2   12.00 Dover Straits

Luftwaffe pilot Ludwig Bielmeier

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 1 aerial victories for Ludwig Bielmeier

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
Tuesday, October 08, 1940 Ludwig Bielmeier 5./JG52 Spitfire 6700m 09:45 NE London

Luftwaffe pilot Kurt Goltzsch

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 41 aerial victories for Kurt Goltzsch

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
Sunday, August 11, 1940 Kurt Goltzsch 8./JG2   11:48 Bournemouth
Saturday, September 07, 1940 Kurt Goltzsch 8./JG2   18:26  
Saturday, September 14, 1940 Kurt Goltzsch 8./JG2   10:05  
Sunday, May 31, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2   19:40  
Wednesday, August 05, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2   - N. Cherbourg
Thursday, August 06, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2   18:55  
Wednesday, August 19, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2   13:26  
Wednesday, August 19, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2   08:11  
Sunday, September 06, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 Stirling   18:50 Raum Albert
Friday, November 06, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 6000m 12:43 West of 1055
Thursday, November 12, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 B-26 Marauder 200-300m 16:17 1km SE Les Pieux
Wednesday, November 25, 1942 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 4500m 14:35 15km SE Gela
Tuesday, February 02, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 P-39 Aircobra Low Level 08:18 10km W Kairouan
Tuesday, February 02, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 P-39 Aircobra Low Level 08:15 20km NW Kairouan
Wednesday, February 03, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 Low Level 09:10 S Djebel Quneltia
Wednesday, February 03, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 Low Level 09:01 25km W Kairouan
Thursday, February 04, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 2000m 16:14 SW Ousseltia
Tuesday, February 09, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 P-40 Warhawk 200-300m 13:55 S Djebel El Riuana
Tuesday, February 09, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 5000-6000m 14:42 5km SE Djebel Barbrau
Tuesday, February 09, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 P-40 Warhawk Low Level 13:52 S Djebel Bou Gaboursi
Sunday, February 14, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 1000m 11:14 NW Sidi bou Zid
Sunday, February 14, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 2500m 11:06 SW Djebel Haura
Monday, February 15, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 6000m 15:09 N Sbeitla
Monday, February 15, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 3500m 15:22 NNE Djebel Vratza
Saturday, May 15, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 4500m 17:24 S Eu (15km S Le Treport)
Monday, May 17, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 4./JG2 5000m 12:52 4072/15 West
Saturday, June 26, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 5550m 19:03 QC 2 (15km NW Cayeux)
Saturday, June 26, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6500m 19:01 East of Dieppe
Sunday, July 04, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 4500m 17:37 Villers-Bocage
Sunday, July 04, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 8000m 13:20 0034/05 Ost
Wednesday, July 14, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 500m 09:10 0061/05 Ost
Sunday, July 18, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 1000m 18:38 15km W Abbeville
Friday, July 30, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 09:20 Huissen-Augere (S Arnhem)
Friday, July 30, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 Typhoon 1000m 15:56 S Cayeux-sur-Mer
Sunday, August 15, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000-2000m 20:59 2275/05 Ost
Tuesday, August 17, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000-4000m 17:25 SW Maastricht
Thursday, August 19, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 4000-5000m 12:55 1156/05 Ost
Tuesday, August 31, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 1500m 08:20 South of Avion (S Lens)
Thursday, September 02, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 Low Level 20:12 05 Ost S/1136
Friday, September 03, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 B-17 Fortress 7500m 09:45 Claye-Souilly (E Paris)
Saturday, September 04, 1943 Kurt Goltzsch 5./JG2 Dogfight     Dogfight Monchy-les-Preux

Luftwaffe pilot Hans Klee

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of aerial victories for Hans Klee

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
Wednesday, May 15, 1940 Hans Klee 7./JG2 Hawk-75A   18:05 WSW Charleville
Saturday, August 24, 1940 Hans Klee 7./JG2   17:40 Isle of Wight
Thursday, September 05, 1940 Hans Klee 7./JG2 6000m 16:20 Thames Estuary
Saturday, September 07, 1940 Hans Klee 7./JG2 6000m 18:45 Thames Estuary
Wednesday, October 09, 1940 Hans Klee 7./JG2 Herford 20m 18:50 20km NE Fecamp
Friday, November 15, 1940 Hans Klee 7./JG2   17:15 Portsmouth

Luftwaffe pilot Josef 'Jupp' Bigge

Units: Stab./JG-2 (8/41), 8./JG-2 (9/41), 3./JG-2 (12/41), 8./JG-2 (4/43), 2./JG-2 (8/43)

Awards: EP, EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Fw 190A-6 WNr 550165 (lost 8/13/43), Fw 190A-6 WNr 550208 (60% dam 9/6/43)

Remarks: Injured in a landing accident overturned after hitting an obstruction, at St Andre airfield on 6 September, 1943 (Boiten). Injured in a crash at Beauxon 13 August, 1943 due to a fuel shortage. Rudi Pflanz's wingman in December, 1941. Claimed a 'damaged' Spitfire in the Gravelines area on 14 August, 1941. One known victory, a Spitfire north of Calais on 29 August, 1941. His 2nd, a Spitfire NW of Boulogne on 17 September, 1941. A 3rd Spitfire north of Brest on 7 January, 1942. A 4t, a Spitfire on 5 April, 1943. A 5th another Spitfire on 11 April, 1943. A 6th a B-24 D on 16 April, 1943. A 7th a Lancaster W of Chartres at Courville-sur-Eure on 15 August, 1943. An 8th a B-17 1 km SW of Tours on 6 September, 1943.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz Database of 8 aerial victories for Josef Bigge

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
14-Aug-41 Josef Bigge 8./JG2     N Calais
29-Aug-41 Josef Bigge Stab /JG2     N Calais
17-Sep-41 Josef Bigge 8./JG2   18.57  
07-Jan-42 Josef Bigge Stab /JG2   10.30 N Brest
05-Apr-43 Josef Bigge 8./JG2 200m 17.46 5935/14 West
11-Apr-43 Josef Bigge 8./JG2 Low Level 16.22 14 West N/5925
16-Apr-43 Josef Bigge 8./JG2 B-24D Liberator 700m 13.56 6925/14 West
15-Aug-43 Josef Bigge 2./JG2 Lancaster 4300m 23.23 Courville-sur-Eure (W Chartres)
06-Sep-43 Josef Bigge 2./JG2 B-17 Fortress 5500m 12.54 1km SW Tours

Jagdgeschwader 2 Emblem

Luftwaffe pilot Werner Machold

Werner Machold was born on 29 July 1913 at Unterneubrunn in the Hildburghausen region of Thüringen. At the beginning of World War 2, Machold was serving with 1./JG2. He was particularly successful over France in 1940 gaining at least 10 victories, including his first on 14 May.Oberfeldwebel Machold continued to score heavily during the Battle of Britain. He was the eighth German fighter pilot to reach 20 victories. On 5 September 1940, he was awarded the Ritterkreuz for 21 victories.On 7 September, Machold was transferred to 9./JG2. He recorded his 24th through 26th victories on 30 September, shooting down three RAF fighters. Oberleutnant Machold was appointed Staffelkapitän of 7./JG2 in spring 1941.On 9 June 1941, Oberleutnant Machold, flying his Bf 109E-7/Z (W.Nr. 5983) 'White 15', force landed near Swanage, Dorset after receiving damage from anti-aircraft fire from a Royal Navy destroyer during a low-level Jabo attack on a shipping convoy off Portland. He became a prisoner-of war for the remainder of hostilities.Werner Machold amassed 32 victories in over 250 combat missions. All his victories were recorded over the Western front.

Luftwaffe pilot List of aerial victories for Werner Machold

No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location / Comments
1. 14.5.1940 20:05 Morane 406 1./JG2 Clavy, 15km SE Cambrai
2. 14.5.1940 20:07~ Morane 406 1./JG2 Bouillon, 10km E Sedan
3. 19.5.1940 12:50 1./JG2 Cambrai
4. 20.5.1940 18:35 1./JG2 Péronne
5. 20.5.1940 18:40~ 1./JG2 Péronne
6. 21.5.1940 19:10 Morane 406 1./JG2 Montdider-Compiegne
7. 21.5.1940 19:15~ Morane 406 1./JG2 Compiegne
8. 26.5.1940 17:00 1./JG2 Calais
9. 3.6.1940 14:45 Morane 406 1./JG2 Reims
10. 3.6.1940 14:50~ Bloch 150 1./JG2 Reims
11. 11.8.1940 11:55 Tomahawk 1./JG2 Portland
12. 13.8.1940 7:55 1./JG2 Brighton
13. 26.8.1940 17:30 1./JG2 Portsmouth
14. 30.8.1940 12:40 1./JG2 London
15. 30.8.1940 18:00 1./JG2 Gouldhurst
16. 30.8.1940 18:05 1./JG2 Gouldhurst
17. 31.8.1940 14:15 1./JG2  
18. 2.9.1940 - 1./JG2 New Romney
19. 2.9.1940 - 1./JG2 New Romney
20. 2.9.1940 18:20 1./JG2 Sittingbourne
21. 4.9.1940 10:00 1./JG2 Folkestone
22. IX.1940 - E/a 9./JG2  
23. IX.1940 - E/a 9./JG2  
24. 30.9.1940 - RAF Fighter 9./JG2  
25. 30.9.1940 - RAF Fighter 9./JG2  
26. 30.9.1940 - RAF Fighter 9./JG2  
? ? - E/a ?./JG2  
? 16.4.1941 12:00 7./JG2 Dover Straits
? 29.4.1941 - 7./JG2 N Eastbourne
? 29.4.1941 - 7./JG2 N Eastbourne
31. 19.5.1941 12:00 7./JG2 North Weymouth
32. 19.5.1941 12:05 7./JG2 North Weymouth

Victories : 32
Awards : Knight`s Cross
Units : JG2

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz List of aerial victories for Werner Machold

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
14-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Morane 406   20.00 Clary 15km SE Cambrai
14-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Morane 406   20.05 Bouillon 10km E Sedan
19-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   12.50 Cambrai
20-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   18.35 Peronne
20-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   18.35 Peronne
21-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Morane 406   19.10 Compiegne
21-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Morane 406   19.10 Compiegne
26-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   17.00 Calais
03-Jun-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Bloch 150   14.40 South of Reims
03-Jun-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Bloch 150 3000m 14.45 South of Reims
14-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Morane 406   20.00 Clary 15km SE Cambrai
14-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Morane 406   20.05 Bouillon 10km E Sedan
19-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   12.50 Cambrai
20-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   18.35 Peronne
20-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   18.35 Peronne
21-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Morane 406   19.10 Compiegne
21-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Morane 406   19.10 Compiegne
26-May-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   17.00 Calais
03-Jun-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Bloch 150   14.40 South of Reims
03-Jun-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 Bloch 150 3000m 14.45 South of Reims
11-Aug-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 P-40 Warhawk   11.55  
13-Aug-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2 5000m 07.50 Brighton
26-Aug-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   17.30 Portsmouth
30-Aug-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   12.40 South of London
30-Aug-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   18.00 Goudhurst/Kent
30-Aug-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   18.05 Goudhurst/Kent
31-Aug-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   14.15 Lydd
02-Sep-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   14.25 New Romney
02-Sep-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   14.25 New Romney
02-Sep-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   18.20 Sittingbourne
04-Sep-40 Werner Machold 1./JG2   10.10 Folkestone
27-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG2   13.08 East of Portland
28-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG2   15.55 Selsey Bill
30-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG2   17.35 North of Portland
30-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG2   17.45 Yeovil
30-Sep-40 Werner Machold 9./JG2   17.50 Sherborne
19-May-41 Werner Machold 7./JG2   12.00 North of Weymouth
19-May-41 Werner Machold 7./JG2   12.05 North of Weymouth
16-Apr-41 Werner Machold 7./JG2   12.00 Dover Straits

Luftwaffe pilot Hans Carl Röders

Units: Flt Instr at Werneuchen (8/39), 9./JG-2 (5/40 Channel), Stfkpt 9./JG-2 (6/41)

Awards: EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: He 51, Bf 109E 'Yellow 1' & 'Yellow in '40, Bf 109F-2 WNr 6764 'Brown 1+I' (lost )

Remarks: KIA ; Failed to return from a mission in 'Brown 1' over the Channel. Found 27 June, 1941. One known victory, his 1st, a Potez 63 north of Reims, 18 May, 1940. His 2nd, a Hurricane over the Isle of Wight on 11 August, 1940. His 3rd, a Spitfire over the Isle of Wight on 12 August, 1940. His 4th a Hurricane at Weymouth on 25 August, 1940. His 5th a Hurricane at Selsey Bill on 28 September, 1940. His 6th a Hurricane at Yeovil on 30 September, 1940. On 17 June, 1941, he downed two Hurricanes, however, no location given.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database of 8 aerial victories for Carl-Hans Roders

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
18-May-40 Carl-Hans Roders 9./JG2 Potez 63   07.47 N Reims
11-Aug-40 Carl-Hans Roders 9./JG2   11.44 Insel Wight
12-Aug-40 Carl-Hans Roders 9./JG2   13.17 Isle of Wight
25-Aug-40 Carl-Hans Roders 9./JG2   18.34 Weymouth
28-Sep-40 Carl-Hans Roders 9./JG2   15.55 Selsey Bill
30-Sep-40 Carl-Hans Roders 9./JG2 7000m 17.47 Yeovil
17-Jun-41 Carl-Hans Roders 9./JG2   - -
17-Jun-41 Carl-Hans Roders 9./JG2      

Luftwaffe pilot Rudolf Rothenfelder, JG2

Awards: Fighter Operational Clasp

Units: 2/JG-20 (later 8/JG-51), 9/JG-2 (5/40)

Known Aircraft: Bf 109E 'Red 7' (9/39), Bf 109E 'Yellow 7' &, Bf 109E-3 'Yellow 8' in JG-2

Remarks: He designed the 'Mosquito' badge for 9/JG-2...earned him a 3 day pass.

'Flying over the Channel was hard on our nerves'

Rudolf Rothenfelder, JG2

We flew continuous sorties over England until 25 August, but the objectives were constantly changed. At one time the Royal Air Force was the target so that we could achieve air superiority, then we had to fly escort missions to ensure the bombers reached their targets: Brighton, Winchester, Portsmouth Chichester and Southampton. In addition, there were take-off alerts and we sometimes had to escort the rescue units which pulled our comrades out of the 'drink:'These operations were flown either from the airfield at Cherbourg-Theville or the one at Le Havre.

For us fighter pilots, the big difference was that from Cherbourg we had to fly 120 km in order to reach the other side of the Channel, whereas from Le Havre the distance was about 170 km. Our Geschwader, JG2, was very successful during these battles and up to 25 August 1940 we had shot down more than 250 British aircraft. We also suffered losses ourselves, some pilots ending up as PoWs and being sent to PoW camps in Canada.Flying over the Channel was hard on our nerves. The gliding ratio of the Bf 109E was 12: 1 so that if we received a hit in the radiator while we were flying at 8,000 metres, for example, we could calculate how far we could glide by multiplying our height by 12, i.e. 8 x 12 = 96 km. This meant that from the Isle of Wight we could glide to a point about 30 km from the French coast. Not everyone could withstand this burden upon his shoulders and some were sent back to Germany to regain their nerve.The score of victories in our 9. Staffel at this time was nothing to write home about.

On 15 August, we flew a fighter sweep mission freie Jagd from Cherbourg to Portland, taking off at 17.50 hrs and landing at 19.23 hrs. Oblt. Hannes Roders shot down a Hurricane, but otherwise very few Tommies came up to engage us so that when we saw a large number of barrage balloons below us, we attacked them instead and shot down six.On 28 August, our II. Gruppe transferred to Oye Plage, east of Calais. The I. and II. Gruppen and the Geschwader Stab were also relocated to the Calais area, where they were based at Mardijk airfield. During this time, the might of the Luftwaffe was concentrated for air raids on London and the industrial complexes located there, such as the docks at Tilbury, the Redhill area and the Isle of Sheppey. We yearned for 'Operation Sealion', the invasion of Britain, but unfortunately it did not take place.

Once, during an air combat with eight Spitfires over the Isle of Sheppey, my wingman, Gefreiter Schaar, and I had to beat a hasty retreat. I returned to Oye Plage with a shot-up propeller hub and Schaaf's aircraft was also damaged. I saw him turn toward the Channel with a smoking engine. He bailed out atabout 800 metres over the water and was rescued from the 'drink' after three hours by an He 59.'A Special Operation'

RUDOLF ROTHENFELDER, III./JG2 At the end of September 1940, we often used the airfield at the fortress of Querqueville as an alternate landing field to that at Cherbourg. It was located adjacent to the sea and due to its location and small size it was not easy to approach for landing. On 28 October, the Reichsmarschall arrived in Beaumont where he inspected the Geschwader, handed out awards and announced promotions. On the same day, he paid us a surprise visit at Querqueville. We had just returned from England and a photograph of the Reichsmarschall's visit to us was published on the front page of Der Adler.

In October we saw for the first time Me 11 Os equipped with 250 and 500 kg bombs. We often escorted them and saw them releasing their bombs in a steep, low-level attack. Then the fighters met with the same fate. The design engineers had discovered that instead of an auxiliary fuel tank between the landing gear, a bomb could be carried and such targets as ships in the Channel could be successfully attacked in a steep dive.As fighter pilots, we were not keen on the idea, but we could not protest and the jabo was born! In our Gruppe, the 7. Staffel re-equipped as the Jabo-Staffel. Oblt. Machold, the Staffelkapitiin, was anything but enthusiastic. He was one of the first who ended up in captivity on one of these missions. We not only escorted the bomber units to England but also our own comrades who, naturally, after successfully dropping their bombs, became more manoeuvrable and could revert to the fighter role.

In October we also had to prepare for a special operation. On the 20th the entire Geschwader transferred in great secrecy to Tours and then, on the 22nd, we proceeded to Bordeaux. No one knew what this was all about but it was rumoured that we would fly over Spain to attack Gibr-altar! This supposition was reinforced when at 19.15 hrs on the 22nd, we took off from Bordeaux and landed at Mont-de-Marsan, close to the Spanish border. We were highly disappointed when we discovered that the real reason for the operation was that we had to protect the Fuhrer during his discussions with Franco. Disappointed, we returned to Le Havre and arrived in the evening of the 26th.On the 16 November, the III. Gruppe transferred to Bernay where it remained until 23 April 1941.

On 30 November, the last mission to the British Isles was flown, and then the Geschwader prepared for the Winter, the remaining Gruppen staying at Beaumont-Ie-Roger.In the meantime it was determined that the pilots coming to the front from the fighter training schools in Germany required additional operational training, and at the beginning of November 1940, the Ergiinzungsstaffel of JG2 was established in Le Havre under Hptm. Krock. Some of our pilots became fighter instructors, including Stabsfw. Franz Janisch and Obfw. Keil from I. Gruppe and Fw. Hans Otto and Fw. Kurt Goltzsch from the II. Gruppe.

At the end of December, I was transferred to Le Havre where we were to train the new pilots in conditions at the front. We lived in the most beautiful chateau in Le Havre. It belonged to the multimillionaire Dubosque and his family and, relieved of the responsibility of maintaining readiness, we had the opportunity to visit and become acquainted with the city. Hptm. Krock left us in February 1941. His successor was Oblt. Horst Steinhardt who came to us from a close-reconnaissance unit.

Luftwaffe pilot Fritz Dietrich Wickop

Units: 2./JG-2 (12/40), 1./JG-11, 4./JG-1 (10/42), Stfkpt 5./JG-1 (3/43), Kdr II./JG-1 (4/43)

Awards: EP, EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109F, Fw 190A-4 WNr 5552 (20% combat dam 4/5/43), Fw 190A-5 WNr 7328 'Black 1' (lost)

Remarks: KIA in aerial combat with a P-47 piloted by Lt Charles R. Brown, 78FG (POW 5/16/43) over the North Sea in his A-5, crashing into the North Sea off Vlissingen Holland (DeSwart). Buried Ysselsteyn, BB/8/190. 3 B-17 bombers. His 2nd, a Spitfire on 29 January, 1943. His 3rd, a Spitfire 15 km east of Lowestoft on 1 February, 1943. His 4th a B-17 10 km east of Den Helder on 4 February, 1943. Other known victories: a B-17 on 5 April, 1943 (unconfirmed); two Spitfires on 16 April, 1943, 6 km west of Vlissingen; a Spitfire on 28 April, 1943, 30 km west of Bergen am See, Norway; his 10th a Spitfire flown by Norwegian Flt Lt. Marius Eriksen (POW) 2 km north of Wissekerke on 2 May, 1943 (he was wounded in this encounter and force landed near Vlissingen); a Ventura on 3 May, 1943, 7 km northwest of Amsterdam; and his 13th and last victim, a Spitfire on 4 May, 1943, 10 km southwest of Haamstede. His personal emblem, a white gull w/spread wings.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database of 15 aerial victories for Fritz Dietrich Wickop

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
26-Jun-42 Dietrich Wickop 2./JG2   17:40 Fecamp-etretat
29-Jan-43 Dietrich Wickop 4./JG1   15:47  
01-Feb-43 Dietrich Wickop 4./JG1   16:57 15km E Lowestoft
04-Feb-43 Dietrich Wickop 4./JG1 B-17 Fortress   11:27 10km E Den Helder
04-Mar-43 Dietrich Wickop 4./JG1 B-17 Fortress   11:25 10km E Den Helder
04-Apr-43 Dietrich Wickop 5./JG1   16:57 15km E Lowestoft
05-Apr-43 Dietrich Wickop 5./JG1 B-17 Fortress      
16-Apr-43 Dietrich Wickop 5./JG1   14:30 6km W Vlissinghen
16-Apr-43 Dietrich Wickop 5./JG1   14:30 6km W Vlissinghen
28-Apr-43 Dietrich Wickop Stab II./JG1   08:10 30km W Bergen-aan-Zee
Dietrich Wickop Stab II./JG1   19:30 2km N Wissekerke
Dietrich Wickop Stab II./JG1 Ventura   17:53 7km NW Amsterdam
Dietrich Wickop Stab II./JG1 Ventura   17:45  
Dietrich Wickop Stab II./JG1   19:22 10km SW Haamstede
Dietrich Wickop Stab II./JG1 Dogfight (P-47)     KIA during a dogfight with P-47 over North Sea



 Hambourg Hagenbeck Germany Map

 Octeville Cherbourg-en-Cotentin France Map


Spanish Civil War

    Bibliography: +

  • Beale, Nick, Ferdinando D'Amico and Gabriele Valentini. Air War Italy: Axis Air Forces from Liberation of Rome to the Surrender. Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife, 1996. ISBN 1-85310-252-0.
  • Beaman, John R. Jr. and Jerry L. Campbell. Messerschmitt Bf 109 in action, Part 1. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1980. ISBN 0-89747-106-7.
  • Beaman, John R. Jr. Messerschmitt Bf 109 in action, Part 2. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1983. ISBN 0-89747-138-5.
  • Boyne, Walter J. Clash of Wings. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. ISBN 0-684-83915-6.
  • Bergström, Christer. Barbarossa – The Air Battle: July–December 1941. London: Chevron/Ian Allan, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-270-2.
  • Bergström, Christer and Martin Pegg. Jagdwaffe:The War in Russia, January–October 1942. Luftwaffe Colours, Volume 3 Section 4. London: Classic Colours Publications, 2003. ISBN 1-903223-23-7.
  • Burke, Stephen. Without Wings: The Story of Hitler's Aircraft Carrier. Oxford, UK: Trafford Publishing, 2007. ISBN 1-4251-2216-7.
  • Caidin, Martin. Me 109 – Willy Messerschmitt's Peerless Fighter (Ballantine's illustrated history of World War II. Weapons book no. 4). New York: Ballantine Books, USA, 1968. ISBN 0-345-01691-2.
  • Caldwell, Donald L. JG 26: Top Guns of the Luftwaffe. New York: Ballantine Books, 1991. ISBN 0-8041-1050-6.
  • Craig, James F. The Messerschmitt Bf.109. New York: Arco Publishing Company, 1968.
  • Cross, Roy and Gerald Scarborough. Messerschmitt Bf 109, Versions B-E. London: Patrick Stevens, 1976. ISBN 0-85059-106-6.
  • Dimensione Cielo: Caccia Assalto 3, Aerei Italiani nella 2a Guerra Mondiale (in Italian). Roma: Edizioni Bizzarri, 1972.
  • Ebert, Hans A., Johann B. Kaiser and Klaus Peters. Willy Messerschmitt: Pioneer of Aviation (The History of German Aviation Design). Atglen, PA: Schiffer Books, 2000. ISBN 0-7643-0727-4.
  • Feist, Uwe. The Fighting Me 109. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1993, ISBN 1-85409-209-X.
  • Fernández-Sommerau, Marco. Messerschmitt Bf 109 Recognition Manual. Hersham, Surrey, UK: Classic Publications, 2004. ISBN 1-903223-27-X.
  • Glancey, Jonathan. Spitfire: The Illustrated Biography. London: Atlantic Books, 2006. ISBN 978-1-84354-528-6.
  • Green, William. Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Augsburg Eagle; A Documentary History. London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishing Group Ltd., 1980. ISBN 0-7106-0005-4.
  • Griehl, Manfred. Das geheime Typenbuch der deutschen Luftwaffe: Geheime Kommandosache 8531/44 gKdos. Friedberg, Germany: Podzun-Pallas Verlag, 2004. ISBN 978-3-7909-0775-9.
  • Griehl, Manfred.Flugzeug Profile. No. 5 – Messerschmitt Bf 109G/K.Rheinfelden, Germany: BPV Medien Vertrieb GmbH & Co KG, 1987.
  • Hitchcock, Thomas H. Messerschmitt 'O-Nine' Gallery. Chicago: Monogram Aviation Publications, 1973. ISBN 978-0-914144-00-7.
  • Hitchcock, Thomas H. Monogram Close-Up Number 9:Bf 109F.Sturbridge, Mass: Monogram Aviation Publications, 1990. ISBN 0-914144-20-0
  • Hooton, Edward R. Blitzkrieg in the West, 1939 -1940 (Luftwaffe at War: 2). Hersham, Surrey, UK: Midland Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-272-6.
  • Kobel, Franz and Jakob Maria Mathmann. Bf 109. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 1997. ISBN 0-88740-919-9.
  • Mankau, Heinz and Peter Petrick. Messerschmitt Bf 110, Me 210, Me 410. Raumfahrt, Germany: Aviatic Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3-925505-62-8.
  • Marshall, Francis L. Messerschmitt Bf 109T "Die Jäger der Graf Zeppelin". Gilching, Germany: Marshall-Verlag, 2002. ISBN 3-00-008220-4.
  • Marshall, Francis L. Sea Eagles – The Messerschmitt Bf 109T. Walton on Thames, Surrey, UK: Air Research Publications, 1994. ISBN 1-871187-23-0.
  • Mason, Francis K. Messerschmitt Bf 109B, C, D, E in Luftwaffe & Foreign service. London, UK: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1973. ISBN 0-85045-152-3.
  • Massimello, Giovanni and Giorgio Apostolo. Italian Aces of World War Two. Oxford/New York, Osprey Publishing, 2000. ISBN 978-1-84176-078-0.
  • Mermet, Jean-Claude. Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-1 through K-4. Engines and Fittings. Marnaz, France: Jean Claude Mermet SA, 1999.
  • Messerschmitt AG. Messerschmitt Bf 109G; technisch Kompendium, Handbücher, Ersatztelliste, Bewaffnung Bedienungsvorschrift/Fl, Bordfunkanlage, Lehrbildreihe; 1942/1944. [Elektronische Resource] (Reprint) Ludwigsburg, Germany: Luftfahrt-Archiv, 2006. ISBN 3-939847-13-5.
  • Messerschmitt AG. Messerschmitt Bf 109K; technisch Kompendium, Handbüch, Ersatztelliste, Rep.-Answeisung, Bewaffnung Bedienungsvorschrift; 1943–1944. [Elektronische Resource] (Reprint). Ludwigsburg, Germany: Luftfahrt-Archiv, 2006. ISBN 3-939847-14-3.
  • Morgan, Eric B and Edward Shacklady. Spitfire: The History. Stamford: Key Books Ltd, 2000. ISBN 0-946219-48-6.
  • Neulen, Hans Werner. In the Skies of Europe. Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1.
  • Nowarra, Heinz. Die Deutsche Luftrustung 1933–1945, Band 3: Flugzeugtypen Henschel – Messerschmitt. Koblenz, Germany: Bernard & Graefe, 1993. ISBN 3-7637-5467-9.
  • Osché, Philippe (translated by Patrick Laureau). The Messerschmitt Bf 109 in Swiss Service. Boulogne sur Mer, France: Lela Presse, 1996. ISBN 2-914017-31-6.
  • Poruba, T and A Janda. Messerschmitt Bf 109K. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic: JaPo, 1997.
  • Prien, Jochen and Peter Rodeike. Messerschmitt Bf 109 F, G & K Series – An Illustrated Study. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1995. ISBN 0-88740-424-3.
  • Price, Alfred. Spitfire Mk. I/II Aces (Osprey's Aircraft of the Aces). London: Osprey, 1996. ISBN 84-8372-207-0.
  • Punka, György. "A Messzer": Bf 109s in the Royal Hungarian "Honvéd" Air Force. Budapest, Hungary: OMIKK, 1995. ISBN 963-593-208-1.
  • Radinger, Willy and Walter Schick. Messerschmitt Me 109 (Alle Varianten: vion Bf (Me) 109A bis Me 109E). Oberhaching, Germany: Aviatic Verlag GmbH, 1997. ISBN 3-925505-32-6.
  • Radinger, Willy and Wolfgang Otto. Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-K – Development, testing, production. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1999. ISBN 0-7643-1023-2.
  • Rimmell, Ray. ME 109: Messerschmitt Bf 109E. Chipping Ongar, Essex, UK: Linewrights Ltd., 1986. ISBN 0-946958-18-1.
  • Ritger, Lynn. Meserschmitt Bf 109 Prototype to 'E' Variants. Bedford, UK: SAM Publications, 2006. ISBN 978-0-9551858-0-9.
  • Savic, D. and B. Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
  • Scutts, Jerry. Bf 109 Aces of North Africa and the Mediterranean. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1994. ISBN 1-85532-448-2, ISBN 978-1-85532-448-0.
  • Shores, C., B. Cull and N. Malizia. Air War for Yugoslavia, Greece & Crete – 1940–41. London: Grub Street, 1987. ISBN 0-948817-07-0.
  • Starr, Chris. "Developing Power: Daimler-Benz and the Messerschmitt Bf 109." Aeroplane magazine, Volume 33, No. 5, Issue No 385, May 2005. London: IPC Media Ltd.
  • Stenman, Kari and Kalevi Keskinen. Finnish Aces of World War 2 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 23). London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-783-X.
  • Taylor, John W.R. "Messerschmitt Bf 109." Combat Aircraft of the World from 1909 to the present. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. ISBN 0-425-03633-2.
  • U.S. Army Air Force. German Aircraft and Armament: Informational Intelligence, Summary No. 44-32, October 1944 (Informational Intelligence Summary). New York: Brassey's Inc., 2000 (first edition 1944). ISBN 1-57488-291-0.
  • Valtonen, Hannu. Messerschmitt Bf 109 ja saksan sotatalous (Messerschmitt Bf 109 and the German war economy). Helsinki, Finland: Keski-Suomen Ilmailumuseo (Central Finnish Aviation Museum), 1999. ISBN 978-951-95688-7-4.
  • Vogt, Harald. Messerschmitt Bf 109 G/K Rüstsatze. Flugzeug Profile 21. Illertissen, Flugzeug Publikations GmbH.
  • Wagner, Ray and Heinz Nowarra. German Combat Planes: A Comprehensive Survey and History of the Development of German Military Aircraft from 1914 to 1945. New York: Doubleday, 1971.
  • Weal, John. Bf 109 Aces of the Russian Front. Oxford: Osprey, 2001. ISBN 978-1-84176-084-1.
  • Weal, John. BF 109D/E Aces 1939–41. Oxford: Osprey, 1996. ISBN 978-1-85532-487-9.
  • Weal, John. Bf 109F/G/K Aces of the Western Front. Oxford: Osprey, 2000. ISBN 978-1-85532-905-8.
  • Winchester, Jim. "Messerschmitt Bf 109." Aircraft of World War II: The Aviation Factfile. Kent, UK: Grange Books plc, 2004. ISBN 1-84013-639-1.

    Messerschmitt Bf 109 operational history Bibliography: +

  • Beale, Nick, Ferdinando D'Amico and Gabriele Valentini. Air War Italy: Axis Air Forces from Liberation of Rome to the Surrender. Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife, 1996. ISBN 1-85310-252-0.
  • Bergström, Christer. Barbarossa – The Air Battle: July–December 1941. London: Chevron/Ian Allan, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-270-2.
  • Bergström, Christer and Martin Pegg. Jagdwaffe:The War in Russia, January–October 1942. Luftwaffe Colours, Volume 3 Section 4. London: Classic Colours Publications, 2003. ISBN 1-903223-23-7.
  • Feist, Uwe. The Fighting Me 109. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1993. ISBN 1-85409-209-X.
  • Green, William. Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Augsburg Eagle; A Documentary History. London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishing Group Ltd., 1980. ISBN 0-7106-0005-4.
  • Hooton, Edward R. Blitzkrieg in the West, 1939 -1940 (Luftwaffe at War: 2). Hersham, Surrey, UK: Midland Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-272-6.
  • Jackson, Robert. Aircraft of World War II: Development – Weaponry – Specifications. Enderby, Leicester, UK, Amber Books, 2003. ISBN 1-85605-751-8.
  • Mankau, Heinz and Peter Petrick. Messerschmitt Bf 110, Me 210, Me 410. Raumfahrt, Germany: Aviatic Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3-925505-62-8.
  • Mason, Francis K. Messerschmitt Bf 109B, C, D, E in Luftwaffe & Foreign service. London, UK: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1973. ISBN 0-85045-152-3.
  • Massimello, Giovanni and Giorgio Apostolo. Italian Aces of World War Two. Oxford/New York, Osprey Publishing, 2000. ISBN 978-1-84176-078-0.
  • Morgan, Eric B. and Edward Shacklady. Spitfire: The History. Stamford, UK: Key Books Ltd, 2000. ISBN 0-946219-48-6.
  • Neulen, Hans Werner. In the skies of Europe – Air Forces allied to the Luftwaffe 1939–1945. Ramsbury, Marlborough, THE CROWOOD PRESS, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1
  • Price, Alfred. Spitfire Mark I/II Aces 1939–41 (Aircraft of the Aces 12). London: Osprey Books, 1996, ISBN 1-85532-627-2.
  • Punka, György. "A Messzer": Bf 109s in the Royal Hungarian "Honvéd" Air Force. Budapest, Hungary: OMIKK, 1995. ISBN 963-593-208-1.
  • Savic, D. and B. Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
  • Stenman, Kari and Kalevi Keskinen. Finnish Aces of World War 2 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 23). London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-783-X.

    Some of the most widely used Book References:

  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase One: July-August 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 1) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Eddie J Creek (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Two: August-September 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 2) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Three: September-October 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 3) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Four: November 1940-June 1941 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 4) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)

    Magazines: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • EDUARD -
  • EDUARD - Are in my opinion are what modelers are looking for loads of pictures and diagrams and have become a leading historical information source. *****
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Luftwaffe IM Focus (German) -
  • Embleme der Luftwaffe Band-1 (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • model airplane international magazine -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

    Web References: +

  • eBay - or
  • Pinterest -
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