List of Bf 109 early models
List of Bf 109 E models
List of Bf 109 F models
List of Bf 109 G models
List of Bf 109 K models

1. Staffel I. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 1./JG51

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 1./JG51 (W1+) Hptm. Douglas Pitcairn collision France 01

Photo 01-02: On 5 August 1940, Hptm. Douglas Pitcairn, Staffelkapitan of I./JG51 collided with his wingman, future Ritterkreuztrager, Ofw. Erwin Fleig, on the airfield at Pihen, France during take-off. Despite serious injuries, Pitcairn returned to his unit in October of that year but doctors pronounced that his operational flying days were over. His place was taken by future Eichenlaubtdiger, Oblt. Hermann-Friedrich Joppien. Note the Staffel's Mickey-Mouse emblem beneath the cockpit on 'White 8'.

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 1./JG51 White 2 shot down England 1940

Photograph Source: Flugzeug Classic 2011-03

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 1./JG51 (W3+) Ofw. Karl Schmidt WNr 5337 battle damage France August 1940 01

Photo 01: Battle damage sustained by Ofw. Karl Schmidt's 'White 3' of I./JG51, Summer 1940. The kind of attack most feared by Luftwaffe fighter pilots operating over England in 1940 resulted from the RAF fighters first diving out of the sun, and then making a high speed vertical climbing attack from below to fire into engine cooling system of the German fighters. Correctly executed, such an attack was almost guaranteed to result in a seized engine, a forced landing and an uncertain reception in hostile territory.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E3 1./JG51 (White 7+) belly landing on a French beach 1940

Photo 01: Bf 109E 'White 7' of 1./JG51 with its wings dismantled on the French coast, August 1940.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E1 1./JG51 (W8+) Erwin Fleig collision France 01

Photo 01-02: On 5 August 1940, Hptm. Douglas Pitcairn, Staffelkapitan of I./JG51 collided with his wingman, future Ritterkreuztrager, Ofw. Erwin Fleig, on the airfield at Pihen, France during take-off. Despite serious injuries, Pitcairn returned to his unit in October of that year but doctors pronounced that his operational flying days were over. His place was taken by future Eichenlaubtdiger, Obit. Hermann-Friedrich Joppien. Note the Staffel's Mickey-Mouse emblem beneath the cockpit on 'White 8'.

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1 1./JG51 (W13+) Heinz Bar WNr 3356 Speyer Germany 1939

Profile 00: Bf 109E4 1./JG51 (White 13+) Heinz Bar was shot down in the channel during the Battle of Britain Oct 1940 and was recovered.

2. Staffel I. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 2./JG51

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4/B 2./JG51 (B1+) Oblt. Viktor Molders WNr 4103 crash-landed Sussex

Pilots 2./JG51 Oblt. Viktor Molders 1940 01

Photo's 01-02: Oblt. Viktor Molders, the Staffelkapitan of 2,/JG51, was the brother of the famous Major Werner Molders, Kommodore of JG51. He fought in the Polish campaign, had been in Norway and Holland, made twenty war flights against Great Britain and claimed seven victories. The 2.Staffel was the Jabo Staffel of JG51 and, on 7 October, the unit was making a fighter-bomber attack with 250 kg bombs against the docks in London when it was attacked by RAF Hurricanes. Oblt. Molders' aircraft was hit from below by two long bursts fired by Sgt. Eric Wright of 605Sqn. With smoke and glycol pouring from his aircraft, Molders flew at rooftop height back towards the Channel but his engine overheated and he made a forced landing at Guestling in Sussex. The nose and tail of this machine a Bf 109E-4/B, coded 'Black 1', were yellow.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E4 2./JG 51 Black 12 being prepared for another mission photo taken St. Inglevert France 1940

Photo 01: Unfortunately a swastikas censored photograph showing Messerschmitt Bf 109E4's of 2 Staffel Gruppe I of JG 51. Clearly visible are Black 5, Black 6 and Black 12 being prepared for another mission photo taken St. Inglevert France 1940

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 captured DG200 J H Heyworth a Rolls Royce test pilot 1942

Photo 01:Captured Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3, DG200, in flight while serving with No. 1426 (Enemy Aircraft) Flight. Formerly 'Black 12' of 2/JG51, this aircraft force-landed at Manston, Kent, on 27 November 1940, after being attacked by Supermarine Spitfires of No. 66 Squadron RAF over the Thames estuary. After repair at the Royal Aircraft Establishment it was delivered to Rolls-Royce Ltd at Hucknall in February 1941 for engine performance tests. On 8 February 1942 it was passed to the Controller of Research and Development at Hatfield for propeller tests before going on to the Aircraft and Armament Experimental Establishment at Boscombe Down, and, in March 1942, to No. 1426 Flight at Duxford and later Collyweston. In 1943, DG200 was put into storage, eventually moving to St Athan in 1969 for refurbishment. Once restored to its wartime paint scheme, it moved to the Royal Air Force Museum, Hendon in 1976, where it is presently on display in the Battle of Britain Hall. DG200 is seen here being flown without its cockpit canopy, which was removed (and never replaced) while the aircraft was at Hucknall to enable Wing Commander J H Heyworth, a Rolls Royce test pilot who was very tall, to fit into the cockpit.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 1./JG51 (B4+) Russia 1941-42 01

Photo 01: Weapons personnel with a Bf 109E fighter-bomber in Russia. Even on snow-covered airfields, no difficulties were encountered in taxiing or taking off with bomb-laden aircraft, provided the maximum bomb load did not exceed 250kg, that the surface of the runway had been hardened by rolling, and the aircraft was taxied at high speed. Extremely rapid turns had to be avoided, however, as this caused the outside wheel to press into the snow. A particular problem which arose in the Winter of 1941/42 when targets immediately ahead of friendly troops were attacked was that the winter clothing worn by both German and Russian forces made the identification of friendly and enemy troops extremely difficult. Because of this, there were several incidents when friendly troops were attacked in error and the soldiers' confidence in the Luftwaffe undermined. In this photograph, the Bf 109F fighter in the background is believed to have the 'Gemsbock' emblem of I./JG51, perhaps indicating that the fighter-bomber also belonged to JG51.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E4 2./JG 51 Black 5 being prepared for another mission photo taken St. Inglevert France 1940

Photo 01: Unfortunately a swastikas censored photograph showing Messerschmitt Bf 109E4's of 2 Staffel Gruppe I of JG 51. Clearly visible are Black 5, Black 6 and Black 12 being prepared for another mission photo taken St. Inglevert France 1940

Messerschmitt Bf 109E4 2./JG 51 Black 6 being prepared for another mission photo taken St. Inglevert France 1940

Photo 01: Unfortunately a swastikas censored photograph showing Messerschmitt Bf 109E4's of 2 Staffel Gruppe I of JG 51. Clearly visible are Black 5, Black 6 and Black 12 being prepared for another mission photo taken St. Inglevert France 1940

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 2./JG51 (B6+) Staffelkapitan Ernst Wiggers WNr 1641 St Inglevert France 1940

Profile Source: Militaria XX 51 (2012-06) and Aero No 16

3. Staffel I. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 3./JG51

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 3./JG51 yellow 1 being recovered 1940

Book Reference: Das Jagdgeschwader 51 JG-Mölders Eine Bilddokumentation über die Jahre 1938-1945
ISBN 3-925480-17-X Autors : Paul Stipdonk, Michael Meyer

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 3./JG51 (Br4+) crash-landed Belgium 01

Photo 01: This aircraft, 'Brown 4' of 3./JG51, made an emergency landing on the Belgium coast and is possibly another casualty from the costly mission of 27 November in which 2. and 3./JG51 both lost two pilots killed and one taken PoW, i.e. a total of six pilots.

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 3./JG51 (Y5+) Fw. Wilhelm Erdniss W.Nr 1653 crash-landed UK 00

Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 of 3./JG51 flown by Fw. Wilhelm Erdniss, 27 November 1940 This aircraft, 'Brown 5', W.Nr. 1653, is believed to have been finished in an uppersurface camouflage of 02 and a locally mixed grey. Although not mentioned in the RAF Crash Report, the above photograph of this aircraft suggests the wingtips were painted white as shown in the profile.

Messerschmitt Bf 109E 3./JG51 (Y5+) Fw. Wilhelm Erdniss W.Nr 1653 crash-landed UK 01

Photo 01:  On the afternoon of , 2./JG51 took off from its base in the Calais area on a fighter-bomber mission while the 3./JG51 made a diversionary freelance patrol. The 3.Staffel crossed the Channel at 22,000 ft, made landfall at Dungeness, and continued to Tunbridge Wells where it turned eastwards. On their right, the pilots saw a squadron of Spitfires flying towards them from the north. The British fighters flew across them, then turned and attacked from the rear. This aircraft, 'Brown 5' flown by Fw. Wilhelm Erdniss, received a number of hits in the oil system and the pilot made a forced landing near Horton Park, close to RAF Hawkinge. The aircraft was later shipped to New Zealand for exhibition and fund-raising purposes and is seen here in the capital, Wellington.

Bf 109 E-1 2./JG51 Red 9 WNr 3326 Georg Pavenzinger POW became lost landed near Brumath 28th Sep 1939 IWM HU54649

Bf 109E1 2./JG51 Red 9 WNr 3326 Uffz. Georg Pavenzinger became lost and landed okay near Brumath 28th Sep 1939 and was quickly captured and became a POW

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 54649

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 67693


 IL-2 Sturmovik 'Cliff's of Dover' - COD game skins
COD game skin by asisbiz Bf 109E3 1/.JG51 White 1 Douglas Pitcairn Sep 1939
COD skins by Matthew Laird Acred
COD game skin by CF Bf 109E3 1/.JG51 White 7 France 1940
COD game skin by CF Bf 109E3 1/.JG51 White 7 France 1940 NM
Bf109E-3 skin for Il-2 Sturmovik - Cliffs of Dover by Cpt Farrel
This aircraft was flown by an unknown pilot of 1./JG51 in August 1940
To install: Place the skin in your Cliffs of Dover folder: C:\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\PaintSchemes\Skins\Bf-109E-3
CF cptfarrels


Luftwaffe pilot Oskar Heinrich 'Heinz' or 'Pritzl' Bär

Units: 1./JG-51, Stafkpt 12./JG-51, Kdr IV./JG-51, Kdr I./JG-77, Kdr JGr-Süd, II./JG-1 (4/44), Kdr JG-3, III/EJG-2, EKdo 162, JV-44

Awards: RK(7/2/41)-S(2/16/42), DK-G (6/8/42), EP(6/8/42), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp w/Pendant

Known Aircraft: Bf 109E-4 WNr 3714 'White 13' (crashed into Channel 9/2/40, pilot rescued), Bf 109F-2 WNr 6663 'White 7' (4/41), Bf 109F-2 WNr 8318 'Brown 1' (8/41), Bf 109F-4 WNr 7555 (5/42), Bf 109F-4 WNr13376 '<< +' (Italy '42), Fw 190A-7 WNr 172689 'Red 23', Fw 190A-8/R2, Fw 190A-9 WNr 205241 (9/44), Me 262C-1 'V186' w III/EJG-2, He 162

Remarks: 21 Bombers. His 200th victory was a B-24 Ser. # 41-29273 'Flak Magnet' of 458BG, 753BS, downed 22 April, 1944 (Abschussmeldung on file) at Hoetmar Germany, flown by 1/Lt Geo. N. Spaven Jr. (KIA). Germany's 9th ranked fighter Ace. 1000 combat missions. EL 8/14/41. History's first Jet Ace! 16 victories in the Me 262. 10 victories in the Desert, Kdr I/JG-77. He was shot down 18 times. His 100th victory, an I-16 Rata on 19 May, 1942, the same day he downed five; three additional I-16's and an R-5. His 200th victory, a B-24 in the Ahlen area on 22 April, 1944. One of his last victories, a P-47 in the Bad Aibling area on 28 April, 1945, and a Mosquito, next day, same area, serving in JV-44. Began as Fw in JG-51 in Bf 109E Werk # 3714 'White 13' & E # 6663 'White 7'. Also, Kdr I/JG-77 in May 1942. Served in JG-3 also. Fw 190A carried Werk # 172689 of II/JG-1. Also known to have flown Fw 190A-7 Werk # 431007 'Red 13' in II/JG-1. Flew an Me 262A-1a Wk#110559 'Red 13' also, in April, 1945. Often out of Göring's favor, he coined the phrase, 'In my crate, I'm the commander'. Killed in a light plane crash in Brunswick in 1957.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz list of aerial victories for Heinz Bar

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
25-Sep-39 Heinz Bar 1./JG51 Hawk-75A   12.30 Weissenburg/Lauterburg
21-May-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51   16.20 Samer
23-May-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51   11.10 Bethune
18-Aug-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51      
20-Aug-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51   16.10  
24-Aug-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51 1000m 14.13  
29-Aug-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51   20.10  
02-Sep-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51 2500m    
08-Sep-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51   13.20  
09-Sep-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51 6500m    
15-Sep-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51      
08-Nov-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51   12.18  
08-Nov-40 Heinz Bar 1./JG51 5000m 15.05 N Dungeness
16-Apr-41 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG51 6200m 18.25 15km ausflug Le Touquet
21-Apr-41 Heinz Bar 1./JG51 6500m 20.07 ausflug Ashford
06-May-41 Heinz Bar 1./JG51 200m 14.10 15-20km nordw Calais
11-May-41 Heinz Bar 1./JG51 50m 21.40 8km E Deal
22-Jul-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 I-15 Rata   10.50  
22-Jul-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 I-15 Rata   15.03  
23-Jul-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 Pe-2   13.02  
23-Jul-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 Pe-2   12.57  
23-Jul-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 R-3   13.10  
24-Jul-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 I-18   06.20  
26-Jul-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 R-3   04.25  
28-Nov-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 SB-3   13.40  
02-Dec-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 I-61   12.07  
02-Dec-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 I-18   08.45  
02-Dec-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 I-18   09.00  
02-Dec-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 Pe-2   10.15  
05-Dec-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 I-61   12.05  
07-Dec-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 Pe-2   11.30  
07-Dec-41 Heinz Bar 12./JG51 Pe-2   13.57  
16-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 LaGG-3   10.40  
16-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 LaGG-3   10.35  
17-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   13.35  
17-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-15 Rata   13.40  
17-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 Il-2 Sturmovik   13.05  
18-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 LaGG-3   16.05  
18-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 LaGG-3   12.10  
19-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   16.50  
19-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   16.46  
19-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   16.45  
19-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   16.42  
19-May-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 R-5   09.42  
05-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 DB-3      
05-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 DB-3A   09.32  
13-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   12.35  
14-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   18.58  
14-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   19.00  
17-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 MBR-2   17.35  
19-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   04.17  
21-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   18.41  
21-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   18.35  
27-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   06.35  
27-Jun-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 I-16 Rata   06.43  
11-Oct-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77      
13-Oct-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   08.14 10km N. Marsa Scirocco
13-Oct-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   07.58 N. Malta
14-Oct-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 5700m 17.59 Comiso based 30km NW St. Paul's bay
17-Oct-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   13.32 SE La Valetta
17-Oct-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77      
02-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   14.50 Bir-el-Abd based
03-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   15.58 Bir-el-Abd based
03-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   12.10 Bir-el-Abd based
03-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   12.08 Bir-el-Abd based NW El Alamein
03-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   16.12 Bir-el-Abd based NW El Alamein
03-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 3000m 12.10 SW El Alamein
03-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 3000m 15.59 NW Quotaifiya
03-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 3000m 15.55 Bir-el-Abd based NW El Alamein
05-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 7000m 13.40 Gambut based
05-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   13.50 Gambut based
09-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   14.50 Bir-el-Arco based
10-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 1700m 14.38 Bir-el-Arco based
10-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 2500m 14.34 Bir-el-Arco based
11-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 7000m 09.30 Bir-el-Arco based SE Gambut
11-Nov-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   09.38 Bir-el-Arco based SE Gambut
07-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk/Spitfire   14.50 Arco-Philaenorum base W. El Agheila
07-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk/Spitfire   14.52 Arco-Philaenorum base W. El Agheila
08-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   10.40 Arco-Philaenoroum base
08-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   10.55 -
10-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 4500m 15.10 Arco-Philenorum base
10-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 2800m 15.15 Arco-Philenorum base
11-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   15.32 E. Ras Umm er Garanigh
11-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   15.35  
14-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 5500m 11.20 Arco-Philenorum based
14-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 30-80m 11.25 W. El Agheila
14-Dec-42 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   11.21  
14-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 B-25 Mitchell 5000-6000m 10.43 Bir Dufan based
14-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 5000-6000m 10.39 Bir Dufan based
14-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 B-25 Mitchell   10.44 Bir Dufan based
14-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 3700m 14.32 Bir Dufan based
14-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   14.37 Bir Dufan based
21-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-38 Lightning 200m 15.15  
21-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-38 Lightning 40m 15.15  
23-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk   11.40 Ben Gardane based
25-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 2300m 12.38 Ben Gardane based
25-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 2800m 12.35 Ben Gardane based
27-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 50m 15.05 Ben Gardane based
27-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk   15.01 Ben Gardane based
27-Jan-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 80m 14.48 Ben Gardane based
04-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 B-17 Fortress II   14.25  
04-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 B-17 Fortress II   14.20 Matmata based
15-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 1500m 07.46 Fatnassa based
15-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   07.45 Fatnassa based
26-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 6500m 17.08 Fatnassa based
26-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk   14.05 Fatnassa based
26-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 1000m 17.03 Fatnassa based
26-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk   14.15 Fatnassa based
26-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 4500m 10.55 Fatnassa based
27-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 Beaufighter 6200m 10.50 Fatnassa based
27-Feb-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk   14.00 Time confliction
01-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   14.50 Fatnassa based
01-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   08.45 Time confliction
03-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77      
03-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77      
05-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   08.00 Type & Time confliction
05-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk   07.40 Fatnassa based
05-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk   07.45 Fatnassa based
06-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   07.58 Fatnassa based
06-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   13.23 Fatnassa based
07-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   13.25 Fatnassa based
07-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   14.45 Time confliction
10-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Kittyhawk   16.32 Fatnassa based
13-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk   12.27 Fatnassa based
23-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 5800m 10.53 Fatnassa based
23-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-39 Aircobra      
24-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 6000m 10.10 Fatnassa based
24-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40E Warhawk   10.12 Fatnassa based
25-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 A-20 Boston   12.09 Fatnassa based
26-Mar-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 P-40 Warhawk     Date & E/A Type conflcition
16-Apr-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77   15.50 Tunis/Soliman-Sud based
19-Apr-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77      
29-Apr-43 Heinz Bar Stab I./JG77 4500m 15.25  
02-Dec-43 Heinz Bar Stab /JGr.Sud P-38 Lightning 6000m 13.09 SW St Marie-de-la-Mer
02-Dec-43 Heinz Bar Stab /JGr.Sud B-17 Fortress 5500m 13.06 SE St Marie-de-la-Mer
10-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.13 FN (Zwolle-Meppen)
10-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 P-47 Thunderbolt 3000m 11.18 FO Zwolle-Coevorden
21-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress 6500m 13.58 12-14km W Hannover
21-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 P-51 Mustang 6000m 14.03 GT-58 (5km N Stadthagen)
21-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress   15.25 NNW Rheine
22-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress 2500m 14.18 05 Ost S/HO-1/4 North of Grevenbroich
22-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress   12.51 05 Ost S/KO nordestlich Bottrop
24-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-24 Liberator   12.34 05 Ost S/GS-9 East of Osnabruck
24-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-24 Liberator 8500m 12.30 05 Ost S/GR-8 (E Osnabruck)
25-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-24 Liberator   14.55 05 Ost S/UR-2/3 Raum Germersheim
25-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress e.V. 7500m 13.43 04 Ost N/AT-8/9 Raum Stuttgart
25-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress Hss 5000m 14.45 05 Ost S/US 1-5 (Heilbronn)
25-Feb-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress Hss 8500m 13.30 US-UT-AS-AT
03-Mar-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 P-51 Mustang Low Level 11.40 05 Ost S/EU 3-6 (SE Soltau)
06-Mar-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress   14.45 05 Ost S/GO/GN Raum Deventer
06-Mar-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress 6000m 12.10 FS-45 (W Diepholz)
06-Mar-44 Heinz Bar 6./JG1 B-17 Fortress 6000m 12.00 05 Ost S/FR-4 (S Dinklage)
29-Mar-44 Heinz Bar Stab II./JG1 P-51 Mustang 2500m 13.25 15 Ost S/HB-9 South Solingen
29-Mar-44 Heinz Bar Stab II./JG1 P-51 Mustang 500m 13.35 FB-9 (10km N Oebisfelde)
08-Apr-44 Heinz Bar Stab II./JG1 B-24 Liberator 7000m 13.50 05 Ost S/EB SW Salzwedel
11-Apr-44 Heinz Bar Stab II./JG1 B-17 Fortress   10.59 15 Ost S/FB-7 10km NE Fallersleben
22-Apr-44 Heinz Bar Stab II./JG1 B-24 Liberator 7000m 20.08 05 Ost S/JQ Ahlen area
29-Apr-44 Heinz Bar Stab II./JG1 P-47 Thunderbolt   10.56 05 Ost S/HB NW Halberstadt
29-Apr-44 Heinz Bar Stab II./JG1 B-24 Liberator 6500m 10.59 GB (area NE Braunschweig)
07-Aug-44 Heinz Bar Stab /JG3 P-47 Thunderbolt Low Level 14.40 CD-85 (Ymonville SE Chartres)
01-Jan-45 Heinz Bar StabJG3 Typhoon   09.25 Fl.Pl. Eindhoven
01-Jan-45 Heinz Bar StabJG3 Typhoon   09.23 Fl.Pl. Eindhoven
19-Mar-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-51 Mustang   - -
21-Mar-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 B-24 Liberator   - -
24-Mar-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 B-25 Mitchell   - Stuttgart
24-Mar-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-51 Mustang   - Stuttgart
27-Mar-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-47 Thunderbolt   - Raum Lechfeld
27-Mar-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-47 Thunderbolt   - Raum Lechfeld
27-Mar-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-47 Thunderbolt   - Raum Lechfeld
04-Apr-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-51 Mustang   - -
09-Apr-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 B-26 Marauder   10.06 Raum Amberg-Kummersbruck
09-Apr-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 B-26 Marauder   10.05 Raum Amberg-Kummersbruck
17-Apr-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 B-26 Marauder   - -
18-Apr-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-47 Thunderbolt   - Raum Nurnberg?
18-Apr-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-47 Thunderbolt   - Raum Nurnberg?
19-Apr-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-51 Mustang   - -
19-Apr-45 Heinz Bar Stab III./EJG2 P-51 Mustang   - -
27-Apr-45 Heinz Bar JV44 P-47 Thunderbolt   - -
27-Apr-45 Heinz Bar JV44 P-47 Thunderbolt   - -
28-Apr-45 Heinz Bar JV44 P-47 Thunderbolt   - Raum Bad Aibling
29-Apr-45 Heinz Bar JV44 Mosquito   - Raum Bad Aibling

Luftwaffe pilot Erwin Fleig

Awards: RK(8/12/41), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp w/Pendant

Known Aircraft: Bf 109F-2 WNr 9802 'Yellow 7' (or 'Black 2' also reported?)

Remarks: POW ; his AC was hit and he had to bail out of his F-2 near Szokoloje, south of Lake Ilmen, and was taken prisoner, returned many years later. 506 missions. Of his 66 victories, 9 were RAF. One such victory, his 1st, a Spitfire W of Dover on 11 August, 1940. His 2nd, a Hurricane at Canterbury on 18 August, 1940. A 3rd, a Spitfire 5 km E of Canterbury on 2 September, 1940. Nos. 5 & 6, both Spitfires over England on 18 September, 1940; one of thes was JG-51's 500th victory. His 7th a Spitfire in the London area on 17 October, 1940. His 8th a Hurricane near Ashford on 1 December, 1940. His 9th a Hurricane near Dungeness, 8 May, 1941. At times in 1940, he served as Mölder's wingman. He was Hermann Joppien's wingman on 25 August, 1941, when Joppien was killed as they attacked Soviet bombers near Bryansk. Bowers/Lednicer, 66 victories. Deceased 1 March, 1986.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 10 aerial victories for Erwin Fleig

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
11-Aug-40 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51   09.10 West of Dover
18-Aug-40 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51   14.15 Canterbury
31-Aug-40 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51   14.12 Grays Thurrock
02-Sep-40 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51   09.15 5km E Canterbury
18-Sep-40 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51   18.00  
18-Sep-40 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51   18.20  
17-Oct-40 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51   10.40  
01-Dec-40 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51   12.00  
08-May-41 Erwin Fleig 1./JG51 800-1000m 18.02 bei Dungeness
29-May-42 Erwin Fleig 2./JG51 (Flak)   PoW Flak Szokoloje

Luftwaffe pilot Douglas Pitcairn

Units: Stfkpt 1./JG-51 (9/39)

Awards: EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109D

Remarks: One known victory, his 1st, a Hawk-75A near Weissenburg-Lauterburg, 25 September, 1939. This victory, along with another by then, Uffz Heinz Bär, were the first two I/JG-51 victories of the war. Pitcairn was an Oblt at the time. His 2nd, a Hurricane at Montreuil, 21 May, 1940. His 3rd, a Dewoitine at Arras, 23 May, 1940. His 4th a LeO-451 at Ham, 6 June, 1940.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 4 aerial victories for Douglas Pitcairn

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
25-Sep-39 Douglas Pitcairn 1./JG51 Hawk-75A   12.07 Weissenburg/Lauterburg
21-May-40 Douglas Pitcairn 1./JG51   16.15 Montreuil
23-May-40 Douglas Pitcairn 1./JG51 Dewoitine   16.32 Arras
06-Jun-40 Douglas Pitcairn 1./JG51 LeO 451   17.08 Ham

Luftwaffe pilot Victor Mölders

Units: 2./ZG-1 (Poland '39), NJG-1, Stfkpt 2./JG-51 (9/40 Channel))

Awards: EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 110, Bf 109E-4/B WNr 4103 'Black 1' (lost )

Remarks: POW after a dogfight with Hurricanes over the southern coast of England. He force landed his Jabo Bf 109E at Winchelsea. He had flown the Bf 110 in the Polish, Scandinavian and French campaigns. His first known victory a Polish PZL-37 at Minsk/Mazowiecki on (Perry Claims). Channel pilot. One known victory, his 8th a Spitfire in the London area on . His 9th a Hurricane in the Maidstone area on . I did not find any of his earlier victories in the OKL Claims. Jager Blatt article.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 3 aerial victories out of 9 for Viktor Molders

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
Viktor Molders 2./ZG-1 Polish PZL-37     Minsk/Mazowiecki
Viktor Molders 2./JG51   - -
Viktor Molders 2./JG51   - -

Luftwaffe pilot Wilhelm Erdniss

Units: 2./JG-51, 3./JG-51

Awards: EK 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109 E-3 'WNr 1653 'Brown 5' (lost )

Remarks: British POW , after being shot down in his E-4 . One known victory, his 1st, a Bloch 151 at St. Pol, 24 May, 1940. Jager Blatt mention.

Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 1 aerial victories for Wilhelm Erdniss

Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location
24-May-40 Wilhelm Erdniss 2./JG51 Bloch 151   St Pol


 Zarzis, Tunisia Map


Spanish Civil War

    Bibliography: +

  • Beale, Nick, Ferdinando D'Amico and Gabriele Valentini. Air War Italy: Axis Air Forces from Liberation of Rome to the Surrender. Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife, 1996. ISBN 1-85310-252-0.
  • Beaman, John R. Jr. and Jerry L. Campbell. Messerschmitt Bf 109 in action, Part 1. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1980. ISBN 0-89747-106-7.
  • Beaman, John R. Jr. Messerschmitt Bf 109 in action, Part 2. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1983. ISBN 0-89747-138-5.
  • Boyne, Walter J. Clash of Wings. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. ISBN 0-684-83915-6.
  • Bergström, Christer. Barbarossa – The Air Battle: July–December 1941. London: Chevron/Ian Allan, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-270-2.
  • Bergström, Christer and Martin Pegg. Jagdwaffe:The War in Russia, January–October 1942. Luftwaffe Colours, Volume 3 Section 4. London: Classic Colours Publications, 2003. ISBN 1-903223-23-7.
  • Burke, Stephen. Without Wings: The Story of Hitler's Aircraft Carrier. Oxford, UK: Trafford Publishing, 2007. ISBN 1-4251-2216-7.
  • Caidin, Martin. Me 109 – Willy Messerschmitt's Peerless Fighter (Ballantine's illustrated history of World War II. Weapons book no. 4). New York: Ballantine Books, USA, 1968. ISBN 0-345-01691-2.
  • Caldwell, Donald L. JG 26: Top Guns of the Luftwaffe. New York: Ballantine Books, 1991. ISBN 0-8041-1050-6.
  • Craig, James F. The Messerschmitt Bf.109. New York: Arco Publishing Company, 1968.
  • Cross, Roy and Gerald Scarborough. Messerschmitt Bf 109, Versions B-E. London: Patrick Stevens, 1976. ISBN 0-85059-106-6.
  • Dimensione Cielo: Caccia Assalto 3, Aerei Italiani nella 2a Guerra Mondiale (in Italian). Roma: Edizioni Bizzarri, 1972.
  • Ebert, Hans A., Johann B. Kaiser and Klaus Peters. Willy Messerschmitt: Pioneer of Aviation (The History of German Aviation Design). Atglen, PA: Schiffer Books, 2000. ISBN 0-7643-0727-4.
  • Feist, Uwe. The Fighting Me 109. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1993, ISBN 1-85409-209-X.
  • Fernández-Sommerau, Marco. Messerschmitt Bf 109 Recognition Manual. Hersham, Surrey, UK: Classic Publications, 2004. ISBN 1-903223-27-X.
  • Glancey, Jonathan. Spitfire: The Illustrated Biography. London: Atlantic Books, 2006. ISBN 978-1-84354-528-6.
  • Green, William. Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Augsburg Eagle; A Documentary History. London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishing Group Ltd., 1980. ISBN 0-7106-0005-4.
  • Griehl, Manfred. Das geheime Typenbuch der deutschen Luftwaffe: Geheime Kommandosache 8531/44 gKdos. Friedberg, Germany: Podzun-Pallas Verlag, 2004. ISBN 978-3-7909-0775-9.
  • Griehl, Manfred.Flugzeug Profile. No. 5 – Messerschmitt Bf 109G/K.Rheinfelden, Germany: BPV Medien Vertrieb GmbH & Co KG, 1987.
  • Hitchcock, Thomas H. Messerschmitt 'O-Nine' Gallery. Chicago: Monogram Aviation Publications, 1973. ISBN 978-0-914144-00-7.
  • Hitchcock, Thomas H. Monogram Close-Up Number 9:Bf 109F.Sturbridge, Mass: Monogram Aviation Publications, 1990. ISBN 0-914144-20-0
  • Hooton, Edward R. Blitzkrieg in the West, 1939 -1940 (Luftwaffe at War: 2). Hersham, Surrey, UK: Midland Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-272-6.
  • Kobel, Franz and Jakob Maria Mathmann. Bf 109. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 1997. ISBN 0-88740-919-9.
  • Mankau, Heinz and Peter Petrick. Messerschmitt Bf 110, Me 210, Me 410. Raumfahrt, Germany: Aviatic Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3-925505-62-8.
  • Marshall, Francis L. Messerschmitt Bf 109T "Die Jäger der Graf Zeppelin". Gilching, Germany: Marshall-Verlag, 2002. ISBN 3-00-008220-4.
  • Marshall, Francis L. Sea Eagles – The Messerschmitt Bf 109T. Walton on Thames, Surrey, UK: Air Research Publications, 1994. ISBN 1-871187-23-0.
  • Mason, Francis K. Messerschmitt Bf 109B, C, D, E in Luftwaffe & Foreign service. London, UK: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1973. ISBN 0-85045-152-3.
  • Massimello, Giovanni and Giorgio Apostolo. Italian Aces of World War Two. Oxford/New York, Osprey Publishing, 2000. ISBN 978-1-84176-078-0.
  • Mermet, Jean-Claude. Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-1 through K-4. Engines and Fittings. Marnaz, France: Jean Claude Mermet SA, 1999.
  • Messerschmitt AG. Messerschmitt Bf 109G; technisch Kompendium, Handbücher, Ersatztelliste, Bewaffnung Bedienungsvorschrift/Fl, Bordfunkanlage, Lehrbildreihe; 1942/1944. [Elektronische Resource] (Reprint) Ludwigsburg, Germany: Luftfahrt-Archiv, 2006. ISBN 3-939847-13-5.
  • Messerschmitt AG. Messerschmitt Bf 109K; technisch Kompendium, Handbüch, Ersatztelliste, Rep.-Answeisung, Bewaffnung Bedienungsvorschrift; 1943–1944. [Elektronische Resource] (Reprint). Ludwigsburg, Germany: Luftfahrt-Archiv, 2006. ISBN 3-939847-14-3.
  • Morgan, Eric B and Edward Shacklady. Spitfire: The History. Stamford: Key Books Ltd, 2000. ISBN 0-946219-48-6.
  • Neulen, Hans Werner. In the Skies of Europe. Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1.
  • Nowarra, Heinz. Die Deutsche Luftrustung 1933–1945, Band 3: Flugzeugtypen Henschel – Messerschmitt. Koblenz, Germany: Bernard & Graefe, 1993. ISBN 3-7637-5467-9.
  • Osché, Philippe (translated by Patrick Laureau). The Messerschmitt Bf 109 in Swiss Service. Boulogne sur Mer, France: Lela Presse, 1996. ISBN 2-914017-31-6.
  • Poruba, T and A Janda. Messerschmitt Bf 109K. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic: JaPo, 1997.
  • Prien, Jochen and Peter Rodeike. Messerschmitt Bf 109 F, G & K Series – An Illustrated Study. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1995. ISBN 0-88740-424-3.
  • Price, Alfred. Spitfire Mk. I/II Aces (Osprey's Aircraft of the Aces). London: Osprey, 1996. ISBN 84-8372-207-0.
  • Punka, György. "A Messzer": Bf 109s in the Royal Hungarian "Honvéd" Air Force. Budapest, Hungary: OMIKK, 1995. ISBN 963-593-208-1.
  • Radinger, Willy and Walter Schick. Messerschmitt Me 109 (Alle Varianten: vion Bf (Me) 109A bis Me 109E). Oberhaching, Germany: Aviatic Verlag GmbH, 1997. ISBN 3-925505-32-6.
  • Radinger, Willy and Wolfgang Otto. Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-K – Development, testing, production. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1999. ISBN 0-7643-1023-2.
  • Rimmell, Ray. ME 109: Messerschmitt Bf 109E. Chipping Ongar, Essex, UK: Linewrights Ltd., 1986. ISBN 0-946958-18-1.
  • Ritger, Lynn. Meserschmitt Bf 109 Prototype to 'E' Variants. Bedford, UK: SAM Publications, 2006. ISBN 978-0-9551858-0-9.
  • Savic, D. and B. Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
  • Scutts, Jerry. Bf 109 Aces of North Africa and the Mediterranean. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1994. ISBN 1-85532-448-2, ISBN 978-1-85532-448-0.
  • Shores, C., B. Cull and N. Malizia. Air War for Yugoslavia, Greece & Crete – 1940–41. London: Grub Street, 1987. ISBN 0-948817-07-0.
  • Starr, Chris. "Developing Power: Daimler-Benz and the Messerschmitt Bf 109." Aeroplane magazine, Volume 33, No. 5, Issue No 385, May 2005. London: IPC Media Ltd.
  • Stenman, Kari and Kalevi Keskinen. Finnish Aces of World War 2 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 23). London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-783-X.
  • Taylor, John W.R. "Messerschmitt Bf 109." Combat Aircraft of the World from 1909 to the present. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. ISBN 0-425-03633-2.
  • U.S. Army Air Force. German Aircraft and Armament: Informational Intelligence, Summary No. 44-32, October 1944 (Informational Intelligence Summary). New York: Brassey's Inc., 2000 (first edition 1944). ISBN 1-57488-291-0.
  • Valtonen, Hannu. Messerschmitt Bf 109 ja saksan sotatalous (Messerschmitt Bf 109 and the German war economy). Helsinki, Finland: Keski-Suomen Ilmailumuseo (Central Finnish Aviation Museum), 1999. ISBN 978-951-95688-7-4.
  • Vogt, Harald. Messerschmitt Bf 109 G/K Rüstsatze. Flugzeug Profile 21. Illertissen, Flugzeug Publikations GmbH.
  • Wagner, Ray and Heinz Nowarra. German Combat Planes: A Comprehensive Survey and History of the Development of German Military Aircraft from 1914 to 1945. New York: Doubleday, 1971.
  • Weal, John. Bf 109 Aces of the Russian Front. Oxford: Osprey, 2001. ISBN 978-1-84176-084-1.
  • Weal, John. BF 109D/E Aces 1939–41. Oxford: Osprey, 1996. ISBN 978-1-85532-487-9.
  • Weal, John. Bf 109F/G/K Aces of the Western Front. Oxford: Osprey, 2000. ISBN 978-1-85532-905-8.
  • Winchester, Jim. "Messerschmitt Bf 109." Aircraft of World War II: The Aviation Factfile. Kent, UK: Grange Books plc, 2004. ISBN 1-84013-639-1.

    Messerschmitt Bf 109 operational history Bibliography: +

  • Beale, Nick, Ferdinando D'Amico and Gabriele Valentini. Air War Italy: Axis Air Forces from Liberation of Rome to the Surrender. Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife, 1996. ISBN 1-85310-252-0.
  • Bergström, Christer. Barbarossa – The Air Battle: July–December 1941. London: Chevron/Ian Allan, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-270-2.
  • Bergström, Christer and Martin Pegg. Jagdwaffe:The War in Russia, January–October 1942. Luftwaffe Colours, Volume 3 Section 4. London: Classic Colours Publications, 2003. ISBN 1-903223-23-7.
  • Feist, Uwe. The Fighting Me 109. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1993. ISBN 1-85409-209-X.
  • Green, William. Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Augsburg Eagle; A Documentary History. London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishing Group Ltd., 1980. ISBN 0-7106-0005-4.
  • Hooton, Edward R. Blitzkrieg in the West, 1939 -1940 (Luftwaffe at War: 2). Hersham, Surrey, UK: Midland Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-272-6.
  • Jackson, Robert. Aircraft of World War II: Development – Weaponry – Specifications. Enderby, Leicester, UK, Amber Books, 2003. ISBN 1-85605-751-8.
  • Mankau, Heinz and Peter Petrick. Messerschmitt Bf 110, Me 210, Me 410. Raumfahrt, Germany: Aviatic Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3-925505-62-8.
  • Mason, Francis K. Messerschmitt Bf 109B, C, D, E in Luftwaffe & Foreign service. London, UK: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1973. ISBN 0-85045-152-3.
  • Massimello, Giovanni and Giorgio Apostolo. Italian Aces of World War Two. Oxford/New York, Osprey Publishing, 2000. ISBN 978-1-84176-078-0.
  • Morgan, Eric B. and Edward Shacklady. Spitfire: The History. Stamford, UK: Key Books Ltd, 2000. ISBN 0-946219-48-6.
  • Neulen, Hans Werner. In the skies of Europe – Air Forces allied to the Luftwaffe 1939–1945. Ramsbury, Marlborough, THE CROWOOD PRESS, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1
  • Price, Alfred. Spitfire Mark I/II Aces 1939–41 (Aircraft of the Aces 12). London: Osprey Books, 1996, ISBN 1-85532-627-2.
  • Punka, György. "A Messzer": Bf 109s in the Royal Hungarian "Honvéd" Air Force. Budapest, Hungary: OMIKK, 1995. ISBN 963-593-208-1.
  • Savic, D. and B. Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
  • Stenman, Kari and Kalevi Keskinen. Finnish Aces of World War 2 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 23). London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-783-X.

    Some of the most widely used Book References:

  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase One: July-August 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 1) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Eddie J Creek (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Two: August-September 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 2) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Three: September-October 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 3) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Four: November 1940-June 1941 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 4) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)

    Magazines: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • EDUARD -
  • EDUARD - Are in my opinion are what modelers are looking for loads of pictures and diagrams and have become a leading historical information source. *****
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Luftwaffe IM Focus (German) -
  • Embleme der Luftwaffe Band-1 (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • model airplane international magazine -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

    Web References: +

  • eBay - or
  • Pinterest -
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