Luftflotte 2 - LF 2 Dornier Do 17 List

Luftflotte 1 - LF1

Dornier Do 17Z Luftlotte 1 ex Geschwader Stab KG2 (U5+FA) Karelian Finland

Photo 01-02: Dornier Do 17Z Luftlotte 1 ex Geschwader Stab KG2 (U5+FA) Karelian Finland June 15 1942

Luftflotte 2 - LF 2

Dornier Do 217K-1 Luftflotte 2 Red F MTO 1942-43

Flugbcreitschaft Luftflottenkommando 2

Dornier Do 215B Flugbcreitschaft Luftflottenkommando 2 (Gfm.) Albert Kesselring Italian Front

Photo 01: Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring greeting an Italian officer under the wing of his personal Dornier Do 215, which carTies the badge of Fl11gbereitschaft Lufttlottenkommando 2: the Luftwaffe eagle over crossed Fieldmarshal's batons and the number '2', all on a shield. As Kesselring was responsible for holding the Italian Front, presumably that is the location.

Luftflotte 5 - LF5

Dornier Do 217J Luftlotte 5 ex Geschwader Stab NJG (N9+AA) Gen.Lt Josef Kammhuber Alakurtti Finland Mar 1944

Photo 01: Do 217J Luftlotte 5 ex Geschwader Stab NJG (N9+AA) was used as a Hack aircraft by Gen.Lt Josef Kammhuber Alakurtti Finland Mar 1944

Knights Cross

Josef Kammhuber

Josef Kammhuber (August 19, 1896–January 25, 1986) was a Career Officer in the German Air Force, and is best known as the first General of the Night Fighters in the Luftwaffe during World War II. He is credited with setting up the first truly successful night fighter defense system, the so-called Kammhuber Line, but a detailed knowledge of the system provided to the Royal Air Force by British military intelligence allowed them to render it ineffective. Personal battles between himself and Erhard Milch, director of the Reich Air Ministry, eventually led to his dismissal in 1943. After the war, he returned to the military in Germany's Federal Defense Force.


Josef Kammhuber was born in Tüßling, Bavaria, the son of a farmer. When World War I started he was 18 and joined a Bavarian engineer battalion. He experienced the Battle of Verdun in 1916, and was promoted to second lieutenant in 1917. He was allowed to remain in German's tiny post-war army, and in 1925 was promoted to first lieutenant. Between October 1926 and September 1928, he received Division-level leadership training and was promoted to captain. This was followed by pilot training through September 1929, and during 1930 he was sent to the USSR for secret pilot training. On his return, he joined the staff of General Walter Wever, chief of staff of the Luftwaffe. Wever was in the process of attempting to set up a strategic bomber command; this effort, however, died in June 1936 when Wever was killed in an air crash. Kammhuber had continued to rise in the ranks, promoted to major, lieutenant colonel, and then colonel in 1938.[1]

After it became clear that the Royal Air Force was starting a massive aircraft building program, Adolf Hitler decided to match their expansion and proposed a program worth about 60 billion Reichsmarks (RM). The German aircraft industry was incapable of matching this sort of request, due to both construction and material shortages, and the leadership within the Luftwaffe realized it was impossible. The chiefs of staff, Jeschonnek, Kammhuber and Stumpff, then put forth Kammhuber's own plan for about 20 billion RM, production levels which they felt they could meet. Milch organised a meeting between them and Hermann Göring, head of the Luftwaffe, in which Göring said that Hitler's programme should be carried out as planned, confident that "somehow" they could meet his quotas.[2]

World War II

Kammhuber, realizing what was going on, put in a request in February 1939 for active duty. Promoted to Major General (the lowest general officer rank), he was assigned as chief-of-staff of Luftflotte 2, and was in this position at the start of the war in September. On 11 January 1940, he was cashiered by Hitler personally because of the Mechelen Incident. He was transferred to the Western Front where he became Geschwaderkommodore of KG 51, a tactical bomber unit. During the French campaign he was shot down and captured, and interned in a French POW camp at the age of 44. He was released at the end of the Battle of France in July 1940, and returned to Germany.[3]

Once again an officer of the Luftwaffe's Generalstab, in July 1940 he was placed in command of coordinating flak, searchlight and radar units. At the time they were all under separate command and had no single reporting chain, so much of the experience of the different units was not being shared. The result was the XII. Fliegerkorps, a new dedicated night-fighting command. At this time, Kammhuber was promoted to Lieutenant General.[4] He organized the night fighting units into a chain known to the British as the Kammhuber Line, in which a series of radar stations with overlapping coverage were layer three deep from Denmark to the middle of France, each covering a zone about 32 km long (north-south) and 20 km wide (east-west). Each control center was known as a Himmelbett (4-poster bed) zone, consisting of a Freya radar with a range of about 100 km, a number of searchlights spread through the cell, and one primary and one backup night fighter assigned to the cell. RAF bombers flying into Germany or France would have to cross the line at some point, and the radar would direct a searchlight to illuminate the plane. Once this had happened other manually-controlled searchlights would also pick up the plane, and the night fighter would be directed to intercept of the now-lit bomber. However, demands by the burgomasters (Bürgermeister) in Germany led to the recall of the searchlights to the major cities.[5]

Later versions of the Himmelbett added two Würzburg radars, with a range of about 30 km. Unlike the early-warning Freya radar, Würzburgs were accurate (and complex) tracking radars. One would be locked onto the night fighter as soon as it entered the cell. After the Freya picked up a target the second Würzburg would lock onto it, thereby allowing controllers in the Himmelbett center to get continual readings on the positions of both planes, controlling them to a visual interception. To aid in this, a number of the night fighters were fitted with a short-range infrared device known as Spanner, but these proved almost useless in practice.[6]

Another tactic that proved effective was to send their own planes to England while the raids were taking off or landing. Radio operators listening to the RAF bomber frequencies were able to recognize the start of a raid, and the raiding force of about 30 night fighters would be sent over the RAF airbases to shoot down the bombers as they took off or landed. By the beginning of October the night intruder force had claimed a hundred kills but on October 13 Hitler ordered the force sent to the Mediterranean despite their success.

British intelligence soon discovered the nature of the Kammhuber Line and started studying ways to defeat it. At the time RAF Bomber Command sent in their planes one at a time in order to force the defenses to be spread as far apart as possible, meaning that any one aircraft would have to deal with little concentrated flak. However this also meant the Himmelbett centers were only dealing with perhaps one or two planes at a time, making their job much easier. At the urging of R.V. Jones, Bomber Command reorganized their attacks against a single target at a time, sending all of the bombers in a single "stream", carefully positioned to fly right down the middle of a cell. Now the Himmelbett centers were facing hundreds of bombers, countering with only a few planes of their own. So successful was this tactic that the success rate of the night fighters dropped almost to zero.

Kammhuber started looking for solutions, and the result was the two-prong concept of Wilde Sau (Wild Boar) and Zahme Sau (Tame Boar). In the former, day fighters would be sent up and look for the bombers from the light of flares dropped from light bombers, searchlights set to a wide beam or illuminating lower clouds, or the fires on the ground below. The Wilde Sau force scored their most notable success during the British operation against the V-weapon centre Peenemünde on 17 August 1943. de Havilland Mosquito bombers had dropped target marker flares over Berlin and most of the night fighter force was sent there. When it was realized what was really happening, most of these aircraft were too far away and too slow to intercept the raid. The Focke-Wulf Fw 190s being flown by the Wilde Sau forces were however able to reach them, and about 30 planes entered the third and last wave of the stream and shot down 29 of the 40 Avro Lancaster bombers lost that raid.[7]

Zahme Sau envisioned freeing the night fighters (now equipped with radar for the final stages of the interception) from the Himmelbett cells and allowing them to attack on their own. This was not all that easy, given the current generation of radars, but newer systems being developed would greatly increase the detection range and angles. In this role the existing cells created as part of the original Kammhuber Line would be used primarily for early warning and vectoring the planes to the stream.[8]

At the same time Kammhuber continued to press for a new dedicated nightfighter design, eventually selecting the Heinkel He 219 Uhu after seeing it demonstrated in 1942. However Milch had decided to cancel the Uhu, and fighting broke out between the two. As a result in 1943 Kammhuber was transferred to Luftflotte 5 in Norway, in command of a handful of outdated planes. After the reorganization of the Luftwaffe in Scandinavia and the dissolution of Luftflotte 5, he became commanding general of the Luftwaffe in Norway (September-October 1944). In 1945 he was re-appointed to command of the night fighters, at this point a largely ceremonial position considering the state of the Third Reich at that time.[9]


Photo: Meeting between Kammhuber and Air Marshal Sir Thomas Pike in 1956. Pike had previously served as an RAF night fighter pilot.

After the fall of the Reich in May 1945, Kammhuber was held by the United States, but he was released in April 1948 without charges being brought against him. He wrote a series of monographs for the U.S. Department of Defense on the conduct of the German defences against the RAF and USAAF. These were later collected into book form (listed under References). In 1953 he published a definitive work on what he learned during the war as Problems in the Conduct of a Day and Night Defensive Air War. He later spent time in Argentina helping to train the air force under Juan Perón.

Josef Kammhuber returned to Germany and joined the Luftwaffe while it was re-forming. He was promoted to Inspekteur der Bundesluftwaffe, serving in that role between 1956 and 1962. After the 1961 F-84 Thunderstreak incident, when two West German Republic F-84F Thunderstreaks strayed into East German airspace and flew to West Berlin, Kammhuber and his superior, the West German Minister of Defence, Franz-Josef Strauß, removed Oberstleutnant Siegfried Barth, commander of the pilots unit, from his command. After protests, three official investigations and a formal complaint by Barth against Strauß, the former was reinstated in his position.[10]

He died on Jan. 25, 1986, at age 89 in Munich and is buried there.


Eisernes Kreuz {1914} 2. and 1. Klasse
Military Merit Order (Bavaria) IV Klasse with swords
Honour Cross for Combatants
Service award 1st Klasse for 4 (silver medal)
Spange with the Eisernes Kreuz II and I Klasse
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes (9 Jul 1941)
Front Flying Clasp of the Luftwaffe Air to Ground Support Fighters
Italian orders of merit 10 March 1958
Legion of Merit Commander 2 August 1961
Bundesverdienstkreuz 21 August 1962
Mentioned three times in the Wehrmachtbericht on 10 April 1941, 27 March 1942 and 31 March 1942

References in the Wehrmachtbericht

  • Sunday, 31 May 1942 Ein Nachtjagdverband unter Führung des Generalleutnants Kammhuber erzielte hierbei seinen 600. Nachtjagdabschuß, Hauptmann Streib seinen 25. und 26. und Oberleutnant Knacke seinen 20. Nachtjagdsieg.[11]
  • A night fighter unit under the leadership of Generalleutnant Kammhuber achieved hereby their 600th aerial victory at night, Hauptmann Streib achieved his 25th and 26th and Oberleutnant Knacke his 20th nocturnal aerial victory.


 Warnemünde Germany Map

 Alakurtti Finland now Alakurtti Алакуртти Murmansk Oblast Russia Map


    Citations: +

  1. Miller, Michael; "Axis Biographical Research";
  2. Suchenwirth, Richard; Command and Leadership in the German Air Force, Ayer Publishing, 1970
  3. Miller; op. cit.
  4. Miller; op. cit.
  5. Dear, I. C. B. and M. R. D. Foot, "Kammhuber Line." The Oxford Companion to World War II, 2001; Retrieved March 27, 2010 from
  6. Murawski, Morek; Air Defense of the Third Reich, Agency Publishing, 1999, pp. 50-56
  7. Dear, I. C. B. and M. R. D. Foot; "Wilde Sau." The Oxford Companion to World War II. 2001. Retrieved March 27, 2010 from
  8. Dear, I. C. B. and M. R. D. Foot. "Zahme Sau", The Oxford Companion to World War II. 2001. Retrieved March 27, 2010 from
  9. Miller; op. cit.
  10. STRAUSS-BEFEHL: Bier-Order 61 (German) Der Spiegel, published: 9 May 1962, accessed: 30 November 2010
  11. Die Wehrmachtberichte 1939–1945 Band 2, p. 146.

    Bibliography: +

  • Fellgiebel, Walther-Peer (2000). Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939-1945. Podzun-Pallas. ISBN 3-7909-0284-5
  • Wolfgang Schmidt, "Seines Wertes bewusst"! General Josef Kammhuber, in: Helmut R. Hammerich / Rudolf J. Schlaffer (Hgg.), Militärische Aufbaugenerationen der Bundeswehr 1955 bis 1970. Ausgewählte Biografien, München, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag 2011, pp. 351–381.
  • Kammhuber, Joseph, and David C. Isby (eds.); Fighting the Bombers: The Luftwaffe's Struggle Against the Allied Bomber Offensive, Greenhill Books, 2003. ISBN 1-85367-532-6
  • Die Wehrmachtberichte 1939–1945 Band 2, 1. Januar 1942 bis 31. Dezember 1943 (in German). München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 1985. ISBN 3-423-05944-3.

    Magazine References: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • EDUARD -
  • EDUARD - Are in my opinion are what modelers are looking for loads of pictures and diagrams and have become a leading historical information source. *****
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Luftwaffe IM Focus (German) -
  • Embleme der Luftwaffe Band-1 (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • model airplane international magazine -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

    Web References: +

  • eBay - or
  • Pinterest -
  • -

This webpage was updated 29th July 2024
