Jagdgeschwader 2 ‘Richthofen'
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A JG2 France
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A JG2 armourers France 1942 01
Photo 01: As anyone who has conducted interviews with former Luftwaffe aircrew knows, most pilots took little interest in the technical details of their machines and even less in camouflage and markings. However, there were exceptions, this pilot showing a commendable degree of interest in the front end of his Fw 190, probably an A-3.
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A JG2 (W14+) undergoing maintenance France 1942 01
Photo 01: 'White 14', an Fw 190A-2 or A-3 of JG2 undergoing maintenance in a wooded area on the edge of a French airfield in late 1942. Camouflage netting has been heaped onto the port wing.
Stab Jagdgeschwader 2
Focke Wulf 190A5 Stab JG 2 Stich Strich - Hptm. Walter Oesau Beaumont-le-Roger France April 1943
Profile: Focke Wulf 190 A5 Stab/JG 2 Richthofen, Stich Strich - Hptm. Walter Oesau, Beaumont-le-Roger - France, April 1943
Web Source - Luftwaffe profiles http://luftwaffeprofiles.blogspot.com/p/focke-wulf-190-a5-profiles.html
Stab I. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 2
Focke Wulf 190A4 Stab I./JG 1 Doppel Winkel Maj. Fritz Losigkeit Deelen Netherlands May 1943
Profile: Focke Wulf 190 A4, Stab I./JG 1 Oesau Doppel Winkel - Maj. Fritz Losigkeit, Deelen - Netherlands May 1943
Web Source - Luftwaffe profiles http://luftwaffeprofiles.blogspot.com/p/focke-wulf-190-a4-profiles.html
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A5 Stab/JG2 :-+- W.Nr 2628 Lyon, France Nov 1942
Focke Wulf Fw 190A Stab/JG2 .-+- W.Nr 2628 Lyon, France Nov 1942 01
Photo 01: This Fw 190A-5, WNr. 2628, is thought to be another machine which was originally operated by Stab/JG2 although it is shown here at Lyon in November 1942 while being used by Jagdlehreruberprufungs Staffel Bernay, an examination unit for fighter instructors. The aircraft eventually returned to JG2 but was destroyed during an air battle on 16 August 1943 while serving with 3.Staffel. The pilot, Fw. Wilhelm Utz, was killed.
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A3 6./JG2 (Brown 4+-) France 1943
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Jagdgeschwader 2 piloted by Oberstleutnant Kurt Bühlingen from 28th April 1944 up to 8th May 1945 he was Geschwaderkommodore of the JG2 Richthofen in Nidda-Hessen Germany
Stab II. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 2
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A4 II./JG2 flown by Group Commander Oblt. Adolf Dickfeld. Karoyan airfield, Tunisia, December 1942
Focke Wulf Fw 190A4 Stab II./JG 1 Technical officer Woensdrecht Netherlands August 1942
Profile: Focke Wulf 190 A4, II./JG 1 Oesau Technical officer - unknown pilot, Woensdrecht - Netherlands August 1942
Web Source - Luftwaffe profiles http://luftwaffeprofiles.blogspot.com/p/focke-wulf-190-a4-profiles.html
Stab III. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 2
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A2 Stab III.JG2 ≪+ flown by pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn W.Nr 223 Beaumont-le-Roger France 1942
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A Stab III.JG2 ≪+ pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn W.Nr 223 France 1942
Photo 01: Hauptmann Hans 'Assi' Hahn's Fw 190A-2, W.Nr. 223 at Beaumont-le-Roger during May of 1942.
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A Stab III.JG2 ≪+ pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn W.Nr 223 France 1942
Profile 00: Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-2 flown by Hptm. Hans 'Assi' Hahn, Kommandeur of III. /JG2, France, August 1942 This machine, an Fw 190A-2 W.Nr. 223, was finished in an RLM 74/75/76 scheme and, apart from a small amount of exhaust staining on the fuselage, was in a fairly clean and unweathered condition. The aircraft is shown here marked with 61 victory bars, the last one probably representing one of five Spitfires which Hahn claimed as destroyed on 6 May 1942.
Focke Wulf Fw 190A Stab III.JG2 ≪+ pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn W.Nr 223 France 1942 02
Photo 01: A close-up view of Hahn's rudder, now marked with 64 victory bars.
Pilots JG2 pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn Aug 1942 01
Photo 01: A portrait of Hptm. Hans 'Assi' Hahn, showing the Eichenlaub he received on 14 August 1942 after 42 victories. Hahn originally joined JG2 'Richthofen' in October 1939 and was appointed Staffelkapitan of 4./JG2 in December. He was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 24 September 1940 after his 20th victory and became Gruppen Kommandeur of III. Gruppe on 29 October, leading this Gruppe in the West until November 1942 when he was transferred to lI./JG54 in Russia.
Pilots JG2 pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn Sep 1940 01
Photo 01: Lt Julius Meimberg (left) and Oblt. 'Assi' Hahn of 4./JG2 at Mardijk in late-September 1940. In this photograph Oblt. Hahn is wearing his Ritterkreuz, awarded on 20 September following his twentieth victory. On 29 October, Hahn became Kommandeur of III./JG2. Meimberg, who by the end of 1940 had claimed nine Abschiisse, did not receive his Ritterkreuz until 24 October 1944 but, like Hahn, had an outstanding career with the Jagdwaffe.Pilots JG2 pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn Sep 1940 02
Photo 01: Oblt. Hans 'Assi' Hahn (centre), the Kommandeur of III./JG2, photographed with Werner Machold (right) in October 1940. On 2 September, Machold was the eighth Jagdflieger to reach 20 victories and on 5 September he received the Ritterkreuz and was promoted to officer rank on account of his personal success.
Pilots JG2 pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn Oct 1940 01
Photo 01: The Staffdkapitan of 4./JG2, Hptm. Hans Hahn (centre), with (second left) Ofw. Siegfried Schnell, in mid-October. The aircraft nearest the camera is Ofw. Schnell's, with thirteen Luftsiege marked on the rudder.
Pilots JG2 pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn Nov 1940
Photo 01: On 14 November, Goring decided to take six weeks' leave and handed over temporary command of the Luftwaffe to Generalfeldmarschall Erhard Milch. Here, Oblt. Hans 'Assi' Hahn (left), Kommandeur of III./JG2, Goring (suitably attired in hunting outfit) and Hpttn. Wolfgang Lippert, Kommandeur of II./JG27 are seen at the Reichsmarschall's hunting lodge on Rominten Heath, East Prussia
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A3 Stab III./JG2 <+I flown by Armin Faber W.Nr 5313 landed in Wales in error June 23, 1942
Focke Wulf Fw 190A Stab III./JG2 <+ pilot Armin Faber W.Nr 5313 landed in Wales in error June 23, 1942 00
Profile 00: Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-3, W.Nr. 5313, flown by Oblt. Armin Faber, Gruppenadjutant of III./JG2, 23 June 1942 Two wartime descriptions exist on the camouflage colors of this aircraft. One mentions a "normal" German fighter camouflage, which is hardly helpful as this had been changed comparatively recently from an 02/71/65 scheme to 74/75/76. However, this report does go on to describe a mottled blue-grey finish with pale blue undersurfaces, while the other, an RAF Intelligence Report, mentions dark green, light olive green and pale blue. On balance, the latter is thought to be the more accurate description and the aircraft is therefore shown here with 02/71 uppersurfaces and 76 undersurfaces. Note that only the last three digits of the Werk Nummer appeared on the fin.
Focke Wulf Fw 190A Stab III./JG2 <+ pilot Armin Faber W.Nr 5313 landed in Wales in error June 23, 1942 01-05
Photo's 01-05: Fw 190A-3, W.Nr. 5313, on the airfield at Pembrey in South Wales where its pilot, Oblt. Armin Faber, the Gruppenadjutant of III./JG2, landed in error after combat with a Spitfire of 310 Squadron on 23 June 1942. Note the camouflage pattern and style of wing crosses in the rear view of the same aircraft.
Focke Wulf Fw 190A JG2.3 (+ pilot Armin Faber W.Nr 5313 landed in Wales in error June 23, 1942 06-07Photo's 06-07: Faber's Fw 190 was repainted in RAF markings, allocated the serial number MP 499 and evaluated at Farnborough. It was later sent for evaluation trials at the Air Fighting Development Unit at Duxford.Armin Faber himself was later transferred to a PoW camp in Canada from where, after two failed escape attempts, he was repatriated on grounds of ill health in the closing months of the war.
Focke Wulf Fw 190A Stab III./JG23 <+ pilot Hans 'Assi' Hahn W.Nr 5313 France 1942 01
An interesting photograph showing Hptm. Han Assi" Hahn alighting from Fw 190A-3 Werk Nr. 5313, the same aircraft which Oblt. Armin Faber later landed in error at RAF Pembrey.Focke-Wulf Fw 190A5 Jagdgeschwader 2 Richthofen flown by Egon Mayer Gruppenkommandeur III./JG2
Focke-Wulf Hptm. Egon MAYER, Commander of III./JG2 Richthofen, France, Spring 1943
Egon Mayer spent his entire military career with JG2, starting in 1939. He was especially successful during the RAF summer offensive in 1941, as well as through the spring of 1942. He took over command of III./JG2 in November, 1942, and became a pioneer in the development of the fight against four engined heavy bombers. He was Kommodore (Wing Commander) of JG2 from July, 1943. He was killed in action in a dogfight with P-47D Thunderbolts on March 2nd, 1944 over Montmedy. In early February, 1944, he reached the 100 aerial victory mark, the first to do so on the Western (Channel) Front. He flew 353 combat missions, gaining 102 air to air victories, and was awarded the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. Lt. Hans-Werner Zajonz of 9./JG2 was shot down during combat with heavy bombers in this machine on June 28th, 1943.
Hptm. Egon Mayer, velitel III./JG 2 Richthofen, Francie, jaro 1943. Egon Mayer (1917) strávil u JG 2 celou svou váleènou kariéru. Ta zaèala v prosinci 1939. Zvláštì úspìšný byl bìhem letní ofenzívy RAF v roce 1941 a na jaøe 1942. V listopadu 1942 se stal velitelem III./JG 2 a byl jedním z prùkopníkù boje proti ètyømotorovým bombardérùm. Vèervenci 1943 se stal Kommodorem JG 2 a v této funkci setrval aH do své smrti 2. bøezna 1944, kdy padl v boji s Thunderbolty nad Montmedy. Na poèátku února 1944 dosáhl jako první stíhaè na západní frontì 100 vítìzství. Absolvoval celkem 353 bojových letù, získal 102 vítìzství, z toho 25 ètyømotorových bombardérù a byl vyznamenán Rytíøským køíHem s dubovou ratolestí a meèi. S tímto strojem byl sestøelen v boji se ètyømotorovými bombardéry 28. èervna 1943 u Kergaillie Lt. Hans-Werner Zajonz z 9./JG 2.
Additional Information Eduard plastic models - http://www.eduard.com/
Kurt Bühligen (13 December 1917 – 11 August 1985)
Kurt Bühligen (13 December 1917 – 11 August 1985) was a German World War II fighter ace who served in the Luftwaffe from 1936 until early 1945. A flying ace or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat.[1] He was also a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its higher grade Oak Leaves and Swords was awarded to recognise extreme battlefield bravery or successful military leadership.
Military career
He initially joined the Luftwaffe as a mechanic, before transferring to flying training during 1938-39. In July 1940 he was posted to Jagdgeschwader 2 (JG 2) as an Unteroffizier pilot.
Bühligen claimed his first aerial victory — a Hawker Hurricane over Kent — on 4 September 1940 and was awarded the Ritterkreuz a year later after 20 further claims.
In December 1942 Bühligen served with II./JG 2 in Tunisia and North Africa, claiming some 40 Allied kills before returning to Europe in March 1943. By March 1944 he had scored 96 kills and was now a Major in command of II./JG 2. After 12 more kills Bühligen led JG 2 in carrying out operations against the Soviet advance on the Eastern Front. In early 1945, now Geschwaderkommodore of JG 2, an engine failure caused Bühligen to be taken prisoner by the Soviets, being finally released in 1950.
He shot down some 112 enemy aircraft in over 700 operations, becoming the fourth highest Luftwaffe scorer against the Western Allies. All his victories were claimed over the Western Front and North Africa and included 47 Spitfires and 46 United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) victims; 13 P-38, 9 P-47 and 24 four-engine bombers. He was never shot down but had to make emergency landings on 3 occasions. His final command was Geschwaderkommodore of the JG 2 fighter wing.
Wound Badge in Silver
Ehrenpokal der Luftwaffe (24 July 1941)[2]
Front Flying Clasp of the Luftwaffe in Gold with Pennant "700"
Combined Pilots-Observation Badge
German Cross in Gold on 25 June 1943 as Leutnant in the 4./JG 2[3]
Iron Cross (1939)
o 2nd class (10 September 1940)[4]
o 1st class (29 October 1940)[4]
Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
o Knight's Cross on 4 September 1941 as Oberfeldwebel and pilot in the II./JG 2 "Richthofen"[5]
o 413th Oak Leaves on 2 March 1944 as Major (war officer) and Gruppenkommandeur of the II./JG 2 "Richthofen"[6][7]
o 88th Swords on 14 August 1944 as Major (war officer) and Geschwaderkommodore of JG 2 "Richthofen"[6][8]Asisbiz database list of 107 aerial victories for Kurt Bühlingen
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location Comments 04-Sep-40 Kurt Bühlingen 2./JG2 Spitfire 10:00 Dover 04-Sep-40 Kurt Bühlingen 2./JG2 Hurricane 10:00 Dover 11-Sep-40 Kurt Bühlingen 6./JG2 Hurricane 16:35 - 26-Sep-40 Kurt Bühlingen 6./JG2 Spitfire - - 30-Sep-40 Kurt Bühlingen 6./JG2 Spitfire 12:28 N. Portland 01-Oct-40 Kurt Bühlingen 6./JG2 Hurricane - South of Bournemouth 07-Oct-40 Kurt Bühlingen 6./JG2 Hurricane - South of Portland 07-Oct-40 Kurt Bühlingen 6./JG2 Hurricane 16:52 South of Portland 07-Nov-40 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Hurricane 15:28 S. Insel Wight 21-Jun-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 16:51 Boulogne-Le Touquet 21-Jun-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 16:50 Boulogne-Le Touquet 21-Jun-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 16:36 Boulogne-Hardelot 07-Jul-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 15:32 - 10-Jul-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 12:21 - 10-Jul-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 12:18 - 11-Jul-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 14:55 - 23-Jul-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 13:23 - 23-Jul-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 13:27 - 07-Aug-41 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 17:48 - 12-Aug-41 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Hurricane 19:07 - 16-Aug-41 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 19:42 - 19-Aug-41 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 12:01 - 21-Aug-41 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 15:09 - 26-Aug-41 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 16:22 - 04-Sep-41 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire - - 19-Aug-42 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 13:24 Hafen Dieppe 19-Aug-42 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 08:10 - 19-Aug-42 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 16:53 60km N. St. Valery 19-Aug-42 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 16:42 60km N. St. Valery 03-Dec-42 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 3000m 10:55 South of Tebourba 18-Dec-42 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 5500m 11:06 10km W. Djebel Quantra 26-Dec-42 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning Low Level 13:40 S. Djebel Taboussa 26-Dec-42 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 3500m 13:32 5km E. Djebel Abiod 04-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-40 Warhawk 100m 10:40 8km SW Tdidjana 04-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Marauder 900m 10:44 15km SSW Tdidjana 08-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-38 Lightning 1600m 15:29 2km W. Djebel Toerl 08-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-38 Lightning 1500m 14:47 20km S. Kairouan 08-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-38 Lightning 500m 15:42 S. Djebel el Obeid 14-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38F Lightning 8500m 12:50 40km E. El Ayasche 21-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-40 Warhawk 1000m 08:39 N. Pribon 21-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-40 Warhawk 200m 08:44 2km W. Djebel Trozza 22-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-40 Kittyhawk 10m 14:20 2km W. Ouselltia 10m 28-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 5000m 14:15 50km SW Kairouan 30-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 1800m 07:36 NW Djebel el Rahan 30-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 1500m 07:38 30km WNW Kairouan 30-Jan-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 600m 07:40 35km NW Kairouan 02-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire Low Level 09:15 14km NE Kairouan 02-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-39 Aircobra Low Level 08:17 20km W. Kairouan 02-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-40 Warhawk Low Level 08:20 20km SW Kairouan 02-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-40 Warhawk Low Level 08:14 40km NW Kairouan 02-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-40 Warhawk Low Level 08:16 10km S. Djebel Dedjedia 03-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire Low Level 09:00 30km NW Kairouan 03-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire Low Level 09:02 25km SW Kairouan 03-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire Low Level 09:04 5km E. Pichon 03-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire Low Level 09:06 5km N. Pichon 04-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 1800m 16:16 15-20km S. Ousseltia 04-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 1800m 16:13 SW Ousseltia 04-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 1800m 16:12 200m SW Ousseltia 09-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-40 Warhawk Low Level 13:53 S. Djebel Bou Gaboursi 09-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-40 Warhawk Low Level 13:51 S. Djebel Bou Gaboursi 10-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 300m 13:45 E. Djebel Bou Zid 14-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 2000m 11:02 25km NW Sidi bou Zid 14-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire Low Level 16:21 NW Djebel Trozza 14-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 300m 08:25 16km SW Hadje el Toum 14-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 2000m 11:00 20km W. Sidi bou Zid 15-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 5000m 15:03 E. Djebel Martila 15-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 6000m 14:59 15km SW Fondouk 15-Feb-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 4000m 15:13 N. Djebel Trozza 08-Mar-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 100m 09:39 35km NW Kairouan 08-Mar-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 800m 09:38 35km NWN Kairouan 12-Mar-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 5000m 14:24 E. Djebel Siben-Habber 12-Mar-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 7500m 14:22 W. Djebel Trossa 12-Mar-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-38 Lightning 1500m 04:27 SE Mateur 15-May-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 P-51 Mustang 2600m 17:16 1157/05 Ost 17-May-43 Kurt Bühlingen 4./JG2 Spitfire 9000m 10:58 1067/15 West 04-Jul-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 7500m 13:22 10km WNW Cap d'Antifer 04-Jul-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 3000m 17:32 S. Vaucelles (NNW Caen) 14-Jul-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 50m 09:05 4km NW Trouville 50m 15-Jul-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Typhoon 1000m 16:34 bei Tours-en-Vimeu (Somme) 16-Jul-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 6500m 20:10 15-20km W. Somme Estuary 18-Jul-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 2500m 18:35 Foucaucourt-en-Santerre 30-Jul-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000m 09:25 N. Rotterdam 30-Jul-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Typhoon 500m 16:00 05 Ost S/11/5/9 17-Aug-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 7-500m 17:22 S. Tongeren 7-500m (Limburg) 19-Aug-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Spitfire 3500m 12:43 E. Abbeville 02-Sep-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-51 Mustang I Low Level 09:56 NW Auxi-le-Chateau 06-Sep-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 5000m 13:10 6km NW Neufchatel 06-Sep-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 5000m 14:35 0148/05 Ost 06-Sep-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000m 09:48 Vailly (NNE Troyes) 09-Sep-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 Abschuß 3000m 15:53 05 Ost S/1167 14-Oct-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000m 13:45 bei Sneek 26-Nov-43 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 7500m 10:38 SE Paris 29-Jan-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 1000m 11:15 05 Ost S/PL (Durbuy Raum) 05-Feb-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 6500m 11:50 SW etampes 05-Feb-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-24 Liberator 6500m 11:20 Raum Vendome 24-Feb-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6500m 12:30 GR-3 to FR-9 (1km E. Dummer) 24-Feb-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 HSS 7000m 12:28 05 Ost/FK 25-Feb-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6500m 12:33 05 Ost S/TJ/TK 18-Mar-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-24 Liberator 4000m 13:21 10km SSW Forges 28-Apr-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab II./JG2 B-17 Fortress 5000m 11:58-12:25 HF (40km E. Bourges) 06-Jun-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 1200m 11:57 TU 7 (5-10km v. Ornemundung) 07-Jun-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 4000m 19:07 UU-1-4 (Caen/Carpiquet) 07-Jun-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 4000m 19:09 UU-1 (N. Caen) 12-Jun-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 1000m 06:04 04 Ost N/AC-5 (St. Andre) 05-Jul-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 1500m 10:55 15 West S/UU-6 (Caen) 05-Jul-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 2500m 15:49 05 Ost S/UB-8 (Beaumont) 05-Jul-44 Kurt Bühlingen Stab JG2 P-51 Mustang 1200m 15:52 UB (Bernay-Le Neubourg) References:
- Spick 1996, pp. 3–4.
- Obermaier 1989, p. 38.
- Patzwall and Scherzer 2001, p. 67.
- MacLean 2007, p. 89.
- Fellgiebel 2000, p. 148. According to Scherzer in the 4./JG 2[6]
- Scherzer 2007, p. 250.
- Fellgiebel 2000, p. 79.
- Fellgiebel 2000, p. 88.
- Berger, Florian (2000). Mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern. Die höchstdekorierten Soldaten des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Selbstverlag Florian Berger. ISBN 3-9501307-0-5.
- Fellgiebel, Walther-Peer (2000). Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939-1945. Friedburg, Germany: Podzun-Pallas. ISBN 3-7909-0284-5.
- MacLean, French L. (2007). Luftwaffe Efficiency & Promotion Reports — For the Knight's Cross Winners. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Military History. ISBN 978-0-7643-2657-8.
- Obermaier, Ernst (1989). Die Ritterkreuzträger der Luftwaffe Jagdflieger 1939 - 1945 (in German). Mainz, Germany: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann. ISBN 3-87341-065-6.
- Patzwall, Klaus D. and Scherzer, Veit. Das Deutsche Kreuz 1941 - 1945 Geschichte und Inhaber Band II. Norderstedt, Germany: Verlag Klaus D. Patzwall, 2001. ISBN 3-931533-45-X.
- Spick, Mike (1996). Luftwaffe Fighter Aces. New York: Ivy Books. ISBN 0-8041-1696-2.
- Schaulen, Fritjof (2003). Eichenlaubträger 1940 - 1945 Zeitgeschichte in Farbe I Abraham - Huppertz (in German). Selent, Germany: Pour le Mérite. ISBN 3-932381-20-3.
- Scherzer, Veit (2007). Die Ritterkreuzträger 1939–1945 Die Inhaber des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939 von Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Waffen-SS, Volkssturm sowie mit Deutschland verbündeter Streitkräfte nach den Unterlagen des Bundesarchives (in German). Jena, Germany: Scherzers Miltaer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-938845-17-2.
- Helden der Wehrmacht III - Unsterbliche deutsche Soldaten (in German). München, Germany: FZ-Verlag GmbH, 2007. ISBN 978-3-924309-82-4.
Web References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:BulKurt.jpg
Hans 'Assi' Hahn
Major Hans "Assi" Hahn was born on 14 April 1914 at Gotha in Thuringen. A gifted athlete, Hahn was selected to participate in the Summer Olympic Games in Berlin to compete in the Pentathlon. Unfortunately, he had to withdraw due to illness. Hahn enlisted in the army on 1 April 1934 as an officer candidate in the Infanterie-Regiment 14. He received promotion to the rank of Unteroffizier on 1 December. He attended the Kriegsschule at Munchen from January to October 1935. On 1 October, Hahn was promoted to the rank of Oberfahnrich. In November, Hahn transferred from the infantry to the Luftwaffe. He underwent pilot training at Celle. On 1 April 1936, Hahn was promoted to the rank of Leutnant. Following pilot training, he was posted to 4./JG134, based at Werl near Dortmund, on 15 April. On 1 November 1937, Hahn was transferred to a new Jagdfliegerschule at Werneuchen as a flight instructor and Staffelfuhrer of 1. Staffel. He received promotion to the rank of Oberleutnant on 1 February 1939 and was transferred to the Stabstaffel of I./JG3, based at Meseburg.
Oberleutnant Hahn transferred to JG2 on 11 October 1939. He was assigned to newly formed II./JG2, based at Zerbst, which was formed using the nucleus of personnel from I./JG3 and I./JG2. On 15 December, he was appointed Staffelkapitan of 4./JG2. Moving West, Hahn claimed his first two victories on 14 May 1940, during the Battle of France, over RAF Hurricane fighters in his first engagement with enemy aircraft. However, only one of his claims was confirmed. Hahn would claim a total of five confirmed victories during the Battle of France. Hahn was particularly successful during the Battle of Britain. He claimed three RAF Spitfire fighters shot down on 31 August 1940, to record his eighth through 10th victories. After claiming his 20th victory on 20 September 1940, Hahn was awarded the Ritterkreuz. On 29 October 1940, Hahn was promoted to the rank of Hauptmann and appointed Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG2.
By the end of 1940, his victory total had reached 22. Hauptmann Hahn was awarded the Eichenlaub (Nr 32) on 14 August 1941 for 41 victories. He recorded his 50th victory on 13 October 1941 and his 60th on 4 May 1942. Hahn shot down a RAF Spitfire fighter on 16 September 1942 to record his 66th, and last, victory over the Western front. Hahn was appointed Gruppen Kommandeur of II./JG54 "Grunherz", based on the Eastern front, on 1 November 1942. In the space of three months, he claimed a further 42 victories. He shot down five Russian aircraft on 30 December (75-79). On 1 January, Hahn was promoted to the rank of Major. His best day occurred on 14 January 1943, when he downed seven Russian La-5 fighters (80-86). He recorded his 100th victory on 27 January 1943.
Hauptmann Hans 'Assi' Hahn, Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG2 in his Fw 109A-3 W.Nr. 223 '<<'. May 1942, Beaumont le Roger, France. Leading III./JG54 on 21 February 1943, Hahn encountered Russian fighters near Staraya Russa. In the ensuing combat, he shot down a Russian La-5 fighter for his 108th, and last, victory. In the course of the combat, his aircraft received hits in the left wing. Disengaging from further combat, Hahn headed west but his engine soon began overheating and he had to land his Bf-109 G-2/R6 (W.Nr. 13 949) "Black <<" in enemy-held territory. Soviet sources claim Hahn was shot down by Russian ace Starshiiy Leytenant Pavel Grazhdanikov (13 victories, killed in action 5 April 1943) of 169 IAP, VVS. Hahn was captured and subsequently made a prisoner of war. Hahn was held captive and was not released by the Soviet Union until 1950. Hahn gained employment at the International Corporation of Bayer Leverkeusen, fulfilling a position dealing in trade with France and England. He later became a director of the Wano Schwarzpulver Company, which manufactured gunpowder, at Kunigunde near Goslar. He retired from this company in 1977 and lived in southern France with his family. Hahn died on 18 December 1982 at Munchen from cancer.
"Assi" Hahn was credited with 108 victories in 560 missions. He recorded 66 victories over the Western Front, of them 53 were Spitfires. Of the 42 victories he recorded over the Eastern front at least seven were Il-2 Sturmovik ground-attack aircraft.
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments 1 14.5.1940 09:55 Hurricane 4./JG 2 Gembloux / Hurricane of 607 Sqn RAF 2 19.5.1940 12:18 Hurricane 4./JG 2 Tournai / Possibly Hurricane of 87 Sqn RAF 3 19.5.1940 Morane 406 4./JG 2 Tournai 4 3.6.1940 14:50 Hawk 75 4./JG 2 ENE Paris 5 6.6.1940 20:35 Hawk 75 4./JG 2 Roye 6 11.8.1940 11:45 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Portland 7 25.8.1940 18:30~ Spitfire 4./JG 2 Dorchester 8 31.8.1940 09:00 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Dover 9 31.8.1940 09:05 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Dover 10 31.8.1940 17:05 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Dover 11 4.9.1940 10:15 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Ashford 12 4.9.1940 14:25 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Margate 13 6.9.1940 10:00 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Ashford 14 6.9.1940 10:05 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Ashford 15 7.9.1940 18:25 Spitfire 4./JG 2 London 16 8.9.1940 Hurricane 4./JG 2 Tablehurst 17 11.9.1940 16:15 Hurricane 4./JG 2 Tournai 18 15.9.1940 15:35 Spitfire 4./JG 2 London 19 20.9.1940 12:15 Hurricane 4./JG 2 London 20 23.9.1940 10:30 Spitfire 4./JG 2 Rochester 21 15.10.1940 13:35 Hurricane 4./JG 2 Isle of Wight 22 6.11.1940 15:50 Hurricane Stab III./JG2 E Southampton 23 24.6.1941 21:00 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Gravelines-Ramsgate 24 25.6.1941 16:31 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 NE Boulogne 25 26.6.1941 11:35 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Gravelines-Dunkirk 26 2.7.1941 Hurricane Stab III./JG2 Hazebrouck 27 7.7.1941 15:36 Hurricane Stab III./JG2 7km W Le Touquet 28 7.7.1941 15:37 Hurricane Stab III./JG2 7-10km W Le Touquet 29 8.7.1941 15:52 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Marques 30 10.7.1941 12:08 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 St Omer 31 10.7.1941 12:12 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 St Omer 32 21.7.1941 08:50 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Gravelines 33 21.7.1941 20:45 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Watten 34 22.7.1941 13:45 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Calais 35 22.7.1941 13:53 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Calais 36 23.7.1941 20:20 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Marzingarbe 37 23.7.1941 20:23 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Marzingarbe 38 5.8.1941 18:44 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 St Omer-Calais 39 7.8.1941 18:17 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Calais 40 12.8.1941 12:45 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Gravelines 41 12.8.1941 12:50 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Gris Nez 42 12.8.1941 18:51 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Ramsgate 43 20.9.1941 16:30 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 10km off Somme Estuary 44 20.9.1941 16:42 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 45 20.9.1941 16:43 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 46 27.9.1941 15:35 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 47 2.10.1941 15:05 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Pas-de-Calais 48 2.10.1941 18:05 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Pas-de-Calais / Spitfire of Biggin Hill Wing, RAF 49 2.10.1941 18:52 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Pas-de-Calais / Spitfire of Biggin Hill Wing, RAF 50 13.10.1941 14:30 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Boulogne 51 12.2.1942 14:55 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 52 17.4.1942 16:08 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 53 20.4.1942 17:07 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 54 22.4.1942 14:32 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 55 25.4.1942 16:24 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 56 25.4.1942 16:29 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 57 30.4.1942 17:27 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 58 4.5.1942 10:41 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 59 4.5.1942 10:46 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 60 4.5.1942 15:55 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 61 6.5.1942 12:22 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 62 6.5.1942 12:24 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 63 6.6.1942 17:25 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Cherbourg-Cap Levy 64 6.6.1942 17:25 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Cherbourg-Cap Levy 65 6.6.1942 17:27 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 Cherbourg-Cap Levy 66 16.9.1942 13:15 Spitfire Stab III./JG2 05 Ost S/11/5/1 67 4.12.1942 10:45 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 68 4.12.1942 10:47 Il-2 Stab II./JG54 69 4.12.1942 13:53 Il-2 Stab II./JG54 70 4.12.1942 14:00 Il-2 Stab II./JG54 71 12.12.1942 13:56 La-5 Stab II./JG54 72 12.12.1942 13:58 Il-2 Stab II./JG54 73 29.12.1942 11:30 Il-2 Stab II./JG54 74 29.12.1942 11:50 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 75 30.12.1942 08:50 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 76 30.12.1942 08:53 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 77 30.12.1942 08:55 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 78 30.12.1942 08:57 Il-2 Stab II./JG54 79 30.12.1942 11:45 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 80 14.1.1943 10:36 La-5 Stab II./JG54 81 14.1.1943 10:37 La-5 Stab II./JG54 82 14.1.1943 10:38 La-5 Stab II./JG54 83 14.1.1943 10:42 La-5 Stab II./JG54 84 14.1.1943 12:10 La-5 Stab II./JG54 85 14.1.1943 12:11 La-5 Stab II./JG54 86 14.1.1943 12:12 La-5 Stab II./JG54 87 23.1.1943 13:20 La-5 Stab II./JG54 88 23.1.1943 13:22 La-5 Stab II./JG54 89 23.1.1943 13:25 La-5 Stab II./JG54 90 24.1.1943 09:35 La-5 Stab II./JG54 91 24.1.1943 09:40 La-5 Stab II./JG54 92 24.1.1943 09:42 La-5 Stab II./JG54 93 24.1.1943 13:55 La-5 Stab II./JG54 94 25.1.1943 09:45 La-5 Stab II./JG54 95 25.1.1943 09:47 La-5 Stab II./JG54 96 25.1.1943 09:48 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 97 26.1.1943 10:58 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 98 26.1.1943 14:00 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 99 26.1.1943 14:03 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 100 27.1.1943 10:43 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 101 8.2.1943 E/a Stab II./JG54 102 9.2.1943 13:10 P-40 Stab II./JG54 103 9.2.1943 13:11 P-40 Stab II./JG54 104 11.2.1943 09:52 P-40 Stab II./JG54 105 11.2.1943 09:58 P-40 Stab II./JG54 106 11.2.1943 10:08 LaGG-3 Stab II./JG54 107 11.2.1943 11:30 Il-2 Stab II./JG54 108 21.2.1943 09:11 La-5 Stab II./JG54 Victories : 108
Awards : Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (16 July 1942)
Ritterkreuz (24 September 1940)
Eichenlaub (14 August 1941)
Units : JG2, JG54
http://www.luftwaffe.cz/hahn.html Aces of the Luftwaffe - Hans Assi HahAsisbiz database list of 112 aerial victories for Hans 'Assi' Hahn
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 03-Jun-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hawk-75A 14.50 ENE Paris 14-May-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hurricane 09.55 Gembloux 19-May-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hurricane 12.18 Tournai 19-May-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Morane 406 Tournai 06-Jun-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hawk-75 20.35 Roye 11-Aug-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 11.45 Portland 25-Aug-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 18.35 Dorchester 31-Aug-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 09.00 Dover 31-Aug-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 09.05 Dover 31-Aug-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 19.05 Dover 04-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 10.15 Ashford 04-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 14.25 Margate 23-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 10.30 South of London 06-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hurricane 10.05 Ashford 06-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hurricane 10.00 Ashford 07-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hurricane 18.25 Gillingham 08-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hurricane South of London 15-Oct-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 13.35 Southampton 11-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Hurricane 16.15 Staplehurst 15-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 15.35 Thorney Island 20-Sep-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 12.15 06-Nov-40 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Hurricane 15.50 East of Southampton 24-Jun-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 21.00 25-Jun-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 16.31 26-Jun-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 11.35 02-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire Hazebrouck 07-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Hurricane 3000m 15.36 7km W Le Touquet 07-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Hurricane 3000m 15.37 7-10km W Le Touquet 08-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 15.52 10-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 12.08 10-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 12.12 21-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 08.50 21-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 20.45 22-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 13.45 22-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 13.53 23-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 20.20 23-Jul-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 20.23 05-Aug-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 18.44 07-Aug-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 18.17 12-Aug-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 12.45 12-Aug-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 12.50 12-Aug-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 18.51 Ramsgate 17-Aug-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Wellington 00.53 Sculthorpe 18-Sep-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 6000m 16.30 10km ostw Somme-Mundung 20-Sep-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 16.42 10km SW Somme-Mundug 20-Sep-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 16.43 27-Sep-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 15.35 02-Oct-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 15.05 02-Oct-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 18.50 02-Oct-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 18.52 13-Oct-41 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 14.30 12-Feb-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 14.55 30-Apr-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 17.27 17-Apr-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 16.08 20-Apr-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 17.07 22-Apr-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 14.32 25-Apr-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 16.24 25-Apr-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 16.29 04-May-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 10.41 04-May-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 10.46 04-May-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 15.55 06-May-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 12.22 06-May-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 12.24 06-Jun-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 17.25 06-Jun-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 17.25 06-Jun-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn 4./JG2 Spitfire 17.27 16-Sep-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 9000m 13.15 05 Ost S/11/5/1 16-Sep-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 9000m 13.15 1151/05 Ost 04-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 Low Level 10.45 18 231 04-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 Il-2 Sturmovik 500m 10.47 18 231 04-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 Il-2 Sturmovik 100m 13.53 18 262 04-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 Il-2 Sturmovik 50m 14.00 2975 12-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 La-5 150m 13.56 28 113 12-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 Il-2 Sturmovik 100m 13.58 29 773 29-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 Il-2 Sturmovik 800m 11.30 28 113 29-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 100m 11.50 28 122 30-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 2000m 08.50 18 262 30-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 1200m 08.53 28 113 30-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 1000m 08.55 28 111 30-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 Il-2 Sturmovik 800m 08.57 29 472 30-Dec-42 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 1800m 11.45 18 262 23-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-3 4000m 11.19 10 182 23-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 R-5 1000m 11.15 00 263 24-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 4600m 09.35 10 192 24-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 4000m 09.40 10 151 24-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 4000m 09.42 10 154 24-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 4000m 13.55 00 261 14-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 3000m 10.36 10 194 14-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 300m 10.37 10 193 14-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 3800m 10.38 10 193 14-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 1700m 10.42 1181 14-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-5 3000m 12.10 10 163 14-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-5 3000m 12.11 10 271 14-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-5 2000m 12.12 10 243 23-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 3000m 13.20 10 171 23-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 2500m 13.22 10 171 23-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 2500m 13.25 10 140 25-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 3000m 09.45 10 151 25-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-5 3000m 09.47 10 124 25-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab /JG54 LaGG-3 Low Level 09.49 10 111 26-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 2000m 10.58 10 152 26-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 3000m 14.00 10 122 26-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 2100m 14.03 10 123 27-Jan-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 50m 10.43 10 111 09-Feb-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 P-40 Warhawk 2000m 13.10 00 422 09-Feb-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 P-40 Warhawk 1000m 13.11 00 434 11-Feb-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 P-40 Warhawk 1500m 09.52 00 283 11-Feb-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 P-40 Warhawk 800m 09.58 00 263 11-Feb-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-3 50m 10.08 00 271 19-Feb-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 Il-2 Sturmovik 1200m 11.50 28 351 21-Feb-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 LaGG-5 2000m 09.11 18 463 21-Feb-43 Hans 'Assi' Hahn Stab II./JG54 Dogfight PoW Dogfight SE Salutsche
Egon Mayer
Egon Mayer was born on 19 August 1917 at Konstanz in Bodensee. He joined the Luftwaffe in 1937. After a regular peacetime training, Fahnenjunker Mayer was posted to I./JG2 on 6 December 1939. By the time Mayer participated in the French campaign, he was serving with 6./JG2. Mayer recorded his first victory on 13 June 1940, when he shot down a French Morane fighter. From 1 August 1940, he served at the Jagdfliegerschule Werneuchen. Mayer had returned to JG2 by September 1940. Mayer was assigned to 3./JG2, based at Beaumont-le-Roger in France. He claimed a RAF Hurricane fighter shot down near Portland on 7 October to record his second victory. Leutnant Mayer was transferred to 8./JG2, where he recorded one victory, a Hurricane shot down near Chichester on 15 November 1940 for his third victory. On 10 June 1941, Oberleutnant Mayer was appointed Staffelkapitan of 7./JG2, based at St Pol-Brias. He was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 1 August 1941 for 20 victories. Mayer recorded his 30th victory, yet another Spitfire, shot down on 15 April 1942. On 19 August, his 25th birthday, Mayer shot down two RAF Spitfire fighters over Dieppe (51-52). In November 1942, Hauptmann Mayer was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG2.
On 23 November, Mayer recorded his first victories over USAAF four-engine bombers, when he shot down two B-17s and a B-24 (53-55). With Georg-Peter Eder (78 victories, RK-EL), Mayer is credited with developing the head-on attack technique against the Allied daylight bomber raids. The technique brought both considerable success against the four-engine bombers. He was awarded the Eichenlaub (Nr 232) on 16 April 1943 after 63 victories. Oberstleutnant Mayer was appointed Kommodore of JG2 on 1 July 1943, following the departure of Oberst Walter Oesau (127 victories, RK-S, killed in action 11 May 1944) to become Jafu Bretagne. He shot down three USAAF B-17 four-engine bombers in 19 minutes on 6 September 1943 (78-80). On 1 December, Mayer claimed four USAAF P-47 fighters and a B-17 bomber shot down (85-89). He achieved his 90th victory on 31 December and was the first to reach 100 victories on the Channel Front on 5 February 1944, when he shot down a P-47 fighter near Arguen. He claimed his 101st and 102nd, and last, victories on 6 February, when he shot down two P-47 fighters in the Sens area. On 2 March 1944, Mayer led a formation from JG2 against an USAAF daylight raid. USAAF P-47 fighters escorted the bombers. The fighter escort overpowered Mayer's attacking group and he was shot down and killed near Montmedy in Fw 190A-6 (W.Nr. 470468). He was posthumously awarded the Schwertern (Nr 51).
Egon Mayer shot down 102 enemy aircraft. All his victories were recorded over the Western Front and included 26 four-engine bombers, 51 Spitfire and 12 P-47 fighters.
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location 1 13.6.1940 18:00 Morane 406 6./JG2 2 7.10.1940 16:57 Hurricane 3./JG2 NW Portland 3 15.11.1940 17:10 Hurricane 8./JG2 Chichester 4 17.6.1941 17:50 Spitfire 7./JG2 N Cherbourg 23.6.1941 Spitfire 7./JG2 Not confirmed 23.6.1941 Spitfire 7./JG2 Not confirmed 5 24.6.1941 20:42 Spitfire 7./JG2 Gravelines-Ramsgate 6 25.6.1941 16:35 Spitfire 7./JG2 St Omer-Boulogne 7 2.7.1941 12:38 Blenheim 7./JG2 8 2.7.1941 13:55 Spitfire 7./JG2 9 3.7.1941 11:46 Spitfire 7./JG2 10 3.7.1941 15:36 Spitfire 7./JG2 11 5.7.1941 12:36 Spitfire 7./JG2 12 9.7.1941 14:05 Spitfire 7./JG2 13 10.7.1941 12:08 Spitfire 7./JG2 14 12.7.1941 19:26 Spitfire 7./JG2 15 12.7.1941 19:28 Spitfire 7./JG2 16 21.7.1941 8:52 Spitfire 7./JG2 17 23.7.1941 13:14 Spitfire 7./JG2 Foret d'Eperlecques 18 23.7.1941 13:20 Spitfire 7./JG2 Foret d'Eperlecques 19 21.8.1941 10:20 Spitfire 7./JG2 20 21.8.1941 14:50 Spitfire 7./JG2 21 27.8.1941 9:30 Hurricane 7./JG2 NW Le Touquet: 6000m 22 16.9.1941 19:32 Spitfire 7./JG2 Boulogne area: 7600m 23 16.9.1941 19:40 Spitfire 7./JG2 24 20.9.1941 16:32 Spitfire 7./JG2 25 2.10.1941 15:14 Spitfire 7./JG2 Pas-de-Calais 26 13.10.1941 15:34 Spitfire 7./JG2 Boulogne-Channel 27 21.10.1941 13:00 Spitfire 7./JG2 28 21.10.1941 16:10 Spitfire 7./JG2 29 12.2.1942 14:38 Whirlwind 7./JG2 N Ostend 30 15.4.1942 16:29 Spitfire 7./JG2 31 16.4.1942 15:30 Spitfire 7./JG2 32 16.4.1942 15:33 Spitfire 7./JG2 33 17.4.1942 9:35 Spitfire 7./JG2 34 17.4.1942 16:05 Boston 7./JG2 35 25.4.1942 9:45 Spitfire 7./JG2 36 25.4.1942 16:17 Spitfire 7./JG2 37 25.4.1942 16:25 Spitfire 7./JG2 38 25.4.1942 16:29 Spitfire 7./JG2 39 30.4.1942 11:43 Spitfire 7./JG2 40 4.5.1942 10:39 Spitfire 7./JG2 41 4.5.1942 15:40 Spitfire 7./JG2 42 6.5.1942 12:29 Spitfire 7./JG2 43 3.6.1942 15:35 Spitfire 7./JG2 Off Cherbourg 44 3.6.1942 15:40 Spitfire 7./JG2 Off Cherbourg 45 6.6.1942 17:22 Spitfire 7./JG2 Cherbourg-Cap Levy 46 6.6.1942 17:22 Spitfire 7./JG2 Cherbourg-Cap Levy 47 23.6.1942 19:30 Spitfire 7./JG2 Off Start Point 48 23.6.1942 19:32 Spitfire 7./JG2 Off Start Point 49 31.7.1942 18:09 Spitfire 7./JG2 50 18.8.1942 11:28 Spitfire 7./JG2 20km NE Cherbourg 51 19.8.1942 16:03 Hurricane 7./JG2 Near Dieppe 52 19.8.1942 16:05 Spitfire 7./JG2 Near Dieppe 53 23.11.1942 13:25 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 3853/14 West 54 23.11.1942 13:34 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 W Lacanau 55 23.11.1942 14:00 B-24 Stab III./JG 2 4855/14 West 56 30.12.1942 11:42 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 14 West N/48/4/7 57 3.1.1943 11:32 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 4-6km SW St. Nazaire 58 3.1.1943 11:35 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 5km W Loire Estuary 59 11.2.1943 12:10 Spitfire Stab III./JG 2 8km NW Boulogne 60 14.2.1943 11:36 Typhoon Stab III./JG 2 1287/05 Ost 61 14.2.1943 11:40 Typhoon Stab III./JG 2 1284/05 Ost 62 14.2.1943 12:12 Typhoon Stab III./JG 2 1288/05 Ost 63 16.4.1943 14:05 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 4829 / 14 West 64 16.4.1943 14:22 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 4834 / 14 West 65 29.5.1943 16:35 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 2928 / 14 West 66 29.5.1943 17:35 B-17 Stab III./JG 2 3871 / 14 West 67 4.7.1943 12:36 B-17 Stab/JG2 1965/04 Ost 68 4.7.1943 12:58 B-17 Stab/JG2 1065/15 West 69 14.7.1943 7:43 B-17 Stab/JG2 10km N Evreux 70 14.7.1943 8:24 B-17 Stab/JG2 SW Paris / B-17 of 94 BG, USAAG 71 30.7.1943 10:30 B-17 Stab/JG2 422/05 Ost 72 16.8.1943 10:37 P-47 Stab/JG2 Sennenville 73 22.8.1943 19:56 Spitfire Stab/JG2 Cany-Barville 74 22.8.1943 20:10 Spitfire Stab/JG2 Pont Authou 75 27.8.1943 9:45 Spitfire Stab/JG2 Tancarville 76 3.9.1943 10:40 B-17 Stab/JG2 Bailleul 77 3.9.1943 11:25 B-17 Stab/JG2 2935 / 04 Ost 78 6.9.1943 12:10 B-17 Stab/JG2 3km W Mailly-le-Camp 79 6.9.1943 12:17 B-17 Stab/JG2 6km W Troyes 80 6.9.1943 12:29 B-17 Stab/JG2 Lens 81 22.9.1943 17:17 Spitfire Stab/JG2 E Evreux 82 22.9.1943 17:20 Spitfire Stab/JG2 N Evreux 83 5.11.1943 13:39 P-47 Stab/JG2 Near Rheydt 84 5.11.1943 13:51 P-47 Stab/JG2 S Hasselt 85 1.12.1943 12:50 P-47 Stab/JG2 Gembloux-Huy area 86 1.12.1943 12:50 P-47 Stab/JG2 Liege area 87 1.12.1943 12:53 P-47 Stab/JG2 Gembloux area 88 1.12.1943 12:53 P-47 Stab/JG2 Liege area / probable 89 1.12.1943 13:10 B-17 Stab/JG2 Schelde 90 31.12.1943 12:18 B-24 Stab/JG2 Melun-Villaroche 91 4.1.1944 16:02 B-26 Stab/JG2 off Dieppe 92 4.1.1944 16:05 Spitfire Stab/JG2 off Dieppe 93 5.1.1944 10:55 P-47 Stab/JG2 NW Laval 94 5.1.1944 10:55 P-47 Stab/JG2 Marennes 95 7.1.1944 13:05 B-24 Stab/JG2 NE Orleans 96 7.1.1944 13:06 B-24 Stab/JG2 NE Orleans 97 7.1.1944 13:15 B-24 Stab/JG2 Bouville 98 7.1.1944 13:18 B-17 Stab/JG2 Les Buissons 99 14.1.1944 15:32 P-38 Stab/JG2 La Haye-du-Compte 100 5.2.1944 12:49 P-47 Stab/JG2 Arguen 101 6.2.1944 11:12 P-47 Stab/JG2 CG-9 102 6.2.1944 11:14 P-47 Stab/JG2 CG-9 Victories : 102
Awards : Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (16 July 1942)
Ritterkreuz (1 August 1941)
Eichenlaub (16 April 1943)
Schwertern (2 March 1944)
Units : JG2
http://www.luftwaffe.cz/mayer.htmlAsisbiz database list of 115 aerial victories for Egon Mayer
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 13-Jun-40 Egon Mayer 6./JG2 Morane 406 18.00 07-Oct-40 Egon Mayer 3./JG2 Hurricane 17.00 NW Portland 15-Nov-40 Egon Mayer 8./JG2 Hurricane 17.10 Chichester 17-Jun-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 17.50 23-Jun-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 23-Jun-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 24-Jun-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 20.42 25-Jun-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.35 02-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 13.55 02-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Blenheim 12.38 03-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.36 03-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 11.46 05-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 12.36 08-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 11.46 08-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Blenheim 12.38 08-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.38 08-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 10.45 08-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.36 09-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 14.05 10-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 12.05 12-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 19.26 12-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 19.28 18-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 10.26 18-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 10.28 21-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 08.52 23-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 13.14 23-Jul-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 13.30 21-Aug-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 10.20 21-Aug-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 14.32 27-Aug-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Hurricane 6000m 09.30 NW Le Touquet 16-Sep-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 19.40 16-Sep-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 7600m 19.32 Raum Boulogne 20-Sep-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.38 02-Oct-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.14 13-Oct-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.34 21-Oct-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.00 21-Oct-41 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.10 12-Feb-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Whirlwind 14.38 15-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.29 16-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.33 16-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.30 17-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 09.35 17-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 A-20 Boston 16.05 25-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 09.45 25-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.17 25-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.25 25-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.29 30-Apr-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 11.43 04-May-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.40 04-May-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 10.39 06-May-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 12.29 03-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.40 03-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.35 Sea off Cherbourg 03-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.40 Sea off Cherbourg 03-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.27 Sea off Cherbourg 03-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 15.35 06-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 17.22 06-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 17.22 23-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 19.32 Sea off Start Point 23-Jun-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 19.30 Sea off Start Point 31-Jul-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 18.09 18-Aug-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 11.28 19-Aug-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Spitfire 16.05 19-Aug-42 Egon Mayer 7./JG2 Hurricane 16.03 23-Nov-42 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 5000m 13.34 West of Lacanau 23-Nov-42 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 13.25 14 West N/38/5/3 23-Nov-42 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-24 Liberator 3200m 14.00 14 West N/48/5/5 30-Dec-42 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 11.42 14 West N/48/4/7 03-Jan-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 11.35 5km W Loire Estuary 03-Jan-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6800m 11.32 4-6km SW St Nazaire 11-Feb-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 Spitfire 4500m 12.10 8km NW Boulogne 14-Feb-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 Typhoon 300m 11.36 1287/05 Ost 14-Feb-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 Typhoon 600m 11.40 1284/05 Ost 14-Feb-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 Typhoon 500m 12.12 1288/05 Ost 16-Apr-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 14.05 4829/14 West 16-Apr-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 1000m 14.22 4834/14 West 29-May-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 2000m 17.35 3871/14 West 29-May-43 Egon Mayer Stab III./JG2 B-17 Fortress 400m 16.35 2928/14 West 04-Jul-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 7200m 12.36 1965/04 Ost 04-Jul-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000m 12.58 1065/15 West 14-Jul-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000m 07.43 10km N Evreux 14-Jul-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000m 08.24 SW Paris 30-Jul-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 6200m 10.30 422/05 Ost 16-Aug-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 6500m 10.37 Sennenville (ssE Mantes) 22-Aug-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 Spitfire 4500m 19.56 Cany-Barville 0061/05 West 22-Aug-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 Spitfire 3000m 20.10 Pont Authou (SE Pont Audemer) 27-Aug-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 Spitfire 3500-500m 09.45 Tancarville (Seine) 03-Sep-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 10.40 Bailleul 03-Sep-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 11.25 2935/04 Ost 06-Sep-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 12.17 6km W Troyes 06-Sep-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000m 12.10 3km W Mailly-le-Camp 06-Sep-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 12.29 Lens 22-Sep-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 Spitfire 1000m 17.20 N evreux 22-Sep-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 Spitfire 500m 17.17 E evreux 05-Nov-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 1500m 13.39 bei Rheydt 05-Nov-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 5000-10m 13.51 N- 5 (Alken S Hasselt) 01-Dec-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 7500m 12.50 O -OK (Gembloux-Huy area) 01-Dec-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 7500m 12.50 OL-OK (Liege area) 01-Dec-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 7000m 12.53 OK (Gembloux area) 01-Dec-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 7000m 12.53 NK (Leuven area) 01-Dec-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 2000m 13.10 KH (Schelde Zierikzee) 31-Dec-43 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-24 Liberator 7500m 12.18 AE-9 (S Albi) 04-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-26 Marauder 4000m 16.02 05 Ost S/QB 5 (off Dieppe) 04-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 Spitfire 1000m 16.05 05 Ost S/QB 5 (off Dieppe) 05-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 4500m 10.55 14 West N/OS-3 (Marennes) 05-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 4500m 10.55 NW Laval 07-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-24 Liberator 6500m 13.05 DE 7 (NE Orleans) 07-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-24 Liberator 6500m 13.06 NE Orleans 07-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-24 Liberator 6000m 13.15 Bouville (ssE Chartres) 07-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 1500m 13.18 Les Buissons (Dreux) 14-Jan-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-38 Lightning 2000m 15.32 La Haye-du-Compte (Eure) 05-Feb-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 7000m 12.49 SD-7 (Arguen S Forges) 06-Feb-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 6500m 11.12 CG-9 06-Feb-44 Egon Mayer Stab /JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 6500m 11.12-14 CG-9 30-Apr-44 Egon Mayer 9./JG2 B-17 Fortress II 6000m 11.57 04 Ost N/184
Walter Oesau
Walter Oesau was born on 28 June 1913 at Farnewinkel in the Dithmarschen region of Schleswig-Hostein. He went into the Reichsarbeitsdienst, or RAD1 in 1933 and then joined the Army, serving as a private in an artillery regiment. By 1934 he had become a Fahnenjunker 2 and began flying training with the Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule. He entered the Luftwaffe at about the time it was founded and, with his flying training completed, in 1937 he was posted to jagdgeschwader 132 'Richthofen' as a Leutnant.
1. Reichs Labour Service
2. Officer Cadet
In April 1938, Lt. Oesau volunteered for service in the Spanish Civil War and was sent to join J/88 where he flew the He 51 biplane with 3.Staffel.He claimed his first victory on 15 July, his second on the 17th and his third victory a day later. By the end of July, Oesau had five victories and by the end of his service in Spain had a total of nine, his last being a Rata shot down on 3 November. He returned to Germany promoted to Oberleutnant and with the Spanish Wound Badge, but was later awarded the Spanish Cross in Gold with Swords and Diamonds, a decoration awarded to only 27 combatants who, in the opinion of the Fuhrer, were especially deserving of it.
As from 1 March 1939, Walter Oesau served for a short time with the Stabsschwarm of I./JG2, but on 15 July was appointed Staffelkapitan of I./JG20, later to become 7./JG51. It is customary when referring to pilots' victory claims to discount any achieved in Spain, so Oesau's first victories must be considered to have occurred after the start of the Second World War when he shot down a Curtiss on 13 May, followed by two Spitfires on the 31st. By the end of the French campaign, Oesau had added two bombers to his score, bringing his total to five victories.
With the start of the Battle of Britain, 7./JG51 took part in operations over the Channel and Southern England, and between 7 July and 18 August, Oesau had added a Defiant, ten Spitfires and four Hurricanes to his score, becoming the fifth Luftwaffe pilot to reach 20 victories. For this achievement he was awarded the Ritterkreuz on the 20 August. On 25 August, Hauptmann Oesau was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG51 and on 11 November, by which time he had 39 victories, he became Kommandeur of III./JG3. Oesau's 40th victory occurred on 5 February 1941when he shot down a Spitfire flown by a sergeant pilot of 610Sqn. who became a prisoner of war, and although he identified the aircraft destroyed as a Hurricane, it was another milestone in his career; he was awarded the Oak Leaves to his Knight's Cross and the German press began referring to him as 'German Air Ace No.3'.
Hptm. Oesau claimed another Spitfire and another Hurricane in the West before his Gruppe was transferred eastwards for the launching of Operation 'Barbarossa', the attack on Russia, in June 1941.Almost immediately, Oesau began to make multiple claims, shooting down two aircraft in separate engagements on the 24th and three in two combats on the 26th. By the end of June, his score had increased to 51 and on 10 July he claimed five Soviet aircraft destroyed for his 64th to 68th victories. He recorded his 70th victory on 11 July and on the 15th his tally had increased to 80, for which he became only the third recipient of the Swords.
With a total of 86 claims, Oesau was recalled to the Western Front and on 29 July he took command of JG2, the 'Richthofen' Geschwader, following the death in action of the Kommodore, 23 victory ace and Eichenlaubtrager Major Wilhelm Balthasar on the 7th. Major Oesau scored his first victory with JG2 on 10 August, when he shot down a Spitfire, and followed up with a further five Spitfires on the 12th. By 26 October, Oesau had recorded his 100th victory, a Spitfire shot down that day, and thus became only the third Luftwaffe pilot to reach this landmark. In accordance with prevailing custom, he was then forbidden to fly further combat sorties in order that his valuable combat experience and qualities of leadership should be preserved. Oesau remained as Kommodore of JG2, however, and on 17 April 1942, despite the official ban on his operational flying, shot down one of four Lancasters claimed by JG2 as the bombers flew over the airfield at Beaumont-Ie-Roger while on their way to bomb the MAl'J diesel-engine works at Augsburg.
At this time,JG2 was equipped with the Bf-109F, but commencing in mid-March, the Gescbwader began converting to the Fw 190, a process which should have been virtually completed by the end of May 1942. Although the Fw 190 possessed some outstanding qualities, its peRGormance deteriorated above 20,000 feet and in mid-May, parts of 1./JG2 gave up their Fw 190s and began converting to the Bf-109G which had a superior peRGormance at that altitude. Parts of II.Gruppe followed suit, so that throughout the early Spring and Summer, the two Gruppen operated a mixture of Fw 190 As and Bf-109G-6s. Later, this arrangement was found to be unsatisfactory and II. Gruppe re-equipped entirely with Bf-109Gs while 1. and II1./JG2 were equipped with the Fw 190.
Meanwhile, on 28 June 1943, Oberstleutnant Walter Oesau was celebrating his 30th birthday at Beaumont-le-Roger when 43 B-17s bombed the airfield. Twenty members of the Geschwader were killed while others were injured and buildings damaged. Oesau had already been notified that he was due to take up a staff position and, three days later, he handed over command of JG2 to Eichenlaubträger Egon Mayer. For Oesau, a series of staff positions followed, including his appointment as Jafü 4 in Brittany, and he was holding this position when he was awarded the German Cross in Gold on 17 October.
By late 1943, the situation for Germany had dictated that the earlier order banning highly-decorated and experienced pilots from combat flying should be relaxed, and on 12 November 1943, Oberst Oesau was appointed Kommodore of JG1, taking over from Oberst Hans Philipp, who had been killed. Oesau soon added at least 14 four-engined US Liberator and Flying Fortress bombers and two P-47 Thunderbolts to his list of victories, his last, a P-47, being his 127th, shot down south-west of Verden on 8 May 1944.
Three days later, US bombers raided north-eastern Belgium and Luxemburg. Nearly 900 bombers took part and the fighter escort flew over 1,000 sorties. At Paderborn, 30 Bf-109Gs of Stab and III./JG1 took off with Oesau leading the three aircraft of JG1's Stabsschwarm. While still attempting to attack the bombers, Oesau was bounced by escorting P-38s and separated from his comrades. According to some sources, a ten-minute fight ensued in which Oesau battled alone against five P-38s which apparently damaged Oesau's aircraft, but thereafter accounts vary. One source maintains that the P-38 pilots made no claim as they had seen no strikes on Oesau's Bf-109, but after examination of their gun-camera film, they were credited with a probable. Another account states that Oesau was chased down to ground level where he was finally shot down. Whatever the truth, the P-38's gun-camera film apparently showed a Bf-109G¬6/AS coded 'Green 13' and with a red Reich Defence band around the rear fuselage, exactly in accordance with the markings carried by Oesau's machine.
Oesau was found near the remains of his wrecked aircraft. His body had several bullet wounds, suggesting that he was probably unconscious or already dead before his aircraft hit the ground. He was buried at MeldoRG in Schleswig-Holstein.
Unfortunately, we know little of Oesau's character as a man, most historians preferring to judge him only by his victory score. However, a few clues exist. In a secret recording, a German Po\V in RAF hands who had visited JG2 was heard explaining to a fellow prisoner that, while Oesau might have been strict on matters of efficiency and etiquette and had perhaps taken full advantage of his luxurious HQ at Beamont-le-Roger, he ensured also that his men enjoyed the same facilities without any distinctions between even senior officers and NCOs. Adolf Galland characterised Oesau by describing him as'one of the greatest fighter pilots produced by Germany during the Second World War. He was tough-minded as well as a brilliant aerial fighter.'
It seems, however, that Oesau's experiences had taken their toll, though few seemed to realise that by 1944 he was at the end of his tether. One who did was Hartmann Grasser, who served under him as a Major and Kommandeur of III./JG1. Commenting on the loss of Oesau, he said: 'At that time, Oesau was at the end of his physical and mental powers [yet] the German fighter pilots, like their officers, had to fight right through the war without rest. I consider that a grave error on the part of our High Command. I personally took part in the combat when Oesau was lost. Alone, chased by Lightnings and Mustangs, he had no chance of escaping.'
Ironically, several hours after Oesau had been shot down, StablJG1 received an order immediately transferring Oesau away from the battle-front to Galland's Headquarters Staff. Henceforth, as a tribute to its late Kommodore's achievements and leadership, JGI received the honour-title ]agdgescbwader 1 Oesau'.
Walter ‘Gulle’ Oesau was born on 28 June 1913 at Farnewinkel in the Dithmarschen region of Holst. He enlisted in the army in 1933 and served in an artillery regiment. By 1934 he had become a Fahnenjunker and was undertaking flying training with the Deutschen Verkehrsfliegerschule. On completing his flying training he was posted to Jagdgeschwader “Richtofen”. Leutnant Oesau was one of the first fighter pilots to join J/88 in Spain in April 1938. Here he served with 3. J/88 and gained nine victories. He became one of only 27 recipients of the Spanienkreuz in Gold mit Brillanten . He was also wounded in this campaign and was awarded the Spanish Wound Badge. On 1 March 1939, Oesau joined the Stabsschwarm of I./JG2. On 15 July, Oberleutnant Oesau was appointed Staffelkapitän of 1./JG20 which was later redesignated 7./JG51. Oesau gained his first victory of World War 2 on 13 May 1940. He ended the French campaign with five victories to his credit. On 18 August 1940 he became the fifth Luftwaffe pilot to reach 20 World War 2 victories, bringing him the award of the Ritterkreuz. On 25 August 1940, Hauptmann Oesau was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG51. On 11 November 1940, Oesau was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG3. He led the Gruppe to the Eastern front where the invasion of Russia was launched. He recorded his 40th victory on 5 February 1941. On 6 February, he was awarded the Eichenlaub (Nr 9). He recorded his 50th victory on 30 June. He claimed five enemy aircraft shot down on 10 July 1941 for his 64th to 68th victories. He recorded his 70th victory on 11 July and his 80th on 17 July. On 15 July his victory tally had reached 80 and he became only the third man to be awarded the Schwertern. At the end of July 1941 he was recalled to the Western Front to take command of JG2. He recorded his 100th victory on 26 October, only the third Luftwaffe pilot to reach this landmark. He was forbidden to fly further combat missions, his combat experience and leadership qualities being considered too valuable to risk. A series of staff appointments followed, including being appointed JagdfliegeRGührer 4 Brittany.
On 12 November 1943, Oberst Oesau returned to combat when he was appointed Kommodore of JG1 following the death of Oberst Hans Philipp (206 victories, RK-S). He soon added at least 14 victories against the USAAF formations of B-17 and B-24 four-engined bombers. On 11 May 1944, Oesau, leading three aircraft of the Stabsschwarm, took off from Paderborn to intercept Allied bombers raiding north-eastern Belgium and Luxembourg. During his attack on the bombers he was bounced by escorting P-38s. In the ensuing combat he was shot down and killed in his Bf-109G-6/AS (W.Nr. 20601) ‘Green 13’ near St Vith. ‘Gulle’ Oesau scored 127 victories in over 300 combat missions. 9 victories were scored during the Spanish Civil War, 74 were scored on the Western front including 14 four-engined bombers (one B-17 as engültige Vernichtung) and 44 over the Eastern front.
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments 1. 15.7.1938 - Curtiss Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War / I-16 2. 17.7.1938 - Curtiss Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War / I-16 3. 18.7.1938 - Rata Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War 4. 20.7.1938 - Curtiss Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War / I-16 5. 27.7.1938 - SB-2 Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War 6. 15.8.1938 - Curtiss Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War / I-16 7. 20.8.1938 - Rata Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War 8. 15.10.1938 - Rata Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War 9. 3.11.1938 - Rata Stab J/88 Spanish Civil War 10. 13.5.1940 - Curtiss 7./JG51 11. 31.5.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 12. 31.5.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 13. 7.6.1940 - Blenheim 7./JG51 14. 16.6.1940 - Amiot 7./JG51 15. 7.7.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 16. 10.7.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 17. 10.7.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 Folkestone 18. 10.7.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 Folkestone 19. 19.7.1940 - Defiant 7./JG51 Defiant of 141Sqn RAF 20. 19.7.1940 - Hurricane 7./JG51 21. 25.7.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 Dover 22. 5.8.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 Dover 23. 14.8.1940 - Hurricane 7./JG51 Dover 24. 15.8.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 Folkestone 25. 15.8.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 Folkestone - 15.8.1940 - Ballon Luftsperre 7./JG51 Dover 26. 16.8.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 Cape Gris Nez 27. 16.8.1940 - Spitfire 7./JG51 Cape Gris Nez 28. 18.8.1940 - Hurricane 7./JG51 Cape Gris Nez 29. 18.8.1940 - Hurricane 7./JG51 Canterbury 30. 4.9.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 31. 6.9.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 32. 7.9.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 33. 11.9.1940 - Hurricane Stab III./JG51 34. 14.9.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 35. 14.9.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 36. 15.9.1940 - Hurricane Stab III./JG51 37. 18.9.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 38. 27.9.1940 - E/a Stab III./JG51 39. 27.9.1940 - E/a Stab III./JG51 40. 28.9.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 41. 30.9.1940 - E/a Stab III./JG51 42. 30.9.1940 - E/a Stab III./JG51 43. 30.9.1940 - E/a Stab III./JG51 44. 5.10.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 45. 12.10.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 46. 15.10.1940 - Hurricane Stab III./JG51 47. 25.10.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 48. 1.11.1940 - Spitfire Stab III./JG51 49. 5.2.1941 15:05 Hurricane Stab III./JG3 Desvres, 2500 m 50. 16.5.1941 15:45 Spitfire Stab III./JG3 51. 28.5.1941 19:25 Hurricane Stab III./JG3 Pas-de-Calais 52. 24.6.1941 12:08 MiG-1 Stab III./JG3 53. 24.6.1941 15:15 I-15 Stab III./JG3 54. 26.6.1941 6:42 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 55. 26.6.1941 6:45 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 56. 26.6.1941 12:45 I-15 Stab III./JG3 57. 26.6.1941 12:50 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 58. 29.6.1941 18:10 Il-2 Stab III./JG3 59. 30.6.1941 9:20 Il-2 Stab III./JG3 60. 30.6.1941 13:30 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 61. 1.7.1941 18:20 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 Lvov area 62. 1.7.1941 18:22 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 Lvov area 63. 1.7.1941 18:24 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 Lvov area 64. 2.7.1941 12:00 SB-3 Stab III./JG3 65. 6.7.1941 14:42 SB-3 Stab III./JG3 66. 6.7.1941 17:20 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 67. 6.7.1941 17:24 Pe-2 Stab III./JG3 68. 7.7.1941 5:57 Pe-2 Stab III./JG3 69. 8.7.1941 13:00 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 70. 8.7.1941 13:02 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 71. 8.7.1941 13:04 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 72. 8.7.1941 17:15 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 73. 10.7.1941 9:07 Il-2 Stab III./JG3 74. 10.7.1941 11:50 I-17 Stab III./JG3 75. 10.7.1941 12:35 Pe-2 Stab III./JG3 76. 10.7.1941 15:55 I-153 Stab III./JG3 77. 10.7.1941 18:35 I-16 Stab III./JG3 78. 11.7.1941 17:44 I-16 Stab III./JG3 79. 11.7.1941 18:00 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 80. 12.7.1941 13:00 Il-2 Stab III./JG3 81. 12.7.1941 13:04 Il-2 Stab III./JG3 82. 12.7.1941 15:35 I-16 Stab III./JG3 83. 12.7.1941 15:35 I-16 Stab III./JG3 84. 12.7.1941 15:35 I-16 Stab III./JG3 85. 12.7.1941 15:36 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 86. 12.7.1941 15:37 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 87. 13.7.1941 11:44 DB-3 Stab III./JG3 88. 15.7.1941 12:50 I-153 Stab III./JG3 89. 15.7.1941 12:55 DB-3 Stab III./JG3 90. 22.7.1941 16:40 Il-2 Stab III./JG3 91. 23.7.1941 11:20 DB-3 Stab III./JG3 92. 23.7.1941 13:44 SB-2 Stab III./JG3 93. 23.7.1941 15:28 I-15 Stab III./JG3 94. 23.7.1941 17:22 DB-3 Stab III./JG3 95. 24.7.1941 13:55 DB-3 Stab III./JG3 96. 10.8.1941 14:15 Spitfire Stab JG2 97. 12.8.1941 11:43 Spitfire Stab JG2 98. 12.8.1941 12:51 Spitfire Stab JG2 NW St. Omer 99. 12.8.1941 12:53 Spitfire Stab JG2 NW St. Omer 100. 12.8.1941 13:06 Spitfire Stab JG2 15 km SE Dover 101. 12.8.1941 13:15 Spitfire Stab JG2 SE Dover 102. 16.8.1941 19:39 Spitfire Stab JG2 103. 16.8.1941 19:42~ Spitfire Stab JG2 104. 21.8.1941 10:23 Spitfire Stab JG2 Off Calais 105. 21.8.1941 15:10 Spitfire Stab JG2 E Etaples 106. 31.8.1941 20:07 Spitfire Stab JG2 107. 4.9.1941 17:35 Spitfire Stab JG2 St. Omer-Béthune 108. 13.10.1941 14:32 Spitfire Stab JG2 15km SW Boulogne 109. 26.10.1941 13:08 Spitfire Stab JG2 Spitfire Vb (AB822) of 72Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt L Stock 110. 17.4.1942 - Lancaster Stab JG2 S Beaumont-le-Roger / Lancaster of 44Sqn RAF, L7536, KM-H 111. 20.12.1942 12:30 B-17 Stab JG2 Melun 112. 20.12.1942 13:53 B-17 Stab JG2 25km NNW Dieppe 113. 4.4.1943 14:30 B-17 Stab JG2 W St Pierre 114. 5.1.1944 12:00 B-24 Stab JG1 Heide, 7500 m 115. 30.1.1944 12:00 B-17 Stab JG1 SW Osnabrück 116. 30.1.1944 12:20 B-17 e.V. Stab JG1 117. 8.2.1944 12:00 P-38 Stab JG1 Friedburg-Giessen, 8400 m 118. 10.2.1944 12:55 B-17 Stab JG1 Zwolle-Hardenburg, 6000 m 119. 10.2.1944 13:00 P-47 Stab JG1 Zwolle-Kampen, 4000 m 120. 22.2.1944 13:36 B-17 Stab JG1 N Thierl (Bielefeld-Münster), 6000 m 121. 22.2.1944 15:25 B-17 Stab JG1 122. 24.2.1944 12:40 B-17 Stab JG1 Hameln-Hildesheim, 7500 m 123. 25.2.1944 13:05 B-17 Stab JG1 Baden-Baden area, 6500 m 124. 25.2.1944 15:00 B-24 Stab JG1 Baden-Baden area, 5000 m 125. 6.3.1944 12:05 P-47 Stab JG1 NW Vechta, 6500 m 126. 6.3.1944 12:20 B-17 Stab JG1 S Delmenhorst, 3000 m 127. 8.5.1944 9:45 P-47 Stab JG1 SW Verden Victories : 127
Awards : Knight`s Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Units : J/88, JG51, JG3, JG2, JG1
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location Comments 13-May-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Hawk-75A 19.27 Halsteren 31-May-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Spitfire 18.22 NW Dunkirk 31-May-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Spitfire 18.26 NW Dunkirk 01-Jun-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Blenheim 11.35 20km N Ostende 13-Jun-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Amiot 351 15.41 SW Les Andelys 13-May-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 P-40 Warhawk 19.27 Halsteren 31-May-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Spitfire 18.22 NW Dunkirk 31-May-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Spitfire 18.26 NW Dunkirk 01-Jun-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Blenheim 11.35 20km N Ostende 13-Jun-40 Walter Oesau 1./JG20 Amiot 351 15.41 SW of Les Andelys 07-Jul-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 14.05 5km South of Dover 10-Jul-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 14.39 5km South of Dover 10-Jul-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 14.49 10km South of Dover 10-Jul-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 15.04 West of Folkestone 19-Jul-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Defiant 13.50 South of Folkestone 19-Jul-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Hurricane 13.55 South of Dover 25-Jul-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 15.52 5km South of Dover 05-Aug-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 09.59 10km SW Dover 14-Aug-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Hurricane 13.59 NW Dover 15-Aug-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 12.32 South of Folkestone 15-Aug-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 12.34 5km South of Folkestone 16-Aug-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 17.35 20km NW Cap Gris Nez 16-Aug-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Spitfire 17.36 20km NW Cap Gris Nez 18-Aug-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Hurricane 18.37 3km South Canterbury 18-Aug-40 Walter Oesau 7./JG51 Hurricane 18.50 8km NW Cap Gris Nez 04-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 06-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 07-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire South of London 11-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 14-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 14-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 15-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 18-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 6500m 14.30 5km SE Ashford 27-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Hurricane 27-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Hurricane 28-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 29-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 29-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 30-Sep-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 05-Oct-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire South of London 12-Oct-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Hurricane 15-Oct-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Hurricane 25-Oct-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 01-Nov-40 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG51 Spitfire 05-Feb-41 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG3 Hurricane 2500m 14.05 Desvres (40 Abschuss) 16-May-41 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG3 Spitfire 15.45 28-May-41 Walter Oesau Stab III./JG3 Hurricane 19.25 N Calais 10-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 14.15 12-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Hurricane 11.43 12-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 12.50 12-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 12.54 12-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 13.06 12-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 19.27 15km S Dungeness 16-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 19.38 21-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 5500m 10.23 vor Calais 21-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 6000m 15.10 ostw Etaples 31-Aug-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 20.07 04-Sep-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 17.35 13-Oct-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 1500m 14.32-35 15km SW Boulogne 13-Oct-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 15.28 26-Oct-41 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 13.08 17-Apr-42 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Lancaster* 17.10 17-Apr-42 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Lancaster 16.55 le Vieil-Evreux 6km ESE Evreux (44Sqn) 05-Sep-42 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 Spitfire 7700-8000m 11.45 0021/05 Ost 20-Dec-42 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 5000-6000m 12.30 Melun 20-Dec-42 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 5000-3500m 13.53 20km NNW Dieppe 04-Apr-43 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 6500m 14.30 West of St Pierre-les-Elbeuf 29-May-43 Walter Oesau Stab /JG2 B-17 Fortress 7-8000m 17.25 3831/14 West 05-Jan-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-24 Liberator 12.00 30-Jan-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-17 Fortress 12.00 30-Jan-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-17 Fortress e.V. 12.20 08-Feb-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 P-38 Lightning 8400-7600m 12.00 PS-QR (220˚ Bad Nauheim) 10-Feb-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-17 Fortress 6000m 12.55 FO-4 (S Coevorden) 10-Feb-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 P-47 Thunderbolt 4000m 13.00 FM-FN (Meppel 270˚ Kampen) 22-Feb-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-17 Fortress 1000m 13.36 10km N Thier (Gutersloh) 22-Feb-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-17 Fortress 15.25 24-Feb-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-17 Fortress 75-6000m 12.35-40 HT-JT (S Hameln) 25-Feb-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-17 Fortress 6500m 13.05 05 Ost S/AR-8 Baden-Baden 25-Feb-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-24 Liberator 5000m 15.00 04 Ost S/AQ 2-3 W Baden-Baden 06-Mar-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 P-47 Thunderbolt 500-800m 12.05-10 Cloppenburg-Vechta 06-Mar-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 B-17 Fortress 3000m 12.15-20 ER to FR (Vechta area) 08-May-44 Walter Oesau Stab /JG1 P-47 Thunderbolt 09.45 FS-FT (Sulinghen-Nienburg)
Some of the most widely used Book References:: +
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase One: July-August 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 1) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Eddie J Creek (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Two: August-September 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 2) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Three: September-October 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 3) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Four: November 1940-June 1941 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 4) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
Web References: +
- Airfix Magazines (English) - http://www.airfix.com/
- Avions (French) - http://www.aerostories.org/~aerobiblio/rubrique10.html
- FlyPast (English) - http://www.flypast.com/
- Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) - http://vdmedien.com/flugzeug-publikations-gmbh-hersteller_verlag-vdm-heinz-nickel-33.html
- Flugzeug Classic (German) - http://www.flugzeugclassic.de/
- Klassiker (German) - http://shop.flugrevue.de/abo/klassiker-der-luftfahrt
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://boutique.editions-lariviere.fr/site/abonnement-le-fana-de-l-aviation-626-4-6.html
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://www.pdfmagazines.org/tags/Le+Fana+De+L+Aviation/
- Osprey (English) - http://www.ospreypublishing.com/
- Revi Magazines (Czech) - http://www.revi.cz/
- Luftwaffe profiles http://luftwaffeprofiles.blogspot.com/p/fw-190-a8-profiles.html
Editor for Asisbiz: Matthew Laird Acred
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