Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 White 11 II Sturm / JG4 pilot Walter Wagner plane captured by US troops after a crash landing during operation Bodenplatte. White 14 Sturmstaffel 1 pilot Oskar Bosh Salzwedel airfield 1945 GruppenKommandantur marked IV Sturm /JG3 pilot Wilhelm Moritz W.Nr.681382 Schongau Airfield August 1944
Fw-190A-8/R8, W.Nr. 681 382 '<<' of Hptm. Wilhelm Moritz, Gruppenkommandeur of IV.(Sturm)/JG3.
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 WILHELM MORITZ, IV.(Sturm) / JG 3, Memmingen, Germany, July 1944
Fw 190A-8/R2, flown by Commander of IV.(Sturm) / JG 3 'Udet', Hptm. Wilhelm Moritz. The aircraft was based at Memmingen, July, 1944. Moritz propagated the dark coloring of the front end of the Focke-Wulfs of his Gruppe. Moritz accumulated a total of over 500 combat flights over the Eastern and Western Fronts, and achieved 44 victories. Moritz had to left JG 3 on December 5, 1944 due to the complete nervous breakdown. He was awarded the Knight's Cross on July 18, 1944 for 41 victories, and was among the most successful of fighter unit commanders tasked with confronting four engined heavy bombers. On April 18, 1945 Moritz was appointed Gruppenkommandeure of II./JG 4 (he had assumed command of IV./JG 3 exactly one year earlier), a position he held until the end of the war.
Fw 190A-8/R2 velitele IV.(Sturm) / JG 3 "Udet" Hptm. Wilhelma Moritze, základna Memmingen, èervenec 1944. Moritz byl iniciátorem tmavého zbarvení pøídí Focke-Wulfù jeho Gruppe. Moritz bìhem druhé svìtové války na západní a východní frontì absolvoval pøes 500 bojových letù a sestøelil 44 letounù. JG 3 opustil dne 5. prosince 1944 kvùli naprostému psychickému vyèerpání. Dne 18. èervence 1944 byl za 41 vzdušných vítìzství vyznamenán Rytíøským køížem. Od 18. dubna 1945, pøesnì rok poté, co pøevzal velení IV./JG 3, zastával funkci velitele II./JG 4 a na tomto postu se doèkal konce války.
Additional Information Eduard plastic models -
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 White 11 II Sturm / JG4 pilot Walter Wagner plane captured by US troops after a crash landing during operation Bodenplatte. White 14 Sturmstaffel 1 pilot Oskar Bosh Salzwedel airfield 1945 GruppenKommandantur marked IV Sturm /JG3 pilot Wilhelm Moritz W.Nr.681382 Schongau Airfield August 1944
Fw-190A-8/R8, W.Nr. 681 382 '<<' of Hptm. Wilhelm Moritz, Gruppenkommandeur of IV.(Sturm)/JG3.Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet'
Various photographs of JG3 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A's
II Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' II./JG3
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 JG3 IV./JG3 Black 12
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Red 10 Rammjager of IV/JG3, during the fall of 1944
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Red 17 (R17+~) Feldwebel Willi Unger was assigned to JG3 on 10 March, 1944
III Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' III./JG3
IV Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' IV./JG3
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 JG3 IV./JG3 Black 12
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Red 10 Rammjager of IV/JG3, during the fall of 1944
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Red 17 (Red 17+~) Feldwebel Willi Unger was assigned to JG3 on 10 March, 1944
10th Staffel IV Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' 10./JG3
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 10./JG3 White 1 Hans Walk Memmingen Germany 1944
Die Wei?e 1 von Staffelkapitan 10. /JG3 Leutnant Hans Weik im Juli 1944 in Memmingen.
White 1 of Echelon commander 10th / JG3 Leutnant Hans Weik July 1944 at Memmingen.
Quelle/Source: Focke Wulf Jagdflugzeuge Fw 190 A Fw 190 Dora Ta 152 H, Peter Rodeike stuve-druck, EutinFocke-Wulf Fw 190A8 IV(Sturm) JG3 White 7 Hans Weik
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 10./JG3 (White 9+~) Memmingen Germany 1944
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 10./JG3 (White 12+~) Memmingen Germany 1944
11th Staffel IV Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' 11./JG3
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8/R-2 Black 8 flown by Unteroffizier Willi Maximowitz, IV./JG3, 11.Staffel, Dreux, June 1944
1-Fw-190A8-JG3.4-(B8+~) Maximowitz-Dreux-1944-01
Uffz. Willi Maximowitz of 11.(Sturm)/ JG3 'Udet' after return from combat sortie with his Focke-Wulf 190 A-8/R-2 'black 8'. Airfield Dreux. June 1944.Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Black 13 of 11./JG3 flown by Maj. Walter Dahl
Dahl shot down 128 enemy aircraft in 678 missions, including about 300 ground-attack missions. He claimed 30, possibly 36, four-engined bombers and 34 Il-2 Stormovik ground attack aircraft. Dahl also achieved 2, possibly as many as 9 victories, flying the Me-262. He recorded 84 victories over the Eastern Front
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Black 13+~ of 11./JG3 flown by Werner Gerth WNr. 682057 Dortmund Germany 1944
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Werner Gerth, II.(Sturm)/JG 3 "Udet", July, 1944
Fw190A-8/R2, "Black 13", flown by CO of II.(Sturm)/JG 3 "Udet" Oblt. Werner Gerth, as it appeared near Illesheim in July, 1944. Werner Gerth achieved his first victory with 7./JG53 in southern Italy in the summer of 1943, and on the 17th of September, was wounded during a raid on Ciampino. After recovering, he volunteered for duty with Sturmstaffel 1, where he would rank as one of the units most successful pilots. He brought down his first four-engined heavy bomber on February 22, 1944. As Sturmstaffel 1 was integrated into IV/JG 3, he was named CO of its sub component 11./JG 3 (which was later re-designated as 14./JG 3). On October 29th, 1944, on reaching 26 victories, he was awarded the Knight's Cross. His last combat took place on November 2, 1944, flying Fw190A-8/R2 W. Nr. 682057, when he was fatally wounded during an attack on a B-17 over Halle. He was twenty-one years old. His exact tally is open to some speculation, but most references list 27, 22 of which comprise
Fw 190A-8/R2, "černá 13", velitele 11.(Sturm)/JG 3 "Udet" Oblt. Wernera Gertha v podobě, v jaké se nacházel v Illesheimu v červenci 1944. Werner Gerth dosáhl svého prvního úspěchu u 7./JG53 v jižní Itálii v létě 1943, byl však 17. září 1943 zraněn během náletu na Ciampino. Po uzdravení nastoupil jako dobrovolník k Sturmstaffel 1, u níž se stal jedním z nejúspěšnějších pilotů. První čtyřmotorák sestřelil 22.2.1944. Když se Sturmstaffel 1 stala částí IV/JG3, byl 20.4.1944 jmenován velitelem její 11./JG3 (ta byla později přeznačena na 14./JG3). Dne 29. října 1944, po dosažení 26 vítězství, obdržel Rytířský kříž. Poslední boj absolvoval 2. listopadu 1944, kdy byl v Fw 190A-8/R-2 W.Nr. 682057 při útoku na B-17 nad Halle smrtelně zraněn. V tu dobu mu bylo 21 let. Přesný počet jeho vítězství není zcela jasný, nejčastěji se udává 27, z toho 22 čtyřmotorových bombardérů.
Additional Information Eduard plastic models -
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 11./JG3 Black 14+~ flown by Oskar Bosch
12th Staffel IV Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 3 'Udet' 12./JG3
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 of 12./JG3 Sturmgruppe Udet Yellow 1 (Y1+~) unknown pilot Memmingen 1944
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 of 12./JG3 Sturmgruppe Udet piloted by Fw. Otfried Baisch Germany
Die Gelbe 3 mit Feldwebel Otfried Baisch (rechts) und seinem Bruder Roderich am 17. Juli 1944 in Memmingen einen Tag vor seinem Tode uber Schonbrunn.
Yellow 3 with Sergeant Otfried Baisch (right) and his brother Roderich 17th July 1944 taken at Memmingen one day before his death over Schonbrunn.
Quelle/Source: Focke Wulf Jagdflugzeuge Fw 190A Fw 190 Dora Ta 152H , Peter Rodeike * stuve-druck, EutinFocke-Wulf Fw 190A8 of 12./JG3 Yellow 6 (6+~) Sturmgruppe Udet piloted by Feldwebel Gerhard Leipholz 1944
Die Gelbe 6 mit Feldwebel Gerhard Leipholz mit den Zusatzpanzerungen 1944 in Memmingen.
Yellow 6 with Sergeant Gerhard Leipholz with the additional armorparts 1944 taken at Memmingen.
Quelle/Source: Focke Wulf Jagdflugzeuge Fw 190 A Fw 190 Dora Ta 152 H ,
Peter Rodeike * stuve-druck, EutinFocke-Wulf Fw 190A8 of 12./JG3 Sturmgruppe Udet Yellow (17+~) piloted by Feldwebel Willi Unger 1944
Die Gelbe 17 mit Unteroffizier Willi Unger mit dem Krebsgerat einer 21 cm nach hinten feuernden Rakete aufgenommen im Mai 1944.
The Yellow 17 with Sergeant Wille Unger and its Krebsgerat a 21 cm backwards firing rocket photograpf taken in May 1944.
Quelle/Source: Focke Wulf Jagdflugzeuge Fw 190 A Fw 190 Dora Ta 152 H. Peter Rodeike * stuve-druck, Eutin
Ottfried Baisch
Units:12./JG-3 (4/44)
Awards:EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp
Known Aircraft:Bf 109G
Remarks:One known victory, his 1st, a B-17 (HSS) near Aschaffenburg on 13 April, 1944. His 2nd, a B-17 30 km SE of Memmingen on 18 July, 1944.
Asisbiz database list of 2 aerial victories for Ottfried Baisch
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 13-Apr-44 Otfried Baisch 12./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 6300m 14.05 RT-QuT (area Aschaffenburg) 18-Jul-44 Otfried Baisch 12./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 10.50 30km SE Memmingen
Oskar Bösch
Units:Sturmstaffel 1 (joins 4/44), 11./JG-3 (5/44), 14./JG-3 (11/44), I./JG-3, 14./JG-3 (3/45)
Awards:DK-G, EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp
Known Aircraft:Bf 109G, Fw 190A-8/R2 'Black 14' in Sturmstaffel 1, Fw 190A-8/R8 'White 14' 'Sturmbock'
Remarks:Magnus Report. 8 bombers; 6 B-17's and 2 B-24's. Entered combat in April, 1944. 120 combat missions. One known victory, nos 1 & 2, both B-17's; one NE of Gifhorn, one 5 km NW of Helmstedt on 29 April, 1944. His 3rd, a B-24 in the area of Peine-Wolfsburg on 8 May, 1944. His 5th, a B-17 SE of Kempten on 18 July, 1944. His 6th, a B-24 at Lechtaler Alpen on 3 August, 1944. His 7th, a B-17 at Münden, NE of Kassel, on 16 August, 1944. His 8th, a B-17 NW of Halle on 2 November, 1944. His 9th, a P-51 in the Ardennes sector on 25 December, 1944. His 10th, a Spitfire on 1 January, 1945. His 11th, a Pe-2 on 18 February, 1945. His 12th, a P-39 on 19 February, 1945. No 13, a P-39 on 3 March, 1945. His 14th, a Yak-9 on 11 March, 1945. His 15th, an La-5 on 19 March, 1945. His 16th, an Il-2 on 21 March, 1945. His 17th victory, a Yak-9 on 18 April, 1945. His 18th, and last victory, ramming a Yak-3 (another source says a Yak-9) on 24 April, 1945. Shot down 8 times with four bailouts and four crash landings. Alternate spelling: Boesch. Autographed photo at $50. Reportedly, he is one of three known Rammtrager survivors. Alternate spelling: Boesch.
Asisbiz database 19 list of aerial victories for Oskar Bosch
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 29-Apr-44 Oskar Bosch Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11:10 5km NW Helmstedt 29-Apr-44 Oskar Bosch Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress Hss 7000m 11:07 FB-FC (area NE Gifhorn) 08-May-44 Oskar Bosch 11./JG3 B-24 Liberator 10:12 GA-GB (area Peine-Wolfsburg) 08-May-44 Oskar Bosch 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 18-Jul-44 Oskar Bosch 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 10:50 SE Kempten 03-Aug-44 Oskar Bosch 11./JG3 B-24 Liberator 5800m 11:43 GB (Lechtaler Alpen) 16-Aug-44 Oskar Bosch 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6800m 10:02 LU-2 (Munden NE Kassel) 02-Nov-44 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress 02-Nov-44 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 12:47 KD (NW Halle) 25-Dec-44 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 P-51 Mustang 01-Jan-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 Spitfire - - 18-Feb-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 Pe-2 - - 19-Feb-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 P-39 Aircobra - - 03-Mar-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 P-39 Aircobra 17:00 - 11-Mar-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 Yak-9 - - 19-Mar-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 La-5 - - 21-Mar-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 Il-2 - - 18-Apr-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 Yak-9 - - 24-Apr-45 Oskar Bosch 14./JG3 Yak-3 - -
Walter Dahl
Walter Dahl was born on 27 March 1916 at Lug in the Bergzabern region of Pfalz. He joined the army in 1935, initially serving in the infantry, before transferring to the Luftwaffe and becoming a pilot. He became a flight instructor in 1939. In May 1941, Dahl was transferred to the Geschwaderstab of JG3. He gained his first victory on 22 June during the invasion of Russia. On 10 July, Dahl was transferred to II./JG3. By the end of October, Dahl had 17 victories to his credit, including three Russian aircraft shot down on 13 September to record victories seven through nine and a further three on 23 October, all Russian fighters (15-17).
Dahl was transferred to 4./JG3 on 13 December 1941 and accompanied the unit to the Mediterranean theatre. He claimed a Spitfire shot down over Malta on 1 April 1942, although this claim could well have occurred on 2 April. However, the victory was not confirmed and the "Spitfire", actually a RAF Hurricane of 229 Sqn, managed to return to its base on Malta, albeit damaged. On 10 April 1942, Dahl was appointed Staffelkapitan of Erganzungsgruppe/JG3. At the end of April 1943, Dahl was transferred to the staff of the General der Jagdflieger. On 15 August, Dahl was appointed Geschwaderadjutant of JG3 based on the Eastern front where, by mid-April 1943, he had raised his victory total to 51.
Dahl shot down four Russian Il-2 ground attack aircraft on 26 October 1942 (34-37). Oberleutnant Dahl was awarded the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on 2 December 1942 for 42 victories. He shot down two Russian LaGG-3 fighters on 16 April 1943 (50-51). On 20 July 1943, Dahl was posted as Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG3, recently relocated to Munster from deployment around Kursk on the Russian Front. Here Dahl was to battle the bomber formations of the USAAF. He shot down two fourengined bombers on 6 September (52-53). He downed two more four-engined bombers and a USAAF P-38 twinengined fighter on 23 February 1944 (59-61). Dahl led III./JG3 against the Schweinfurt and Regensburg raid on 17 August but was intercepted by 222 Squadron RAF Spitfires. Five III./JG3 Bf-109s were shot down including the aircraft of Leutnant Hans Schleef (99 victories, RK, killed in action 31 December 1944). Dahl himself had to make a belly landing near Capperath when his Bf-109G-6 (W.Nr. 18842) suffered an engine failure. Major Dahl was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 11 March 1944 for 67 victories. On 21 May 1944, Dahl was appointed Kommodore of JGz.b.V. He led the unit until 6 June before taking command of JG300 on 27 June. On 13 September, he brought down a USAAF B-17 four-engined bomber by ramming.
Despite the successes achieved against the USAAF four-engined bombers with the use of Sturm tactics employed by JG300, Dahl was to be relieved of his command by Goring on 30 November 1944. On 26 January 1945, he was appointed Inspekteur der Tagjager. Oberst Dahl was awarded the Eichenlaub on 1 February for 92 victories. Despite his promotion, Dahl continued to fly operationally. He added 32 Russian aircraft to his tally flying over the Eastern front.
He recorded his 100th victory on 28 February 1945. Oberst Dahl ended the war flying Me 262 jet fighters with III./EJG2. Here he flew under the command of Heinz "Pritzl" Bar (221 victories, RK-S). On 27 March, Dahl claimed two USAAF P-47 fighters shot down. He gained his 128th and last victory, a USAAF P-51 Mustang near Dillingen, on 26 April 1945.
Walter Dahl survived the war but died on 25 November 1985 at Heidelberg, aged 69.
Walter Dahl shot down 128 enemy aircraft in 678 missions, including about 300 ground-attack missions. He claimed 30, possibly 36, four-engined bombers and 34 Il-2 Stormovik ground attack aircraft. Dahl also achieved 2, possibly as many as 9 victories, flying the Me-262. He recorded 84 victories over the Eastern Front.
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments 1. 22.6.1941 4:30 I-18 Stab II./JG3 2. 16.7.1941 15:45 I-16 Stab II./JG3 3. 1.8.1941 13:00 I-16 Stab II./JG3 4. 8.8.1941 13:30 DB-3 Stab II./JG3 5. 24.8.1941 8:55 I-180 Stab II./JG3 6. 24.8.1941 15:55 I-16 Stab II./JG3 7. 13.9.1941 9:30 I-16 Stab II./JG3 8. 13.9.1941 17:20 Il-2 Stab II./JG3 9. 13.9.1941 17:27 Il-2 Stab II./JG3 10. 14.9.1941 6:05 I-153 Stab II./JG3 Near Mironovka 11. 19.9.1941 13:57 SB-3 Stab II./JG3 12. 11.10.1941 11:55 SB-3 Stab II./JG3 13. 18.10.1941 10:10 I-16 Stab II./JG3 14. 19.10.1941 15:25 I-16 Stab II./JG3 15. 23.10.1941 10:56 I-61 Stab II./JG3 16. 23.10.1941 11:00 I-61 Stab II./JG3 17. 23.10.1941 11:20 I-16 Stab II./JG3 2.4.1942 15:30 Spitfire 4./JG3 Hurricane (BV174) of 229 Sqn RAF, damaged - not confirmed, possibly occurred 1/4/42 18. 26.8.1942 8:30 Yak-7 Stab JG3 19. 7.9.1942 15:36 La-5 Stab JG3 20. 19.9.1942 11:44 Yak-7 Stab JG3 21. 24.9.1942 11:03 Yak-1 Stab JG3 22. 24.9.1942 11:09 Yak-1 Stab JG3 23. 27.9.1942 16:03 Il-2 Stab JG3 24. 29.9.1942 10:17 Il-2 Stab JG3 25. 30.9.1942 16:10 Il-2 Stab JG3 26. 30.9.1942 16:15 P-40 Stab JG3 27. 30.9.1942 16:16 P-40 Stab JG3 28. 14.10.1942 7:07 Il-2 Stab JG3 29. 14.10.1942 7:15 Il-2 Stab JG3 30. 17.10.1942 9:15 Yak-1 Stab JG3 31. 25.10.1942 10:20 LaGG-3 Stab JG3 32. 25.10.1942 10:39 Il-2 Stab JG3 33. 25.10.1942 14:21 Il-2 Stab JG3 34. 26.10.1942 14:02 Il-2 Stab JG3 35. 26.10.1942 14:07 Il-2 Stab JG3 36. 26.10.1942 14:08 Il-2 Stab JG3 37. 26.10.1942 14:12 Il-2 Stab JG3 38. 27.10.1942 10:00 Yak-1 Stab JG3 39. 30.11.1942 8:10 Il-2 Stab JG3 40. 30.11.1942 8:12 Il-2 Stab JG3 41. 30.11.1942 13:25 Yak-1 Stab JG3 42. 2.12.1942 9:10 Il-2 Stab JG3 43. 16.3.1943 14:25 Boston Stab JG3 44. 21.3.1943 14:55 LaGG-3 Stab JG3 45. 15.4.1943 16:28 LaGG-3 Stab JG3 46. 15.4.1943 16:30 LaGG-3 Stab JG3 47. 16.4.1943 15:08 P-39 Stab JG3 48. 16.4.1943 15:10 P-39 Stab JG3 49. 16.4.1943 15:15 P-39 Stab JG3 50. 17.4.1943 15:06 LaGG-3 Stab JG3 51. 17.4.1943 15:06 LaGG-3 Stab JG3 52. 6.9.1943 11:15 B-17 HSS Stab III./JG3 53. 6.9.1943 11:30 B-17 Stab III./JG3 54. 14.10.1943 14:30 B-17 Stab III./JG3 Aschaffenburg-Wurzburg 55. 14.10.1943 14:35 B-17 HSS Stab III./JG3 Aschaffenburg-Wurzburg 56. 19.12.1943 12:25 B-17 Stab III./JG3 Innsbruck-Bolzano 57. 29.1.1944 11:07 B-17 Stab III./JG3 Mannheim-Bastogne 58. 29.1.1944 11:13 B-17 HSS Stab III./JG3 Mannheim-Bastogne 59. 23.2.1944 12:08 B-24 Stab III./JG3 60. 23.2.1944 12:12 B-24 HSS Stab III./JG3 61. 23.2.1944 12:20 P-38 Stab III./JG3 62. 24.2.1944 13:12 B-17 HSS Stab III./JG3 63. 24.2.1944 13:12 B-17 HSS Stab III./JG3 64. 24.2.1944 13:20 P-38 Stab III./JG3 65. 25.2.1944 12:27 B-17 Stab III./JG3 Salzburg-Regensburg 66. 25.2.1944 12:48 B-17 Stab III./JG3 Salzburg-Regensburg 67. 13.4.1944 15:04 B-17 Stab III./JG3 20-30km NW Augsburg 68. 13.4.1944 15:08 B-17 HSS Stab III./JG3 30km N Augsburg 69. 24.4.1944 13:30 B-17 Stab III./JG3 Near Augsburg 70. 24.4.1944 13:36 B-17 Stab III./JG3 10km S Munchen 71. 24.4.1944 13:45 P-51 Stab III./JG3 Near Munchen 72. 7.7.1944 9:45 B-24 Stab JG300 N Quedlingburg 73. 15.8.1944 11:45 B-17 Stab JG300 Daun-Kyllberg area 74. 15.8.1944 11:46 B-17 Stab JG300 Koblenz area 75. 11.9.1944 11:55 B-17 Stab JG300 Halle-Leipzig 76. 11.9.1944 12:05 B-17 Stab JG300 Querfurt-Naumburg 77. 13.9.1944 B-17 Stab JG300 rammed 78. 28.9.1944 12:45 B-17 Stab JG300 Wolfenbuttel area 79. 6.10.1944 B-17 Stab JG300 80. 7.10.1944 P-51 Stab JG300 81. 26.10.1944 B-17 Stab JG300 82. 5.11.1944 B-17 Stab JG300 83. 3.12.1944 B-17 Stab JG300 84. 5.12.1944 B-17 Stab JG300 85. 5.12.1944 P-51 Stab JG300 86. 27.1.1945 La-7 ? 87. 28.1.1945 Il-2 ? 88. 29.1.1945 Il-2 ? 89. 29.1.1945 La-7 ? 90. 30.1.1945 B-17 ? 91. 30.1.1945 P-51 ? 92. 31.1.1945 P-51 ? 93. 4.2.1945 P-38 ? 94.-99. 20.2.1945 La-7 ? 94.-99. 21.2.1945 Il-2 ? 94.-99. 21.2.1945 Il-2 ? 94.-99. II.1945 E/a ? 94.-99. II.1945 E/a ? 94.-99. II.1945 E/a ? 100. 28.2.1945 E/a ? 101.-125. II.-III.1945 25 victories ? All probably Eastern front 126. 27.3.1945 P-47 III./EJG2 This combat possibly occurred 25.3.1945 127. 27.3.1945 P-47 III./EJG2 This combat possibly occurred 25.3.1945 128. 26.4.1945 P-51 III./EJG2 Near Dilligen Victories : 128
Awards :Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Units : JG3, JGz.b.v., JG300, EJG2Web Reference:
Asisbiz database 128 list of aerial victories for Walter Dahl
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 06-Sep-43 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 HSS 11.15 06-Sep-43 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7200m 11.30 12km SW St. Avold 14-Oct-43 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 14.30 Est Aschaffenburg-Wurzburg 14-Oct-43 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 HSS 7000m 14.35 Est Aschaffenburg-Wurzburg 19-Dec-43 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6000m 12.25 14 Ost N/ID (Zillertaler-Alpen) 29-Jan-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 Fortress 11.07 29-Jan-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 HSS 11.13 23-Feb-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-24 HSS 12.12 23-Feb-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 P-38 Lightning 6000m 12.20 SE Steyr 23-Feb-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-24 Liberator 12.08 24-Feb-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 P-38 Lightning 5000m 13.20 30km SE Steyr 24-Feb-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 HSS 13.12 24-Feb-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 HSS 13.12 25-Feb-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 12.27 Gegend Muhldorf 25-Feb-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 12.48 20-30km SW Regensburg 13-Apr-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6000m 15.04 20-30km NW Augsburg 13-Apr-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 HSS 6000m 15.08 30km N. Augsburg 24-Apr-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 HSS 6500m 13.36 10km S. Munchen 24-Apr-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 13.30 Gegend Augsburg 24-Apr-44 Walter Dahl Stab III./JG3 P-51 Mustang 6500m 13.45 Raum Munchen 07-Jul-44 Walter Dahl StabJG300 B-24 Liberator 6000m 09.45 N. Quedlinburg Kr. Sachsen 15-Aug-44 Walter Dahl StabJG300 B-17 Fortress 6500m 11.46 PP-PO-QO (Raum Koblenz) 15-Aug-44 Walter Dahl StabJG300 B-17 Fortress 6500m 11.45 PO-QO (Raum Daun-Kyllberg) 11-Sep-44 Walter Dahl StabJG300 B-17 Fortress 7000m 12.05 LD-MD-KC-KD (W. Halle) 11-Sep-44 Walter Dahl StabJG300 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.55 LD-KD-KE-LE (Halle-Leipzig) 28-Sep-44 Walter Dahl StabJG300 B-17 Fortress 7900m 12.45 HB-HA (Raum Wofenbuttel) 06-Oct-44 Walter Dahl StabJG300 B-17 Fortress 12.05 FF-FG-GF (Naunen-Brandenburg) 27-Jan-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager La-7 28-Jan-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager Il-2 29-Jan-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager Il-2 29-Jan-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager La-7 30-Jan-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager P-51 Mustang 30-Jan-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager B-17 Fortress 31-Jan-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager P-51 Mustang 04-Feb-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager P-38 Lightning 20-Feb-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager La-7 21-Feb-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager Il-2 21-Feb-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager Il-2 28-Feb-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager Abschu?** 28-Feb-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager Abschu?** 28-Feb-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager Abschu? 28-Feb-45 Walter Dahl Stab Insp./derTagjager Abschu?** 27-Mar-45 Walter Dahl Stab III./EJG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 27-Mar-45 Walter Dahl Stab III./EJG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 26-Apr-45 Walter Dahl Stab III./EJG2 P-51 Mustang Raum Dillingen
Werner Gerth
Units:7/JG-53(7/43 Italy), Stab/JG-300(1/44), Sturmstf 1(1/44), 11/JG-3(7/44), II/JG-4(Sturmgruppen unit?), 14/JG-3 (11/44)
Awards:RK(10/29/44), DK-G(1/1/45), EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp
Known Aircraft:Fw 190A-6 & Bf 109G-6 in JG-300, Fw 190A-8/R2 WNr 682057(Rammtrager lost 11/2/44)
Remarks:KIA 2 November, 1944, in Wk# 682057 when he reportedly rammed a B-17 headed for the Gelsenkirchen Oil facility. After the collision, he was unable to bail out of the falling mass of wreckage. There is little evidence to support the ramming. His wingman this date, Fw Oscar Bösch, indicated Gerth was shot down by fighters. In addition, he was reported to have bailed, but his chute did not open. Promoted to Hptm posthumously. One of the most daring of the JG-3 pilots, he was shot down nearly a dozen times. He was known to have lost a JG-300 aircraft on 2 January, 1944, circumstances unknown. One known victory, a B-17 at Bielefeld on 22 February, 1944, while in Sturmstaffel 1. His 4th & 5th, both B-24's; one at Salzgitter, the other at Haldersleben, on 11 April, 1944. His 7th and 8th, both B-17's, one NE of Gifhorn and one at Miesterhorst on 29 April, 1944 (Perry Claims). His 10th, a B-17 at Fehmarn Belt on 19 May, 1944. His 15th, a B-17 SE of Kempten on 18 July, 1944. His 20th, a B-24 at Lechtaler Alpen on 3 August, 1944. His 25th, a P-51 at Quedlingburg on 11 September, 1944. Bowers/Lednicer, 30+ victories.
Asisbiz database list of 27 aerial victories for Werner Gerth
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 22-Feb-44 Werner Gerth Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress 6500m 13.40 Bielefeld 06-Mar-44 Werner Gerth Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress e.V. 5800m 14.05 NW Hannover 06-Mar-44 Werner Gerth Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress 5500m 14.08 SW Brandenburg 11-Apr-44 Werner Gerth Sturmstaffel 1 B-24 Liberator 6000m 11.15 HA Haldersleben 11-Apr-44 Werner Gerth Sturmstaffel 1 B-24 Liberator 6000m 11.18 HA (Salzgitter) 13-Apr-44 Werner Gerth Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress 6500m 13.55 SS (area NE Mannheim) 29-Apr-44 Werner Gerth Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.07 FB-FC (area NE Gifhorn) 29-Apr-44 Werner Gerth Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.07 GC-2 (Miesterhorst) 13-May-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 5300m 14.20 AF (Jordenstorf-Demmin) 19-May-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 15.07 SC-6 (Fehmarn Belt) 19-May-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 15.18 TC-7 (Mecklanberger Bucht) 24-May-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 P-51 Mustang Channel Front 07-Jul-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-24 Liberator 6500m 09.43 Raum Oschersleben Kr Sachsen 07-Jul-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-24 Liberator 6500m 09.42 Raum Oschersleben Kr Sachsen 18-Jul-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7600m 10.52 SE Kempten 18-Jul-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 10.50 SE Kempten 19-Jul-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6000m 09.50 Raum Kempten 30-Jul-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 11.00 HP-5 (Kamond SW Papa) 03-Aug-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-24 Liberator 5800m 11.43 GB (Lechtaler Alpen) 09-Aug-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front 09-Aug-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front 15-Aug-44 Werner Gerth 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6000m 11.45 QO (Daun-Kyllberg area) 11-Sep-44 Werner Gerth 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7800m 12.08 KD-LD (Hettstedt-Querfurt) 11-Sep-44 Werner Gerth 14./JG3 P-51 Mustang 1000m 12.15 KC (Quedlingburg) 07-Oct-44 Werner Gerth 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 8000m 12.07 LC-MD (Artern-Naumburg) 02-Nov-44 Werner Gerth 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front 02-Nov-44 Werner Gerth 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 12.47 KD (NW Halle)
Gerhard Leipholz
Awards:EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp
Known Aircraft:Bf 109G, Fw 190A-8 WNr 682253 'Sturmbocke' 'Black 16' (lost 1/1/45)
Remarks:KIA 1 January, 1945; shot down in his A-8 by F/Lt H.P. 'Gibby' Gibbons of RAF No.168 Sq. JG-3 was attacking the British airfield at Eindhoven, when Leipholz was hit from behind. Gibbons was downed during the same skirmish. Another source says it was RAF 124 Wing Cmdr. C.D. 'Kit' North-Lewis who shot him down, before he too, was shot down. One known victory, a B-17 NW of Halle on 2 November, 1944. His 2nd, a B-26 at Büllingen-Stavelot on 23 December, 1944. Alternate spelling: Leipolz & Liepholz.
Asisbiz database list of 2 aerial victories for Gerhard Leipholz
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 02-Nov-44 Gerhard Leipholz 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 12.47 KD (NW Halle) 23-Dec-44 Gerhard Leipholz 14./JG3 B-26 Marauder 4000m 11.40 PN-PM (Bullingen-Stavelot)
Willi Maximowitz
Willi Maximowitz was born on 29 January 1920 at Wuppertal-Barnen. At the end of 1943, when Major von Kornatzski (6 victories) was looking for volunteers for Sturmstaffel 1, Maximowitz, by this time an Unteroffizier with JG1, was one of those who enlisted. He had already achieved his first success when he shot down a USAAF B-24 four-engine bomber on 30 January 1944. On 23 March 1944, he shot down his third four-engine bomber, a USAAF B-17, but his Focke-Wulf 190 A-6 (W.Nr. 551 099) "White 10" was hit by return fire from the bombers and a wounded Maximowitz had to bale out near Wuppertal. Following recovery from his wounds he returned to Sturmstaffel 1 and added another B-17, shot down over Helmstedt on 29 April 1944, to his tally. On 8 May 1944, Sturmstaffel 1 was integrated into IV./JG3 as its 11. Staffel. In June , Maximowitz undertook combat flights in support of the German army in Normandy. These missions were flown with IV.Gruppe from Dreux airfield in France. Maximowitz shot down a B-17 near Leipzig for his 10th victory on 20 July. On 28 July , IV./JG3 scrambled against USAAF four-engine bombers. Maximowitz was shot down by the fighter escort and was slightly wounded. On 30 July, he was promoted to the rank of Feldwebel, but was wounded in a landing accident in Fw 190 A-8/R2 (W.Nr. 680 756). After recuperating from his injuries, he returned to his unit (renamed 14./JG3 on 10 August).
He flew as Kaczmarek to Gruppenkommandeur, IV./JG3, Hauptmann Wilhelm Moritz (44 victories, 15 of them four-engine bombers, RK). In February 1945, IV./JG3 moved to the Russian Front. On 11 March, Maximowitz was credited with three Russian Boston twin-engine bombers and a fighter shot down. On 20 April 1945, Oberfeldwebel Maximowitz of 14./JG3, failed to return from a combat mission. He was probably killed in aerial combat with Russian fighters around Frankfurt am Oder. He told Feldwebel Oskar Bosch (18 victories, including 8 four-engine bombers) during this mission that he had an MP 40 submachine-gun in his cockpit and he was saving the last round for himself if he got shot down!Willi Maximowitz was credited with 27 victories. He recorded 12 victories over the Eastern front. All 15 victories recorded over the Western front were four-engine bombers. He claimed one bomber by ramming on 23 March 1944 and possibly rammed another bomber, date unknown. Maximowitz was posthumously awarded the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on 1 January 1945.
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments 1 30.1.1944 11:50 B-24 Sturmstaffel 1 2 6.3.1944 12:35 B-17 HSS Sturmstaffel 1 N Gifhorn- Rathenow 7000 m 3 23.3.1944 11:15 B-17 Sturmstaffel 1 SE Munster / rammed 4 29.4.1944 11:10 B-17 Sturmstaffel 1 Hehlingen 5 8.5.1944 10:08 B-24 11./JG3 Peine-Braunschweig 6 12.5.1944 12:30 B-17 11./JG3 Bad Nauheim-Fulda area 7 24.5.1944 11:24 B-17 HSS 11./JG3 Nauern 8 13.7.1944 B-17 11./JG3 9 18.7.1944 10:50 B-17 11./JG3 SE Kempten 10 20.7.1944 11:07 B-17 11./JG3 20km W Leipzig 11 29.7.1944 B-17 11./JG3 12 27.9.1944 B-24 14./JG3 13 28.9.1944 B-17 14./JG3 14 2.11.1944 B-17 14./JG3 15 2.11.1944 B-17 14./JG3 16 3.3.1945 11:20 Pe-2 14./JG3 17 11.3.1945 Boston 14./JG3 18 11.3.1945 Fighter 14./JG3 19 11.3.1945 Boston 14./JG3 20 11.3.1945 Boston 14./JG3 21 18.4.1945 Yak 3 14./JG3 22 18.4.1945 Yak 3 14./JG3 23 1945 Pe-2 14./JG3 24 1945 P-39 14./JG3 25 1945 P-39 14./JG3 26 1945 Il-2 14./JG3 27 1945 Il-2 14./JG3 Victories : 27
Awards : Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (1 January 1945)
Units : JG1, Sturmstaffel 1, JG3 database list of 22 aerial victories for Willi Maximowitz
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 30-Jan-44 Willi Maximowitz Sturmstaffel 1 B-24 Liberator 11.50 Channel Front 06-Mar-44 Willi Maximowitz Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress Hss 6500m 12.35 vor Fallersleben 23-Mar-44 Willi Maximowitz Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress 6500m 11.15 Drensteinfurt (SE Munster) 29-Apr-44 Willi Maximowitz Sturmstaffel 1 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.10 Hehlingen 08-May-44 Willi Maximowitz 11./JG3 B-24 Liberator 10.08 GA-GB (Peine-Braunschweig) 12-May-44 Willi Maximowitz 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 12.30 05 Ost s/PS-PT (Nidda) 24-May-44 Willi Maximowitz 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.24 FF (Nauen W Berlin) 13-Jul-44 Willi Maximowitz 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front 18-Jul-44 Willi Maximowitz 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 10.50 SE Kempten 20-Jul-44 Willi Maximowitz 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.07 20km W Leipzig 29-Jul-44 Willi Maximowitz 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front 27-Sep-44 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 B-24 Liberator Channel Front 28-Sep-44 Willi Maximowitz 13./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front 02-Nov-44 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front 02-Nov-44 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front 03-Mar-45 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 Pe-2 11.20 Channel Front 11-Mar-45 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 Jagdflzg. Channel Front 11-Mar-45 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 Boston Channel Front 11-Mar-45 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 Boston Channel Front 11-Mar-45 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 Boston Channel Front 18-Apr-45 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 Jak-3 Channel Front 18-Apr-45 Willi Maximowitz 14./JG3 Jak-3 Channel Front
Wilhelm Moritz
Units:II/ZG-1, 6/JG-77, Stafkpt 11/JG-1(2/42), Stafkpt 12/JG-51, II/JG-3, Kdr IV/JG-3(8/44), Kdr II/JG-4
Awards:RK(7/18/44), DK-G('44), EP(10/11/43), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp
Known Aircraft:Bf 109E 'Yel 1'in JG-77, Fw 190A-3 WNr 422 'Blk 1+o' in 11/JG-1, Fw 190A-8/R8 WNr 681382 'Black((' (Stab IV/JG-3)
Remarks:Prior to his JG-1 assignment, he was in II/ZG-1 (flying Bf 110) in 9/39 and II/JG-77. 12 Bombers. 500+ combat missions. His first known Soviet victory, while in 12/JG-51, an Il-2 SSE of Surazh on 30 October, 1942. An Il-2 25 km SE of Velikiye Luki on 3 December, 1942. Two Il-2's 15 km N of Velikiye Luki on 8 December, 1942. Two Il-2's in the Velikiye Luki area on 17 December, 1942. An Il-2 on 7 January, 1943. An RZ on 10 April, 1943, in 12/JG-51. A P-39 on 8 May, 1943. A LaGG-3 on 5 July, 1943. Two MiG-3's on 10 July, 1943. Five victories on 13 July, 1943. His 34th victory, a B-24 at Westerwald, SE of Bonn, on 22 April, 1944. His 35th, a B-24 (HSS) near Salzwebel-Klötz on 29 April, 1944. His 40th, a B-24 (HSS) in the Oschersleben area on 7 July, 1944. His 41st, a B-17 in the Kempten area on 18 July, 1944. His 42nd, a B-24 at Mürzzuschlag on 23 August, 1944. A B-24 in the Kassel vicinity on 27 September, 1944. Due to complete exhaustion, in November 1944, he took command of IV/EJG-1, flying the Bf 109G & Fw 190A, training replacements until April 1945, when he took over II/JG-4. Survived the war.
Wilhelm Moritz was born on 29 June 1913 at Hamburg-Altona. He joined the army in 1933 but transferred to the Luftwaffe and underwent pilot training. At the beginning of World War 2, Moritz was serving with II./ZG 1 flying the Bf 110 Zerstorer twin-engined fighter. He participated in the Polish campaign. In summer 1940, Moritz was transferred to II./JG77. He was assigned to 6./JG77. He served in Norway and western France with this unit. On 9 September, he was appointed Staffelkapitan of 6./JG77. Around the beginning of 1941, Moritz became Staffelkapitan of EinsatzStaffel/JFS 4. He commanded the unit until March 1942, although he probably saw no combat during this time. The unit was later integrated into 11./JG51. From 4 April until 10 September1942, Moritz served as Staffelkapitan of 11./JG1 based at Monchen-Gladbach. During this period he was promoted to Hauptmann. He claimed no victories while serving with this unit operating in the German Bight area and over Holland. Moritz was transferred to II./JG51 on 10 September 1942. From November 1942, he was Staffelkapitan of 12./JG51. With this unit he claimed around 25 victories on the Eastern Front. On 19 October 1943, Moritz was appointed Staffelkapitan of 6./JG3 based in Germany. The unit was tasked with Reichsverteidigung duties.
Moritz was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of IV./JG3 on 18 April 1944. The Gruppe specialised in anti-bomber operations flying heavily armoured and armed single-engined fighters and was referred to as IV.(Sturm)/JG3. On 8 May, he claimed two USAAF B-24 four-engined bombers Herausschusse to record his 36th and 37th victories and, on 13 May, two USAAF B-17 four-engined bombers (38-39). Moritz was awarded the Ritterkreuz for 41 victories on 18 July 1944. On 1 October, he was promoted to the rank of Major. On 2 November he claimed a B-17, his 44th and, probably, last victory. On 5 December, Moritz was relieved from command due to a complete nervous breakdown. Following his recuperation he was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of IV./EJG1 on 14 December 1944.On 18 April 1945, Moritz was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of II./JG4, a position he held until the end of the war.
In over 500 combat missions Wilhelm Moritz was credited with 44 confirmed victories. He recorded 25 victories over the Western front, including 12 four-engined bombers. However, some sources quote his total to be as high as 54, including 25 four-engined bombers (including Herausschusse).
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments ? 1942-43 around 25 victories JG 51 34. 22.4.1944 19:46 B-24 Stab IV./JG3 Morsbach-Diersdorf 35. 29.4.1944 13:20 B-24 HSS Stab IV./JG3 Salzwedel-Klotz area 36. 8.5.1944 10:07 B-24 HSS Stab IV./JG3 Celle-Gifhorn area 37. 8.5.1944 10:14 B-24 HSS Stab IV./JG3 2km W Gifhorn 38. 13.5.1944 14:16 B-17 HSS Stab IV./JG3 AF 39. 13.5.1944 14:24 B-17 HSS Stab IV./JG3 AF 40. 7.7.1944 9:42 B-24 HSS Stab IV./JG3 Oschersleben area 41. 18.7.1944 10:50 B-17 Stab IV./JG3 Kempten area 42. 23.8.1944 12:20 B-24 Stab IV./JG3 Murzzuschlag 43. 27.9.1944 B-24 Stab IV./JG3 44. 2.11.1944 B-17 Stab IV./JG3 Victories : 44
Awards : Knight's Cross
Units : ZG 1, JG77, JFS 4, JG1, JG51, JG3, EJG1, JG4 database list of aerial victories for Wilhelm Moritz
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 06-Jul-40 Wilhelm Moritz 4./JG77 Blenheim 07.01 West of Stavanger 19-Aug-40 Wilhelm Moritz 4./JG77 Blenheim 14.47 Denmark & Norway 26-Oct-40 Wilhelm Moritz 4./JG77 Beaufort 16.52 SW of Bergen 30-Oct-42 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik Low Level 09.35 SSE Surazh (Bryansk) 03-Dec-42 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik Low Level 13.50 25km SE Velikiye Luki 08-Dec-42 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 300m 12.45 15km N Velikiye Luki (07534) 08-Dec-42 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 300m 12.50 15km N Velikiye Luki (07534) 16-Dec-42 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 200m 10.03 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 07 671 17-Dec-42 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 20m 11.47 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 07 594 17-Dec-42 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 250m 07.48 17km SW Veliyke-Luki 07-Jan-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik Low Level 11.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 07 751 10-Apr-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 R-Zet Low Level 12.55 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 46 733 08-May-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 P-39 Aircobra 3500m 18.10 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 63 582 10-May-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 LaGG-5 4000m 06.35 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 72 131 05-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 LaGG-3 5000m 07.25 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 53 883 10-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 MiG-3 50m 10.45 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 63 514 10-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 MiG-3 1000m 10.35 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 63 554 13-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Yak-1 1000m 11.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 64 883 13-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 800m 13.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 63 241 13-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 800m 13.45 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 63 242 13-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 LaGG-3 600m 13.55 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 63 251 13-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 200m 14.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 63 252 15-Jul-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 10m 16.40 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 64 824 05-Aug-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 LaGG-5 100m 17.30 SE Karatschew 12-Aug-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 LaGG-3 3000m 17.40 N Orvodowka 16-Aug-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 LaGG-3 5000m 06.15 ESE Bogoduchoff 20-Aug-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 800m 06.30 NW Ilitschevka 27-Aug-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 09.12 SE Kotelva (41 882) 19-Sep-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 600m 08.15 NW Sajzevo 04-Oct-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Yak-9 1800m 10.48 NW Kalushino 06-Oct-43 Wilhelm Moritz 12./JG51 Re-2 2500m 13.03 SW Nownji-Orlik 22-Apr-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-24 Liberator 6300m 19.46 NQ-OQ (Westerwald SE Bonn) 29-Apr-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-24 Liberator Hss 5000m 13.20 FC-EC (area Salzwedel-Klotz) 08-May-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-24 Liberator Hss 10.07 FA (area Celle-Gifhorn) 08-May-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-24 Liberator Hss 10.14 FA-9 (2km W Gifhorn) 13-May-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 5500m 14.24 AF (Jordenstorf-Demmin) 13-May-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 5000m 14.16 AF (Jordenstorf-Demmin) 07-Jul-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-24 Liberator Hss 6500m 09.42 Raum Oschersleben Kr Sachsen 18-Jul-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7600m 10.50 Raum Kempten 23-Aug-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-24 Liberator 6200m 12.20 FL-FM (Murzzuschlag) 27-Sep-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-24 Liberator Channel Front 02-Nov-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 12.47 Channel Front JB-JC-KB-KC 02-Nov-44 Wilhelm Moritz Stab IV./JG3 B-17 Fortress Channel Front
Willi Unger
Units:I./JG-104 (5/43), 11, 12 & 15(Sturm)./JG-3 (2/44 to 2/45), Stffüh 14./JG-3 (2/45), JG-7 (4/45)
Awards:RK(10/23/44), DK-G(8/44), EP(6/21/44), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp in Bronze
Known Aircraft:Fw 190A 'Yellow 17' & Fw 190A-8 'Yellow 7+~'(lost 8/44), Fw 190A-8/R8 'Black 8+~', Fw 190A-8/R8 'Red 12' in 12/JG-3, Me 262 in JG-7
Remarks:Started pilot training in late 1942, after two years as an AC Technician. One of the most successful Sturmjager (Ram Fighters) in the Home Defense. Shot down three times, the 3rd being on 3 August, 1944 after downing a B-24. He was hit by the bombers return fire over the Lechtal Alps in 'Yellow 7', bailing safely. 59 combat missions. 19 bombers. 3 victories in the East. His 1st victory, a B-17 at Warnemünde on 11 April, 1944. His 5th, a B-17 35 km E of Kassel on 19 April, 1944. His 10th & 11th, both B-24's in the Oschersleben area on 7 July, 1944. His 12th, a B-17 30 km SE of Memmingen on 18 July, 1944. His 13th, a B-17 at Zeitz-Groitsch on 29 July, 1944. His 14th & 15th, both B-24's at Füssen on 3 August, 1944. His 16th & 17th, both B-17's at Brünn on 29 August, 1944. His 18th, a B-17 at Hettstedt on 11 September, 1944. His 19th, a B-17 N of Berlin on 12 September, 1944. His 20th, a B-17 NE of Kölleda on 7 October, 1944. His 22nd, a P-39 7 km SE of Stargard on 19 February, 1945. Nos. 23 & 24, both Pe-2's in the Griefenberg area on 15 March, 1945. No victories in the Me 262. Flugbuch (2/44 to 3/45).
Asisbiz database list of 25 aerial victories for Willi Unger
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location Sunday, November 21, 1943 Willi Unger 1./JG53 P-38F Lightning 4200m 13:11 SW Fabriano Tuesday, April 11, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress Tuesday, April 11, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 5500m 13:27 UE-3 Warnemunde Thursday, April 13, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 5300m 14:05 QU (area W Schweinfurt) Tuesday, April 18, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6300m 14:32 NW Nauen Tuesday, April 18, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6300m 14:38 EF-7 (25km SW Neuruppin) Wednesday, April 19, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6800m 10:47 LU-LA (15-45km E Kassel) Saturday, April 22, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-24 Liberator Hss Monday, April 24, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 13:35 CE (area S Landshut) Saturday, April 29, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss Monday, May 8, 1944 Willi Unger 11./JG3 B-24 Liberator 10:07 FA-1 (S Sulze-Sudheide) Friday, July 7, 1944 Willi Unger 12./JG3 B-24 Liberator 5600m 09:43 Raum Aschersleben Friday, July 7, 1944 Willi Unger 12./JG3 B-24 Liberator 6500m 09:42 Raum Oschersleben Kr Sachsen Tuesday, July 18, 1944 Willi Unger 12./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 10:50 30km SE Memmingen Saturday, July 29, 1944 Willi Unger 12./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 10:30 15 Ost S/ME (Zeitz-Groitsch) Thursday, August 3, 1944 Willi Unger 12./JG3 B-24 Liberator 5600m 11:40 FB u GB-36 (Fussen 180˚ Alpes) Thursday, August 3, 1944 Willi Unger 12./JG3 B-24 Liberator 5600m 11:41 FB u GB-36 (Fussen 180˚ Alpes) Tuesday, August 29, 1944 Willi Unger 15./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 10:46 15 Ost S/UR (Brunn) Tuesday, August 29, 1944 Willi Unger 15./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 10:47 15 Ost S/UQ-QR (Brunn) Monday, September 11, 1944 Willi Unger 15./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7800m 12:02 KC-KD (Hettstedt) Tuesday, September 12, 1944 Willi Unger 15./JG3 B-17 Fortress 8000m 11:45 DG-EG-DH-EH (N Berlin) Saturday, October 7, 1944 Willi Unger 15./JG3 B-17 Fortress 8000m 12:06 LC-MD (NE Kolleda) Monday, February 19, 1945 Willi Unger 15./JG3 P-39 Aircobra 13:18 7km E. Stargard Thursday, March 15, 1945 Willi Unger 15./JG3 Pe-2 13:58 Raum Griefenberg Thursday, March 15, 1945 Willi Unger 15./JG3 Pe-2 13:55 Raum Griefenberg
Hans Weik
Hans Weik was born on 6 July 1922 at Heilbronn in Wurttemberg. He joined the Luftwaffe in October 1941. Following completion of his flying training, Weik was posted to I./JG3 based on the Eastern front. On 21 February 1943, as a Leutnant, he joined the Geschwaderstab of JG3. His first victory was achieved on 9 March 1943 when he shot down a Russian Yak-1 fighter. He was to record 10 victories during his time in Russia, including two victories on 21 April to record his 10th and 11th victories. From May to November 1943, Weik served as fighter pilot instructor with 4./Erganzungs-Jagdgruppe Ost. However, his duties as an instructor did not preclude combat for on 6 September 1943, he downed his first four-engined bomber, a USAAF B-17. In November 1943, Weik was transfered to 9./JG3. On 10 February 1944, Oberleutnant Alfred Humer (21 victories), Staffelkapitan of 10./JG3, was killed in action and Weik was named his successor. He received the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on 10 May. Between February and July, Weik was to claim 23 victories, including 20 four-engined bombers, in only 85 combat missions. He recorded two four-engined bombers shot down on 8 March (20-21). He was to record two victories on four other occasions. Weik also recorded three victories on 24 April and 8 May. On 18 July, he destroyed a USAAF B-17 four-engined bomber, but he had to bale out of his damaged Fw 190A-8/R2 (W.Nr. 680 747) 'White 7' wounded in the shoulder and arm. The wounds were serious enough to keep Weik from any further front line duties. On 27 July, Oberleutnant Weik was awarded the Ritterkreuz for 36 victories. In April 1945, Weik was transferred to III./ EJG2 at Lechfeld to train on the Me 262 jet fighter. Post war, Weik studied architecture. He planned and built many schools, sports auditoriums and other buildings. In retirement, Weik indulged his passion for model shipbuilding. Weik died at the age of 78 on 5 June 2001 at Heidenheim an der Brenz.
Hans Weik was credited with 36 victories in only 85 missions. He recorded , 25 victories over the Western Front, including 22 four-engined bombers. He was one of the foremost Viermottoters.
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments 1 9.3.1943 11:36 Yak-1 Stab/JG3 98 344 2 23.3.1943 11:27 LaGG-3 Stab/JG3 80 890 3 27.3.1943 11:30 I-16 Stab/JG3 98 810 4 31.3.1945 16:15 La-5 Stab/JG3 90 570 5 11.4.1943 5:35 I-16 Stab/JG3 85 110 6 11.4.1943 12:03 LaGG-3 Stab/JG3 85 790 7 15.4.1943 16:30 LaGG-3 Stab/JG3 85 142 8 16.4.1943 15:10 P-39 Stab/JG3 9 17.4.1943 15:05 P-39 Stab/JG3 85 763 10 21.4.1943 11:05 Il-2 Stab/JG3 75 457 11 21.4.1943 11:08 Il-2 Stab/JG3 75 461 12 16.9.1943 18:59 B-17 4./JGr Ost 2km S La Rochelle 13 19.12.1943 12:26 B-17 9./JG3 70km SE Innsbruck 14 20.2.1944 15:20 P-47 10/JG3 Koblenz-Aachen 15 21.2.1944 14:38 B-17 HSS 10/JG3 Holzminden area 16 25.2.1944 13:20 B-17 HSS 10/JG3 SE Crailsheim 17 4.3.1944 13:10 B-17 10/JG3 Neuruppin 18 6.3.1944 12:47 B-17 10/JG3 S Tangerhutte 19 6.3.1944 12:47 B-17 10/JG3 N Braunschweig 20 8.3.1944 13:30 B-17 HSS 10/JG3 Celle-Rathenow 21 8.3.1944 13:56 P-51 10/JG3 Celle-Rathenow 22 23.3.1944 11:20 B-17 10/JG3 Werl 23 30.3.1944 16:30 P-47 10/JG3 10km S Monchen-Gladbach 24 24.4.1944 13:36 B-17 10/JG3 NE Munchen 25 24.4.1944 13:45 B-17 10/JG3 S Landshut 26 24.4.1944 13:46 B-17 HSS 10/JG3 S Landshut 27 29.4.1944 11:05 B-17 10/JG3 Helmstedt 28 29.4.1944 11:20 B-17 10/JG3 Burg 29 8.5.1944 10:09 B-24 10/JG3 S Sulze-Sudheide 30 8.5.1944 10:14 B-24 HSS 10/JG3 NW Braunschweig 31 8.5.1944 12:10 B-17 10/JG3 SW Hoya 32 12.5.1944 12:30 B-17 10/JG3 Frankfurt 33 12.5.1944 12:37 B-17 10/JG3 Bad Nauheim-Fulda area 34 13.5.1944 14:24 B-17 10/JG3 S Grimmen 35 7.7.1944 9:42 B-24 10/JG3 Oschersleben area 36 18.7.1944 10:50 B-17 10/JG3 30km SE Memmingen Victories : 36
Awards : Ehrenpokal (15 May 1944)
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (1 October 1944)
Ritterkreuz (27 July 1944)
Units : JG3, Erg.Gr.Ost, EJG2 database list of aerial victories for Hans Weik
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 09-Mar-43 Hans Weik Stab I./JG3 Yak-1 150m 11.26 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 98 344 23-Mar-43 Hans Weik Stab I./JG3 LaGG-3 1200m 11.27 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 80 890 27-Mar-43 Hans Weik Stab I./JG3 I-16 Rata 1200m 11.30 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 98 810 31-Mar-43 Hans Weik Stab /JG3 LaGG-5 1000m 16.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 90 570 11-Apr-43 Hans Weik Stab /JG3 LaGG-3 1500m 12.03 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 85 790 11-Apr-43 Hans Weik Stab /JG3 I-16 Rata 500m 05.35 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 85 110 15-Apr-43 Hans Weik Stab /JG3 LaGG-3 500m 16.30 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 85 142 16-Apr-43 Hans Weik Stab /JG3 P-39 Aircobra 15.10 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 17-Apr-43 Hans Weik Stab /JG3 P-39 Aircobra 200m 15.05 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 85 763 21-Apr-43 Hans Weik Stab /JG3 Il-2 Sturmovik 200m 11.05 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 75 457 21-Apr-43 Hans Weik Stab /JG3 Il-2 Sturmovik 300m 11.08 Ostfront (Eastern Front) 75 461 16-Sep-43 Hans Weik 4./JGr.Ost B-17 Fortress II 6000m 18.59 2km S La Rochelle 19-Dec-43 Hans Weik 9./JG3 B-17 Fortress 5500m 12.26 70km SE Innsbruck 20-Feb-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 P-47 Thunderbolt 15.20 Channel Front 21-Feb-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6000m 14.38 Raum Holzminden 25-Feb-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 6000m 13.20 SE Crailsheim 04-Mar-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 13.10 Neuruppin 06-Mar-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 12.47 GD-5 (S Tangerhutte) 06-Mar-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6800m 12.52 North of Braunschwieg 08-Mar-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 6800m 13.30 HD-2 08-Mar-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 P-51 Mustang 13.56 Channel Front 23-Mar-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.20 KQ-9 (Werl) 30-Mar-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 P-47 Thunderbolt 100m 16.30 10km S Monchen-Gladbach 24-Apr-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 6500m 13.46 S Landshut 24-Apr-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 13.45 S Landshut 24-Apr-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 13.36 CE NE Munchen 29-Apr-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.20 HD-3 Burg 29-Apr-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7500m 11.05 HB-1 Helmstedt 08-May-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 12.10 Channel Front 08-May-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 12.12 FT-1 ((SW Hoya) 08-May-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-24 Liberator 10.09 FA-1 (S Sulze-Sudheide) 08-May-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-24 Liberator 10.14 NW Braunschweig 12-May-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 12.37 05 Ost S/PS Frankfurt-Main 12-May-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 6500m 12.30 05 Ost S/PR SE Frankfurt 13-May-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 5000m 14.24 UG-7 (Greifswald) 07-Jul-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-24 Liberator 6500m 09.42 Raum Oschersleben Kr Sachsen 18-Jul-44 Hans Weik 10./JG3 B-17 Fortress 7600m 10.50 30km SE Memmingen
Some of the most widely used Book References:: +
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase One: July-August 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 1) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Eddie J Creek (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Two: August-September 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 2) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Three: September-October 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 3) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Four: November 1940-June 1941 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 4) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
Web References: +
- Airfix Magazines (English) -
- Avions (French) -
- FlyPast (English) -
- Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
- Flugzeug Classic (German) -
- Klassiker (German) -
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
- Osprey (English) -
- Revi Magazines (Czech) -
- Luftwaffe profiles
Editor for Asisbiz: Matthew Laird Acred
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