Stab Schlachtgeschwader 2 - Stab SG2 or Stab Sch. G. 2
Stab II./Schlachtgeschwader 2 - Stab II./SG2 or Stab II./Sch. G. 2
Focke-Wulf Fw 190F8 Stab II./SG2 Cheveron Red 2 (2+ Hungary summer 1944
Focke-Wulf Fw 190F8 Stab II./SG2 Cheveron Yellow 3 (3+- Czech 1945
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Stab II./SG2 (-+-Kennel Germany 1945 01-04
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-8 Cheveron II./SG2 Commander Maj. Karl Kennel - May 1945
Focke-Wulf-Fw 190F8 SG 2 Winkel Red 2 Hungary Winter 1944-1945
Profile: Focke-Wulf-Fw 190F8 SG 2 Winkel Red 2 Hungary Winter 1944-1945
Eduard -
I Gruppe Schlachtgeschwader 2 - I./SG2 or I./Sch. G. 2
4 Staffel I Gruppe Schlachtgeschwader 2 - 4./SG2 or 4./Sch. G. 2
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A6 4./SG2 White (2+-) WNr 550503 scrapped Kitzingen 1945 01
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A5 SG2 G+- flown by oberfeldwebel August Lambert summer of 1943.
The aircraft is in generic grey colors RLM 74/75/76 with RLM 04 yellow
II Gruppe Schlachtgeschwader 2 - II./SG2 or I./Sch. G. 2
4 Staffel II Gruppe Schlachtgeschwader 2 - 4./SG2 or 4./Sch. G. 2
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-6 4 Staffel II./SG 2 white (2+-) Werk Nr 550503 Freiwaldau Czechoslovakia 1945 later surrendered to US personal at Kitzingen Bavaria wars end 1945
6 Staffel II Gruppe Schlachtgeschwader 2 - 6./SG2 or 6./Sch. G. 2
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A5 SG2 G+- flown by oberfeldwebel August Lambert summer of 1943.
The aircraft is in generic grey colors RLM 74/75/76 with RLM 04 yellow
Artwork profile Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 6.SG2 Yellow 14+ Germany 1945 0A
Focke-Wulf Fw 190A8 Yellow 11 over Red 7 Germany Unit and pilot are unknown
Focke-Wulf Fw 190F8 6.SG2 Yellow 12+ Czechoslovakia 1945 01-2
Focke-Wulf Fw 190F8 II.SG2 Yellow 11 Red 7 WNr 681330 Nuebiberg 1945 01-04
Focke-Wulf Fw 190F8 SG2 Yellow 14+- Czechoslovakia 1945
Focke-Wulf Fw 190F8 W.Nr. 584592, Neubiberg, Germany, May, 1945
Yellow '14', belonging to II. Gruppe SG 2 or SG 10, and abandoned at Neubiberg, represents an example of the Fw 190F-8 from the final production series. Upper surfaces were camouflaged in RLM 75/76/81/83, while the undersides were painted in the common RLM 76, but not covering the entire lower wing surface. As was the practice with The Fw 190D-9 at the end of the war, RLM 76 was applies from the leading edge to mid wing, with no paint in the rear half of the wing. Landing flaps, ailerons and the bottom fuselage were also inRLM 76. The bottom side of the rudder, which was fabric covered, was unpainted primer, in its usual red-brown color. The cowling sported a yellow stripe, a Luftwaffe identifier for ground attack aircraft.
Žlutá 14, patøící II. Gruppe SG 2 nebo SG 10 a zanechaná na konci války pøíslušníky Luftwaffe na základnì v Neubibergu, pøedstavuje podobu Fw 190F-8 posledních výrobních sérií. Horní plochy tvoøila pole barev RLM 75/76/81/83, zatímco spodní mìly nástøik pùvodnì používané RLM 76. Ne však celé. Obdobnì, jako napø. u Fw 190D-9, vyrobených v závìru války, byla èást spodních ploch køídla ponechána v barvì kovu. Letoun má na spodní stranì køídla aplikovánu RLM 76 pouze od nábìžné hrany do poloviny køídla, zadní èást je bez nátìru. Vztlakové klapky, køidélka a spodní èást trupu byly opìt nastøíkány RLM 76. Spodní strana pohyblivé èásti výškovky, potažená plátnem, zùstala v základové èerveno-hnìdé barvì. Pøes pøíï byl nastøíkán žlutý pruh, oznaèující v tomto období bitevní letouny Luftwaffe.
Additional Information Eduard plastic models -
III Gruppe Schlachtgeschwader 2 - III./SG2 or I./Sch. G. 2
8. Staffel III. Gruppe Schlachtgeschwader 2 - 8./SG2 or 8./Sch. G. 2
Focke-Wulf Fw 190F2 8./SG2 Yellow B+▲ Prague Czechoslovakia 1945
Karl Kennel
Units:I ./ZG-76 ('39), II./ZG-2 ('40) Stfkpt 5/Sch.G-1 (10/42), Kdr I/SG-152 (10/43), Kdr II/SG-2 (7/44)
Awards:RK(9/19/43)-EL(11/25/44), DK-G(3/16/42), EP(9/9/41), EK 1 & 2, Assault Operational Clasp w/Pendant
Known Aircraft:Bf 110, Me 210, Fw 190A-8 WNr 171189 '<<+-' May, 1945 in SG-2
Remarks:Close support and fighter cover missions. 957 missions. 3 victories in the West, all others in the Soviet Union. One known Soviet victory, a LaGG-5 on 6 August, 1944, while Kdr of II/SG-2. A 2nd, an Il-2 on 22 September, 1944. A 3rd, an Il-2 on 23 September, 1944. His last mission was flown on the morning of 8 May, 1945. Surrendered at Kitzingen. Bowers/Lednicer, 34 victories.
Asisbiz database list of 3 aerial victories for Karl Kennel
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 06-Aug-44 Karl Kennel Stab II./SG2 LaGG-5 10m 14.10 19 153 22-Sep-44 Karl Kennel Stab /SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik 2000m 14.25 37 365 23-Sep-44 Karl Kennel Stab /SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik 1800m 14.25 37 482
August Lambert
Units:Close Spt pilot: 6/SG-2 (2/44 S.U.), SG-151, 8./JG-77, Stfkpt 8/SG-77, 12/SG-2 (4/45)
Awards:RK(5/14/44), DK-G(10/1/44), EP(1/17/44), EK 1 & 2, Assault Operational Clasp w/'300' hanger
Known Aircraft:Ju 87, Fw 190A (Jabo), Fw 190F-8 WNr 584043 'Black 9' (lost)
Remarks:Although a Close Support pilot at all times, destroying 10+ tanks, he was a passionate fighter pilot. 350 combat missions. His first known victory, two Yak-9's on 13 February, 1944. A Yak-9 on 16 March, 1944. Two P-39's on 19 March, 1944. Two Il-2's a P-39 and a Yak-9 on 10 April, 1944. Five Il-2's (all m.H.) on 17 April, 1944. In the spring of 1944, during the Sevastopol Campaign, he was able to boost his victories from 20 to 90, during which he achieved daily scores of 12, 14 and 17 victories. KIA 17 April, 1945, during take-off at Hoyerswerda, Kamenz/Saxony when he was surprised by Mustangs of 55FG, and shot down. Buried at Kamenz-St Just Cemetery. Prior to his death, he was credited with his last victory, a P-51 west of Prague, 17 April, 1945. This P-51 was the last P-51 shot down by an Fw 190. Most victories in the East. Highest scoring Assault Pilot.
Asisbiz database list of 14 aerial victories for August Lambert
No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location Comments 13-Feb-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Yak-9 2000m 12.25 66644 16-Mar-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Yak-9 4000m 15.45 47 771 19-Mar-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 P-39 Aircobra 7000m 07.38 66 673 26-Mar-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 P-39 Aircobra 4000m 13.25 46 211 09-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Yak-9 3000m 07.24 47 412 10-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 4000m 04.24 47 711 10-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 P-39 Aircobra 4000m 10.12 76 123 10-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik 1500m 12.20 76 143 10-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Yak-9 3500m 12.25 76 111 17-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 50m 08.05 35 611 17-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 08.06 35 394 17-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1000m 09.45 35 363 17-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 900m 09.46 35 363 17-Apr-44 August Lambert Stab II./SG2 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 850m 09.47 35 364 17-Apr-45 August Lambert Stab III./SG77 P-51 n.b.
Some of the most widely used Book References:: +
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase One: July-August 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 1) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Eddie J Creek (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Two: August-September 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 2) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Three: September-October 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 3) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Four: November 1940-June 1941 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 4) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
Web References: +
- Airfix Magazines (English) -
- Avions (French) -
- FlyPast (English) -
- Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
- Flugzeug Classic (German) -
- Klassiker (German) -
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
- Osprey (English) -
- Revi Magazines (Czech) -
- Luftwaffe profiles
Editor for Asisbiz: Matthew Laird Acred
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