From 1943/03/10 to 1943/04/25 Henderson Field CVEG-27 F4F-4
From 1943/04/25 to 43/06/26 CVE-27 Suwannee CVEG-27 F4F-4
From 1943/06/26 to 43/08/05 Henderson Field CVEG-27 F4F-4
From 1943/08/05 CVE-27 Suwannee CVEG-27 F4F-4
From 1944/06 to 44/10/25 CVL-23 Princeton CVG-27 24xF6F-3 (Forage), King2: 18xF6F-3, 7xF6F-5
From 1945/06 CVL-22 Independence CVG-27 F6F-5
VF-27 Aces
Top Ace (kills w/ sqn)
CO (kills w/ sqn)
# Aces
Princeton CVL-23
James Shirley (12)
Fred Bardshar (7.5)
CVL-22 USS Independence in San Francisco Bay on 15th July 1943 NA 80 G 74436
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 White 17 Lt Richard E Stambook CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 1944 0A
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 White 17 Lt Richard E Stambook CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 1944 0B
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 White 17 Lt Richard E Stambook CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 1944 0C
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 White 17 Lt Richard E Stambook CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 1944 0D
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 White 2 BuNo 40822 0A
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 White 2 BuNo 40822 0B
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 onboard USS Essex from CVL-22 USS Independence 1945 01
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 Paper Doll Lt Carl A Brown CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 24th 1944 0A
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 Paper Doll Lt Carl A Brown CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 24th 1944 0B
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 Paper Doll Lt Carl A Brown CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 24th 1944 0C
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 Paper Doll Lt Carl A Brown CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 24th 1944 0D
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 Paper Doll Lt Carl A Brown CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 24th 1944 0E
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 Paper Doll Lt Carl A Brown CVL-23 USS Princeton Oct 24th 1944 0F
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White D12 landing mishap CVL-22 USS Independence 1945 01
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White D12 landing mishap CVL-22 USS Independence 1945 02
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White D12 landing mishap CVL-22 USS Independence 1945 03
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White D1 onboard CVL-22 USS Independence 1945 01
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White D23 on patrol CVL-22 USS Independence 1945 01
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White D25 Merri Marle on patrol CVL-22 USS Independence 1945 01
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 White 17 Lt. Richard E. Stambook CVL-23 USS Princeton October 1944
Surely, among the most recognizable markings carried by US Navy aircraft must be those of the Hellcats of VF-27 flying off of the USS Princeton. Their sharkmouths and bloodshot, menacing eyes seared themselves into the memories of many Japanese pilots. The uncommon and unofficial markings were painted on to the front of all of VF-27's aircraft by one of its pilots, Robert Burnell. These birds, adorned in this way, wreaked havoc everywhere they engaged in combat over the Pacific from May to October, 1944. During this span, some 200 enemy aircraft were claimed. The end of combat for VF-27 came on October 24th, 1944, when the Princeton was hit with a catastrophic fire caused by a Japanese bomb, and was ultimately sunk, after being evacuated, by her own crews and units. Hellcat bearing the number '17' was the personal aircraft of Lt. R. E. Stambook, who served with, besides VF-27, VS-3 on the SBD Dauntless, and with VF-3 and VF-6 on Wildcats. During the course of his combat career, he attained 11 kills. The Navy Bureau Number of Lt. Stambook's Hellcat is unknown. The decal sheet bears the BuNo of one of the Hellcats that was sunk along with the carrier. The aircraft likeness is reconstructed on the basis of pilot memories. All BuNos of VF-27 Hellcats were higher than 40235, and so the engine cowling lacks the bottom cooling flaps and the fairing of the side exhausts.
Jistě nejvýraznější marking ze všech strojů US Navy měly Hellcaty VF-27 z USS Princeton. Jejich žraločí tlama a rozzuřené oči se vryly do paměti nejednomu japonskému pilotovi. Neobvyklé a neoficiální označení jednotky namaloval na přídě všech strojů VF-27 jeden z jejích pilotů, Robert Burnell. Od září 1944 tak zubaté Hellcaty naháněly v Pacifiku hrůzu všude, kam se probojovaly. Vždyť za toto období zničili jejich piloti na 200 letounů nepřítele. Konec bojů pro VF-27 nastal 24. října 1944, kdy byla USS Princeton zasažena japonskou bombou a po ničivém požáru nakonec po evakuaci potopena vlastními jednotkami i s letouny. Hellcat s číslem "17" byl osobním strojem Lt. R. E. Stambooka, který kromě VF-27 sloužil i u VS-3 na strojích SBD Dauntless a u VF-3 a VF-6 na Wildcatech. Za dobu svého operačního nasazení dosáhl 11. sestřelů. Navy Bureau Number Hellcatu Lt. Stambooka není známo, na obtiskovém aršíku se nachází BuNo jednoho ze strojů potopených spolu s lodí. Podoba letounu je rekonstrukcí na základě vzpomínek pilotů. Bu No všech strojů VF 27 byla vyšší než 40235, proto motorový kryt postrádá spodní chladící klapku a výstupek v oblasti bočního výfuku.
Additional Information Eduard plastic models -
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 Paper Doll Lt. Carl A. Brown USS Princeton October 24th 1944
Profile Source: Model Airplane Int 080 2011-01 Page 54
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-27 White 7 Paper Doll Lt. Carl A. Brown USS Princeton October 24th 1944
'Paper Doll' was the personal mount of Lt. (jg) Robert Burnell. The distinctive sharkmouth markings used on earlier aircraft by the squadron appear here in a simpler form. On October 24th, 1944, during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, Lt. Carl A. Brown intercepted a large formation of enemy aircraft at a time when the USS Princeton had suffered serious damage. During the intercept, Lt. Brown was able to down five of the Japanese aircraft, but was, in the process, hit and injured. He landed on theUSSEssex, as the Princeton was out of action. 'Paper Doll'was pushed overboard to make room for other landing aircraft.
"Paper Doll" byla osobním strojem Lt. (jg) Roberta Burnella. Výrazná kresba otevøené tlamy, používaná již na døívìjších verzích, byla na strojích F6F-5 malována ve zjednodušené podobì. Dne 24.10. 1944 bìhem bitvy nad zálivem ostrova Leyte odstartoval Lt. Carl A. Brown vstøíc velké skupinì nepøátel, kdy byla mateøská USS Princeton vážnì poškozena. Mezitím se Brown dostal do souboje s pøesilou japoncu, sám jich dokázal pìt sestøelit, ale "Paper Doll" byla pøitom mnohokrát zasažena a on sám zranìn. Vzhledem k poškození USS Princeton byl nucen nouzovì pøistát na palubì USS Essex. Stroj byl tak vážnì poškozen, že byl chvíli po pøistání svržen do moøe, aby uvolnil místo dalším pøistávajícím letounùm.
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat, from the US Navy's VF-27 Tiger Mouth coded 'White 10' named Paoli Local and operated from CVL-23 USS Princeton in October 1944. Personal aircraft of USN Ens Paul Drury, VF-27 Lt. Cdr. F.A. Bardshar was their group leader.
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat, from the US Navy's VF-27 Tiger Mouth coded 'White 9' and operated from CVL-23 USS Princeton in October 1944. Personal aircraft of USN Lt. Carl Brown, VF-27 was lead by Lt. Cdr. F.A. Bardshar.
IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover - COD/CLOD skins - No 3d model at this stage
IL2 game skin by HM F6F-5 VF-27 7 Burnell USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by HM F6F-5 VF-27 7 Burnell USS Princeton 1944 NM
IL2 game skin by HM F6F-5 VF-27 7 Burnell USS Princeton 1944 V01
IL2 game skin by HM F6F-5 VF-27 7 Burnell USS Princeton 1944 V0A
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 17 Stambrook USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 17 Stambrook USS Princeton 1944 V05
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 23 Shirley USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 23 Shirley USS Princeton 1944 V01
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 23 Shirley USS Princeton 1944 V03
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 3 Stanley USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 VF-27 3 Pilot Gordon Stanley USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 VF-27 17 Pilot Dick Stambrook USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 VF-27 23 Pilot Red Shirley USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by JI F6F-3 VF-27 23 Pilot Red Shirley USS Princeton 1944 V0A
VF-27 Aces pack for F6F-3 off USS Princeton late 1944. White 3 Ens. Gordon A. Stanley, 8 kills. White 17 Lt. Richard Stambook, 9 kills. White 23 Lt. James 'Red' Shirley, 12.5 kills. And a blank for Dog-fighting. JI Jesters-ink
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 13 Lamb USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 13 Lamb USS Princeton 1944 V03
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 13 Lamb USS Princeton 1944 V08
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 17 Stambrook USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 23 Shirley USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 3 Lamb USS Princeton 1944 V01
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 Hellcat VF-27 3 Stanley USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-5 VF-27 10 Drury USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-5 VF-27 10 Drury USS Princeton 1944 V0A
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-5 VF-27 1 Bardshar USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-5 VF-27 7 Burnell USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-5 VF-27 9 Brown USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by VP F6F-5 VF-27 7 Burnell USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by VP F6F-5 VF-27 7 Burnell USS Princeton 1944 NM
IL2 game skin by VP F6F-5 VF-27 7 Burnell USS Princeton 1944 V0A
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 VF-27 3 Pilot Gordon Stanley USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 VF-27 13 Pilot Bill Lamb USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 VF-27 17 Pilot Dick Stambrook USS Princeton 1944
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 VF-27 23 Pilot Red Shirley USS Princeton 1944
F6F-3's of VF-27 known as 'Tiger Mouth' CVL-23 USS Princeton in October 1944. Includes Bill Lamb's #13, Red Shirley's #23, Dick Stambrook's #17, and Gordon Stanley's #3. RN Ronnco