Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-9 White 12 Lt Hamilton McWhorter USS Essex November 1944 0A
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-9 White 13 landing aboard CV-9 USS Essex 25th Mar 1945 01
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-9 White 20 landing aboard CV-9 USS Essex 1943 01
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-9 White 7 launched from CV-9 USS Essex 1943 01
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-9 White 7 preparing for launch CV-17 USS Bunker Hill Saipan 16th Mar 1943 01
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-9 White 23 on patrol CV-16 USS Lexington 1945 01
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat VF-9 White 24 Gene Valencia on patrol CV-16 USS Lexington 1945 01
Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat VF-9 White 12 Lt. Hamilton McWhorter USS Essex November 1944
Hamilton 'Mac' McWhorter, as a member of VF-9, flew the first operational missions from the USS Ranger, in the cockpit of the F4F Wildcat without encountering any enemy aircraft. He made up for it flying the F6F Hellcat. VF-9, at the time flying off the carrier USS Essex, was the first unit to fly the type. McWhorter gained his first victory over Wake Island, followed by the next two over Rabaul on November 11th, then by another on November 18th over Tarawa, and again on the 19th of November, 1943. Thus, he became the first pilot on the Hellcat to attain the status of 'ace'. And so he continued on, until February 16th, 1944, when he achieved his tenth kill, becoming the first Navy pilot to gain the title of multiple ace.
Hamilton "Mac" McWhorter, příslušník VF-9, se zúčastnil prvních bojových operací z paluby USS Ranger již s typem F4F Wildcat nad Casablankou, aniž se setkal s letouny nepřítele. To si vynahradil na typu F6F Hellcat. VF-9, v té době působící z paluby letadlové lodi USS ESSEX, byla první jednotkou vybavenou tímto letounem. McWhorter dosáhl prvního vítězství během bojů u atolu Wake, dalších dvou dosáhl nad Rabaulem 11. listopadu. Následoval další 18. listopadu nad Tarawou, aby se 19. listopadu 1943 stal prvním pilotem, který s tímto typem docílil pěti sestřelů a tím statutu "esa".Atak pokračoval dál, dne 16. února 1944 dosáhl svého desátého vítězství a stal se prvním námořním pilotem, který nesl titul dvounásobné "eso".
Additional Information Eduard plastic models -
VF-9 Tour of Duty:
From 1943/01 to 1944/03 CV-9 Essex CVG-9 36xF6F-3/5
From 1945/02 to 1945/03 CV-16 Lexington II CVG-9 F6F-5
From 1945/03 to 1945/05 CV-10 Yorktown II (Iceber) CVG-9 F6F5
From 1945/07 to 1945/08 CV-10 Yorktown CVG-9 F6F
IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover - COD/CLOD skins - No 3d model at this stage
IL2 game skin by RO F6F-3 VF-9 33 USS Essex 1943 NM
F6F-3 #33 of VF-9, Summer 1943. VF-9 operated from CV-9 USS Essex Jan 1943 to March and was part of the CVG-9 task force. This skin is 100% free for personal use. Please do not alter this skin for upload or incorporate elements of it into others without permission. Thanks. For user-made or free campaigns feel free to use any of my stuff. If you do, let me know so I can fly it.
RN Ronnco