emblem RAF
RAF No 32 Squadron

Aircrew RAF 32Sqn pilot Peter Brothers 01

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZ being rearmed at Biggin Hill England Aug 1940 IWM HU104487

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn being rearmed at Biggin Hill England Aug 1940 IWM HU104487

Ground staff re arm a Hawker Hurricane Mk I of No. 32 Squadron at Biggin Hill, August 1940.

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 104487 https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205230016

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZ being rearmed at RAF Hawkinge 1940 IWM HU54515

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ being rearmed at RAF Hawkinge 1940 IWM HU54515

Ground staff in steel helmets refuelling and rearming a Hawker Hurricane Mark I of No. 32 Squadron, at a dispersal at Biggin Hill, August 1940.

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 54515 https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205070120

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZ being refueled at RAF Hawkinge 1940 IWM HU54513

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ being refueled at RAF Hawkinge 1940 IWM HU54513

Groundcrew in steel helmets refuelling a Hawker Hurricane Mk I of No. 32 Squadron, as the pilot climbs out of the cockpit, Biggin Hill/Hawkinge, August 1940.

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 54513 https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205059660

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZB John Worrall P3144 England July 1940 0A

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZB John Worrall P3144 England July 1940 TC15016

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZB John Worrall P3144 England July 1940 TC15016B

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZB P3144 CZK GZT Biggin Hill England July 1940 01

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZB P314x CZK GZT Biggin Hill England July 1940 01a

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZL P2921 and GZH N2532 Battle of Britain England 1940 01

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZL P2921 being refueled Biggin Hill Aug 1940 IWM HU57450

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZL P2921 being refueled Biggin Hill Aug 1940 IWM HU57450

Groundcrew refuelling a Hawker Hurricane Mk I of No. 32 Squadron from a refuelling truck whilst the pilot waits in the cockpit, Biggin Hill, August 1940. Hurricane Mk I GZ+L (P2921) of No. 32 Squadron from an Albion AM463 3-Point Refueller, whilst the pilot (normally flown by Flt-L. Pete Brothers) waits in the cockpit, Hawkinge, Kent

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 57450 https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205059680

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZL P2921 being refueled Biggin Hill Aug 1940 IWM HU57450a

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZ taxing at RAF Hawkinge 29 Jul 1940 IWM HU69116

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ taxing at RAF Hawkinge 29 Jul 1940 IWM HU69116

Three Hurricanes of No. 32 Squadron taxying for take-off at Hawkinge, 29 July 1940. The centre aircraft is N2459, normally flown by Pilot Officer 'Grubby' Grice.

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 69116 https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205059327

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZV P3522 at Biggin Hill England Aug 1940 IWM HU54418

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZV on stand by at RAF Hawkinge 1940 IWM HU54418

Pilots of 'B' Flight, No. 32 Squadron relax on the grass at RAF Hawkinge in front of Hurricane Mk I P3522, GZ-V. From left to right: Pilot Officer R F Smythe; Pilot Officer K R Gillman; Pilot Officer J E Procter; Flight Lieutenant P M Brothers; Pilot Officer D H Grice; Pilot Officer P M Gardner and Pilot Officer A F Eckford. All survived the war except Keith Gillman who was posted missing 25 August 1940.

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 54418 https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205059622

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZV P3522 Battle of Britain England July 1940 01

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZV Rupert Smythe P3522 at Hawkinge 29 July 1940 IWM HU54417

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZV Rupert Smythe P3522 at Hawkinge 29 July 1940 IWM HU54417

Hawker Hurricane Mk I P3522 of No. 32 Squadron, flown by Pilot Officer Rupert Smythe, taxying at Hawkinge, 29 July 1940

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 54417 https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205059621

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZZ landing at Biggin Hill England Aug 1940 01

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZZ landing at Biggin Hill England Aug 1940 IWM HU54519

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZZ landing at Biggin Hill England Aug 1940 IWM HU54519A

Two Hawker Hurricane Mk Is of No. 32 Squadron coming in to land for refuelling and rearming at Biggin Hill, watched by an airman standing with a signalling flag in the foreground, August 1940.

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 54519 https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205059663

Hurricane I RAF 32Sqn GZZ landing at Biggin Hill England Aug 1940 IWM HU54519A

Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZZ landing at Biggin Hill England Aug 1940 IWM HU54519A

Two Hawker Hurricane Mk Is of No. 32 Squadron coming in to land for refuelling and rearming at Biggin Hill, watched by an airman standing with a signalling flag in the foreground, August 1940.

Imperial War Museum IWM HU 54519A https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205059664

Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-B Sq Ldr John Worrall P3144 Biggin Hill England 1940

Profile 01: Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-B Sq Ldr Worrall P3144 England 1940. Pilots: Sqn. Ldr. J. Worrall и Flt Lt. M.N.Crossley. Biggin Hills, Kent, UK, July 1940.
Artist: © Janusz Swiatlon
Source: Aero 8/2010. Magazyn lotniczy. ISSN 1896-3951.

Poto 01: Pilots of 32 Sqn photographed at Hawkinge at the end of July 1940. From left to right they are: P/O R.E Smythe, P/O K.R. Gillman, P/O P.M. Gardner, P/O J,E. Proctor, F/Lt. P.M. Brothers, P/O D.H. Grice and P/O A.F. Eckford. All would survive the war except Keith Gillman, MlA on 25 August 1940.

Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-L Flt Lt Brothers P2921 England 1940

Profile 01: Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-L Flt Lt Brothers P2921 England 1940

Poto 01: Pilots of 32 Sqn photographed at Hawkinge at the end of July 1940. From left to right they are: P/O R.ESmythe, P/O K.R.Gillman, P/O P.M. Gardner, P/O J,E.Proctor, F/Lt. P.M.Brothers, P/O D.H.Grice and P/O A.F. Eckford. All would survive the war except Keith Gillman, MlA on 25 August 1940.

Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-S P2755 England 1940

Profile 01: Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-S P2755 England 1940

Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-V P3522 England 1940

Profile 01: Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-V P3522 England 1940

Poto 01: Pilots of 32 Sqn photographed at Hawkinge at the end of July 1940. From left to right they are: P/O R.ESmythe, P/O K.R.Gillman, P/O P.M. Gardner, P/O J,E.Proctor, F/Lt. P.M.Brothers, P/O D.H.Grice and P/O A.F. Eckford. All would survive the war except Keith Gillman, MlA on 25 August 1940.

IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover - COD/CLOD skins
  Keith checkmysix C6 COD Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-B P3144 England 1940
  Keith checkmysix C6 COD Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-B P3144 England 1940 V0A
  Keith checkmysix C6 COD Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-L P2921 England 1940
  Keith checkmysix C6 COD Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-L P2921 England 1940 V0A
  Keith checkmysix C6 COD Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-S P2755 England 1940
  Keith checkmysix C6 COD Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-V P3522 England 1940
  Keith checkmysix C6 COD Hawker Hurricane MkI RAF 32Sqn GZ-V P3522 England 1940 NM

  Have fun Keith checkmysix C6 Official 1C Company forum http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/


    Magazine References: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) - http://www.airfix.com/
  • Avions (French) - http://www.aerostories.org/~aerobiblio/rubrique10.html
  • FlyPast (English) - http://www.flypast.com/
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) - http://vdmedien.com/flugzeug-publikations-gmbh-hersteller_verlag-vdm-heinz-nickel-33.html
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) - http://www.flugzeugclassic.de/
  • Klassiker (German) - http://shop.flugrevue.de/abo/klassiker-der-luftfahrt
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://boutique.editions-lariviere.fr/site/abonnement-le-fana-de-l-aviation-626-4-6.html
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://www.pdfmagazines.org/tags/Le+Fana+De+L+Aviation/
  • Osprey (English) - http://www.ospreypublishing.com/
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) - http://www.revi.cz/

    Web References: +

  • History of RAF Organisation: http://www.rafweb.org
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/
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This webpage was updated 27th August 2023
