52 Stormo


22 Gruppo

  22 Gruppo CT Squadriglie 357, 358, 359 Stormo 52

22 Gruppo CT Squadriglie 357, 358, 359 Stormo 52
Arrival Base Country Aircraft Zone Duties
10 Jun 1940 Pontedera Italy G50 SQA3 AE
21 Jun 1940 Liguria Italy G50 SQA1 AE
Jun 1940 Piemonte Italy G50 SQA1 AE
Jun 1940 Ciampino Italy G50 MC 200 SQA3 TG. DF. AE
6 Mar 1941 Tirana Albania MC 200 AALB DF. AG
12 Aug 1941 Beneasa Romania MC 200 CSIR IT
12 Aug 1941 Tudora Russia MC 200 CSIR DF
26 Aug 1941 Krivoi Rog Russia MC 200 CSIR DF. AE
20 Oct 1941 Saporoshje Russia MC 200 CSIR DF. AE. GA
7 May 1942 Otopeni? Romania none CSIR IT
7 May 1942 Ciampino Italy Re 2001 SQA3 TG
Jul 1942 Elmas Sardinia Re 2001 ASAR AN
Sep 1942 Gela Sicily Re 2001 ASIC GA. AR. AE
7 Nov 1942 Monserrato Sardinia Re 2001 ASAR AN. GA. AR
Feb 1943 Capodichino Italy Re 2001 D520 Re 2005 FC 20 bis SQA3 TG. DF
10 Jul 1943 Pantelleria Pantelleria Re 2001 ASIC AN. DF. CE
Jul 1943 Capodichino Italy Re 2001 Re 2005 MC 202 SQA3 DF

The war began for this unit during a transfer to bases closer to the front, due to the poor range of their 28 G 50s. The first operation was on 15 June I940. escorting S 79s of 9.4! and 46 Stormi to Calvi port, in Corsica. For operations against the French mainland they moved to Liguria and Piemonte, with 357 and 358 sq detached toTorino-Caselle. 358 sq left for Libya on 23 December, the first G 50 unit to arrive in that theatre. It joined 2 Gruppo that month.

On 24 October. 360 sq reformed and joined the Gruppo. which also received its first three MC 200s that month. During December 362 sq left 24 Gruppo to defend La Spezia naval base, from Sarzana. They subsequently joined 22 Gruppo at Ciampino for the defence of Rome. 369 sq also joined in December. By this time the Gruppo had 37 MC 200s and a few G 50s.

In March 1941. with 36 MC 200s. the unit moved to Albania, taking 359, 362 and 369 sq. For the next three months they carried out intercepts over the Greek and Yugoslav fronts. On 8 May the pilots ferried fresh aircraft from Niksic to Scutari and Tirana, being brought back to their unit by the Gruppo S 81. From June they became involved in anti-partisan operations, becoming Autonomo in August.

Flying through Romania in August, they headed for their next assignment. This was to be a relatively successful campaign for the unit, despite the bitter weather and harsh conditions. For this, they received a further squadrigha. 371 sq from 157 Gruppo. The numbers of unit aircraft sent were 51 MC 200s, two S 81s, and three Ca 133s. The three Ca 133s joined at Krivoi Rog on the 26th, then they moved to Stalino. Two were lost by March 1942 and were not replaced as they were found to be inferior to the companion S 81s and S 73s.

In the first combat, they claimed six bombers and two fighters, on 27 August. Intercepts and escorts for recce aircraft were the early duties. Bad weather restricted the number of sorties and by October they were called on to give direct support to the ground forces as well.

On 9 November 371 sq was detached to Stalino. exchanging with 359 sq on I December, who in turn was replaced by 369 sq on the 28th. On 18 February. 362 sq replaced them, followed by 371 sq again on 24 March. Between September 1941 and March 1942, the unit downed 14 Russian fighters plus several bombers, for no loss.

Between 5 March and 3 May. the Gruppo joined the German Nahkampffuhrer Stalino to escort German aircraft, mainly Ju 87s, over the Don front. Fighter sweeps and ground strafing were also required. The unit earned a German commendation for their assistance in this area. However, the crews were now showing signs of strain from their constant battles with the elements and the enemy, so they were recalled to Italy on 7 May. Their aircraft were passed to the incoming 21 Gruppo.

Recuperating at Ciampino, the Gruppo was re-equipped with Re 2001 fighter-bombers. 371 sq left the Gruppo at this time. In late July the unit moved to Sardinia for operations against Allied convoys.

Three specially equipped Re 2001s joined the Gruppo and on 12 August two of them took off with an escort for an eventful mission. The British carrier Illustrious was sighted and the two fighterbombers flew in at low level. Looking similar to the Hurricane, they managed to avoid the anti-aircraft guns and fighter patrols and planted one of the 650 kg bombs on the carrier's deck. Fortunately for the Royal Navy, the bomb failed to explode! The feat caused a celebration on the pilot's return, tempered by the loss of their escorting comrades. Some sources state the attackers used only 100 kg bombs, which were ineffective against the armoured deck. Even so. it was an audacious attack. In early September the special Re 2001s followed the Gruppo to Sicily, possibly being converted to photo-recce aircraft.

362 sq had been detached to Monserrato in mid-August and now temporarily joined 2 Gruppo at that base. On 27 September the Gruppo sent nine aircraft to Palermo for convoy escort duties. The main unit now turned from anti-shipping to fighter-bomber attacks on Malta. Its experience was useful during the last major blitz on the Maltese defences. However, the Allied invasion of North West Africa meant a recall to Sardinia for more anti-shipping sorties from 7 November, with 23 Re 2001s operating against Bone and Bougie. On 15 January 1943. 371 sq temporarily joined the Gruppo.

By Spring, the unit was at Capodichino. intending to re-equip with MC 202s. They were also suffering from radio problems at this time (as had most of the units on home defence). The supply situation was such that they never fully re-equipped. Various types were received with varying results. For bomber intercepts. D 520s arrived in February, while the unit was still overseas. In April they tried out a FC 20 bis twin-engined fighter from Capua against the B 24 raids near Rome, without success.

From 10 May to 24 June the Gruppo joined 42 Stormo Intercettori. 362 sq had rejoined the unit in June at Capodichino. and had received the first prototype and ten pre-production models of the Re 2005. They were used for the defence of Rome and Naples, operating from Metato and Guidonia in June. The Gruppo carried out radio training at Littoria from the 28th. On 10 July eight Re 2005sof 362 sq went to Catania-Sigonella and by 14 July, the two survivors were passed to 371 sq. when 362 sq returned to Italy. Ten more of these potent fighters were received at Capua on 31 July. The Gruppo was briefly sent to Pantelleria in July, joining 8 and 160 Gruppi on convoy escorts. 369 sq was detached to Littoria and a S 81 radio plane was used to improve liaison control between the escorts and the shipping.

The unit spent the rest of 1943 defending the homeland. 150 sq joined at Capua in May. From mid-July 359 and 369 sq were at Capodichino. while 150 and 362 sq were at Capua. By 7 September the only unit aircraft flyable were nine MC 202s.

 Flight Simulators

   IL-2 Sturmovik 'Cliff's of Dover' Blitz

   IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad

   DCS World - has no 3D model


Regia Aeronautica Aces (World War II)
Ace No of Kills
Teresio Vittorio Martinoli22 kills
Franco Lucchini22 kills (1 in Spain)
Leonardo Ferrulli21 kills (1 in Spain)
Franco Bordoni-Bisleri19 kills
Luigi Gorrini19 kills
Mario Visintini17 kills
Ugo Drago17 kills
Mario Bellagambi14 kills
Luigi Baron14 kills
Luigi Gianella12 kills
Attilio Sanson12 kills
Willy Malagola11 Kills
Carlo Magnaghi11 kills
Angelo Mastroagostino11 kills
Giorgio Solaroli di Briona11 kills
Mario Veronesi11 kills
Fernando Malvezzi10 kills
Giulio Reiner10 kills
Giuseppe Robetto10 kills
Carlo Maurizio Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa10 kills
Massimo Salvatore10 kills
Claudio Solaro10 kills
Ennio Tarantola10 kills
Giulio Torresi10 kills
Adriano Visconti10 kills


 Italy Map


    Macchi C.202 Folgore Bibliography:

  • Angelucci, Enzo and Paolo Matricardi. World Aircraft: World War II, Volume I (Sampson Low Guides). Maidenhead, UK: Sampson Low, 1978. ISBN 978-0-528-88170-1.
  • Bergström, Christer. Stalingrad—The Air Battle: 1942 through January 1943. Hinckley, UK: Midland, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-276-4.
  • Beurling, George and Leslie Roberts. Malta Spitfire: The Story of a Fighter pilot. New York/Toronto: Farrar & Rinehart Inc., 1943. NO ISBN.
  • Borgiotti, Alberto and Cesare Gori. Le Macchine e la Storia, Profili 1: Macchi MC 202 Folgore (in Italian). Modena, Italy: STEM-Mucchi, 1970. No ISBN.
  • Caruana, Richard J. Victory in the Air. Malta: Modelaid International Publications, 1996. ISBN 1-871767-12-1.
  • Cattaneo, Gianni. "The Macchi C.202." Aircraft in Profile no.28. Windsor, Berkshire, UK: Profile Publications, 1971.
  • Ciampaglia, Giuseppe. "La Produzione Aeronautica nella II GM." (in Italian)." RID, May 1994.
  • De Marchi, Italo and Pietro Tonizzo. Macchi MC. 200 / FIAT CR. 32 (in Italian). Modena, Italy: Edizioni Stem Mucchi 1994. NO ISBN.
  • Duma, Antonio. Quelli del Cavallino Rampante – Storia del 4° Stormo Caccia Francesco Baracca (in Italian). Roma: Aeronautica Militare – Ufficio Storico, 2007. NO ISBN.
  • Dunning, Chris. Solo coraggio! La storia completa della Regia Aeronautica dal 1940 al 1943 (in Italian). Parma, Italy: Delta Editrice, 2000. No ISBN.
  • Ethell, Jeffrey L. Aircraft of World War II. Glasgow: HarperCollins/Jane’s, 1995. ISBN 0-00-470849-0.
  • Ethell, Jeffrey L. and Joe Christy. P-40 Hawks at War. Shepperton, UK: Ian Allan Ltd, 1979. ISBN 0-7110-0983-X.
  • Gentilli, Roberto and Luigi Gorena. Macchi C.202 In Action. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1980. ISBN 0-89747-100-8.
  • Ghergo, Federico. "La Caccia Italiana 1940–43" (in Italian). Storia Militare, February 2006.
  • Glancey, Jonathan. Spitfire: The Illustrated Biography. London: Atlantic Books, 2008. ISBN 978-1-84354-528-6.
  • Green, William. "The Macchi-Castoldi Series". Famous Fighters of the Second World War, vol.2. London: Macdonald, 1962. No ISBN.
  • Green, William and Gordon Swanborough. The Great Book of Fighters. St. Paul, Minnesota: MBI Publishing, 2001. ISBN 0-7603-1194-3.
  • Jackson, Robert. The Forgotten Aces. London: Sphere Books Ltd, 1989. ISBN 0-7474-0310-4.
  • Malizia, Nicola. Aermacchi Bagliori di Guerra – Flashes of War (Macchi MC.200- MC.202 – MC.205/V) (in Italian). Rome: Ibn Editore, 2002. ISBN 88-7565-030-6.
  • Malizia, Nicola. "L'armamento Dei Velivoli Della Regia Aereonautica" (in Italian). Storia Militare, Sebtembre 1997.
  • Marcon, Tullio. "Hawker in Mediterraneo (in Italian)." Storia Militare N.80.
  • Massiniello, Giorgio. "Lo Sviluppo del (Macchi) Veltro (in Italian)." Storia Militare, N.150.
  • Massiniello, Giorgio. "Via da Korba, con ogni mezzo" (in Italian). Storia Militare 1996 (31). Parma, Italy: Ermanno Albertelli Ed.
  • Mattioli, Mario. "L'esordio del Macchi C 202" (in Italian). Storia Militare, 1996. Parma, Italy: Ermanno Albertelli Ed.
  • Matricardi, Paolo. Aerei Militari: Caccia e Ricognitori (in Italian). Milan, Italy: Mondadori Electa Editore, 2006.
  • Mondey, David. The Hamlyn Concise Guide to Axis Aircraft of World War II. London: Bounty Books, 2006. ISBN 0-7537-1460-4.
  • Neulen, Hans Werner. In the Skies of Europe. Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1.
  • Nijboer, Donald: "Spitfire V vs C.202 Folgore – Malta 1942 (Osprey Duel ; 60)". Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-1-78200-356-4
  • Nolan, Brian. Hero: The Buzz Beurling Story. London: Penguin Books, 1981. ISBN 0-14-006-266-1.
  • Palermo, Michele (2014). Eagles over Gazala: Air Battles in North Africa, May–June 1942. Roma: IBN Editore. ISBN 88-7565-168-X.
  • Pesce, Giuseppe and Giovanni Massimello. Adriano Visconti Asso di Guerra (in Italian). Parma, Italy: Albertelli Edizioni speciali s.r.l., 1997.
  • Rogers, Anthony: Battle over Malta: Aircraft Losses & Crash Sites 1940–42 London: Sutton Publishing, 2000. ISBN 0-7509-2392-X.
  • Savic, Dragan and Boris Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces-49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
  • Sgarlato, Nico. "Macchi Folgore" (in Italian). Aerei Nella Storia 1998 (8): 8–20. Parma, Italy: West-Ward sas.
  • Sgarlato, Nico. "Macchi Folgore" (in Italian). Publisher unknown, 2008.
  • Sgarlato Nico. "Reggiane fighters (Delta Editions)" (in Italian). Monography N.17, July 2005.
  • Shores, Christopher, Brian Cull and Nicola Malizia. Malta: The Hurricane Years (1940–1941). London: Grub Street, 1987. ISBN 0-948817-06-2.
  • Shores, Christopher, Brian Cull and Nicola Malizia. Malta: The Spitfire Year (1942). London: Grub Street, 1991. ISBN 0-948817-16-X.
  • Skulski, Przemysław. Macchi C.202 Folgore(in English). Petersfield, Hampshire: Mushroom Model Publications, 2012. ISBN 978-83-614-21-66-5.
  • Skulski, Przemysław. Macchi C.202 Folgore, seria "Pod Lupa" 7(in Polish). Wrocław, Poland: Ace Publications, 1997. ISBN 83-86153-55-5.
  • Skulski, Przemysław. Macchi C.202 Folgore(in Polish). Sandomierz, Poland/Redbourn, UK: Stratus/Mushroom Model Publications, 2005. ISBN 83-89450-06-2.
  • Skulski, Przemysław. Macchi C.202 FOLGORE. MMPBOOKS, 2012. ISBN 978-83-61421-66-5.
  • Snedden, Robert. World War II Combat Aircraft. Bristol, UK: Parragon, 1997. ISBN 0-7525-1684-1.
  • Spick, Mike. Allied Fighter Aces of World War II. London: Greenhill Books, 1997. ISBN 1-85367-282-3.
  • Williams, Anthony G. and Dr. Emmanuel Gustin. Flying Guns: World War II – Development of Aircraft Guns, Ammunition and Istallations 1933–1945. Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 2003. ISBN 978-1-84037-227-4.
  • Winchester, Jim. "Macchi M.C.202 and M.C.205V." Aircraft of World War II: The Aviation Factfile. Kent, UK: Grange Books plc, 2004. ISBN 1-84013-639-1.

    Magazine References: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) - http://www.airfix.com/
  • Avions (French) - http://www.aerostories.org/~aerobiblio/rubrique10.html
  • FlyPast (English) - http://www.flypast.com/
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) - http://vdmedien.com/flugzeug-publikations-gmbh-hersteller_verlag-vdm-heinz-nickel-33.html
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) - http://www.flugzeugclassic.de/
  • Klassiker (German) - http://shop.flugrevue.de/abo/klassiker-der-luftfahrt
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://boutique.editions-lariviere.fr/site/abonnement-le-fana-de-l-aviation-626-4-6.html
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://www.pdfmagazines.org/tags/Le+Fana+De+L+Aviation/
  • Osprey (English) - http://www.ospreypublishing.com/
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) - http://www.revi.cz/

    Web References: +

  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macchi_C.202_Folgore


This webpage was updated 21st December 2021
