Heavy Cruiser Deutschland / Lützow
Heavy Cruiser KMS Deutschland / Lützow.
Aircraft facilities and on-board accommodation:
Capacity: The ship can plan 2 aircraft of type: Ar. 196 on board.
Accommodation: 1. Airplane on the catapult. 2. The aircraft on board was dismantled and packed in boxes.
Centrifugal device: 1x compressed air operated DWK 14 m catapult with 12 m acceleration length, swiveling 360 °, amidships, between tower mast and chimney on a special structure, installation in summer 1935.
Takeover facility: Initially 1 loading post crane (port side), replaced in 1937 by a lattice crane on the superstructure deck on the chimney. 1x landing sail on port amidships (removed from board in 1939/1940 ), consist of: 1x rubber mat, 1x roller spar (90 ° swiveling outwards), 1x flood pier, tow line with cockpit, roller spar winch.
Operations in Spain (1936 to 1939), fleet exercises Code: Aircraft type: WNr: Period: Remarks: 60_ 81 He 60 - 07/24/1936 - 08/31/1936 First mission in Spain. 60_ 81 He 60 - 10/01/1936 - 11/19/1936 Second mission in Spain. 60_ 81 He 60 - January 31, 1937 -March 24, 1937 Third mission in Spain. 60_ 81 He 60 - 05/10/1937 - 05/29/1937 Fourth mission in Spain, burned standing on the catapult when the ship was bombed off Ibiza. 60F91 He 60 - 04/17 - May 10, 1939 Foreign tour of armored ship GERMANY to Spain
Luftwaffe crews and technical ground staff aboard Lützow.
Position: Rank/Name: On board: From board: Remarks: Air officer / observer Obltn. (M) wolf July 24,1936 October 1, 1936 August 31, 1936 November 19, 1936 First mission in Spain. Second mission in Spain. Pilot Ofw. Mirtsching July 24,1936 October 1, 1936 August 31, 1936 November 19, 1936 First mission in Spain. Second mission in Spain.
Airborne Command 1/196 from 08/24/1939 - 04/14/1940 Cruiser war in the North Atlantic (08/25 - 11/16/1939), 11/15/1939 renamed LÜTZOW, diversion company in the North Sea (11/24/25/1939), company 'WESERÜBUNG' (04/9 - 04/13/1940) Code: Aircraft type: WNr: Period: Departure: Remarks: T3BH Ar. 196 A1 1960016 08/24/1939 11/27/1939 Taken over in Wilhelmshaven. Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. T3EH Ar. 196 A2 1960038 03/27/1940 04/11/1940 Taken over from Wilhelmshaven to Kiel. 50% severely damaged (irreparable) by artillery hits (April 9th) and torpedo hits (April 11th) T3GH Ar. 196 A2 1960047 03/27/1940 04/11/1940 Taken over from Wilhelmshaven to Kiel. Damaged up to 30% by artillery hits (April 9th) and torpedo hits (April 11th)
Luftwaffe crews aboard Lützow.
Position: Rank/Name: On board: From board: Remarks: 1. Air officer / observer Obltn. (M) Walter Kell 08/24/1939 11/27/1939 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. 2. Pilot officer / observer Obltn. (M) Hermann Hesse 11/02/1939 11/27/1939 (02.11. From WESTERWALD) / Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Pilot Fw. Haberkorn 08/24/1939 11/27/1939 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Pilot Uffz. Galliant 11/02/1939 11/27/1939 (02.11. From WESTERWALD) / Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Embarked technical maintenance personnel I. Board attendant Uffz. Wagner 08/24/1939 11/27/1939 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. Flohrer 08/24/1939 11/27/1939 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. High apple 08/24/1939 11/27/1939 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. Lackmann 08/24/1939 11/27/1939 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. Manthei 08/24/1939 11/27/1939 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. 11/27/1939 to 03/27/1940 - No flight crew on board.
Luftwaffe crews aboard Lützow.
Embarked crews of the flight squadron at 'WESERÜBUNG' Position: Rank/Name: On board: From board: Remarks: 1. Air officer / observer Obltn. (M) Werner Albrings 03/27/1940 04/14/1940 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven Pilot Ofw. Wollermann 03/27/1940 † April 11th, 1940 Fallen as a result of a torpedo hit on the ship. Embarked technical maintenance personnel: I. Board attendant Uffz Duke 03/27/1940 04/14/1940 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. Flohrer 03/27/1940 04/14/1940 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. High apple 03/27/1940 04/14/1940 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. Lackmann 03/27/1940 04/14/1940 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven. Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. Kaptaina 03/27/1940 04/14/1940 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven Ground staff / technology Ob.Fr. Müller 03/27/1940 04/14/1940 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven 04/14/1940 - Airborne command from board, ship as a result of a torpedo hit in the DW Kiel shipyard
Airborne Command 1/196 from May 15, 1941 - May 24, 1941 Caliber shooting in the central Baltic Sea Code: Aircraft type: WNr: Period: Departure: Remarks: T3KK Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... 05/15/1941 05/24/1941 Taken over at Swinoujscie Roads. Neufahrwasser roadstead, start to Wilhelmshaven.
Luftwaffe crews and technical ground staff aboard Lützow.
Training trips, trials and company 'RHEINÜBUNG' from 03/15/1941 - 05/27/1941: Position: Rank/Name: On board: From board: Remarks: 1. Air officer / observer Ltn. (M) Heinrich v. Davidson 05/15/1941 05/24/1941 Start to Wilhelmshaven. Pilot Fw.Herbert Langkau 05/15/1941 05/24/1941 Start to Wilhelmshaven. Embarked technical maintenance personnel I. Board attendant ?? May 00, 1941 - Unknown at the moment. Ground staff / technology ?? May 00, 1941 - Unknown at the moment. Ground staff / technology ?? May 00, 1941 - Unknown at the moment. May 24, 1941 - Airborne squad disembarked, ship went to the shipyard in Danzig
Airborne Command 1/196 from June 12, 1941 - June 14, 1941 Company 'SOMMERREISE', relocation to Norway (11. - 14.06.1941), close security is flown from Aalborg. Code: Aircraft type: WNr: Period: Departure: Remarks: T3MH Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... 06/11/1941 06/14/1941 Stationed in Aalborg. Not shipped. Aalborg, start to Wilhelmshaven. T3LH Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... 06/11/1941 06/14/1941 Stationed in Aalborg. Not shipped. Aalborg, start to Wilhelmshaven. T3KK Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... 06/11/1941 06/14/1941 Stationed in Aalborg. Not shipped. Aalborg, start to Wilhelmshaven. T3CL Ar. 196 A4 1960131 06/11/1941 06/14/1941 Stationed in Aalborg. Not shipped. Aalborg, start to Wilhelmshaven.
Luftwaffe crews and technical ground staff aboard Lützow.
Position: Rank/Name: On board: From board: Remarks: Squadron Captain Hptm. Hans-Jürgen Schmidt - - Crew disembark aircraft T3+KK . Pilot Fw.Harings - - Crew disembark aircraft T3+KK . 2. Pilot officer / observer Obltn. (M) Erich Stav - - Crew of on-board aircraft T3+LH . Pilot Ofw. Stürz - - Crew of on-board aircraft T3+LH . 3. Pilot officer / observer Obltn. (M) Gert-Ulrich Molsen - - Crew of aircraft T3+MH . Pilot Fw. Hermann Koch - - Crew of aircraft T3+MH . 4. Air officer / observer Ltn. (M) Fritz Fabricius - - Board crew of aircraft T3+CL. Pilot Uffz. Willi Kuntze - - Board crew of aircraft T3+CL . 06/14/1941 - Company canceled due to a torpedo hit on the ship, goes to the shipyard. Security planes move back to Wilhelmshaven.
Airborne Command 1/196 from March 31, 1942 - August 16, 1942 Exercises in the Baltic Sea, relocation to Norway (15-26 May 1942), lay time in Bogenbucht, Westfjord, company 'RÜSSELSPRUNG' / canceled (03/06/1942), company 'ZAUNKÖNIG', relocation to home (10-12 August 1942) Code: Aircraft type: WNr: Period: Departure: Remarks: T3AK Ar. 196 A3 1960189 March 31, 1942 04/10/1942 Taken over from the Swinoujscie Seefliegerhorst. Neufahrwasser roadstead, start to Wilhelmshaven. T3CL Ar. 196 A3 1960198 04/22/1942 May 16,1942 May 17, 1942 From Wilhelmshaven, takeover at sea. Damaged during anti-aircraft shooting, unclear in flight. Delivery to the Kristiansand-Kjevik shipyard. T3DK Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... 05/17/1942 May 20, 1942 May 21,1942 Taken over from Wilhelmshaven to Quasefjord. Damaged during anti-aircraft shooting, unclear in flight. Delivery to the Drontheim aviation facility. Available on-board flight squadron BdS. T3LK Ar. 196 A3 1960 151 May 25, 1942 06/07/1942 Taken over from the Drontheim aviary. Machine replaced. Start to Wilhelmshaven. T3EL Ar. 196 A3 1960 195 06/06/1942 08/16/1942 Taken over in Bow Bay. Swinoujscie, start to Wilhelmshaven.
Luftwaffe crews and technical ground staff aboard Lützow.
Position: Rank/Name: On board: From board: Remarks: 1. Air officer / observer Obltn. (M) Fritz Fabricius 31.03.1942 04.22.1942 04/10/1942 08/16/1942 Neufahrwasser roadstead, start to Wilhelmshaven. Swinoujscie, start to Wilhelmshaven. Pilot Ofw.Miiller 31.03.1942 04.22.1942 04/10/1942 08/16/1942 Neufahrwasser roadstead, start to Wilhelmshaven. Swinoujscie, start to Wilhelmshaven. Embarked technical maintenance personnel I. Board attendant Uffz. Preissinger March 31, 1942 08/19/1942 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven Ground staff/technology Ob.Fr. Neltner March 31, 1942 08/09/1942 Detached to T 15. Ground staff/technology Frozen Germann March 31, 1942 08/19/1942 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven Ground staff/technology Frozen Kruger March 31, 1942 08/19/1942 Assigned back to their staffel in Wilhelmshaven Ground staff/technology Ob.Fr. Thorwardt 05/20/1942 08/09/1942 Detached to T 15. 08/19/1942 - Airborne squad disembarked, the ship went to the shipyard in Kiel.
Airborne Command 1/196 from November 8,1942 - October 1,1943 Exercises in the Baltic Sea, relocation to Norway (December 8th - 12th, 1942), lay time in Bogenbucht, Altafjord, Kaafjord, company 'RAINBOGEN', operation against convoy JW 51 B in the Barents Sea (December 30, 1942 - January 1st, 1943); Lay time Altafjord, bow bay; Bandage exercises; Relocation to the homeland (September 26-29, 1943) Code: Aircraft type: WNr: Period: Departure: Remarks: T3EK Ar. 196 A3 1960196 11/08/1942 December 21,1942 Taken over from Wilhelsmhaven to Kiel. Delivery to HIPPER to dry out in the hall. T3DH Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... December 21,1942 December 31, 1942 January 4, 1943 Taken over by HIPPER in exchange. 20% damaged in combat by own SA and MA (air pressure). Delivery to Flusi MAX STINSKY for transfer to the shipyard. T3CH Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... 01/12/1943 05/30/1943 From Wilhelmshaven to Altafjord, takeover. Start to Aalborg T3MK Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... May 10, 1943 May 10, 1943 Taken in Tromso. Start to Aalborg. T3MH Ar. 196 A3 1960 ... 05/30/1943 10/08/1943 Taken over from TIRPITZ. Start to Aalborg
Luftwaffe crews and technical ground staff aboard Lützow.
Position: Rank/Name: On board: From board: Remarks: 1. Air officer / observer Obltn. (M) Fritz Fabricius 11/08/1942 May 10, 1943 Start to Aalborg. 2. Pilot officer / observer Ltn. (M) Justus Pahlow 01/12/1943 02/03/1943 Assigned to TIRPITZ. 1. Air officer / observer Obltn. (M) Hellmuth Ebert May 10, 1943 10/08/1943 Start to Aalborg 2. Pilot officer / observer Ltn. (M) Karl Callenius 09/06/1943 09/20/1943 Assigned to TIRPITZ. Pilot Ofw.Miiller 11/08/1942 04/01/1943 Got on MAX STINSKY. Pilot Fw. Walter Vietheer 01/12/1943 02/03/1943 Assigned to TIRPITZ. Pilot Ofw. Wilhelm Elke January 18, 1943 May 10, 1943 Start to Aalborg. Pilot Ofw.RossmeisI May 10, 1943 10/08/1943 Start to Aalborg Pilot Uffz. Kruger 09/06/1943 09/20/1943 Assigned to TIRPITZ. Embarked technical maintenance personnel I. Board attendant Uffz. Leyendecker 11/08/1942 05/30/1943 Start to Aalborg Ground staff/technology Ob.Fr. Germann 11/08/1942 10/08/1943 For the relay to Aalborg Ground staff/technology Ob.Fr. Nolte 11/08/1942 10/08/1943 For the relay to Aalborg Radio operator Ob.Fr. Schultz 11/08/1942 10/08/1943 For the relay to Aalborg Engine manager Ob.Fr. Götz 11/29/1942 10/08/1943 For the relay to Aalborg I. Board attendant Uffz. Angel 05/30/1943 10/08/1943 For the relay to Aalborg 08.10.1943 - Airborne squad disembarked, ship goes to the shipyard in Gotenhafen
Airborne Command 1/196 from June 10,1944 - November 18, 1944 Fleet exercises in the Bay of Danzig, use in the Finnbus, lay time in Gotenhafen Code: Aircraft type: WNr: Period: Departure: Remarks: T3HK
T3FHAr. 196 A5 10.06.1944 06.21.1944 Jun 20, 1944 Taken over in Gotenhafen. Taken at sea. Start to Pillau, for the purpose of re-labeling in T3+FH
Luftwaffe crews and technical ground staff aboard Lützow.
Position: Rank/Name: On board: From board: Remarks: 1. Air officer / observer Ltn. (M) Helmut Abramowski 06/10/1944 08/24/1944 From board in Gotenhafen. 1. Air officer / observer Ltn. (M) Rolf Wagner 08/25/1944 - - Pilot Ofw. Scholz 06/10/1944 07/17/1944 Start to Pillau. Pilot Ofw. Heinrich Bruns 07/18/1944 08/25/1944 Jul 29, 1944 From board in Gotenhafen. Pilot Ofw. Hagendorf 07/29/1944 08/24/1944 From board in Gotenhafen. Embarked technical maintenance personnel as far as can be proven. I. Board attendant Uffz. Koch 06/10/1944 - - Engine manager Ob.Fr. Götz 06/10/1944 - - Crews of the on-board flight squadron, as of November 18, 1944: 1. Air officer / observer Ltn. (M) Rolf Wagner - - - Air officer / observer Ltn. (M) Friedrich-Wilhelm Baehr - - - Pilot Ofw. Hagendorf - - - Pilot Ofw.Osterberg - - -
Admiral Graf Spee photo collection
Deutschland as she slides down the slip way and is officially lunched 19th May 1931 Bund
KMS Deutschland German heavy cruiser before the outbreak of war IWM HU1049
KMS Deutschland German heavy cruiser English Channel 1939 NH89566
KMS Deutschland German heavy cruiser in Spanish waters Spanish Civil War 1938 NH80972
KMS Deutschland German heavy cruiser US Navy NH 80896
KMS Deutschland on non intervention patrol in 1938 Bund
KMS Deutschland with her crew manning the rails 1935 USNA
KMS Deutschland with her crew manning the rails 1935 USNA 242 HB 14598a34
KMS Lutzow a German heavy cruiser off Norway in April 1940 Bund
KMS Lutzow in Kiel after being torpedoed on her way back from Norway Bund
KMS Lutzow sunk by the RAF in the Kaiserfahrt canal Poland on 25 April 1945 wiki 01
US Navy recognition drawing of Deutschland 1942 ONI
NHHC Admiral Graf Spee photo collection
KMS Deutschland with her crew manning the rails 1935 USNA
Photo: The German pocket battleship Deutschland with her crew manning the rails, 1935. This ship was reclassified as a heavy cruiser and renamed Lützow in 1939.
Source: Heinrich Hoffman Collection, U.S. National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized, 1675-1958. - Photograph 242-HB-14598a34 from the Hoffman collection in the U.S. National Archives from the U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command
US Navy recognition drawing of Deutschland
Photo: Wartime recognition drawing of the German cruiser Lützow, produced by the Office of Naval Intelligence in 1942..
Source: Office of Naval Intelligence - Office of Naval Intelligence
Deutschland as she slides down the slip way and is officially lunched 19th May 1931 Bund
Source: Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-11704 / CC-BY-SA 3.0
The German heavy cruiser DEUTSCHLAND before the outbreak of war IWM HU1049
Photo: KMS Deutschland before the outbreak of war later re-named Lutzow
Source: IWM https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205210646
KMS Deutschland on non-intervention patrol in 1938 Bund
Photo: KMS Deutschland on non-intervention patrol in 1938 Bund
Source: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1973-077-63 / CC-BY-SA 3.0
KMS Lützow a German heavy cruiser off Norway in April 1940 Bund
Photo: KMS Deutschland on non-intervention patrol in 1938 Bund
Source: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101II-MN-1025-13 / Zell / CC-BY-SA 3.0
KMS Lützow in Kiel after being torpedoed on her way back from Norway Bund
Photo: KMS Deutschland on non-intervention patrol in 1938 Bund
Source: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101II-MN-1038-06 / Meisinger / CC-BY-SA 3.0
KMS Lutzow sunk by the RAF in the Kaiserfahrt canal Poland on 25 April 1945 wiki 01
Photo: KMS Deutschland on non-intervention patrol in 1938 Bund
Source: https://ncap.org.uk/frame-download/6-1-1-40-3
NHHC photo NH 89566 Deutschland:(German armored ship, 1933-1945) Underway in the English Channel in April 1939, with a sister ship (either Admiral Scheer or Admiral Graf Spee) ahead. Deutschland was renamed Lützow on 15 November 1939. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
NHHC Admiral Graf Spee photo collection
NHHC photo NH 50228 to NH 50231 DEUTSCHLAND (German Battleship, 1931): Close-up view of after section of the ship, while at Gibraltar, circa 1937-1938, during the Spanish Civil War period.
NHHC photo NH 80972 DEUTSCHLAND (German Pocket Battleship, 1931): View taken in Spanish waters, while a member of the neutrality patrol during the Spanish Civil War circa 1938. Note stripes on main battery 11" turrets: red, white, and black.
NHHC photo 242-HB-14598a34 Deutschland: (German Armored Ship, 1933-1945) With her crew manning the rails, 1935. Photographed by Hoffman. This ship was reclassified as a heavy cruiser and renamed Lützow in 1939.
Warnemünde Germany Map
Mosjoen harbor Norway Map
Citations: +
- Horst H. Geerken (9 June 2017). Hitler's Asian Adventure. BoD – Books on Demand. pp. 375–376. ISBN 978-3-7386-3013-8.
- Sivertsen 1999: 105, 115–122
- Sivertsen 1999: 122
- Kotelnikov, V. Stalin's Captives article in Fly Past magazine, February 2017 pp102-4
- Frank Joseph, The Axis Air Forces: Flying in Support of the German Luftwaffe, ABC-CLIO, 2011, p. 166
- Smithsonian: National Air and Space Museum: Arado Ar 196
- HCWinters (12 June 2013). 'USA leihen Arado an das MFG aus'. Cuxhavener Nachrichten.
- 'Kriegsflugzeug kehrt nach Deutschland zurück'. Die Welt.
- Bardanis, Manolis; Lino, von Garzten. 'Die Geschichte der Arado 196 von Herakleaia' (PDF). naxosdiving.com. Naxos Diving.
- Sharpe, Michael. Biplanes, Triplanes, and Seaplanes Airplanes, pg.41. London, England: Fruriedman/Fairfax Books, 2000. ISBN 1-58663-300-7.
Bibliography: +
- Dabrowski, Hans-Peter and Koos, Volker. Arado Ar 196, Germany's Multi-Purpose Seaplane. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 1993. ISBN 0-88740-481-2.
- Ledwoch, Janusz. Arado 196 (Militaria 53) (in Polish). Warszawa, Poland: Wydawnictwo Militaria, 1997. ISBN 83-86209-87-9.
- Sivertsen, Svein Carl (ed.) (1999). Jageren Sleipner i Romsdalsfjord sjøforsvarsdistrikt April 1940 (in Norwegian). Hundvåg: Sjømilitære Samfund ved Norsk Tidsskrift for Sjøvesen.
Magazine References: +
- Airfix Magazines (English) - http://www.airfix.com/
- Avions (French) - http://www.aerostories.org/~aerobiblio/rubrique10.html
- FlyPast (English) - http://www.flypast.com/
- Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) - http://vdmedien.com/flugzeug-publikations-gmbh-hersteller_verlag-vdm-heinz-nickel-33.html
- Flugzeug Classic (German) - http://www.flugzeugclassic.de/
- Klassiker (German) - http://shop.flugrevue.de/abo/klassiker-der-luftfahrt
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://boutique.editions-lariviere.fr/site/abonnement-le-fana-de-l-aviation-626-4-6.html
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://www.pdfmagazines.org/tags/Le+Fana+De+L+Aviation/
- Osprey (English) - http://www.ospreypublishing.com/
- Revi Magazines (Czech) - http://www.revi.cz/
Web References: +
- Wikipedia.org - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arado_Ar_196
- Wikipedia.org - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_cruiser_Deutschland
- Axel Kleckers and Christian Grams site - http://www.luftwaffe-zur-see.de/Seeluft/196%20Bordfliegergruppe/Bkdo_Lutzow.htm
Editor for Asisbiz: Matthew Laird Acred
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