HMS Formidable


HMS Formidable was an Illustrious class aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy during World War II. She was constructed by Harland & Wolff, Belfast and commissioned on 24 November 1940.

Formidable took part in the Battle of Cape Matapan on 27 March-29, 1941. On May 26, 1941, she received serious damage while transporting aircraft to Malta, being hit by two 1000 kilogram bombs that put her out of action for six months. After repairs at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, in the United States, she re-equipped with Vought Corsair and Hellcat fighters.

In 1942, she travelled across the Pacific and served briefly in the Indian Ocean, returning to the Mediterranean in October. Formidable then provided air support for the North African campaign and Italian campaign (1943), including The Allied invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky), before taking part in an Arctic convoy. On November 17th aircraft from HMS Formidable attacked U-Boat U-331 (the U-Boat that sank HMS Barham) and sank her.

On 17 July 1944, Swordfish aircraft from Formidable were involved in Operation Mascot, an attack on the Tirpitz in Norway. She took part in further attacks on Tirpitz in August, as part of Operation Goodwood.

During 1945, she saw service against Japanese forces with the British Pacific Fleet, and survived several kamikaze attacks while supporting the landings on Okinawa. On May 4th, Just after 11.30 a.m. a Japanese plane made a steep dive from 'a great height' at Formidable and was engaged by AA guns. The kamikaze was hit at close range, but crashed into the flight deck, making a massive dent about 10 feet (3 m) long, two feet (0.6 m) wide and two feet deep in the armoured flight deck. A large steel splinter speared down through the hangar deck and the centre boiler-room, where it ruptured a steam line, and came to rest in a fuel tank, starting a major fire in the aircraft park. Eight crew members were killed and forty-seven were wounded. However, the steel flight deck of Formidable, (and many other British carriers) prevented further damage by Kamikaze attacks. (American carriers had wood-surfaced flight decks, while British carriers had steel ones). One Corsair and ten Grumman Avengers were destroyed. However, the fires were gradually brought under control and the crater in the deck was repaired with concrete and steel plate. By 5 p.m., Corsairs were again able to land on Formidable. A further Kamikaze hit Formidable's flight deck on 9th May 1945, but the level of damage was nowhere near as serious as the attack that had occurred 4 days previously.

The accumulation of damage through the war took its toll on the ship. The bomb damage received in the Mediterranean had left her permanently maimed, and the Royal Navy's postwar fleet review revealed that she was beyond economical repair. She was placed in reserve in 1947 and 'Old Formy' never saw active service again.

She was scrapped from November 1956.

Battle Honours

* Matapan 1941
* Crete 1941
* Mediterranean 1941
* Indian Ocean early 1942
* North Africa 1942-3
* Sicily 1943
* Salerno 1943
* Okinawa 1945
* Japan 1945


* January, 1941: 33 aircraft - Fulmar and Albacores
* July, 1943: Martlets, Seafires, and Albacores
* July, 1944: 40 aircraft - 16 Corsairs, 24 Barracudas

HMS Formidable

HMS Formidable was an Illustrious class aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy during World War II. She was constructed by Harland & Wolff, Belfast and commissioned on 24 November 1940.

Formidable took part in the Battle of Cape Matapan on 27 March-29, 1941. On 26 May 1941, she received serious damage while transporting aircraft to Malta, being hit by two 1000 kilogram bombs that put her out of action for six months. After repairs at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, in the United States, she re-equipped with Vought Corsair and Hellcat fighters.

In 1942, she travelled across the Pacific and served briefly in the Indian Ocean, returning to the Mediterranean in October. Formidable then provided air support for the North African campaign and Italian campaign (1943), including The Allied invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky), before taking part in an Arctic convoy. On November 17th aircraft from HMS Formidable attacked U-Boat U-331 (the U-Boat that sank HMS Barham) and sank her.

On 17 July 1944, Swordfish aircraft from Formidable were involved in Operation Mascot, an attack on the Tirpitz in Norway. She took part in further attacks on Tirpitz in August, as part of Operation Goodwood.

During 1945, she saw service against Japanese forces with the British Pacific Fleet, and survived several kamikaze attacks while supporting the landings on Okinawa. On May 4th, Just after 11.30 a.m. a Japanese plane made a steep dive from "a great height" at Formidable and was engaged by AA guns. The kamikaze was hit at close range, but crashed into the flight deck, making a massive dent about 10 feet (3 m) long, two feet (0.6 m) wide and two feet deep in the armoured flight deck. A large steel splinter speared down through the hangar deck and the centre boiler-room, where it ruptured a steam line, and came to rest in a fuel tank, starting a major fire in the aircraft park. Eight crew members were killed and forty-seven were wounded. However, the steel flight deck of Formidable, (and many other British carriers) prevented further damage by Kamikaze attacks. (American carriers had wood-surfaced flight decks, while British carriers had steel ones). One Corsair and ten Grumman Avengers were destroyed. However, the fires were gradually brought under control and the crater in the deck was repaired with concrete and steel plate. By 5 p.m., Corsairs were again able to land on Formidable. A further Kamikaze hit Formidable's flight deck on 9th May 1945, but the level of damage was nowhere near as serious as the attack that had occurred 4 days previously.

The accumulation of damage through the war took its toll on the ship. The bomb damage received in the Mediterranean had left her permanently maimed, and the Royal Navy's postwar fleet review revealed that she was beyond economical repair. She was placed in reserve in 1947 and 'Old Formy' never saw active service again.

She was scrapped from November 1956.

H. M. S. F O R M I D A B L E

ILLUSTRIOUS-Class Fleet Aircraft Carrier ordered on 19th March 1937 from Harland and Wolff Ltd. at Belfast under the 1937 Programme. The ship was laid down on 17th June that year and launched on 17th August 1939. She was the 6th RN ship to carry the name, introduced for a Prize taken in 1759 at Quiberon Bay and last used for a 1898 battleship sunk in 1915. The launching ceremony was marred by the death of two civilians killed by falling debris. Build was completed in November 1940. The civil community of the city of Westminster after a successful adopted HMS FORMIDABLE WARSHIP WEEK National Savings campaign in March 1942.

B a t t l e H o n o u r s

THE SAINTES 1782 - MATAPAN 1941 - CRETE 1941- MEDITERRANEAN 1941 - EAST INDIES 1941 - NORTH AFRICA 1942-43 - S1C1LY 1943 - SALERNO 1943 - NORWAY 1944* - OKINAWA 1945 - JAPAN 1945

(* The award of the Battle Honour "NORWAY 1944" is not included in any of the standard references. The ship took part in the operations against the German battleship TIRPITZ and the Battle Honour was awarded to the aircraft carrier HMS FURIOUS which also took part. This inexplicable omission has been drawn to the attention of the Naval Historical Branch in the Defence Ministry.)

H e r a l d i c D a t a

Badge : On a Field Blue, five tridents in saltire gold.

De t a i l s o f W a r S e r v i c e

1 9 4 0

October Acceptance trials and commissioning. Second aircraft carrier fitted with aircraft warning radar (Type 279).

(For details of development and use of radar by RN See RADAR AT SEA by D Howse).

November Joined Home Fleet and worked up

24th Deployed in Force "C" at Freetown with HM Cruiser NORFOLK for convoy defence and interception of supply ships and commerce raiders.

December Searched for German battleship SCHEER and other commerce raiders in Atlantic.


1 9 4 1

January Transferred to Mediterranean to replace HM Aircraft Carrier ILLUSTRIOUS which had been seriously damaged in air attacks.


Took passage to Alexandria via Cape of Good Hope.

February Deployed with East Indies Fleet for support of military operations in Somaliland.

Air minelays carried out off Mogadishu (Operation BREACH).

March On release from BREACH continued passage to Suez.

10th Joined Mediterranean Fleet after delay due mines which had closed Suez Canal.

20th Deployed with HM Battleships BARHAM, VALIANT and WARSPITE, HM Cruisers

GLOUCESTER, YORK and destroyer screen to cover passage of Convoy MW6.

(Operation MC9)

27th Joined HMS WARSPITE and HMS BARHAM to intercept Italian Fleet.

28th Successful torpedo attacks on Italian cruisers resulted in Battle of Matapan.

(See MATAPAN by SW Pack and Naval Staff History).

29th Broke up air attacks on Fleet during passage back to Alexandria.

April Deployed with Fleet to cover passage of Convoy ME7.

21st Provided cover during Fleet bombardment of Tripoli escorted by HM Cruisers ORION, PERTH (RAN), AJAX and 4 Fleet destroyers (Force "C").

Aircraft illuminated shore targets (Operation MD2).

22nd Aircraft shot down two Ju88 when Fleet was attacked on return passage.


10th Joined Fleet operation to cover transit of Convoy MW7 from Alexandria and passage of military convoy from Sicilian Channel (Operation TIGER).

20th Lack of fighter aircraft delayed sailing to assist in defence of Crete.

26th Under sustained air attacks during passage to launch strikes on Scarpanto airfield. Major structural damage including "X" Turret and Flight Deck equipment.

(For details of naval activities in the Mediterranean see THE BATTLE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN and Naval Staff History.)

June Passage to USA via Cape of Good Hope for repair.

July Under repair to Preparations for installation of additional radars carried out.

November (See RADAR AT SEA).

December Post refit trials.

Passage to UK with HM Aircraft Carrier ILLUSTRIOUS.

(Note : One Source reports collision between the two ships during passage).

1 9 4 2

January Returned to UK to prepare for service with Eastern Fleet.

(Note : Radar Type 281 to replace Type 279 installed after arrival).

Two fire control radars Type 265 fitted for anti-aircraft mountings).

Sea trials on radar equipments.


15th Passage to Indian Ocean as part of escort for military convoy to Middle

East via Cape of Good Hope.

(Note : CinC Designate, Eastern Fleet, Vice Admiral Sir James Somerville embarked to take up appointment).


2nd Sailed from Freetown.

10th Arrived at Capetown.

26th Joined Eastern Fleet.

(Note : This ship was in need of extensive training of air group before she could be an effective fighting unit).

31st Deployed with HMS WARSPTE, HM Aircraft Carrier INDOMITABLE, HM Cruisers

CORNWALL, EMERALD and ENTERPRISE as Force "A" Searched for Japanese force reported on passage towards Ceylon.

Damaged propeller and withdrawn from search April Under repair at Bombay.

23rd On completion of repair took passage to rejoin Fleet at Mombasa.

(For details of naval activities in Indian Ocean in 1942 see RELUCTANT ENEMIES by W Tute, ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY by Corelli Barnett.

THE FORGOTTEN FLEET by J Winton, OPERATION PACIFIC by Edwin Gray and Naval Staff History.


5th Deployed NE of Madagascar to provide cover against Japanese air attacks during the landings. (Operation IRONCLAD - See above references)).

MARTLET aircraft shot down Japanese HK6 seaplane after detection by radar during passage to refuel in Seychelles.

10th Based at Kilindini for convoy defence and operational sweeps in Indian Ocean.

29th Took part in Fleet training with HM Battleship WARSPITE, HMS ILLUSTRIOUS and HM Cruiser GAMBIA during passage to Ceylon from Kilindini.

June Convoy defence and interception duty with Eastern Fleet in Indian Ocean.

to July

August Aircraft intercepted and destroyed Japanese Flying Boat in Indian Ocean.

24th Transferred to Mediterranean to replace HMS INDOMITABLE and took passage to UK.

September Embarked SEAFIRE aircraft before sailing to Mediterranean.

October Aircraft Direction facilities provided to improve control of aircraft by use of radio telephone based on radar information.

30th Sailed for Gibraltar to provide air cover during planned landings in North Africa.

(Operation TORCH - See above references and Naval Staff History).

November Passage to Gibraltar

Deployed with HMS VICTORIOUS and HMS FURIOUS in Force "H" on arrival at Gibraltar.

8th Deployed 30 miles north of Algiers to provide air cover during landings

13th Aircraft destroyed shore battery on Cape Matifu.

17th Aircraft of 820 Squadron sank U331 in position 37.05N 2.24E (NW Algiers).

(Note : Submarine had already been under attack by aircraft of 500 Bomber Sqdn,

RAF and surrendered but this was not known by pilots of 820 Squadron.

December Deployed in western Mediterranean in support of military operations and for

defence of military convoys.

1 9 4 3

January Convoy defence in western Atlantic and Mediterranean including Convoy KMF3.

February Western Mediterranean deployment in continuation.

March Based at Algiers in continuation and for interception of enemy supply convoys.


5th Transferred to Alexandria for convoy defence in Eastern Mediterranean.

May Convoy defence and support of military operations.



July Carried out diversionary operation north of Crete and covered passage of convoys to Central Mediterranean for planned assault landings. 7th Sailed from Malta with HM Battleships VALIANT and WARSPITE escorted by HM Cruisers AURORA and PENELOPE screened by six destroyers. Deployed in Tyrrhenian Sea to provided cover for military convoys from Alexandria during on passage in eastern Mediterranean for assault landings.

8th Under air attacks

9th Joined HM Battleships NELSON, RODNEY and HM Fleet Aircraft Carrier INDOMITABLE, HM Cruisers AURORA and PENELOPE in Gulf of Sirte to cover the assault phase of Sicily invasion against interference from Italian surface units.


Staff History).

10th Provided air cover during landings and build-up phases.

to 14th

15th Under attacks by Italian torpedo bombers during which HMS INDOMITABLE was hit and had to be withdrawn from operation (See RADAR AT SEA).

August Based in Malta and provided air cover for ships deployed off Sicily.

September Support of military operations in continuation.

8th Joined covering force with HMS NELSON, HMS RODNEY, HMS WARSPITE, HMS VALIANT and HMS ILLUSTRIOUS for air defence during landings at Salerno.

(Operation AVALANCHE - See above references).

(HMS ILLUSTRIOUS had replaced HMS INDOMITABLE - See above) October Deployed in support of military operations off Italian coast.

Released from Mediterranean operations and took passage to UK.

November Deployed with Home Fleet

2nd Provided Distant Cover for return Convoy RA54 from Kola Inlet with HM Battleship ANSON, HM Cruisers JAMAICA screened by HM Destroyers ONSLOW, VENUS, HAIDA (RCN), Norwegian STORD, US destroyers USS CAPPS and USS HOBSON.

December Home Fleet deployment in continuation

1 9 4 4

January Passage to UK for refit.

February Under refit.

to Aircraft warning radar equipment modernised (Radar Types 281B and 79B fitted

April in order to provide efficient cover at all altitudes.

Surface warning radar fitted (Type 277 - See RADAR AT SEA).

May Post refit trials

June On completion embarked aircraft and prepared for operational service.

July Deployed with Home Fleet based at Scapa Flow.

17th Launched unsuccessful air attacks on German battleship TIRPITZ in Altenfjord with HM Aircraft Carriers INDEFATIGABLE and FURIOUS covered by HM Battleship DUKE OF YORK. Target was obscured by smoke screen after early warning of approach. (Operation MASCOT - See CONVOY ! by P Kemp).

August Home Fleet deployment in continuation.

Prepared for air attacks on TIRPITZ (Operation GOODWOOD Series).

22nd Repeated air attacks on TIRPITZ with HMS FURIOUS, HMS INDEFATIGABLE and

HM Escort Carrier NABOB. These were unsuccessful due to weather conditions.

24th Further air attacks on TIRPITZ with HMS FURIOUS and HMS INDEFATIGABLE.

Two hits were reported.

29th Unsuccessful air attacks on TIRPITZ with HMS INDEFATIGABLE.

(Note : The lack of significant success by Fleet Air Arm attacks resulted in the decision to use heavy bombers for this task).

No official record of Battle Honour NORWAY 1944 can be traced for either

September Nominated for service with British Pacific Fleet after refit.

October Taken in hand for refit at Gibraltar with extensive machinery repair carried out.

November Under refit.



1 9 4 5.

January Post refit trials.

February Passage to join 5th US Fleet for air operations in Pacific.


10th Arrived at Sydney.

Passage to Manus to join British Pacific Fleet.


4th Arrived Leyte for Joint RN/USN flying operations in Task Force 57.

(Task Force 57 comprised :-

HM Battleships KING GEORGE V and Howe - Task Group 57.1. HM Aircraft Carriers INDOMITABLE, VICTORIOUS, ILLUSTRIOUS and INDEFATIGABLE - Task Group 57.2.



14th Joined HM Aircraft Carriers INDOMITABLE, VICTORIOUS, ILLUSTRIOUS and INDEFATIGABLE in Task Group 57.2 as replacement for HMS ILLUSTRIOUS.

Took part in air operations to neutralise Japanese airfields in Sakishima Gunto Group during US landings in Okinawa.

(Operation ICEBERG I- For details see TASK FORCE 57 by Peter C Smith, ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY, THE FORGOTTEN FLEET BY J Winton and Naval Staff History).

Under sustained 'suicide' aerial attacks by BAKA piloted bombs.

20th Withdrew from operational area with ships of Task Force 57.

23rd Arrived at Leyte for R&R period.


1st Sailed for operational area with ships of Task Force 57.

(Note: HM Cruisers EURYALUS and UGANDA (RCN) had joined Task Group 57.5 in place of HMS ARGONAUT.


4th Resumed flying operations off Sakishima Gunto.

(Operation ICEBERG II - See above references). Provided air cover and fall of shot spotting during bombardment of airfields by

HM Battleships KING GEORGE V and HOWE. During sustained KAMIKAZE attacks aircraft crashed on flight deck. Bomb detonated abreast Island structure. 11 aircraft destroyed and Boiler Room damage reduced speed to 18 knots. Casualties included 3 killed and 47 wounded). Note: Cruisers of TF57 had been detached with HM Battleships KING GEORGE V and HOWE to carry out bombardment of airfields at Miyagi and their AA weapons could have provided additional protection to the three aircraft carriers. (See THE FORGOTTEN FLEET and WAR WITH JAPAN (HMSO).) HELLCAT aircraft approaching to land-on during the KAMIKAZE attack was shot down by close range 20mm Oerlikon (See ALARM STARBOARD by G Brooke).

5th Full power restored.

Joint flying operations with US carriers and bombardments continued.

9th Sustained further damage after hit by KAMIKAZE aircraft during renewed operations in Sakishima Gunto Group. One fatal casualty. (For full details see A FORMIDABLE COMMISSION and above references).

18th Fire in hangar after CORSAIR aircraft accidentally fired guns during refuelling.

30 aircraft were destroyed or made unusable in this conflagration.

19th Resumed air operations on Sakishima Gunto despite shortage of aircraft.

22nd Detached before completion of operations and left operational area for passage to Manus escorted by HM Destroyers KEMPENFELT and WHIRLWIND.

June On completion of temporary repair at Manus took passage to Sydney

Repair and R&R in Sydney.

July Redeployed with HM Aircraft Carriers IMPLACABLE and VICTORIOUS as part of US

3rd Fleet in Task Force 37.

(Note : US Naval Command structure had been changed and British Pacific Fleet was redesignated as Task Force 37).


6th Sailed with HMS VICTORIOUS and HMS IMPLACABLE for operational area.

16th Joined ships of Third Fleet for Joint RN/USN attacks in Tokyo and Yokohama area.

17th Carried out first British attacks on Japanese mainland and provided air cover for ships of TF37.

25th Combat Air Patrol (CAP) destroyed 3 AICHI torpedo bombers when Task Force 37 on passage to refuel. One other was damaged. (Note : HMCS UGANDA withdrew from operations on relief by HM Cruiser ARGONAUT. This was a result of recent Canadian Government regulation about service of Canadian personnel in the Japanese campaign (See CANADIAN MILITARY HISTORY Vol.4 No.2).

August Deployed with US Task Group 38 Units for Joint air operations.

9th Attacked airfields and shipping in North Honshu and Hokkaido with HMS VICTORIOUS HMS INDEFATIGABLE and HMS IMPLACABLE. Cover was provided by major RN units of TF37. During an attack on Onegawa a CORSAIR piloted by Lieut. Robert Gray, DSC, RCNVR bombed and sank the Japanese frigate AMAKUSA despite extensive cross-fire from other ships. For this feat of bravery which cost him his life was awarded the VC posthumously.

10th Air operations in continuation.

12th Returned to Manus with ships of British Pacific Fleet to refuel.

(Note : Not transferred to Task Group Unit 38.5 with HMS INDEFATIGABLE. This was due to the enforced withdrawal of TF37 ships because of a shortage of fuel from British tankers - See above references and A FORMIDABLE COMMISSION).

P o s t W a r N o t e s

HMS FORMIDABLE did not take part in surrender ceremonial in Japan. The ship was deployed to carry repatriated Japanese prisoners of war to Sydney and returning troops from the Far East. During this duty she carried nearly 14,000 passengers and steamed over 100,000 miles. Returning to UK in February 1946 the ship was Paid-off on 26th July that year. In 1947 she was reduced to Reserve without preservation or maintenance for 4 years. The resulting deterioration of the hull prevented the planned modernisation and HMS FORMIDABLE was placed on the Disposal List in 1950. Sold to BISCO for demolition by TW Ward the ship arrived in tow at the breaker's yard in Inverkeithing on 12th May 1953.

(Note : Detailed information about the war service of this ship can be found in a book dedicated to this subject - A FORMIDABLE COMMISSION).

The Official Chronology of the U.S. Navy in World War II

Chronology of the USN in WWII

  1939   1940   1941   1942   1943   1944   1945

    Citations: +



  • Cocker, Maurice (2008). Aircraft-Carrying Ships of the Royal Navy. Stroud, Gloucestershire: The History Press. ISBN 978-0-7524-4633-2.
  • Plowman, Peter (2006). Australian Migrant Ships 1946-1977. Kenthurst New South Wales: Rosenberg Publishing. ISBN 978-1-877058-40-0.
  • Poolman, Kenneth (1972). Escort Carrier 1941–1945. London: Ian Allen. ISBN 0-7110-0273-8.

    Magazine References: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

    Web References: +

  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:


This webpage was updated 22nd May 2021
