Flak-Regiment 10

Stab/Flak-Regiment 10 (mot.):


  • Oberst Dr. Hermann Stolte, Apr 1941 - 26 Jun 1943
  • Oberst Curt Röhr, 26 Jun 1943 - Mar 1944
  • Oberst Johann-Wilhelm Doering-Manteuffel, Mar 1944 - 11 Sep 1944
  • Oberst Walter-Wilhelm Trietchen, 12 Sep 1944 - Apr 1945

Formed Apr 1941 in Germany.


I./Flak-Regiment 10 (gem. mot.):

Formed 1 Apr 1935 in Dresden from Flak-Abteilung 4 (Heer), with 1. - 5. Batterien. 1 Apr 1935 - 1 Nov 1935 used the cover designation Fahr-Abt. Dresden. On 15 Nov 1938 redesignated

Reformed Oct 1944 in Luftgau XIV, with:

Stab I./10 from Stab/
1. - 3./10 from 1. - 3./
4./10 from 1./
5./10 from 2./

Apparently also absorbed most men and equipment from Flak-Abteilung 11400.


  • Oct 1935 - Feb 1938 under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis III
  • Feb 1938 - Nov 1938 under
  • 1 Nov 1944 under
  • 1 Dec 1944 under
  • 1945 in Luftgau XIV (https://asisbiz.com/Luftwaffe/16fladiv.html" title="Luftwaffe unit history" class="link-sw">16. Flak-Division?)
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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
