Flak-Regiment 105

Stab/Flak-Regiment 105 (mot.):


  • Obstlt Heinrich Schnier, 6 Jul 1943 - 28 Feb 1944
  • Oberst Rudolf Hohlbein, 1 Mar 1944 - May 1945

Formed 13 Jul 1943 in


  • 1943/45 in Italy
  • 1 Nov 1943 not listed
  • 1 Jan 1944 under with s.167 (v), s.247 (v), s.304 (v), s.334 (v) and le.945 (v)
  • Jan 1944 at Anzio
  • 1 Feb 1944* under with gem. I./, gem. I./, gem. II./, gem. I./, s.256 (v), s.563 (v), s.646 (v) and le.99 (v)
  • 1 Mar 1944 under with gem. I./, gem. I./, gem. II./, gem. I./, s.116 (v), s.163 (v), s.256 (v), s.563 (v), s.646 (v) and le.99 (v)
  • 1 Apr 1944 under with gem. I./, gem. I./, s.256 (v), s.646 (v), s.563 (v) and le.760 (v)
  • 1 May 1944 under with gem. I./, gem. I./, s.646 (v), s.563 (v) and le.760 (v)
  • 1 Jun 1944 under with s.163 (v), s.576 (v)(?), le.99 (mot.), le.945 (v), s.182 (v) and III./FAS 2
  • 1 Jul 1944 under with gem. I./, gem. 1.-3./, gem. I./, s.304 (v), s.365 (v), s.386 (v), gem. II./, le. 1.-3./99 (Sf.), le.945 (v) and 1.-3./FAS II
  • 1 Aug 1944 under with gem. II./, le.99 (Sf.), gem. I./, s.304 (v), s.311 (v), gem.361 (v), s.365 (v), s.485 (o), s.534 (v) and le.945 (v)
  • 1 Sep 1944 under with gem.361 (v), s.365 (v), s.485 (o), s.523 (v), le.945 (v), Stab, 1.-3. (le.)/FAS II (Sf), Flak-Transport-Bttr. 143./VII and 66./XII
  • 1 Oct 1944 under with s.167 (v); s.182 (v); s.304 (v); s.365 (v); s.386 (v); s.485 (o); s.489 (o); le.507 (v); s.523 (v); le.945 (v); le. III./FAS II (Sf); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 47./XII and 142./VII
  • 1 Nov 1944 under with gem. II./; gem. II./; le.82 (mot.); s.116 (v); s.182 (v); s.237 (v); Stab, 1.-3., 5./gem.259 (v); s.365 (v); Stab, 4./s.485 (o); le.734 (v); le. III./FAS II (Sf); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 204./VII, 47./XII and 62./XII
  • 1 Dec 1944 under with gem. II./; gem. I./; gem. II./; s.182 (v); s.237 (v); s.365 (v); le.734 (v); le. III./FAS II (Sf); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 204./VII and 47./XII
  • 1944/45 northern Italy

* listed as Flak-Führer Mittel-Italien

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
