- Oberst Hermann Lichtenberger, 15 Nov 1938 - 11 Jun 1940
- Oberst Franz Lhota, 15 Jun 1940 - Nov 1942
- Obstlt Gottfried Uebler, Nov 1942 - 10 Dec 1942
- Oberst Hans Hameister, 11 Dec 1942 - May 1945
Formed 15 Nov 1938 in München.
- Jul 1938 - Aug 1939 under Luftgaukommando VII
- from Aug 1939 as Flakgruppe München
- In 1941 moved to Krefeld, as Flakgruppe Krefeld
- In 1942 became motorised and moved to Italy
- 1943/45 in Verona as Flakgruppe Verona
- 1 Nov 1943 under Gen.d.Flakart. Süd with s.116 (v) and s.264 (v)
- 1 Jan 1944 under 3. Flak-Brigade with s.264 (v), s.523 (v), s.547 (v), s.548 (v), s.632 (v), s.327 (v), le.717 (v), le.750 (v), le.921 (v), Sw.160 (v), Sw.259 (v) and Sw.809 (v)
- 1 Feb 1944 under 3. Flak-Brigade with s.264 (v), s.523 (v), s.547 (v), s.548 (v), s.632 (v), s.327 (v), le.717 (v), le.750 (v), le.921 (v), Sw.160 (v), Sw.259 (v) and Sw.809 (v)
- 1 Mar 1944 as Flakgruppe Verona (under 3. Flak-Brigade) with s.264 (v), s.523 (v), s.547 (v), s.548 (v), s.632 (v), s.327 (v), le.921 (v), Sw.160 (v), Sw.259 (v) and Sw.809 (v)
- 1 Apr 1944 under 3. Flak-Brigade with s.264 (v), s.523 (v), s.547 (v), s.548 (v), s.327 (v), le. 1./921 (v), Sw.160 (v), Sw.259 (v) and Sw.809 (v)
- 1 May 1944 under 25. Flak-Division with s.264 (v), s.523 (v), s.547 (v), s.548 (v), s.327 (v), Sw.160 (v), Sw.809 (v), ital. s.483 (o) and ital. s.490 (o)
- 1 Jun 1944 under 25. Flak-Division with s.264 (v), s.523 (v), s.547 (v), s.548 (v), s.327 (v), ital. s.483 (o), ital. s.490 (o), s.256 (v), s.489 (v), Sw.160 (v) and Sw.809 (v)
- 1 Jul 1944 under 25. Flak-Division with s.264 (v), s.523 (v), s.547 (v), s.548 (v), s.327 (v), ital. s.483 (o), ital. s.490 (o), s.489 (v), ital. le. 2., 4./985 (v), 1./860 (E), Sw.160 (v) and Sw.809 (v)
- 1 Aug 1944 under 25. Flak-Division with gem. I./37 (mot.), Sw.160 (v), s.256 (v), s.264 (v), s.283 (v), s.386 (v), s.483 (o), s.547 (o), s.548 (v), Sw.809 (v), le.985 (v), s.327 (v), le. 4./843 (v) and le. 1./860 (E)
- 1 Sep 1944 under 25. Flak-Division with Sw.160 (v), s.163 (v), s.264 (v), s.327 (o), s.483 (o), s.547 (o), s.490 (o), s.548 (o), Sw.809 (v) and le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 62./VII
- 1 Oct 1944 under 25. Flak-Division with s.163 (v), s.327 (o), s.486 (o), s.547 (o), 1.-4./s.490 (o), s.548 (o) and le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 62./VII
- 1 Nov 1944 under 25. Flak-Division with Stab, 1.-4./s.163 (v); Stab, 1.-4./s.327 (o); Stab, 2., 4./s.363 (o); Stab, 1.-4./s.486 (o); Stab, 1.-4./s.547 (o), 1., 3./s.363 (o), 1.-4./s.490 (o) and le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 94./VII; Stab, 1.-4./s.548 (o) and le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 62./VII
- 1 Dec 1944 under 25. Flak-Division with Stab, 1.-4./s.163 (v); Stab, 1.-4./s.167 (v); Stab, 1.-4./s.327 (o); Stab, 2., 4./s.363 (o), 1./s.485 (o); Stab, 1.-4./s.486 (o); Stab, 1.-4./s.487 (v); Stab, 1.-4./s.523 (v); Stab, 1.-4./s.547 (o), 1., 3./s.363 (o), 1.-4./s.490 (o) and le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 94./VII; Stab, 1.-4./s.548 (o)
- Ended the war in Verona.
I./Flak-Regiment 5 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1 Oct 1935 in München with 1. - 5. Batterien. 1 Oct 1935 - 1 Nov 1935 used the cover designation Fahr-Abt. München.
II./Flak-Regiment 5 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1 Oct 1936 in München as II./Flak-Regiment 5 (le. mot.) with 6. - 8. Batterien. On 15 Nov 1938 renamed le.Flak-Abteilung 75.
Reformed in Nov 1942(?) from Res. Flak-Abteilung 905 with 6. - 10. Batterien (7. from 5./507), and moved to Sicily.
The 8. batterie was destroyed in Tunisia May 1943, and was reformed.
III./Flak-Regiment 5 (Sw. mot.):
Formed 15 Nov 1938 in München with 11. - 13. Batterien.
14./5 was formed in 1942.
In Aug 1943 redesignated Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 508.
- Nov 1938 - Aug 1939 under Luftgaukommando VII
- Saw action in France (1940)
- 1940 - 43 apparently remained in Luftgau VII (München area)
- Sep 1942 in München