Flak-Regiment 25
Stab/Flak-Regiment 25 (mot.):
- Obstlt Walter Feyerabend, 1 Oct 1936 - 1 Aug 1938
- Obstlt Job Odebrecht, 1 Aug 1938 - 25 Nov 1938
- Oberst Alwin Wolz, 26 Aug 1939 - 13 Feb 1942
- Oberst Max Hecht, 14 Feb 1942 - 1 Sep 1943
- Oberst Kurt-Julius Nabakowski, 1 Sep 1943 - 14 Dec 1943
- Oberst Dipl.Ing. Friedrich-Wilhelm Deutsch, 15 Dec 1943 - 27 Apr 1944
- Obstlt Hans Wermbter, 27 Apr 1944 - 21 Nov 1944
- Oberst Ernst Herrmann, Jul 1944 - Jul 1944
- Obstlt Hans Wermbter, Jul 1944 - 21 Nov 1944
- Obstlt Wilhelm Röttger, 22 Nov 1944 - May 1945
Formed 1 Oct 1936 in Ludwigsburg. On 1 Aug 1938 moved to Wien-Stammersdorf, and on 25 Nov 1938 became Stab/Flak-Regiment 8.
Reformed 26 Aug 1939 in Ludwigsburg.
- Oct 1936 - Feb 1938 under Höh.Kdr.d.Flakart. in Luftkreis V
- Feb 1938 - Aug 1938 under Luftgaukommando VII
- Aug 1938 - Nov 1938 under Luftgaukommando XVII
- 1939 - 1940 as Flakgruppe Stuttgart
- May 1940 in the Oberrhein area (Freiburg)
- 1940 - 1941 as Flakgruppe Harz (Lv.Kdo.8, Luftgau XI), apparently Flakgrupp eSchleswig during a short period
- Jul 1941 in Hannover
- 1941 - 1945 as Flakgruppe Hannover
- 1 Nov 1943 in Hannover under 15. Flak-Brigade, with s. 2./185 (o), s. 1.-5./801 (o), s. 1.-5./521 (o), s. 1.-5./461 (o), le. Stab/871 (o), s. Stab/418 (E), Ausw.Zug 25 (mot) and Ausw.Zug 247 (o)
- 1 Jan 1944 in Hannover under 15. Flak-Brigade, with s.165 (o), s. 2./185 (o), s.461 (o), s.521 (o), s.801 (o), le.871 (o), le. 4./772 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5920 and 5925
- 1 Feb 1944 in Hannover under 15. Flak-Brigade, with s.165 (o), s. 2./185 (o), s.216 (o), s.461 (o), s.521 (o), s.801 (o), le.871 (o), le. 4./772 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5920 and 5925
- 1 Mar 1944 in Hannover under 15. Flak-Brigade, with s. 2./185 (o), s.165 (o), s.216 (o), s.461 (o), s.521 (o), s.801 (o), le.871 (o), le. 4./772 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5920 and 5925
- 1 Apr 1944 in Hannover under 15. Flak-Brigade, with s.165 (o), s.216 (o), s.461 (o), s.521 (o), s.801 (o), le.871 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5920, 5925, 5 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (1./XI, 3./XI, 4./XI, 29./XI, 79./XI), 12 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (1./XI, 3./XI, 5./XI, 11./XI, 21./XI, 24./XI, 27./XI, 30./XI, 31./XI, 42./XI, 84./XI, 87./XI) and s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207./XI
- 1 May 1944 in Hannover under Flak-Brigade zbV, with s.165 (o), s.461 (o), s.521 (o), s.801 (o), le.871 (o), le. 1./916 (o), le. 1./972 (o)(?), Sw.139 (o), Sw.619 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5920, 5925, 6 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (1./XI, 3./XI, 4./XI, 29./XI, 79./XI, 156./XI), 11 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (1./XI, 3./XI, 5./XI, 14./XI, 21./XI, 24./XI, 30./XI, 31./XI, 42./XI, 84./XI, 87./XI) and s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207./XI
- 1 Jun 1944 in Hannover under 8. Flak-Brigade, with s.165 (o), s.461 (o), s.521 (o), s. 1.-6./801 (o), le.871 (o), le. 1./916 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5920, 5925, 3 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (1./XI, 3./XI, 79./XI), 12 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (1./XI, 3./XI, 4./XI, 5./XI, 11./XI, 14./XI, 21./XI, 24./XI, 29./XI, 30./XI, 31./XI, 87./XI) and s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207./XI
- 1 Jul 1944 in Hannover under 8. Flak-Brigade, with s.165 (o), s.461 (o), s. 2., 4./521 (o), s. 1.-6./801 (o), s. 2./306 (o), le.871 (o), le. 1./916 (o), 3 le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. (1./XI, 3./XI, 79./XI), 14 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (1./XI, 3./XI, 4./XI, 5./XI, 11./XI, 22./XI, 24./XI, 27./XI, 29./XI, 30./XI, 31./XI, 41./XI, 84./XI, 87./XI) and s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207./XI
- 1 Aug 1944 in Hannover under 8. Flak-Brigade, with Stab, 1., 3., 5.-6./s.461 (o), Stab, 2., 4./s.521 (o), Stab, 1.-6./s.801 (o), 2./s.306 (o), 4./le.770 (o), 1., 3./le.772 (o), 1., 2., 4./le.871 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 5925, 7092, 10755 and 5 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (11./XI, 24./XI, 29./XI, 31./XI, 87./XI)
- 1 Sep 1944 in Hannover under 8. Flak-Brigade, with 3.-4./s.165 (o), 2./s.306 (o); Stab/s.461 (o) with 7 batteries (1., 3., 5.-6./s.461 (o), 1.-2., 4./le.871 (o)); 2., 4./s.521 (o), 4./le.770 (o), 4./le.772 (o); Stab/s.801 (o) with 6 batteries (1.-6./s.801 (o)); Flak-Bttr.zbV 5925, 7092, 10755; 8 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (4./XI, 8./XI, 24./XI, 29./XI, 31./XI, 51./XI, 84./XI, 87./XI), le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 58./III and Flak-Transport-Bttr. 16./XI
- 1 Oct 1944 in Hannover under 8. Flak-Brigade, with 3.-4./s.165 (o); Stab, 2./s.306 (o); Stab/s.461 (o) with 5 batteries (1., 3., 5.-7./s.461 (o)); 2., 4./s.521 (o); Stab, 1.-2./gem.604 (o); 4./le.770 (o); Stab/s.801 (o) with 6 batteries (1., 3.-7./s.801 (o)); 1., 2., 4./le.871 (o); s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207./XI; 9 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (4./XI, 8./XI, 21./XI, 24./XI, 29./XI, 31./XI, 51./XI, 84./XI, 87./XI); le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 58./III; Flak-Transport-Bttr. 16./XI; Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 33./XI with 8 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (22./XI, 27./XI, 30./XI, 55./XI, 56./XI, 70. - 72./XI)
- 1 Nov 1944 in Hannover under 8. Flak-Brigade, with 3.-4./s.165 (o); Stab/s.461 (o) with 5 batteries (1., 3., 5.-7./s.461 (o)); 2., 4./s.521 (o); 1.-2./gem.604 (o); 4./le.770 (o); Stab/s.801 (o) with 6 batteries (1., 3.-7./s.801 (o)); 2., 4./le.871 (o); s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207./XI; 9 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (4./XI, 8./XI, 21./XI, 24./XI, 29./XI, 31./XI, 51./XI, 84./XI, 87./XI); le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 58./III; Flak-Transport-Bttr. 16./XI; Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 33./XI with 8 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (22./XI, 27./XI, 30./XI, 55./XI, 56./XI, 70. - 72./XI)
- 1 Dec 1944 in Hannover under 8. Flak-Brigade, with 3.-4./s.165 (o); Stab, 3.-5./Lsp.206 (o); Stab/s.461 (o) with 5 batteries (1., 3., 5.-7./s.461 (o)); 2., 4./s.521 (o); 1.-2./gem.604 (o); 4./le.770 (o); Stab/s.801 (o) with 6 batteries (1., 3.-7./s.801 (o)); 2., 4./le.871 (o); s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 207./XI; 9 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (4./XI, 8./XI, 21./XI, 24./XI, 29./XI, 31./XI, 51./XI, 84./XI, 87./XI); le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 58./III; Flak-Transport-Bttr. 16./XI; Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 33./XI with 8 le.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (22./XI, 27./XI, 30./XI, 55./XI, 56./XI, 70. - 72./XI)
- 1945 still in Luftgau XI
I./Flak-Regiment 25 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1 Apr 1935 in Ludwigsburg from Flak-Abteilung 5 (Heer), with 1. - 5. Batterien. 1 Apr 1935 - 1 Nov 1935 used the cover designation Fahr-Abt. Ludwigsburg.
In 1942 5./25 and 9./36 exchanged designations.
II./Flak-Regiment 25 (gem. mot.):
Formed 1 Oct 1936 in Göppingen with 6. - 8. Batterie, as a leichte Abteilung. On 15 Nov 1938 redesignated le.Flak-Abteilung 85.
Was to have been reformed 26 Aug 1939 during mobilization, but this was cancelled.
Reformed in Apr 1941 from Flak-Abteilung 251, now with 6. - 10. Batterien. Destroyed May 1943 in Tunisia.
Reformed Jul 1943 in Greece from:
Stab II./25 from Stab/s.Flak-Abt.432
6./25 from 1./432
7./25 from 2./432
8./25 new(?)
9./25 from 1./891
10./25 from 2./891
III./Flak-Regiment 25 (Sw. mot.):
Was to have been formed 26 Aug 1939 during mobilization, but this was cancelled.
Formed Jan 1941 in Luftgau VII from Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 508, with 11. - 13. Batterien.
In Aug 1943 redesignated Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 584 with :
Stab III./25 became Stab/584
11./25 became 1./580
12./25 became 2./580
13./25 became 3./580
- 1941 in Friedrichshafen and Stuttgart
- Jan 1942 - Jan 1943 as I./Flakscheinwerfer-Regiment 5 supporting the Himmelbett system
- 1942/43 in Luftgau XI
- Oct 1942 in Rostock